Good news. Priority One remained in the BLACK during the months of January through April, 2011. Bad news is they’re being sued.
During the week of May 22nd, the Credit Union at the request of President Charles R. Wiggington, Sr.; COO, Beatrice Walker; and Senior Vice President, Rodger Smock, began contacting past and current employees for the purpose of soliciting testimonies that could help the credit union in fighting the lawsuit filed by former Burbank Branch Manager, Linda Nisely.
As usual, the enforcers of Priority One's policies could not refrain from violating confidentiality and divulged details about the defense fabricated with assistance of the credit union's overpaid attorneys. According to President Wiggington, the credit union is arming itself and will with testimonies from former and current employees, decimate Mrs. Nisely's allegations that her rights under federal law, had been violated.
Joining the President's plot is often glib, Human Resources "clerk", Esmeralda Sandoval, who has been calling former employees and telling them they "must" testify on behalf of the credit union, that they have "no choice" in the matter, and that if they refuse, they will be "subpoenaed." Evidently Miss Sandoval is ill-informed about what she is legally allowed to disclose. One might have thought she had been raised during the Cold War.
In her lawsuit, Mrs. Nisely alleges she was subjected to age and race discrimination and that the excuse used by the credit union to justify her termination not due as part of the credit union's efforts to reduce spending. Ms. Nisely was partially correct.
Mrs. Nisely was terminated at the request of COO, Beatrice Walker. During her exit interview she was told that her position was being phased out because the credit union needed to reduce spending. A few days before Mrs. Nisely was fired, Beatrice Walker conducted a meet at her office in South Pasadena, during which she told branch managers and AVP's about her plan to lay-off Mrs. Nisely and adding that under California state law, after six (6) months, any company can replace employees that have been laid-off.
In her complaint, Mrs. Nisely clearly believes the actual reason she was targeted for lay-off was because of age and race discrimination. One of her contentions is that Priority One historically, shows preferential treatment to Latino employees. Mrs. Nisely's assumptions are incorrect. Here are some facts about Mrs. Nisely and her complaints against the credit union:
- The fact is, the final order to lay her off came from Beatrice Walker, a White female. The process of laying her off was transacted by Rodger Smock, a White male. Ms. Walker is almost 50 years old and Mr. Smock is over 70 years old. It is highly improbable that age or race were factors in her termination.
- The fact is, Mrs. Nisely was not a competent branch manager. What's more she was lazy. She was known to spend hours each day perusing the Internet and purchasing merchandise online. She also often said she could not visit the community in the city of Burbank because she was unable to, due to physical problems affecting her legs.
- Mrs. Nisely was frequently condescending, rude and abusive particularly to Latin employees.
- In 2009, Mrs. Nisely also caused the credit union to lose immense amounts of money when she approved loans which went bad almost immediately.
The real reason Mrs Nisely was targeted was political. AVP, Sylvia Perez, had complained incessantly to AVP, Rodger Smock, and COO, Beatrice Walker, about Mrs. Nisely's refusal to leave her office and visit the community in Burbank. COO, Beatrice Walker not only saw this as an opportunity in which to terminate an ineffective branch manager but as a means by which to reduce spending for at least six-months. During a meeting with AVP's and branch managers, Ms. Walker arrogantly boasted that she intended to hire one of her friends who would replace Mrs Nisely as branch manager of the Burbank office. Maybe Ms. Walker should have been a lot less talkative.
A company has a right to introduce changes that improve it's operation and reduce spending which may include eliminating positions. At Priority One, the President has used these as excuses for terminating some employees. The excuses wrought by the President, the COO, and Human Resources to seal Mrs. Nisely's removal were a poor choice of weapon. If Mrs. Nisely were problematic, lazy, a racist and insubordinate, then why is there no documented history of any of this prior to her termination? And if she were truly ineffective then why did the credit union promote her in 2010 from Assistant Branch Manager to Branch Manager and transfer her from the Valencia branch to the Burbank branch?
Mrs. Nisely was able to file a lawsuit because of the blunders committed by the President, the COO, and the corrupt Human Resources Department. Not only did they all fail to adhere to policy, they inadvertently provided Mrs. Nisely with the ammunition she needed to file a lawsuit in which she alleged that her rights under federal law had been violated. The credit union had an opportunity to document her failures, her violations of policy and her abuses of certain staff members but instead provided her with the tools which allowed her to retaliate.
In life, things sometimes don't pan out as planned. This proved to be the case with COO, Beatrice Walker's plan to replace Mrs. Nisely.
In mid-2010, had to postpone her plans to hire Mrs. Nisely's replacement due to continuing financial losses which at the time, indicated that credit union was going to again end the year deeply immersed in the RED. Due to the development, Ms. Walker was not only unable to hire a new branch manager but she was forced to convert several employee from full-time to part-time status and this could cease payment of medical benefits and contributions made to the company's 401K.
Ms. Walker also placed limits on how many miles business development representatives were allowed to drive in a single month. She not only cut spending but the ability of the team generate new business.
AVP, Sylvia Perez, who had been pivotal in having Mrs. Nisely removed, was informed that because the credit union could not hire a branch manager that she would from hereon serve as both AVP of Region 3 and branch manager of the Burbank office. Mrs. Perez was displeased. Mrs. Perez who is both hyper and intellectually limited, began to complain incessantly to President Wiggington, COO Walker, and AVP Smock, that she needed more personnel at her office and preferably, a full-time branch manager. Evidently, Mrs. Perez couldn't grasp the concept of reduced spending. She threatened that without being provided more personnel, she would be unable to develop new business within the community served by the Burbank branch.
The credit union responded by posting an announcement on the Intranet that it was seeking to hire an Assistant Branch Manager for the Burbank office. Almost immediately, three employees of the now defunct Valencia office submitted their requests vying for the position.
Ms. Walker whose ineptitude is overshadowed by her cruel intentions, informed each applicant that she would be reviewing their qualifications but after several weeks, informed the three that they were all unqualified to serve as assistant branch managers. It's more than a little hypocritical that the woman whose every effort to reverse the problems created by Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. have failed was somehow able to garner the gall to judge anyone as unqualified.
Beatrice Walker seems to suffer from the same wild, unbridled imagination that plagues President Charles R. Wiggington., Sr.
Before her arrival to South Pasadena, rumors spread through the credit union that the President hired a "hatchet woman" to come in an terminate employees. Esmeralda Sandoval, the Human Resources "clerk" took issue with the description that she called employees to her desk an asked if they were using the term "hatchet woman." Of course, every person she spoke to answer "no."
Mrs. Nisely was not the first employee terminated by Ms. Walker using the excuse that their position was being phased out. Before Mrs. Walker had laid-off an in-house auditor, the DMV Specialist, the ATM Specialist and a Member Services clerk*. According to Ms. Walker, the employees were targeted following an in depth analysis of the credit union's operation which determined that the position were unnecessary. We of course doubt she ever conducted any analysis.
*The Member Services clerk was terminated by the President for taking a 6" inch Subway sandwich from a tray intended to be served to employees who were training at the main branch.
The second wave of terminations orchestrated by Ms. Walker with assistance of the President and AVP, Rodger Smock, targeted employees they believed were "the blogger", "the bloggers", "confederates of the blogger", and employees feeding information to this blog via comments. This time, Ms. Walker targeted an AVP, the BSA Specialist, a Marketing Specialist, a Business Development Representative, a Teller Supervisor, and the Receptionist. All, except the Teller Supervisor, were assigned to the South Pasadena branch.
In June 2010, Ms. Walker unveiled her new, revamped, stricter policy governing confidentiality. She ordered that Human Resources "clerk", Esmeralda Sandoval, visit every department in the South Pasadena branch and read the new policy to every employee. After reading it, she was to hand the policy to each employee and order them to stand it and read it to their co-workers. Each time an employee finished reading the policy, the absurd Miss Sandoval would ask, "Do you understand what you read?" How could they not understand?
Ms. Walker’s methodologies like those of the President, are borne out of her undisciplined emotions. Last year, Rodger Smock told her that the Marketing Specialist was leaking confidential information to the Internet. He, of course, in typical Rodger Smock fashion, provided no evidence to support his accusations probably knowing that Ms. Walker is both emotionally fickle and pliable. In response, she began spying on the Marketing Specialist and never discovered anything to support what she'd been told by Mr. Smock. She ordered the Marketing Specialist's computer monitored but failed to find anything to support Mr. Smock's allegations. The Marketing Specialist sat a few feet outside Mr. Smock's office. Ms. Walker would purposely visit Mr. Smock's office several times each day and after concluding one of her many daily meetings, she would linger at the filing cabinets located behind the Marketing Specialist's desk. As she did, she would strain to see what he was viewing on his computer skin that could prove he was divulging confidential credit union to the Internet. It never occurred to the inept COO, that the Marketing Specialist had absolutely no access to confidential information. Ms. Walker proved to be Mr. Smock's mark.
Ms. Walker also orchestrated the termination of the receptionist.The receptionist had previously served as the President's Administrative Assistant. Ms. Walker convinced the President that his assistant was feeding confidential information to the Internet and devised a plan which she promised, would stop the assistant from leaking confidential information that she had no access to. To realize her plan, Rodger Smock was ordered to inform the assistant that she would temporarily be transferred to the reception desk and that the receptionist would temporarily take her place. She was told it was for cross-training purposes. Cross training the President's assistant to work at the reception desk is more than a little ludicrous but that was their plan.
Also, when asked how long she would be cross-training at the reception desk, Mr. Smock replied, "I don't know." The correct answer should have been, "Until we fire you."
A few months later, the receptionist was called to Mr. Smock's office and informed by him and Esmeralda Sandoval that her position was being phased out due to cut-backs. Interestingly, the former receptionist who had been temporarily assigned to serve as the President's assistant, remained employed. Does anyone else detect a conspiracy?
In the weeks before the receptionist was allegedly laid-off, Ms. Walker frequently exclaimed, “I don’t know how long I can keep her [the former assistant]”, “I don’t know how much longer I can defend her”, and “I don’t know what to do. I might have to let her go.” On the day the receptionist was laid-off, Mrs. Walker proclaimed, “The blog is shutting down today.” She was wrong.
We certainly look forward to see how this newest saga plays out. It certainly is incredible that a once highly respected credit union would find itself embroiled in so much internal and legal conflicts. The intrigue and plots should have no place in any business but at Priority One Credit Union they have become just part of the credit union's new normal. In the end, the President and his pack have transformed Priority One into the Lindsay Lohan of credit unions.
We suggest Mrs. Nisely's attorney contact the former Valencia Branch manager, the former AVP who once worked with the President while the two were employees of Bank of America, the Marketing Specialist, the Policy Writer/Business Development Representative, the Teller Supervisor, the former IT Supervisor, and the last receptionist who had once served as the President's assistant. .And let's not forget the former employee who was sexually harassed by the President. They all possess the knowledge to bring insight into how Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. and Beatrice Walker choose to do business.
Last year, AVP, Sylvia Perez, divulged the names of former employees who she alleged, Beatrice Walker had said would probably file lawsuits against the credit union. Would Ms. Walker's disclosure which were later repeated by Mrs. Perez constitute a violation of the credit union's policy governing confidentiality?
Employees of the Burbank and South Pasadena branches recently reported that business is faring poorly at the Burbank branch. Despite being under management of AVP, Sylvia Perez, who has spent years expounding about her keen and superior business development skills the location is experiencing a sharp decline in business.
The Burbank branch was acquired during a merger with Providence First Credit Union had performed well until Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. became President. In 2009, shortly after being hired, COO, Beatrice Walker, marked the branch for future closure. Her plans changed following her falling out with the Valencia Branch Manager and in an act of vengeance, closed the office in Valencia.
Last year, AVP, Sylvia Perez, spoke to an administrator at Providence St. Joseph Medical Center about allowing the credit union to move it's Burbank branch into a space located in the basement of the hospital. COO, Beatrice Walker actually liked the idea because the hospital represented one of the largest sectors of Priority One's membership in the San Fernando Valley. It would also reduce the cost being spent to lease the current space located at 4000 W. Magnolia Blvd in Burbank, California.
Another reason why Ms. Walker gravitated to the idea of relocating to the hospital is that Providence St. Joseph also operates Tarzan and Holy Cross Medical Centers, both of which are also located in the San Fernando Valley. From a political perspective, it could re-endear her to the Board of Directors who seem to have lost much of their faith in her abilities to help the credit union escape the mire of losses it was pushed into by President Wiggington.
