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Monday, January 21, 2013

Will 2013 Be Their Year, Part 1

On the morning of Thursday, December 27th, the Van Nuys Branch Manager, Cecilia Pereyra, excitedly informed Financial Services Representative, Neelam Verma, that Priority One Credit Union’s Intranet contained a notice that Chief Lending Officer (“CLO”), Cindy Garvin, was no longer employed by credit union. Laughing loudly, the two women jumped up and down within the confines of Mrs. Pereyra’s very small office, each unable to conceal their glee and both casting aside all professional acumen. 
Moments later, Mrs. Verma called her friend, AVP, Sylvia Perez, and happily informed her that Ms. Garvin was gone. Upon conclusion of their conversation, Mrs. Verma declares loudly, “Sylvia [Perez] is ready to comeback to work!” If the loss of one’s employment can be construed as good news, then apparently Ms. Garvin’s untimely ouster by President, Charles R. Wiggington, Sr, was indeed a celebratory event to at least some employees of Priority One Credit Union.
In 2011, Ms. Garvin formulated a new plan of action needed to jump start sales. Her strategy, which she guaranteed would increase sales and generate profit, consisted of assigning sales goals to most employees. Employees who failed to meet their minimum assigned goals during a single calendar month, would be issued a written warning.  Employees who incurred a third written warning would be subject to immediate termination. On February 2, 2012, monthly quotas became effective and by April, the credit union began terminating employees who failed to achieve their assigned quotas. Ms. Garvin’s tactic increased stress amongst staff and very soon, many employees- including two AVPs, began cheating just to ensure they’re quotas were met. To achieve her purpose, Ms. Garvin inducted the assistance of her lackey, AVP of Sales and Business Development, Joseph Garcia. Mr. Garcia aggressively reminded employees of all branches on a daily basis, that they had quotas to meet. In the end, Ms. Garvin’s single most achievement was to further accelerate deterioration of employee morale.
The reactions to Ms. Garvin’s departure were similar to those elicited by employees in July 2011, when discovering that former COO, Beatrice Walker had been terminated from the credit union. In 2011, announcement of Ms. Walker’s ouster prompted the entire staff at the now defunct Burbank branch to cheer and applaud. Like Ms. Walker, CLO, Cindy Garvin, used the element of fear to force employees to comply to her dictates and like Ms. Walker, she failed. Despite their aggressive campaigns, both women eventually became casualties of President Wiggington. So is the termination of Cindy Garvin a sign of good things to come in 2013 or a harbinger of the credit union’s future demise?
Evidently, Ms. Garvin’s departure was deemed an omen of a promising future for at least one officer of the credit union. In June 2012, AVP, Sylvia Perez, fled the credit union in fear that she was about to be terminated. Mrs. Perez who had over the years, helped President Wiggington and Executive Vice President, Rodger Smock, plot the removal of some employees used the pretext that she was suffering from work-related stress, however, a careful analysis of events preceding her departure, suggest Mrs. Perez’s leave was triggered more by paranoia and her survival instinct.
In March and April of 2012, Mrs. Perez was issued to written warnings for failing to achieve her minimum assigned monthly sales quotas. The warnings came as a surprise to everyone because for years, Mrs. Perez boasted that her forte was business development. So adamant was she about her alleged skill in acquiring new business that she frequently reprimanded employees who failed to achieve her lofty standards. However, when the credit union implemented sales quotas, it quickly became apparent that Mrs. Perez’s forte was not business development and that her years of boasting were mere hyperbole.
In mid-May, Mrs. Perez realized that she was again, going to fail to attain her monthly goals for a third calendar month which she knew, would result in her termination. As the month of May drew to a close, she began confiding to certain employees that she knew Cindy Garvin hated her and was preparing to terminate her.  She also alleged she was experiencing difficulty sleeping at nights, losing hair, had suffered outbreaks of adult acne, and was experiencing constant numbness to her her hands and face. So in June, following closure of her assigned branch in Burbank, California, Mrs. Perez quietly left the credit union on an indefinite medical leave.
During her convalescence, Mrs. Perez periodically contacted friends and told them she was feeling better and had become more involved with her church and was finally able to spend quality time with her daughter. She also stated she did not intend of returning to the credit union, convinced that if she did so, she would be promptly terminated by Ms. Garvin. She also complained that she was hurt and disappointed that the President who she thought of as a friend, had abandoned her and refused to respond to her emails and telephone calls.
In spite of the gravity of her symptoms and deep-seeded concerns, on December 27th upon being informed that Ms. Garvin was no longer employed by Priority One,  Mrs. Perez’s symptoms suddenly and miraculously disappeared. Yes, Mrs. Perez’s instantaneous recovery was nothing short of a medical marvel. The question is, was Mrs. Perez ever actually ill?

Priority One survived 2012 despite numerous impediments including internal turmoil and as described above, deficient managers. The credit union’s monthly production records again prove the credit union’s continued sustainability is primarily attributable to high capital versus new business. In December, a concerned President disclosed