Unfortunately, Ms. Walker's enthusiasm dissipated quickly. The administrators of St. Joseph Medical Center had been enthused about inviting the credit union to relocate to its facility but their efforts to forge an agreement fell apart quickly and the President and Ms. Walker and other officers failed over a period of weeks, to return calls from the hospital's administrators. It apparently never occurred to the credit union that treating the hospital administrators with disrespect could potentially have an adverse effect upon business and it did.
In our research, we've often located a large amount of misinformation about the credit union, scattered about the Internet. The information we've located is intentionally published and by no means, the result of errors. It is all clearly intended to enhance Priority One's very public reputation through the use of misrepresentation. It's also evident because of the nature of what has been published, that the disclosures required the authorization of President Wiggington.
- For those people who have been unfortunate enough to be forced to listen to one of the President's tall tales, you know he allegedly lives in a home whose value has been appraised at more than $1 million.
- He also owns a fleet of BMW's which he describes as "collector" quality. One, a black BMW is allegedly valued at more than $100,000.
- For years before being accused of sexual harassment by a former employee, the President boasted about his sexual escapades, his prowess in the bedroom and periodically declared that "fat girls are better in bed."
So we decided to conduct a search to validate some of the President's many declarations and almost immediately, located his home, an image of which is shown below, and whose value is appraised at less than $400,000. There is a vast difference between $400,000 and $1 million. Odd that the President is unaware of this particularly in view of the fact that he often boasts about his expertise in finance. This may be a reason why Priority One is in decline.
His bragging is possibly intended to camouflage his self-loathing and create a persona that is fully fabricated. There is no fleet of collector BMW's, just like there is $1 million house. Though he has periodically proclaimed he got his appointment because he "knew how to play the game and won", the reason Charles R. Wiggington. Sr. was selected was because of skin color, at least according to Directors, O. Glen Saffold, Thomas Gathers and Janice Irving.
Is this what $1 million gets you nowadays? And if you'll carefully, there is one of his "collector" BMW's in the driveway.
If the President were truly innocent, then why does Mrs. Harris-Brooks remind him that credit union policy prohibits unlawful [sexual] harassment (versus what, lawful harassment?).
Mrs. Harris-Brooks is misinformed. Her letter was written in 2008 and the party she alludes to occurred in 2005 which was three years earlier, not "four or five years ago." It would seem Mrs. Harris-Brooks was attempting ever so ineptly to invalidate the severity of the allegations lodged against the President.
It's also interesting that since the credit union was founded in 1926, Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. is the only President to have been accused, suspended and found guilty of sexual harassment.
Following his reinstatement, the President periodically felt impelled to tell people that he was never accused of sexually harassing any employee and was never suspended. The following email, sent by the Senior VP to Chairperson, Harris-Brooks, in 2008, confirms an investigation did in fact, take place. The email was sent to Credit Union Attorney, William Adler, and another associate of the law firm of Styskal, Wiese and Melchione; and carbon-copied to Chairperson, Diedra Harris-Brooks.
From: Rodger Smock (rsmock@Priorityonecu.org)
To: mm@law4cus.com.wja@la4cus.com
Cc: Diedra Brooks Diedra.e@sbcglobal.net
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 5:34:18 PM
Subject: Investigation by S. BarerScott identified 15 individuals for interview, 4 are former employees; of the 11 active employees; 6 were interviewed Monday, 8-11; 3 are scheduled for Tuesday, 8-12; 2 are on vacation through Friday, 8-15 and to be scheduled for interview week of 8-18.
I provided the interviewees with a brief reason for the interview and advised that there would not be any retaliation as a result in information given Scott.
I also advised the interviewees that keeping this interview confidential and professional would be expected.
Scott [Barer] conducted the interviews in a private office, one on one.
Any changes of the above, you will be advised.
Rodger Smock
Evidently, Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. was in fact investigated by Scott Barer of EXTTI, Inc. This should hopefully bring an end to his story that he's never been accused of sexually harassing an employee.
Here is Mrs. Harris-Brooks reply to Mr. Smock:
A few days following mailing of her letter to the former employee and the President, the credit union received a letter from the Department of Fair Employment and Housing disclosing that a complaint had been filed with the government by Mr. Wiggington's victim. Mrs. Harris-Brooks responded quickly, offering the victim $20,000. The offer was declined.
The amount has to be reduced by the $10 million unpaid balance due on the $20 million loan borrowed from the credit union's line-of-credit in mid-2008. The actual and true amount of their asset worth is $152,511,657. However, if you visit the credit union's website, you will find the following reference on the Career Opportunities page:
So is their asset size $175 million as referenced on the credit union's webpage or $152 million as referenced in the credit union's quarterly financial Performance Report for the quarter ending 3/31/11?
According to CorporatonWiki, President Wiggington "has 2 known relationships". One with Director, Thomas Gathers and the other with Director, O. Glen Saffold.
Beatrice Walker's expertise as Priority One's first COO has become overshadowed by her immersion in scandals, addiction to malicious gossip and her well-deserved reputation as a conspirator, opportunist and chronic liar. It's hard to believe that she once earned an MBA while attending the University of La Verne, California.
What has become clear is that before choosing to hire Ms. Walker, the Board failed to perform it's due diligence. If they had, they might not have hired Ms. Walker. In 1999, while employed by Honda Federal Credit Union one of her employees obtained two credit cards in the names of his grandparents and proceeded over the next few months, to charge more than $50,000.
Recently, while standing in the South Pasadena branch's lounge room, COO, Beatrice Walker, and her former friend and confidant, Director of Project Management, Yvonne Boutte, began a discussion concerning a request from the President that Ms. Walker and IT Manager, Randy McBride, purge the credit union's database of old, no longer valid check numbers. Initially, Ms. Walker refused to purge the records after Mr. McBride informed her that he had no idea how to remove the records.
Her actual first day of employment was June 1, 2009, not “Jul 2009”, as referenced below. Interesting that the COO would either not remember her actual first day of employment or more disturbing, why she found it necessary to alter the date.
Is this what $1 million gets you nowadays? And if you'll carefully, there is one of his "collector" BMW's in the driveway.
In 2009, we reported that President Wiggington had been accused of sexually harassing a former employee. Following an eight week investigation by EXTTI, Inc., evidence was gathered which proved the allegations were true. What's more, the investigator recommended the President's termination. However, Board Chair, Diedra Harris-Brooks, had not intention of letting evidence impede her rulership over the credit union and she not only led Directors, O. Glen Saffold and Thomas Gathers; and Supervisory Committee Chair, Cornelia Simmons, into voting for the President's reinstatement but she afterwards tried to cover-up the evidence and issued a letter vilifying the victim and accusing her of encouraging sexualized repartee. Unfortunately, her plot became public bringing into light her corrupt character. Here is a copy of the letter Mrs. Harris-Brooks wrote to President Wiggington. The letter was written as part of a ruse to create the impression that she and the board conducted a fair and impartial assessment of the evidence gathered by the detective.
If the President were truly innocent, then why does Mrs. Harris-Brooks remind him that credit union policy prohibits unlawful [sexual] harassment (versus what, lawful harassment?).
Mrs. Harris-Brooks is misinformed. Her letter was written in 2008 and the party she alludes to occurred in 2005 which was three years earlier, not "four or five years ago." It would seem Mrs. Harris-Brooks was attempting ever so ineptly to invalidate the severity of the allegations lodged against the President.
It's also interesting that since the credit union was founded in 1926, Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. is the only President to have been accused, suspended and found guilty of sexual harassment.
Following his reinstatement, the President periodically felt impelled to tell people that he was never accused of sexually harassing any employee and was never suspended. The following email, sent by the Senior VP to Chairperson, Harris-Brooks, in 2008, confirms an investigation did in fact, take place. The email was sent to Credit Union Attorney, William Adler, and another associate of the law firm of Styskal, Wiese and Melchione; and carbon-copied to Chairperson, Diedra Harris-Brooks.
To: mm@law4cus.com.wja@la4cus.com
Cc: Diedra Brooks Diedra.e@sbcglobal.net
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 5:34:18 PM
Subject: Investigation by S. BarerScott identified 15 individuals for interview, 4 are former employees; of the 11 active employees; 6 were interviewed Monday, 8-11; 3 are scheduled for Tuesday, 8-12; 2 are on vacation through Friday, 8-15 and to be scheduled for interview week of 8-18.
I provided the interviewees with a brief reason for the interview and advised that there would not be any retaliation as a result in information given Scott.
I also advised the interviewees that keeping this interview confidential and professional would be expected.
Scott [Barer] conducted the interviews in a private office, one on one.
Any changes of the above, you will be advised.
Rodger Smock
Evidently, Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. was in fact investigated by Scott Barer of EXTTI, Inc. This should hopefully bring an end to his story that he's never been accused of sexually harassing an employee.
Here is Mrs. Harris-Brooks reply to Mr. Smock:
A few days following mailing of her letter to the former employee and the President, the credit union received a letter from the Department of Fair Employment and Housing disclosing that a complaint had been filed with the government by Mr. Wiggington's victim. Mrs. Harris-Brooks responded quickly, offering the victim $20,000. The offer was declined.
Mrs. Harris-Brooks called the President at his office and informed him that the offer had been declined. He responded loudly, "Offer her whatever she wants just get that woman off my back." Undeniably, money is no limit to the President when it's not his money.
Mrs. Harris-Brooks contacted the Department of Fair Employment and Housing and this time offered $40,000 to settle the complaint. Why offer a monetary settlement if the President hadn't sexually harassed the employee? Was Mrs. Harris-Brooks afraid that the government would subpoena the evidence gathered by EXTTI, Inc. which proved the President violated federal law?
On paper, Priority One Credit Union's mission is to "help" members-owners and employees achieve financial fitness. Unfortunately, the credit union which has ended the last three years immersed in the negative is ill-equipped to help any member-owner or employee financially. We invite the President or any of his executive staff to explain how they can help people "win with money" and yet, prove incapable of helping the credit union win with money.
The references to financial fitness and win with money were composed by Training and Education Manager, Robert West. Actually, they were plagiarized. The aspiring writer lacks the imagination to coin new terms. Mr. West also "composed" the new mission statement while ignoring the fact that just a few months earlier, President Wiggington implemented a wage freeze that remains in place to this day. The claims that Priority One is somehow different than any other credit union is just empty, vacuous, insincere verbiage intended to dupe readers.
So where is the proof that Priority One is capable of assuring financial fitness? According to the NCUA, at the end of March 31, 2011, Priority One’s Financial Performance Report (“FPR”), their asset size was:
The amount has to be reduced by the $10 million unpaid balance due on the $20 million loan borrowed from the credit union's line-of-credit in mid-2008. The actual and true amount of their asset worth is $152,511,657. However, if you visit the credit union's website, you will find the following reference on the Career Opportunities page:
So is their asset size $175 million as referenced on the credit union's webpage or $152 million as referenced in the credit union's quarterly financial Performance Report for the quarter ending 3/31/11?
According to CorporatonWiki, President Wiggington "has 2 known relationships". One with Director, Thomas Gathers and the other with Director, O. Glen Saffold.
According to CorporationWiki, Mr. Saffold is a Vice President at Priority One Credit Union while Mr. Gathers is it's Treasurer. This is completely untrue. Mr. Saffold and Mr. Thomas are volunteer Directors. They are not employed by the credit union. In fact, Mr. Saffold is a postal carrier. Could it be that Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. allowed the erroneous information
to be purposely published to embellish Mr. Saffold’s professional title?
The credit union also does not employ a Treasurer though the Board of Directors has a Treasurer. Mr. Gathers like Mr. Saffold holds a voluntary position on the Board.
Beatrice Walker's expertise as Priority One's first COO has become overshadowed by her immersion in scandals, addiction to malicious gossip and her well-deserved reputation as a conspirator, opportunist and chronic liar. It's hard to believe that she once earned an MBA while attending the University of La Verne, California.
What has become clear is that before choosing to hire Ms. Walker, the Board failed to perform it's due diligence. If they had, they might not have hired Ms. Walker. In 1999, while employed by Honda Federal Credit Union one of her employees obtained two credit cards in the names of his grandparents and proceeded over the next few months, to charge more than $50,000.
In 2009, during one of the credit union's all-staff meetings, Ms. Walker stood before employee and lied, accusing some unnamed group of employees of spreading rumors that she embezzled money while employed by Honda Federal Credit Union ("Honda"). No rumors had ever occurred. Standing at the podium, she feigned tears and said two executives from Honda would be answering questions regarding the rumors. No representatives from Honda ever appeared.
In Appendix A of the NCUA's docket, excerpts of which are shown below, Beatrice Walker told the NCUA that she never authorized her temporary employee "to open an account for any one who was not a credit union member, not assisted him by filing an applicant's employee identification number or mailing account application forms to anyone on his behalf." She admitted that Honda's records indicate she approved a request to increase the credit care limits on one of the two fraudulently obtained credit cards. So did she mistakenly sign the documentation which increased the credit card limit? If so, she was negligent and inadvertent caused the credit union immense losses.
As shown above, Ms. Walker denies knowledge of the incident and having approved "to increase the credit line limit" even though Honda's records prove that she approved the increase. Though the NCUA found that the temporary employee committed fraud, nowhere in the NCUA's docket do they exonerate Ms. Walker and it appears she did in fact approve an increase in limits from $5000 to $10,000 on one of the cards. On a side note, the temporary employee mistakenly referred to Ms. Walker as "Bea Arthur."
On page five (5), Factual Findings and Conclusions of the Law, 5, the NCUA concludes that the temporary employee ("Respondent") "obtained supervisory approval to increase the credit limit on one VISA credit card from $5000 to $10,000." Ms. Walker may have attempted a stunt to hide her past, but the NCUA's docket confirms that Ms. Walker was indeed irresponsible when she authorized an increase of the credit limit one one of the credit cards. The incident caused Honda to lose monetary losses in the amount of $48,729 plus $13,000 in interest. Here is the conclusion of the NCUA's findings;
On June 2, 2009, AVP, Rodger Smock poured out accolades about Ms. Walker's expertise in the credit union industry but to date, her so-called streams of income, products and services have either failed or fared poorly. Priority Pay, Skip-a-Pay and her Call Center have proven a bust.
Recently, while standing in the South Pasadena branch's lounge room, COO, Beatrice Walker, and her former friend and confidant, Director of Project Management, Yvonne Boutte, began a discussion concerning a request from the President that Ms. Walker and IT Manager, Randy McBride, purge the credit union's database of old, no longer valid check numbers. Initially, Ms. Walker refused to purge the records after Mr. McBride informed her that he had no idea how to remove the records.
So without conferring with Ms. Walker, the President delegated the task to Mrs. Boutte, instructing that her staff in Credit Resolutions, manually remove all the records. Ms. Walker became incensed, demanding that Ms. Boutte explain why her department was asked to perform the purge. Mrs. Boutte grew angry and raising her voice, told her that her department had been asked to remove the records because Mr. McBride lacked the competency to do so.
Ms. Walker returned to her office, humiliated that Mrs. Boutte had yelled at her in front of employees sitting in the lounge room. She called Mr. McBride who admitted he knew of a program that could remove the old check numbers from the credit union's database without resorting to tedious manual removal of the records.
Historically, Beatrice Walker is vindictive. Angry with Mrs. Boutte she contacted AVP, Rodger Smock, and informed him that she didn't think the credit union needed VISA Supervisor. The VISA Supervisor is one of Mrs. Boutte's staff members. Ms. Walker added that she had been in receipt of numerous complaints from members and employees citing the VISA Supervisor's often haughty and condescending attitude.
So how did such a troubled officer find her way to the credit union? We know Ms. Walker was a friend of the President's before she got hired, though in 2009, she stood before employees during a quarterly all-staff meeting and insisted she never met the President prior to June 1, 2009, the date she started working at the credit union. Her statement was untrue. Here is some of what we discovered about Ms. Walker:
Her actual first day of employment was June 1, 2009, not “Jul 2009”, as referenced below. Interesting that the COO would either not remember her actual first day of employment or more disturbing, why she found it necessary to alter the date.
Ms. Walker's biography is incomplete. Before her arrival at Priority One, she was employed by the U.S. Postal Federal Credit Union,Honda Federal Credit Union,.Universal City Studios Credit Union, Airco Federal Credit Union, Electricore, Inc. Why didn't she include these her history of employment? The answer is simple. She was intentionally hiding her past work history. While employed by Airco, she was blamed for losses of money due to poor business decisions. She was terminated from Universal City Studios Credit Union because the President disliked her mode of doing business and she proved herself a caustic and divisive influence. She left Electricore without providing the customary two-week resignation notice.
Apparently, the credit union's irresponsible and ignorant Board didn't conduct what should have been a mandatory background check on Ms. Walker.
Ms. Walker brought her methodologies and baggage to Priority One Credit Union. In late 2009, she grew frustrated and angry with former CFO, Manny Gaitmaitan, for his refusal to alter financial reporting. She and the President ostracized Mr. Gaitmaitan until he resigned. One month following Mr. Gaitmaitan's departure, the credit union reported profits for the month of January 2010 even though the credit union ended 2009 more than $5 million in the negative; and despite the fact January is financially, one of the slowest months of the year. By March 2010, it was revealed that she and the President had transferred monies from one of the credit union's general ledgers and fraudulently reported these as profit when no profit was actually generated.
Ms. Walker like her mentor, the President, is incapable of conducting herself ethically. She suffers from the same need to create superficial impressions and has shown, time and time again, that she doesn't possess the talent needed to create new business, reverse the effects caused by the President's blunders, or forge a cohesive working environment. It's just not who Beatrice Walker is.
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics
- Benjamin Disraeli
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 340 of 340Great News They now have the lawsuit from David and 2 more are comming GO EX -EMPLOYEES
I hope it s true. Its about time the sh*t comes out so everyone can see what really goes on in that place.
Rodger does not sent any one to chapter meetings becasue everyone in credit union land knows about the blog!!! and they all look like fools.Oops sorry they are fools
If Wigg really had any shame he would have quit but he stayed and gave the cu the bad name it has all over the indstry.
I love this blog.
Rodger is an idiot. With his weight problem, he shouldn't assume that food is the motivation for attending any meeting. Maybe thats his reason and if you saw hi, you'd know its true. He should stick to passing out FOOD coupons like he does.
They are supposed to be giving to the community like all cu's. Just walking at the Revlon isn't all of it. Do they even provide free financial education? P1 is a good example why banks are trying to take the tax exempt status away from credit unions.
When Maggie was here we were working in the community and doing financial education, I live close to where she works and saw here picture in the local newspaper she was at the buiness expo we have here in town. I went to see her and
she is out there in the community promoting her cu.Of course wigg let her go because she did not take his shit and let him get away with it.
I hope David and Linda take them to the cleaners.
I hope David and Linda takes them for all the got and goes after the Board.
By the way Wigg your not even good enought to be a shoe shine boy to clen Mr. Harris shoes. He is way to clean and neat and would want his shoes done right.
"By the way Wigg your not even good enought to be a shoe shine boy to clen Mr. Harris shoes. He is way to clean and neat and would want his shoes done right."
And you wouldn’t want Wiggington to shine anyone’s shoes because he’d ruin them like he ruined P1 and his health.
Wiggington's real reason for getting rid of Maggie was personal. Before Mr Harris retired he said he was going to get rid of Harris' people and she had been loyal for years, to Mr Harris. That's why right after he became president he had her report to Aaron who didn't like her and that's why the two cowards moved her desk to the old dusty file room until the employees complained and forced him to bring her back. He is an asshole! Wigigngton is an abuser and he proved it when he did that too her. He also proved it by what he did to Kim and a lot of other good employees. Hate to see what his childhood was like.
After Mr Harris left he used to walk around the loan department and talk about Mr Harris saying Mr Harris didn't know what he was doing and he was too old school. He even said Mr Harris was jealous of him. Jealous of what, he ghettonesss?
He's had 4 years to put his GREAT ideas to work and P1 is crumbling.
Since Wiggington took over, there’s no more marketing department. Every credit union needs marketing except Priority One because Wiggington thought business could grow without it. Bea got rid of the tax, back to school, computer, and holiday loans and she replaced them with nothing! They used to bring us money. No matter what Wiggington said, Mr Harris made money come in where as Wiggington and Bea make it disappear. After Wiggington got rid of Maggie he said she was too expensive and there were cheaper ways of doing things. Since she left business has dropped and they haven’t got one award like they did when she was there. Didn’t he ever hear that to get money you got to spend money?
Last year I was in meetings with Bea, Cecilia, Suzanna, Rodger, and Sylviam, where Bea said she wanted to get rid of business development because she thought they were overpaid and not bringing enough business in. Thats strange because for years and years, the whole team helped P1 succeed, that's until Bea flew in on her broom. If she wants to see overpaid, she should look at one of her paystubs. Talk about a salary thats undeserved.
Since she took BD apart and reduced them from 5 to 1 person, business has dropped but she’s not smart enough to see that because she’s stupid. Don't believe it, then ask Yvonne or Joseph Garcia what they think of her. They'll tell you who and what she really is. Name one thing she’s done that’s made P1 better? There’s a reason she got fired from Universal City Studios Credit Union. Ask her sometime why the president didn’t like her work. And if you get a chance, ask her what happened when she worked for AIRCO? Ask her if CUNA paid a bond because of some $$$$ losses.
P1 is supposed to go out and do things for the community which doesn’t mean spending cu money on going to a golf tournament. Theyre supposed to provide FREE education to members and non-members and take part in chamber of commerce events. They are supposed to attend chapter meetings to network, promote their name, and learn something from the speakers who provide information that PRIORITY ONE NEEDS TO KNOW. Wiggington and Bea are the types of leaders that give the whole industry a bad name and threaten us from losing our tax-exempt status and other privileges.
They don’t even go to the Burbank Chamber lunches anymore because Bea Walker says its too much money. $25.00 per person is too much money? Well, guess that proves they're not doing so well, huh, Wiggington?
When Wiggington went to Chicago with Manny he came back and stood in the lounge room telling Dane how he was dancing with this "fat young girl" and that he could tell she "wanted" him "real bad." Those were the days when Wiggington could use cu money to go on "business trips" (wink wink) and drink and dance with fat girls who really wanted him. Wigg can't dance anymore and the cu can't afford the trips. And lately there's no more stories of fat girls that want him.
I heard Charles say he played golf withe Sylvia's husband at the tournment. Sylvia's husband is not an employee, so did the credit union pay for him to be at the tournment? If they did, that means they paid for him to play and for his meals. If they're cutting back and not given raises, why would they pay for a non-employee? Sylvia knows about all the cut backs and if she had a conscious she would know not to take advantage of the cu. Then again she says she's a Christian, which she's not because a true Christian doesn't lie and backstab.
She also brags that her husband and Charles are friends and they love playing golf together. Charles has one good leg and one good arm, so how does he play golf now days? And devil womahn shouldn't brag that they're friends or people are going to think her husband is a jerk too. And Sylvia complains that Bea doesn't approve paying for the community events Sylvia wants to attend. Sylvia complains Bea doesn't know the importance of bus development. I don't think Bea knows the importance of anything.
If Bea's x-buddies, Joseph and Yvonne talk about her and Sylvia talks about her, you have to ask what is wrong with Bea that nobody likes her?
Wiggington did like telling tall tales about his sex adventures and he must have liked fat girls because he was always saying they're good in bed because they're grateful. I doubt any womanh fat or skinny would be grateful to Wiggington. Have you seen him? Enuff said. I remember him telling us about the time he and his buddy picked up 3 girls and he went into the bedroom with one of the girls who was fat. He also used to tell us when he came in from Indiana he used to get all kinds of action. Since he had to talk about it so much I'd guess he got no action and I got so sick of him saying "I hit that" or "I'd like to hit that" or "I'm going to hit that." Somebody should have hit him before he ruined the cu and became an invalid.
Aaron Cavasos used to talk about his penis to everyone in the loan department. He used to say it was his anaconda and it put smiles on womans faces. He used to tell some of the girls to give him head. Rodger knew about it because he heard it and would laugh. A lot of people complained but maybe because Rodger is gay he thought it was okay for Aaron and Wigg to talk about sex at work
OMG. I forgot about Aaron and his anaconda. Sex was the favorite topic of Wiggington and Cavazos. They used to talk about it in the loan department with Wiggington doing most of the talking because he’s such an expert at everything related to sex. One Christmas party Patti Loiacano, Whitni, Dorothy, Colleen, David, Kim, and Georgina all met down at Charlie’s Trio for the loan department’s gift exchange. Things were going fine until Wiggington got there and started downing his Chivas Regal like water. Soon he started to tell Kim to get up so he could whip her ass, He even stood up and took his belt off. It was so uncomfortable that even big mouth Aaron got quiet and looked embarrassed. Another time, Aaron, Rodger, Wiggington, Georgina, Patti, Sonia, Clayton, Colleen, and Dorothy all went down to Carmines and Cavazos began making fun of Kim who probably was tired because Wiggington had been sexually harassing her for years. She sat there and told him that the only reason he made fun of her was because he probably had a small penis and had to overcompensate. He was so pissed and Rodger and Wiggington got quiet. The only reason “the men” got quiet is because a woman said that to Aaron. They weren’t quiet when Aaron was making fun of Kim and they were laughing. A few months ago a friend of mine saw Aaron who said Wiggington is the laughing stock of the credit union industry and who said Rodger is nothing but a backstabber. Funny, but when Wiggington and Rodger were letting him abuse people, work 5 hour days, letting him bring clients from his second job to the branch, and letting him come back to work drunk, he had no problems with Wiggington or Smock. Their all a bunch of backstabbing low lifes with no morals. No one ever asked them to share anything about sex but everyone was forced to listen to their shit.
ps: the gay community should ask Rodger to give back his membership card because he's a disgrace to all of them.
"....If Bea's x-buddies, Joseph and Yvonne talk about her and Sylvia talks about her, you have to ask what is wrong with Bea that nobody likes her?"
You can also ask why almost no one likes Wiggington, West, Smock, Yvonne, Esmeralda, Irma, or Joseph. Notice how West and Smock still have jobs? Thats because Wiggington keeps them because he knows that they support him. If they weren't there, he'd be alone with Bea and her buddies, Saeid and Randy.
They always have 2 sets of rules. Aaron could talk about sex, harass employees, and go after them and Smock protected him. Wiggington could sexually harass and Diedra protected him. Georgina could write a bad check and not get fired but a lot of other employees got fired and reported to CUNA. Jennee supposedly steals $60,000 and she doesn't get reported to CUNA but someone disagrees with anything Wiggington says and they get fired.
Of the employees that were there when Charles took his belt off and offered to whip the employee's ass and who heard the employee tell Aaron off, how many still work at P1? You wrote that Patti Loiacano, Whitni, Dorothy, Colleen, David, Kim, and Georgina were at Charlie's Trio and Aaron, Rodger, Wiggington, Georgina, Patti, Sonia, Clayton, Colleen, and Dorothy were at the second event.
Good question.
At the time of the parties, Aaron was the lending manager but after that he got promoted to AVP of Lending and then a few week later, promoted to asst avp of operons. Then he and Wiggington got in a fight and Wiggington had him fired using OLD complaints that had been filed before his promotions.
Whitni got laid-off last year but that's only because Lynette told Wiggington she thought she was leaking info to the blog.
Dorothy got backstabbed by Aaron because he thought he exposed his "girl" Georgina of having others clock her in (which she was telling them to do) and of taking 40 minutes breaks (which Georgina did do) and of not doing her work (which she also wasn't doing). He made up a story that Dorothy supposedly told Patti and Georgina to go to hell which never happened but Wiggington immediately said "she's got to go" so she quit to escape being terminated.
David got fired by Wiggington because Charles accused him of being the blogger or knowing the blogger, of downloading porn, and of sexually harassing staff. He basically got accused by Charles of the everything Charles does.
When Wigg became President he suddenly started trying to get Kim in trouble. He first made up some lame story she, Clayton, and Anwar had created bad loans in Van Nuys so that could steal money but that was untrue. Kim worked in South Pasadena and Clayton worked in collections. Answar worked as a temp processor and had not authority to approve loans. Kim worte a bad check and Wigg and Lynnette fired her even though Georgina wrote a bad check, committed fraud and abused the attendance policy and she still works in South Pasadena. Charles didn't want her around because he had sexually harassed her and he had just become president.
Clayton quit and moved out of town but before he left, Wigg's former friend, Frank one of the owners of the old collection company told him Wigg believed he was involved in helping set up phoney loans so he, Kim and Anwar could steal money. Problem is that Clayton was not a loan processor of officer he was a debt collector. Also, the problem turned out to be Neelam the asst brnch mgr in Van Nuys who approved several bad loans but Wigg didn't want to fire her because she's Sylvia's friend, so he demoted her and fired Anwar who had nothing to do with approving loans because he was a temp loan processor. Wigg was jealous of Clayton because Clayton is good looking and people like him and Wigg is well..... not good looking and not liked. Wigg got rid of Kim and Anwar but Kim later filed that famous sexual harassment complaint.
Also, Wigg used the owners of the collection company, Frank and Mike to do his dirty work but when the time came he kicked their company to the curb and replaced them with Yvonne Boutte and her "peeps" (as she calls them.
So much time wasted backstabbing.
Way to go Wigglenothing! You suck as president but no one backstabs better than you.
Wiggy likes to blab doesn't he?
Wigglenuts should just shut the hell up.
He's so disgusting, I didn't say anything while employed at P1, but since this blog started I started to realize what a disgusting creep he was the whole time I worked there, always scratching his balls and gawking at me and saying "oh if I was your age, I would...."it was disgusting and I couldn't believe this man would say such things, and aloud!
He said many things on different occasions it was disturbing and I felt very violated each time he would do it.
First, if you were my age I would NEVER be with you you disgusting douche bag.
You're an embarrassment to the CU industry and to your family. You're a disgrace to the human race.
"Wigglenuts should just shut the hell up." So true. "He's so disgusting..." More true.
"...always scratching his balls and gawking at me..."
He used to scratch his balls and play with the coins and keys in his pockets and then would go and eat lunch or shake people's hands without washing his hands. The male managers always thought they could say and do whatever they wanted. Wiggington not only talked about sex and about what ass he wanted to hit, but he thought we really wanted to hear his stories. And Wiggington did victimize a lot of people and he for sure violated them emotionally. Thanks Diedra for keeping him on staff which makes you wonder what the chairperson is used to or likes. Hummm????
The detective interviewed Pattie Lopez, Gema, Genevieve, David, Whitni, Sonia, Lynnette, and ex-employees. Except for Pattie who didn't want to tell him what she saw because she said she didn't want to have anything to do wit the investigation (big surpirse there) EVERYONE told the detective that Wiggington harrased Kim all the time in front of employees. The said he used to tell her she needed a good spaning, he wanted to "whip her ass" and "sop her up like gravy." It was no secret because he said it in the loan dept, member services, & in the lunch room at get togethers outside the office. Rodger knew about it because he heard it but he always thought it was funny even when employee complained. HR at Priority is not about protecting employees and Rodger would rather keep his job no matter what then enforce policy. The detective told the board that they should fire Wiggington because Mrs. Irving and Mr. Marchica and Gathers talked about it afterwards and they said Diedra fought to keep him even though evidence said fire him.
Charles always forces people to listen to his crap. He only talks about himself. I was interviewed by the detective. When I said what happened at Charlie's Trio, he said he knew because other employees told him about Chalres taking off his belt and asking Kim to come over to him so he could whip her ass. He also said that other employee told him Charles used to tell her she needed a good spanking and how he used to touch her leg when she was on break trying to take a nap. Wigg wouldn't leave her alone. He was a pest and a people complained to HR but useless Rodger didn't do a thing. Sometimes Charles would go to Aaron's cubicle and point to women in the loan department or ask Aaron to follow him to member services and say things like "you got to see that ass" or "I wanna hit that." He is disgusting. That thing Diedra said that he was encouraged was a lie the board made up to keep him. Mr.1971 wanna be pimp daddy always thinks acting like a 16 year old is okay for a man whose almost 60 and whose supposed to be president.
Bares repeating.
Anonymous said...
Wigglenuts should just shut the hell up.
He's so disgusting, I didn't say anything while employed at P1, but since this blog started I started to realize what a disgusting creep he was the whole time I worked there, always scratching his balls and gawking at me and saying "oh if I was your age, I would...."it was disgusting and I couldn't believe this man would say such things, and aloud!
He said many things on different occasions it was disturbing and I felt very violated each time he would do it.
First, if you were my age I would NEVER be with you you disgusting douche bag.
You're an embarrassment to the CU industry and to your family. You're a disgrace to the human race.
June 26, 2011 3:58 PM
Maybe he should change his name to Piggington.
I left the credit union more than a year ago. I never knew Mr Harris but I always heard such good things about him. I never heard anything good about Mr Wiggington. I avoided him because he's loud and he talks about stupid things that have nothing to do with the work.
I also knew Robert West and he puts on this whole image like he's very professional but he's lazy and he's got an attitude. He seems nice at first but I don't think employees trust him.
They show a lot of favoritism because some employees are given so much to do and others don't do anything and get away with break policy and rules, and Mr Wiggington knows it.
A lot of managers at the credit union aren't very smartt. If you ask them a question you usually get sent off to ask somene else.
I to got say, Gema knows certain things but its Virginia that does the work. Problem is Virginia has such a horrible personality and she's vicious but Gema needs her otherwise nothing would get done because Gema is lazy.
My supervior used to complain that Bea Walker never returns calls, but there is something creepy about Bea. She's unfriendly and I don't really know what she does because she was spending so much time with Yvonne and I always saw Joseph following her around like a dog.
Rodger is awful. The man says he'll get back to you and never does plus employees don't trust him.
I met Lynnette and I don't know how she got promoted to AVP. When she talks she sounds uneducated and I've been told she's lazy. I know before I left she was complaining that Bea had her doing reports which she hated to do.
The place is awful and so many good employees are gone. I don't miss it and I don't think anyone that leaves wants to go back to work for Mr Wiggington.
David suing? No surprise that more are coming. I hope when Linda's suit is finished, that all the dirt, trash, secrets and mistreatment are exposed. What a big help to the others that are filing law suits. Go Linda and her lawyer.
There's a new movie called "Horrible Bosses"coming out next week.. The bosses portrayed are great compared to the Priority One bosses. I don't think there are any bosses or company as bad as Priority One.
If you have a "bad boss" story, your can write it at
Its a contest and they will only uses whatever alias you give them. This might be the opportunity to bring out the dirt about what goes on at P1 because there's probably a lot more that goes on and has gone on, that is reported here.
Priority One is probably one of the worst places to work. The village idiot is president. The COO tells you how great she is but she aint's shit and hasn't done squat. The Senior VP is dishonest, a liar and will backstab you in a minute. The Training and Education Manager doesn't know how to train and there's nothing he says or does that even hints he's educated though he is a hypocrite. The entire AVP group are stupid and plain ol' ghetto/barrio. The IT Manager doesn't know IT. The Project Mgr or whatever the hell her title is, is a control freak and sticks her nose in everything instead of collections which is HER JOB! The Loan Mgr is as dumb as dirt and should be working at Pollo Loco taking orders and filling the salsa island. They are all incompetent, that's why they don't know how to bring in the business. They are insecure, that's why they are abusive and break the law and policy. The president is a liar and backstabber and immoral and sees the world in black and sex, I mean white.
I hope Daivd and Linda go after the board they can be sued individulity, let see what they say when the money is comming out of thier pockets. Since they back up the whole mess with Wigg and pudding face, and old rodger
"I hope Daivd and Linda go after the board they can be sued individualy, let see what they say when the money is comming out of thier pockets. Since they back up the whole mess with Wigg and pudding face, and old rodger."
Well members in management and the board can be named individually then they should name:
Wigg because he committed the actual abuse.
Bea because she said she planned who and how she was going get rid of people plus she and Wigg slandered a lot of ex-employees before they got fired.
Rodger Smock because he didn't do his job to uphold policy and sided with Wigg and Bea.
Diedra Harris-Brooks because she knew wrong doing took place and she and Gathers, O.Saffold, Hale, and Thomas backed her up. That thing with the elections proved they don't mind breaking the law.
Cornelia Simmons because she conspiired with the Board and Wigg and purposely committed wrong doing.
They're all guilty of collusion and I agree hurt them where it will hurt them most... their wallets. Nothing but a bunch of 2 faced cons.
We haven't offer tax loans or computer loans since 2009. We were told by Joseph that Bea didn't want these anymore because she was replacing them with somethng better. Our loans are way down and there isn't smething better. The company on the web still says they offer personal,vacation,and computer loans but we don't offer these since 2009.
" Anonymous said...
We haven't offer tax loans or computer loans since 2009. We were told by Joseph that Bea didn't want these anymore because she was replacing them with somethng better. "
Your "SUMMER SKIP-A-PAY is what's new. Who's genius idea was it to have someone hand stamp SKIP PAYMENT on each and every envelope in red?
what are the benefits to this? a modest fee of $30 per loan, my payment is $50.
Wigglington isnt the only sexual harrasser, Before I retired from P1I had the opportunity to over hear a board director (THOMAS GATHERS) make a sexual comment about a ex-employee to Diedra, Glen, and a few others in HER presence!!! she didnt hear what he actually said but I DID and I didnt have the heart to tell her, but when she confronted Gathers about what he said he had nothing to say, but when the EX employee made a verbal and written complaint to Roger it got swept under the rug like everything else. Then she went to Wiggingtion and made a complaint to him and his response was ... "Oh Mr. Gathers just likes you".
I could not believe what she told me!! No one at P1 takes responsiblity for anything.
Skip-a-Pay is the baby of the cu industries biggest retards- Walker and Wiggington. Loans are down an delinquencies high so now they offer skip-a-pay to get money in because their going down the toilet faster than Wiggington's bum leg. Skip a pay is really what P1 members need in a bad economy. It lets them skip a month payment and then charges them a month of interest plus extends their loan term one month. With cut-backs at the post office this is GREAT for struggling postal workers. Way to go, embecils!
I'm not surprised by Wiggington making a joke about what Gathers said. Gathers is a pig. He used to try to get into ugly Virginia Contreras pants and looks at women at the cu like they're a sandwich.
Old ugly is am embarrasment to the board and even stupid old buck tooth Diedra Harris says he "smells ripe." Geez, Diedra, way to back up your smelly board.
Gathers is a pig though surprise he says he goes to church. Why go to church Mr Gathers when you're the devil? Your a rottwen old evil lech, you know and anyone who met you knows it. Same with West, whose a Pharasee and Dana and Sylvia who praise the lord while making you bend over. Wiggington used to talk and talk about all the female ass he wanted to hit but I guess with one less leg and arm its not that easy no more. Rodger knew about the sexual harassment but always tried to make a joke because Rodger doesn't like to deal with employee complaints and wants to keep his job. Wiggington is a piece of scum and a pig. Rodger used to be obsessed with Henry, Sylvano and Dominic. Couldn't top talking about them. Ask his friend Virginia whose close to him because her brothers are gay too. Why on earth would Smock ever protect employees who are being harassed when he violated policy and slept with a male employee? No wonder he got axed from Superior Industries, he's an HR joke. He's the reason for wrongful termination lawsuits, ugly old fat alcoholic queen.
They do charge a $30 processing fee to apply but that doesn't mean you get the loan. Process means they open the envelope, pull out the app, look on the computer and decide if the member qualifies. Yeah, thats worth $30. Do you remember last summer when they said you can take a vacation when the money you don't have to pay for a month. If you pay $60 a month where are you going to travel to where your transportation and hotel cost $60? Rosemead? They are so stoooped.
Seriously. LOL. Since its June it would be fair to assume that P1 will promote the skip a pay like they did in the past, telling you that if you skip one month of payments you can use the money to go on vacation. Lets say bi-weekly you pay $60 towards your auto loan. That's $120 a month. They charge $30. that leaves $90 for you to play with. Where or where can you go on vacation for $90?
Admission to Disneyland for 1 person, ages 10 and up is $80. Under age 10 its $74. If you visit both parks its $105 for a person age 10 and up or $99 for under age 10. You can't get a hotel in Palms Springs, Santa Monica or Pico Rivera for $90 so what exactly are you supposed to do with the money you get to keep. Don't forget, you still have to pay % for the month you skip and the payment you skipped gets tagged at the end.
You want to go on vacation, save you money? Its better than paying $30 plus interest for something you skip but you still have to pay. Go to any other credit union and apply for a loan, they probably have been better rates and service.
No one knows better than Rodger Smock and sexual harasser protector, Diedra Harris Brooks, that sexual harassment has been a management thing for a long time at P1. Gathers was always staring at the women and so was Wiggington. Two of the ugliest men you ever will meet thought they could bring their game to the credit union and it was okay. Same for Rodger, because what he did should had his old ass fired. I'm not surprised Wiggington would same something like "Oh Mr. Gathers just likes you". I'm surprised old Diedra didnt write that to Kim when she said that she and board found Mr Wiggington didn't sexually harass even though offering to whip an employee's ass, sop em up like gravey, spank them, and squeezing their leg is enough to get you kicked out anywhere else.
"Who's genius idea was it to have someone hand stamp SKIP PAYMENT on each and every envelope in red?"
Hand stamping every envelope? Don't they know how to run envelopes using MSW? What happened to the company that used do the mailings?
Aren't they supposed to be offering the summer loan? Who did they send the skip a pay offer to? Is it members who don't have delinquencies and good credit or all members? If its all members, then people with bad activity should be allowed to skip a payment. Are they going to charge everyone that applies the $30 fee? And if you don't have good credit and get denied, do they keep the fee?
Years ago, before he became Prez, Wigg used to get kick backs from Henry Justice for every member he turned on to Justice Auto. Mr Harris never knew but some employees of the loan dept knew because Theresa, the receptionist blagged it because she was getting kick backs too. I got along with Mike Lee the owner of the old collection company but he got caught up in Wiggs shit because he thought they were friends, thats until Wigg fired Mike's company in 2009. Wigg used to get kick backs from collections too. Everyone in collections knew it and so did some of the loan people. Wigg has been dirty for years. He took kick backs, sexually harassed, and did more things than you can imagine. Thats why he and Mike got rid of William Brinkly the old collection manager. Wiggington used the excuse that William got member information to uses for his own business which is as an investigator. It is against cu policy to use member info or to use company equipment for personal reasons, but Wigg has used member information and company equipment to look at people's records and buy stuff for himself. Outside of Mike, William is the only person who knew Wigg illegally repossessed the car from the member and then put his name on the title. The man would fire anyone else for 1% of what he's done but because he's prez he thinks he got away with it plus the board has covered up his illegal acts. Hope that when the cases come to court that it will all come out in the open because it will become a matter of public record. Maybe some reporter will think its worth writing about.
Yeah the real life ROTTEN BOSSES!!!
Wiggington is the worst ever!!! I hope their shit will become public record.I hope the media gets ahold of all of this!!!.....ONLY TIME WILL TELL ......GO LINDA AND DAVID!!!!!
"Years ago, before he became Prez, Wigg used to get kick backs from Henry Justice for every member he turned on to Justice Auto. Mr Harris never knew but some employees of the loan dept knew because Theresa, the receptionist blagged it because she was getting kick backs too."
I used to work there when Theresa was receptionist. What was her last name? Started with a B. Anyway, she was so weird. She left Priority to go work the Police CU? That woman used to steal office supplies and toilet paper and said her husband was some rich inventor or writer. They were so rich, thats why she got kick backs and stole supplies. LOL. So what was Wiggs excuse for getting kick backs? Was it plain ol' greed or did he need the money to buy that real purdy house he lives in? LOL.
"Rodger does not sent any one to chapter meetings becasue everyone in credit union land knows about the blog!!! and they all look like fools.Oops sorry they are fools"
Rodger is another one who should keep his mouth shut. He speaks with such much authority like he is an expert about everything but he never could get it right that if are HR you are there to make sure everyone obeys policy and you try at least once ever 5 years to get affordable benefits for employees. All he seems to be good at is passing out those coupons. Rodger, Wiggington, & Gathers have BA's. Who knows what O. Glenn has all I know he hasn't been able to pass the CA bar exam. Bea has an MBA and Diedra wento University of Phoenix where she got those great computer skills. LOL. This proves having a degree doesn't = intelligence.
Thank you Linda for suing these scam artist, I am a former employee of POCU. I always knew they were doing shady business and said it plenty of times. Who puts up a call center when you are losing members? Listening to Wiggington take trips partying & getting drunk in Chicago should not sit well with anyone. Especially when you are not giving out raises to your employees. The hr team is horrible and does not know what they are doing. They are liars right along with the rest!! It's interesting that some employees were getting positions that were never posted at all. The is so much favoritism going on that I have witnessed myself, and was put under fire for saying so. I have also witnessed so much from working there, and can't believe they still have member's. I wouldn't leave a penny in any account there!
I worked in accounting for years and I know for a fact, Mr. Harris never got paid $170,000+ a year like Charles. In fact he made less than $100,000 and the credit union was making business and growing. Now that they're losing, Wigg is still getting paid a fat salary he doesn't deservie or hasn't earned. We also saw how much money he wasted when he bought the new version of Outlook and when he got that horrible phone system. After Bea arrived, I heard she was spending so much money and that that didn't include the call center, remodeling her office or buying the laptop. She was also the first executive to start using the company VISA like it was her card. She spent all this money even though business was going down. The board knew because they got letters and calls and because of the blog, but you guys can't even imagine how rotten Diedra is because she made up her mind she was going to keep Wigg and the cu the way it is because it gives her the power that no other ceo would ever give her. You watch, they are still playing with the numbers and not reporting everything plus a lot of people don't know they have two books. One they show auditors and the other one shows the truth.
Just to let everyone know, I've been trying to get hold of Linda to tell her some information that might be useful to her case. I found her on facebook and contacted her. If you have information, you might want to contact her. Anyone know how to contact David or Theresa?
With all the things Wigglenothing's done, sexual harassment seems like the least of his problems.
I'll see if I can get you Linda's address or her lawyer's name and phone #.
And have no idea how to contact David. His # on XP is disconnected.
Ummm.... ah.. I don't know what to write. I'm speechless.
Seibert & Bautista? How did you get their name?
"What Theresa are you looking for?"
There was Castro and Haddad but they don't work for P1 anymore.
There was Theresa Castro and Theresa Haddad. Neither works there anymore.
Did Wigg or Irma leave important docs lying on top one of the copiers or on a fax machine again?
first of all, this message goes to Bernie Madoff as he commented on this blog......of course there are no ex employees that don't miss p1cu why do u think we r not their anymore and 2 nd, these are not made up events...documentation copys are posted in this blog as proof of what is being stated. If u have never worked their..u will not know what happened behind closed doors because Mr. Wiggs is a Fake and Liar and mostly a FRAUD/CON. Review copys!!!!
HAS ANYBODY EVER SEEN THE SHOW "SANFORD & SON" IT'S A PROGRAM FROM THE 70'S??? It is so funny. When Sanford hears bad news he feels as if he is having a heart attack, grabs his chest and says "i'm coming to join you Honey".Well that is how Wiggs is going to react one of these days with all of these lawsuits. hahahahahehehehe FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY
plus a lot of people don't know they have two books. One they show auditors and the other one shows the truth.
This is the second time someone has wrote about 2 different set of books can this be true?
Bernie Madoff said...
Why are they so worried about what ex-employees are going to say unless what they have to say is true......
June 7, 2011 4:36 PM
The company knows there are lots of employees who hate them because Wiggington, Bea and Rodger made up lies about so many people and implicated them in things they never did. Wiggington and Bea have made up lies to hurt and destroy people. To prove they are helping employees win with money, they slandered them and fired them. And they got help from their vultures, Sylvia Perez, Lynnette Fortson, Esmeralda "Big Chola" Sandoval, Robert "Two Faced" West, Yvonne "the Wanna be King" Boutte, and Joseph "I'll Stick My Noe in any Ass" Garcia. In 2010, Joseph told us how he and Esmeeralda went out to lunch with a detective to help put a plan together to get rid of an employee. Why did they need to create a plan? You notice right after documents got published that all of a sudden management and the board stop posting here. They used to write things like "fuck you,""shut-up,""Do your job,""I'm still here and am not going anywhere". Bea used to post here and put everyone down but what happened, the truth scare Bread Puddi'Face away? You can write about the abuses and their true but the minute they showd docs management ran like roaches. Piggington hides behind Diedra's big ass and Diedra hides behind the attorneys.
A second book? Any proof because I would sure love to see it posted here. Its so obvious from the comments that Wigg hit up on more than 1 employee which would make sense because guys like him, have to do that feed their ego. All of a sudden in his miserable life, he got a little power and then thought, "oh now I can do what I want." Guess we won't be hearing more stories about his fabulous house. Do you know he used to say he has expensive art work in his house/shack? What, a velvt Elvis? Bea chased away one of the best branch managers you will ever meet all because Single White Woman got obsessed. The AVPs are all embarassing. They are GETT-O. Awful, embarrassing group. English must be their second language that includes you Lynette Fortson. Wigg is sick because he never thought his shit would come to the open, but believe me there's a lot more that the people on this blog don't know about.
Why is Joseph loan manager? He doesn't know how to get loans. He tells his staff that they have to try and bring in new loans becuse we're way down but he never gives you a single idea on how exactly we're supposed to do that.He's useless and tghey should either fire him and get someone who knows what they're doing or send him back to toe call center and not as a supervisor because he screwed up the call center when he used to supervise it. He and Bea the company spent so much more money getting MILLIE.
Does anyone know how to get a hold of Kim, Maggie, Dane or Marc?
I don't think Wiggington has a conscience thats why he could make up lies to fire people, sexually harass, steal a member's car, fix the books, lie to the ncua, dfi, and unemployment dept.
If you listen to him talk, its always about him and how great he is. The man or whatever he is, ain't dukie. He owns a crap house and shitty old BMWs none of which is worth much. Look at his messed up $600,000 phone system he bought using CU money. It never worked right and the cu spent hundreds each month having consultants come out to try and fix the problems that never got fixed. To FIX his mess, all time stupid Bea Walker puts in a more than $70,000 on the Call Center which has done nothing but make service worse. Now to fix her fuckup, Beatrice and Wigg spent more money to put in MILLIE.
Supposedly MILLIE is going to FINALLY fix poor service and charge members who do not use it. A clear case of Dumb and Dumbass.
For those people who have worked in loan department for a long time, they remember a story Wigg used to tell and retell. He told the STUPID story so much it got to the point you wished the earth would open up and swallow you or him up. In your head you could hear your inner voice saying "make it stop, make it stop!" Years ago, Charles got into an accident and lost a bumper on his car. One of the ex-employees (one of the many ex-employees) told him her husband could get him a bumper but later found out he couldn't. Charles bugged her for awhile and then stopped asking but then he started telling anyone and everyone how she PROMISED him the bumper and never got it. He used to say, "she kicked me to the curb." I'm sure a lot of people have kicked Charles to the curb. He should be used to it by now. He always told the story in front of the employee for YEARS!!!! He would laugh and laugh like it was funny or like it was the first time he told the story when it was the millionth time!! He would tell the story in the loan department. He would tell it to the people in consumer and real estate loans. He would tell it in the lounge room while people were trying to eat. He would tell it in credit resolutions. He would tell (and tell it and tell it) to Rodger. He told to the VISA person and the DMV clerk. He told it to EVERYONE in member service and the tellers and in credit resolutions. He told it in accounting and on the bridge that connects to the back offices. He told it in the file room and in the employee patio. He probably told the story in the bathroom while the men were at the urinal or in the stalls. The man definitely doesn't know the meaning of the words "NO" and "enough." What a BORE! About the 15th time I heard the storty I thought about jumping off a bridge. I'm sure everyone else who had to hear it thought of jumping off something. He should stick to talking about his sex adventures, there boring too but at least he gives you a variety.
My Bad Boss Contest and stories...
I remember that story. One of many we had to lsiten to. The man just likes talking about anything even if its worthless, stupid. commments.
WOW it seems like everyone has gone wild on this post. You all must have had it with all the shit that is happenig at P1.
Two books? that would be great if someone can prove it and put it on this blog.
Hay Linda and David do not forget you can get money from the boards pockets also! hope you guys take them to the cleaners and I know alot of employees will back you up.
If someone could provide more info about the second book. That would be great! When these cases go to trial, the character/reputation of the credit union should be exposed. A good lawyer will bring in witnesses who can testify about how they were either sexually harrased or forced to listen to Wiggington talk about his sex adventures.
They should subpoena the member whose car was taken and the ex-supervisor who worked out the repayment plan. The member can attest he agreed to the repayment plan and the supervisor can testify how the plan was rejected at the request of Wiggington who collects BMWs and how he took the poor member's car.
They can call the x-Marketing Director who can testify about everything Charles did to her from moving her out of her nice executive office and sending her to the file room and then trying to reduce her pay after knocking her down to marketing coordinator. More importantly, since she left their marketing doesn't exist and is horrible. That is easy to prove.
They should subpoena the branch managers and ex-branch manager at Valencia who can testify about what big mouth Bea Walker said about who the bloggers were and require she provide proof. She should also be made to explain why she said Darlene and Hector were overpaid when Bea's whose not the done one good thing gets over $100,000 a year.
And Rodger Smock should be subpoened to explain why he ignored employee complaints and didn't even write them down when some of them were told to him. He should also explain why he had a party at his house where the girls swam naked in his pool while he gave them liquor.
And why get rid of some employees because supposedly their positions were not necessary when they keep Robert West who no longer trains. Even if a company has a right to run a company like it chooses, this credit union didn't get approval from the Board for all their decisions and they kept MEMBER-OWNERS out of the loop plus the changes made them lose money. And why was Bea allowed to spend over $200,000 on wasted projects if she was supposed to make cut backs to improve business?
Priority 1 like all other credit unions says they are different in part because members are member-owners unlike banks, where customers have no rights as owners. Member-owners are supposed to help determine the way the credit union is operated by electing our Board of Directors who are supposed to be responsible all that they do represents what member-owners want plus it is important that a credit union teach members to understand their rights as owners and how to exercise their rights. Spring Valley Cu even posts member rights on their webpage and include members are entitled to courteous and CONFIDENTIAL service, COMPETITIVE loan and savings RATES, TIMELY LOAN APPROVALS, TIMELY and FAIR problem RESOLUTION, TRUTHFUL ADVETISING AND DISCLOSURE, ACCURATE consumer information, QUALIFIED, ELECTED board oversight, PROFESSIONAL management, and RESPONSIVE staff.
Did the board show member-owners the studies that proved P1 needed AVPs?
Did the board inform member-owners that Charles Wiggington was accused of sexual harassment and did they share the findings with the member-owners to determine if they wanted to keep him as President?
Did the board FIRST tell member-owners that Bea Walker was remodeling the main office and her office and Wiggington’s when the credit union was entering the negative and if member-owners thought this was okay?
Did you know that Priority One can take 2 days to more than a week to tell members if they’ve been approved for a consumer loan?
Does the 0.01% rate they pay on savings seem competitive? If it wasn’t for the blog, they’d still be offering 0.00% on a $100,000 CD.
When they do reprint their fee schedule, is one going to be sent to every member-owner?
Are the member-owners being represented by “qualified” board and have they ever been asked if they think management is professional or staff responsive? If staff were response, there wouldn’t be so many complaints about service and misinformation and Bea Walker wouldn’t have made the credit union spend even more money on MILLIE to try and correct all the mistakes she made with the Call Center. And at no time since Wiggington became president did he or his staff ever inform members of their rights as member-owners.
What about Whit, who Lynnette lied about? Same for Dane, Theresa, and Marc? The lawyers should subpoena all of them. Theresa kept good notes but Rodger got a copy of them and was furious. The idiot had no reason to be furious because it was already decided Theresa was leaving the cu. Funny, but they offered Theresa part-time work or a severence package. She took the severence package. This was the same exact offer they made to Suzanne, the branch manager at Valencia. This is their tactic. They know part-time is too difficult financially ("We are your financial fitness ctr?") so they offer it hoping employees will take the severence package.
I know the severance package says that if signed, the employee cannot sue to credit union but if I was every employee who got abused or railroaded into signing the severence package, that they consult an attorney and see if the can still sue. Rodger Smock, Charles Wiggington, and Beatrice "Bea" Walker should be exposed along with tired, Diedra Harris-Brooks because she and her band of crooks have made a wreck of the credit union and abused a lot of employees.
Linda's attorney is Seibert & Bautista. Their at:
San Francisco Office351 California Street, Suite 550
San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: 415.954.9455
Facsimile: 888.874.8107
Twain Harte Office
22922 Twain Harte Drive
Twain Harte, CA 95383
Mailing Address:
18711 Tiffeni Drive #17-129
Twain Harte, CA 95383
Phone: 209.586.2890
Facsimile: 888.874.8107
Email: info@ssjblaw.com
California is an at-will state which means companies can fire for anything but they can't violate federal discrimination laws. Also, back in January 2007, Wiggington met with different groups of employees from all branches and told them he had heard rumors that people were going to start getting fired. He said, "That isn't true. The only reason you would be terminated is bad performance" (based on his performance, he should have been fired). He assured people they had a job. I remember when he started telling people he was going to get rid of Maggie because she was one of "Harris' people". When it got back to her what he said, she went to his office and asked him if he was planning on firing her. He denied the rumors (which he started) and said she had a place in his organization. A few months later she was gone. NOLO.com says, under Statements by Your Employer:
"Has your employer made any statements, either during the hiring process or after, indicating that you will be fired only for good cause? For example, an employer might say, "You'll always have a home here as long as you do a good job," or "We only fire employees who are unable to meet our performance standards, even after coaching and training."
In this situation, especially if the comments have been made repeatedly and/or were a big reason you took the job, your employer may not be able to fire you at will."
I'm sure there are a lot of former and present employers who can testify if subpoened to what Wiggington and Rodger Smock said.
The wrongful terminations and slander Wiggington, Bea and Rodger committed is illegal even if P1 is an At-Will employer. The government does make exception to the At-Will rules when companies chose to violate laws and squash employee rights. They also look at the employer's policies and Priority 1's are poorly written and make exceptions to the At-Will rules. Any good lawyer will see that. You also cannot be fired for complaining about illegal activity, discrimination, or harassment or about health and safety violations in the workplace or for exercising a variety of legal rights, including the right to take family and medical leave, to take leave to serve in the military, or to take time off work to vote or serve on a jury.
At Priority 1 LOTS of employees have been fired under Wiggington for these very things plus they have made exceptions. For example, one employee writes a bad check and gets fired and reported to CUNA while another is told to be careful. One employee's drawer is short $250 and gets fired and another steals $60,000 and nothing happens.
Wiggington, Bea and Rodger know employees will probably sign those crappy severance agreements because they need the money and probably can't survive on unemployment. Some employees have children, rent, medical bills, car notes, etc. P1 says its there to help you win with money but do you know that some of their ex-employees are in collections? How it that helping them win with money? Thats because Wiggington and Bea knew they would life harder for employees they said were the enemy. If they wanted to see the enemy, they should of looked in the mirror.
The company pays 1 week for each year of service. Rodger Smock who is one of the biggest back stabbing liars you will ever meet, will tell you they can't pay more because that's what policy says but if you audit them you'll see they have made exceptions for some employees.
Its true, when Bea wants you out she either transfers people to a branch located far from where they live or she alienates them and puts the word out to managers so that they all stop talking to the person. In 2009 I was in a meeting with branch managers and avp's and she bragged that she does this and says it will make people quit and then the cu doesn't have to pay unemployment. Amber lives in Santa Clarita and after the Valencia office closed, she had her drive to South Pasadena knowing Amber made very little money and would have to spend a lot of money on gas. She did the same thing to Judith and Dana. Dana drives 77 one way from Lancaster and has a new baby. She has to get up before 5 a.m. and spends so much money on gas. With Theresa, she moved her to sit in the storage area located behind the tellers in South Pasadena. When Theresa didn't quit, she told Rodger to tell ehr that they didn't need a fulltime bsa person and that she could work part-time or take severance pay. She took the severance and Bea hired a temp bsa specialist who worked there for months. She did the same thing with Dane and started sending him out of the branch because she told Wigg and Smock that she knew he was the blogger. When David was on vacation, Bea ordered his desk cleared out and put everything in boxes. Then when he got back, they told him he was going to be moved outside of Smock's office. Bea told Smock she thought he was the blogger and that if he sat outside Rodger's office he would hear what management talked about so they moved him to Burbank. They are all jacked up and dumb as slugs with no ethics or morals and use lying and backstabbing against employees.
I never signed my severance. I knew Bea planned to get me out but what could I do?
Bea and Wiggington with Rodger's help had PERSONAL reasons for getting rid of employees. They got rid of George the dmv specialist because Yvonne didn't like him. He was actually great at what he did, but Bea who was Yvonne's buddy went along with what Yvonne told her.Bea got rid of Sonny because he knew too much about the things that they were doing to fix numbers plus he became friends with Manny who Bea hated. They got rid of Joe because Bea said they didn't need him but he knew how to fix the ATMs when there were problems. The reason Bea got rid of him was because he was brought to the company by Bea. Wiggington and Smock got rid of Wendy because she took a sandwich which Wiggington said had been ordered for the Redland employees who were at the main office meeting with Loren Lillestrand. Before he got sick, Wiggington and West used to pile up their plates anytime we had lunches and they left people without food.
I never signed my severance. I knew Bea planned to get me out but what could I do?
You weren't alone.
Wish they'd fix this damn air conditioning. The whole place is hot except Wigg, Bea, and Miss Rodger offices.
The reason Bea got rid of him was because he was brought to the company by Bea.
Joe was brought to the company by Manny not Bea! He fixed the ATMs as part of Manny plan to save money but now they had to hire a company to do it. Bea doesn't know anything about saving money.
I remember a few years ago, Charles telling a lot of us that while flying back to LA with his wife, he noticed a man who looked like he was Middle Eastern. He told us how he got worried and complained, that he felt suspicious about the guy. He laughed and said his wife, Pam, was embarrassed. Charles had no problem profiling a person from another race though he probably would be the first to blow-up if you profiled him. He did the same thing in 2008, when he hired Sepia Consultants to come in and look for bugs he said someone had planted in his office. He admitted the information on the blog was true and the blogger could only get it if they had planted bugs in his office. Sepia did a search and didn't find a single bug. He also had extra cameras put up in the main branch and said that if anyone came to his office with a gun in their hand, he would see them before they got there. The man is a mess. Paranoid and in need of some serious help and maybe medication. I think he might be neurotic and suffers from delusions of grandeaur.
Pleasant Post. This post helped me in my college assignment. Thnaks Alot
"The man is a mess. Paranoid and in need of some serious help and maybe medication. I think he might be neurotic and suffers from delusions of grandeaur."
Ya think?
The story about how Rodger invited some employees from the credit union to his house was told by Georgina Duenas to the whole loan dept. She said that all the girls were swimming in the pool and Rodger would come out and freshen up their drinks. They got so drunk that Anna took off all her clothes. Rodger went back into the house because he was upstairs with Henry. If any of them had an accident after they left Rodger's house, he could have been sued and I wonder if because he was the HR director if the credit union could have been sued too? If Rodger liquored up employees why would he ever investigate employee complaints? That's why he never investigated the complaints about Aaron and that's why he never investigated complaints about Wiggington, even when he was present when Wiggington made sexual remarks. There's enough employees who could prove him a liar if he ever denied it. That's also probably why he never fired Georgina when for years she took two 40 minute breaks a day and why he and Aaron covered up for her when she wrote a bad check and when Gema lifted the 7 day hold on the check that bounced. Thats also why he ignored the fact she committed fraud every time she had employees clock her in when she used to take her two hour lunches. If anyone should have been fired from the credit union, it should be Rodger
For 2 days employees in the call center, collection and card services have had to work with no air. The air conditioner broke down on Tuesday and Rodger was told about it but he shrugged it off. He came back to the dept and left without doing anything! Its fine with useless Miss Prissy who has air in his/her office and so does useless 1 legged Wiggington and scar face Bea but the rest of us have to suffer. The back office has no windows and the only door leading outside is only used for emergencies and can’t be opened to let air in because it would violate security.
Today, Wiggington and Rodger were told the air is still out and its hot and so difficult to breathe. We’re getting headaches and a lot of us don’t feel good. Wiggington and Rodger said that they “hope” the repair guy comes out tomorrow to fix the problem but they aren’t sure if he’ll be here. They said we can wear shorts tomorrow. We can’t breathe and we’re getting headaches. Are the shorts made of aspirin or do they have built in air conditioning, otherwise that’s another stupid answer from the sexual harasser and Mr. Gay. They also took the employee handbook off the Intranet. Why? Are they hiding something?
Really fat Esmeralda Sandoval came back here too and stayed a few minutes and in her really stupid opinion said it didn’t seem that bad to her. With all that weight she lugs around I’m surprised she didn’t faint after 10 seconds plus fat girl doesn’t have to work back here, she works in an air conditioned office!!!!
We looked at the Internet and it says the Department of Industrial Relations' (DIR) Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) has focused on heat illness prevention because the weather is getting hotter. In June they investigated and found that some companies across the state were guilty of having working environments that could cause heat illness. It also says that employees with work-related questions or complaints, including heat illness, can call the California Workers' Information Hotline at (866) 924-9757 or 1-877-99-CALOR. Or you can contact them via internet at www.dir.ca.gov to attention of Dean Fryer
They just fixed the air!!!! Nice, just before we pack up and go home.
If that happens again, go to http://www.osha.gov/workers.html.
Employees in the private sector have a right to a safe work environment. You're protected under Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act). It sets and enforces protective workplace safety and health standards and OSHA provides information, training and assistance to workers and employers. You can file a complaint to have OSHA inspect the workplace if you believe the credit union is not following OSHA standards. OSHA also provides workers with the right to:
Ask OSHA to inspect their workplace;
Use their rights under the law without retaliation and discrimination;
Receive information and training about hazards, methods to prevent harm, and the OSHA standards that apply to their workplace. The training must be in a language you can understand;
Get copies of test results done to find hazards in the workplace;
Review records of work-related injuries and illnesses;
Get copies of their medical records.
P1 may want to hide the employee handbook but you can learn YOUR rights thru the state!!!!!!!!!!
They called the repairman after 4today either because of the post or because people were complaining and asking if they could go home. Stupid West told one of the employees if he could do something about it, he would. Isn't he HR? Stupid. He would do something about it like he did when they told him that member left an unattended baby in the car. He's as useless as Smock, Wiggington, Bea and Esmeralda.
Bea has her phone programmed with the RSS feed so she's notified each time somone posts a comment. Thats why they called the repairman. You can get the credit union to do the right thing sometimes, but you have to expose them first. LOL.
She bails them out because she's just like them. She got enough evidence to fire Wiggington because HE DID SEXUALLY HARASS an employee but dishonest Diedra got him back in and after that the cu went into the RED.
In 2009-2011 she wanted to keep the board exactly the way it is- with a bunch of losers who kiss her big butt and who couldn't understand a financial report if their life depended on it. She first blocked the notice to all members and she and Wigg made sure it only went to members with checking accounts. Then a few months later AFTER she cost the credit union money because they had to repeat the election process because of her cheating, she gets Jeff Chen to turn in his nomination AFTER the election deadline passed. This year she makes sure that Manny's bio is the shortest and kept his from being rewritten like hers and that of the other incumbents. Diedra Harris is a cheat like few others and she's ONE BIG reason P1 is in trouble. She's also the one that offered money to payoff the employee that got sexually harassed.
For 2 days employees in the call center, collection and card services have had to work with no air. The air conditioner broke down on Tuesday and Rodger was told about it but he shrugged it off.
Rodger is like one of those products they try to sell in a alate night infomercial. They tell you it will make your life better but in the end you've thown away good money on something that doesn't work and that ends up in a yard sale next to your thigh master and vegomatic.
The air is working but we all have headaches and are tired. Thanks Charles Piggington, Bea Stalker and Rodger Schmuck for always thinking about us first.
Bobby Thomas,Diedra and Wiggington used Mr Chen to lower the chances of Mr Davidson winning a seat on the board. They used him but if someone tried to use them they would cry discrimination.
You guys are a bunch of babies. It's okay to vent here and there. I'm not saying that most of the stuff mention here is not true but if you guys are so unhappy about working @ POCU maybe you should get off your lazy butt and do something about it. Ask any of the employees who have left if they are out on the streets now or are going hungry. No, they are not. They are actually doing pretty good. Good for them! But you won't, why... well because you are comfortable "working" there. Most of you NOT ALL don't do nothing. Except walk around, chitchatting and on the web. This can be proven if needed too. Now I don’t think we should lower ourselves by calling people names. Yes they might be true but what they look like does not always represent who they are. Being fat does not make you an Ignorant, having a pizza face does not make you a Bitch, being gay does not make you a Looser, being crippled does not make you a Dick and so forth. We can all do better, don’t you think?
I agree that a lot of employees at Priority One are lazy. The member service is horrible and member complaints are ignored But who sets the tone, management or employees? Gema Pleitez is lazy and a gossip and does the bare minimum. Management knows it and they keep her.
To say Georgina committed fraud is the truth and why did the company not fire her when the policy says if you clock in another employee, thats grounds for termination.
And a lot of the employees who "walk around chitchatting and on the web" include managers.
And you're right, Esmeeralda is fat but what does that have to do with the fact she's ignorant? Nothing. She's not qualified because she's not qualified not because she's overweight.
And Bea is not a bitch because she is ugly, she's a bitch because she's a bitch. You're so right.
And Rodger isn't dishonest, backstabbing, or a liar because he's gay, he just is dishonest, backstabbing and a liar.
Wiggington is not a monster because he drags his leg around he was a monster way before he got sick. He has backstabbed, lied, cheated, and made a mess of the credit union because he's a disgrace, unethical and horrible, not because he drags one leg around.
None of these people are losers because of the way they look, they are all losers because of the way they act.
The people who run to complain about employees are the ones breaking the rules. In collections, the biggest snitch is old back stabber, Alex (she's a woman). She goes to Yvonne and tells her everything she hears is going on around the credit union and she tells her whose not working and whose taken long breaks or been away to long at lunch. Yvonne been on vacation all week and Alex has been taking one hour breaks with her buddy Saundra. She's dishonest. She's horrible with members, rude and disrespectful. But she's a snitch and thats big doings at the credit union.
None of these people are losers because of the way they look, they are all losers because of the way they act.
So true.
Did you guys get the new schedule of fees? They're adding charges just like a bank. Is this their idea of helping their members?
Its about time that useless money waster got the boot. She made a bigger mess outta of Wiggs big mess and she turned people against people, wasted money on her stupid redecorating, said horrible things about people and helped make Priority 1 a worse place. It couldn't happen to a nicer person.
So when is Wigg getting the boot? He's the reason we're not getting loans, why we're the laughing stock of the industry and why other credit unions make fun of him. That's why he doesn't go any events because he and Rodger know they're talked about by everybody.
He's the one tha brought Bea in. He hired her to do his "special" projets and he wanted her to help him kick out his enemies. That would mean having to fire everyone, di*k wad. He and his ex-friend, BEA, shamed the credit union, made it a horrible place to work at and hurt our sales and our reputation. I heard today that Wigg went to the postal carrier union hall on Saturday and was so happy. He's giddy right now, but he brought her in so maybe he should shut up. they paid her over $250,000 in the time she was there and that's all on Wigg. He brought Bea in to help him but she turned the tables on him and bad mouthed him because she wanted his job. She not only didn't do his grunge work but for a time it looked like she would get rid of him and that loser, Rodger Smock. She didn't do a single thing she promised so they fired her like they fired her at Universal City Studios CU. The 2lawsuits also made it worse for her. Plus her old friends, Joseph and Yvonne turned a dime on her and told Wiggington and Smock about a lot of the backstagging this the sneaky bitch said and did.
They sold her out even after she promoted them and got them raises. I just wonder how much they paid her in severance? Was it over $40,000, $50,000, $100,000? She got booted the same way she booted so many good innocent people. And look at Wiggington, he proves karma is a bitch.
We celebrated today. Everyone even our boss was happy. She's gone, she's gone.
So what reason did they give for firing her??
We are so glad that bitch is finally gone!! She was horrible and the SECOND worse thing to hit the cu. She abused people, spread horrible rumors and lies, backstabbed, and acted like her shit didn't stink when that's all she brought to the table- shit. But whoever wrote that she was only there because of Wiggington is right. He brought her here to do this dirty work which was find out who didn't like him and then get him out. Hey stupid, no one likes you and if you notice only 2 people have wrote on here that they feel sorry for your sickness. You are horrible and the one that brought Bea. Your ass should get fired and so should that bigger loser, Rodger Smock who helped you fire so many people and has helped you do your dirty work. Thank you John for exposing thess people. One down, three to go (that includes you Diedra).
Ding Dong! The Witch is dead. Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch!
Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead.
Wake up - sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed.
Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead.
She's gone where the goblins go,
Below - below - below. Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring the bells out.
Ding Dong' the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.
Let them know
The Wicked Witch is dead.
Okay, she's not dead but she's OUT! As Donald Trump says, "YOUR FIRED!" She might have a future in decorating.
"So what reason did they give for firing her?"
I'd guess not introducing anything that made mney for the cu and that complaint Suzanne wrote.
She hired Randy who is useless and has taken at least 4 vacations in 1year. Now that Bea is gone, they can see how useless he is. Ali has also been seen setting for long period of time at Yvonne's desk. Makes you wonder who's going to cover for Randy now that Bea is gone?
And she brought in Saeid and what has he done?
She got rid of Suzanna after stalking her and harassing her.
She spent more time on decorating than making things better.
They're being sued by 2 people.
I'm sure there's a lot more than we all know.
Saeid is the real CEO. Yvonne is the real COO and they both suck. Well Charles sucks too. They all need to go. Yvonne said she would milk the credit union until she can't anymore. She use to talk really bad about Charles and now she kisses his ass. Charles is so stupid that Saeid is going to make Charles fire himself.
"Saeid is the real CEO."
Sure is. He at least looks professional and doesn't talk like some jive street thug.
"Yvonne is the real COO and they both suck."
She is and stupid Bea never saw it coming. Yvonne turned against her and started bath mouthing her and so did dumb ass, Joseph Garcia, who has a postion he doesn't qualify for and gets a salary he doesn't deserve. Ever notice that Saundra doesn't get along with Yvonne anymore even though Yvonne and her WERE friends and they worked to gether for years. Now Saudra's turned in her resignation and fat Jerry who was laid-off last Friday, was called to come back to work because backstabber Yvonne doesn't have anyone to relace Saundra. Wonder what stupid Alex will do without Saundra?
"Well Charles sucks too. They all need to go."
That's putting it lightly. He's like the bubonic plague cause everything he touches gets ruined.
"Yvonne said she would milk the credit union until she can't anymore."
Didn't know she said that but actions speak louder than words. When she got to P1, she worked Charles until she got tired of him. He used to call her to his office everyday and keep her in 2 to 3 hour meetings talking about things that were not related to business. She finally, started asking the old receptionist to call Charles' office when an hour had passed and tell him there was an important business call for Yvonne. Good old two-faced Yvonne worked the industry's biggest moron like a circus pony.
"She use to talk really bad about Charles and now she kisses his ass"
She started kissing Charles ass after she and her ex-girl-friend, Bea, had a falling out and stopped talking to each other. She got close to Saeid who helped promote her and then she got close to Charles again and the stupid old President, fell for it.
"Charles is so stupid that Saeid is going to make Charles fire himself."
We can only hope. Anyway, have you seen Charles lately? I'm not sure they have to wait for him to fire himself. And you can't but wonder, how much severance if any , they paid Bea. Remember, the CU policy says they pay 1 week for every year of service. She started on June 1, 2009, so that is 2 weeks of pay, but knowing the stupid CU it probably a few to a lot of thousands of $'s.
I so disagree, respectfully. I don't agree that employees who post here are too lazy to get off their butts and find other jobs. Have you seen the job statistics? Jobs aren't out there and sometimes because you got to feed your family and pay your rent, you just can't get up and leave. Any doubts ask Bea.
And the name calling sometimes seems bad but do you know that some peole act horribly because of the way they look. Some people are inscure because they're fat, and some act like bitches becausee they don't feel they fit in. And no, Rodger being gay had a big influence on how he acted. He hired some pretty and not so pretty but all young Latinos and he even hired some men over women because he let his sexual preference affect his decisions. Don't believe it, ask any employee who has worked their in the past. Its no secret. In fact, it was because of the way he was carrying on with Henry that he was made to transfer Henry to Valencia. And there is a tie between how Wigg sees himself (before his stroke) and why he talked so much about sex. He knew he wasn't good looking that he was fat and unattractive and he sounds so ghetto, so no, there is a tie between how some people look and how they act.
They announced on the intranet she was gone but nobody was sure at first if she quit or was fired except that on her last day she sent emails about events she was going to attend. The cu, maybe because of the blog, decided she better start visiting post offices and seg's but they decided to let her go when she was on vacation. She did the same thing to the former marketing specialist so guess "what goes around comes around."
Now she's gone and its time to fire Wigg and Smock, West, McBride, Raad, and Esmeralda. There is no reason to keep them. They are horrible and don't know what they'r doing. Plus Wigg, Smock, West and Esmeralda are liars and cheaters and have done so much to hurt the credit union. Time to call Mr Harris even if its temporary. They can also get Manny to come back. They both can try and get P1 back on the right track while the board, without Diedra, Saffold, Gathers and Hale, tries to find replacements.
Blogging is mightier thatn the sword. Way to show their dirty laundry.
Anonymous says....Time to call Mr Harris even if its temporary.
I can tell you now Mr Harris ISNT coming back!!!....only chance he may come back is if THE ENTIRE BOARD BE DISMISSED FROM THEIR "SO CALLED DUTIES"!!!
Sylvia's lips are so swollen from kissing Wigg & Smock's ass. She definately thinks she'll be promoted because Bea is now gone. What a mistake. She is a two faced,manipulating liar. She also gives true Christians a bad name. She helped Bea get rid of some very good people. Hopefully, her time is coming.
I can tell you from working with Sylvia Perez that she is one of the most dispicable people I ever met. She back-stabbed Nora when Nora was the Valencia branch manager and she took Bea's side when Bea alienated the Valencia office staff from that office's last manager. Sylvia even told Cecilia Pereyra that Bea didn't want them talking to Suzanna and so Cecilia joined in. Sylvia has been going around the Burbank branch telling employees she knows for a fact, that the guy who used to write policy is the blogger. When he worked out of Burbank she used to come and visit him every day and tell him "praise the Lord" and then she would call Rodger and complain that "the writer" didn't want to help her on the teller line. Could it be he wasn't trained as a teller and didn't have access to teller programs? Sylvia was only loyal to Bea because she was afraid of Bea. She used to say "That woman (Bea) doesn't like me." Besides Wigg and Smock, who does Sylvia think likes her? She is a hypocrite and evil, 2qualities that don't make most people likeable. She's lucky evil Wiggington likes her because I wouold have fired her a long time ago. She sometimes says she used to work at Fiscal and she helped that CU make a lot of money. That's weird because I was at an event recently and met someone from Fiscal who told me she left that credit union under not very good circumstances. No surpirse there.
Sylvia's always asking people, "have you read the blog?", "hope it doesn't say anything about me?", "the blog is the devil." No, Sylvia, you're the the devil except he's smart and supposed to be beautiful. If she thinks its so evil why ask if her name is on it and what it says? H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E. There are no employees in South Pasadena or Los Angeles that like her and the day she leaves, if that ever happens, some people will cheer. The only one that didn't smile and laugh when they announced Bea left, was Virginia Contreras, but she's all front and another one that should be knocked down to clerk.
What's Gema going to do without Bea? Well if it wasn't for Bea she wouldn't be an AAVP, whatever that is.
And what's going to happen to Randy? No more 4 vacations in 1 year for you boy. And what happens if Wigg calls you and he finds out again, that you don't know IT. Remember, he got pissed when you stuck your nose in that ATM problem in Victorville.
And what about, Saeid? Oh wait, he's smarter than Wigg and might be able to carry one where Bea left off.
Well this leaves a big space for Yvonne to move up. Maybe she'll be the next AVP. Now Sylvia whose as useful as a hole in the back of your pants, could be moved to the main office since Wigg likes her and Smock now feels safe because he thinks she doesn't like homosexuals.
And Joseph? Well, he only is loan manager because of Bea but he's not cutting it just like he didn't cut it in the call center, but if he kisses enough ass, he'll/she'll be okay.
Okay, she's not dead but she's OUT! As Donald Trump says, "YOUR FIRED!" She might have a future in decorating.
No, Bea Walker doesn't have a future in decorating rooms or cakes. She has as much of a chance of doing that as she does become a runway model. Wonder how she feels now that everyone she backstabbed and fire sees that she's been booted? Wonder too how Wiggington feels knowing everyone he backstabbed knows he looks horrible?
Hey, shouldn't they have fired Wigglenothing too?
Beatrice Walker maybe gone but the same rotten people who helped her are still there, even though they all talked about her behind her back. She helped Yvonne get to where she is before Yvonne got tired of her and dumped her but that doesn't excuse that for a time, Yvonne helped her backstab employees. Same for Joseph who followed her around the SP branch like a dog. He agreed with everything she said and her enemies, became his enemies. He even lied for her and helped backstab employees. Sylvia helped her get rid of Suzanne and helped turn Suzanne's staff against her but she was always complaining that Beatrice hated her and wouldn't approve the things she needed to do to get more business. Lynnette used to call Bea and tell her what employees she thought were leaking information to the blog and one day when Bea and Yvonne showed up at the LA branch, the 3 of them stood right outside the front doors, talking about how stupid Wiggington is. Gema always agreed with EVERYTHING Bea said but she used to tell her staff, "I agree with whatever Bea says. She's right about everything" and then she laughed. After Bea and Yvonne stopped talking Gema started following Bea around like Joseph used to and fraud artist, Georgina, started visiting and spending time with Bea in her office, gossiping and shooting the breeze. Used to be a time when Wiggington and Smock tried to be tight with Bea and went out to lunch with her everyday until Bea made friends with Yvonne and Joseph and stopped going out with both of them. Then she and her posey started bad mouthing Wiggington and before you know it, she's trying to get rid of Smock which scared the crap out of Smock and Wigg. If it wasn't for Suzanne writing that letter, Wigg's ass would have been grass.
Bea got fired when she was out of vacation. Same like Marc. She knew she was going to fire him and she knew he didn't make much money, but she waited until he was out and so did Rodger who was jealous of Marc. The day Marc got back, Esmeralda didn't talk to him and neither did Smock even though they all sat a few feet from Marc. Bea walked by Marc and didn't say a thing. Then at the end of the day Rodger leaves and doesn't even say bye to Marc. Marc calls out and tells himm good night and Rodger just says bye without looking at him. Few minutes later, Esmeralda calls Marc to Rodger's office and tells him his position is being phased out. Bea didn't have the class or courage to even talk to him that day or cowardly, backstabbing Rodger. Before he got fired, there was talk that Esmeralda was feeding management information about the people she thought were bad for the credit union. Notice she didn't turn in her cousin Gema who is useless and lazy.
Well lets hope Rodger and Wigg get fired and maybe when their both vacationing.
Ok, they fire Bea who was horrible and keep sexual haraser car stealer, Wiggington? Why did they fire Bea because she's white?
When is the next post? There wasn't one for June.
It'll be up by next Monday.
Ok, they fire Bea who was horrible and keep sexual haraser car stealer, Wiggington? Why did they fire Bea because she's white?
Well, Wigg did sexually harass. He took a car. He tried to get employees to violate Kaitlyn's law. He wanted Manny to break the law and play with the numbers. In the past he's lied to the dfi, ncua, and even unemployment. He's lied to members and SEGs and postal employees but the BLACK board kept him. Bea broke the law, lied, cheated and harassed. No worse than him but White Bea gets fired and Black Wiggington stays. Like Gathers and Saffold said, "what the credit union needs is a Black man." They forgot to add stupid, useless, embarrassing, uneducated, ball scratching, loud talking, and smelly.
Wiggington is happier than he's been in a long time. I think he's counting his chickens before they hatch. Bea caused so many problems and he thinks with her out of the picture that everything is going to be great. He forgot I guess, that he brought her in to attack employees but all she wanted was his job. He's the cuase of all Priority's problems and he is the one that has embarrassed us. Look at him. He ost so much weight and when he walks, his right leg bends involuntary. His head looks small with the skin pasted tight to his head. He keeps saying the doctor says he has testicle cancer and with all of that he thinks Bea is gone and he's in the clear. He is truly stupid, so stupid.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Yeah stinkingtion is smelly ..what he need to do is put his suits in the dry cleaners...but however Im sure its too late for that the smell has already absurbed into the fabric...he just needs to buy NEW suits altogether and burn all the others
Charles you may be financial dumbass and a social misfit, but what you lack in intelligence you excel in treachery. Congratulations homey, for putting the screws to your identical White twin, pathetic, lonely, and vicious, Bea Walker, just like you did to fat boy, Aaron, Kim, Marc, Dane, Tsui, Manny and a lot more people. You're the worst and you're the best but you're mostly the worst and the bottom of the barrel.
You're the worst and you're the best but you're mostly the worst and the bottom of the barrel.
He's the bottom of the barrel? That means he moved up.
Wigg will always have a big mouth. He even disturbs employees who are trying to take a peaceful lunch. Whenever he goes into the break room he starts talking loud to anyone who will listen. If you're in there when his big mouth is going you can't enjoy your lunch. And then if he gets a call he starts talking loud on his cell phone. Why can't his A-hole shut-up? Everyone knows he has a big mouth so how about shutting it? No one wants to hear what he says. He was saying that he's supposed to speak to some group of postal workers this weekend. Just a year ago, he wanted to get rid of postal workers because they didn't meet his standards. What standards? I just wish he'd shut his big fat mouth. Even a stroke couldn't get him to shut it.
Wigg is a talker who would rather talk than work. He's lazy and plain old useless. I was told on Thursday that now that Bea is gone to expect more changes. She was useless so by firing her there going to save a lot of money over the year but business is so bad and they losing more money, they have to more cut-backs. Its like ever 6 months they have major changes because they don't know what they're doing and wheneve they change something things get worse all the way around.
We are in BIG trouble and its going to get worse because Widd doesn't know what to do and Bea was a waste of good money that has cost us so much. You know if Wigg hadn't hired heer he could have saved at least 6 employee jobs?
Nice Post. This record helped me in my university assignment. Thanks Alot
Why over this past weekend I happened to meet someone who use to work for Henry Justice and they CONFIRMED That Ole WiggleNOTHING was getting "Kickbacks" for years from Justice Auto Sales, although we all knew but that information confirmed everything. That goes to show you that whatever is done in the dark will come to light
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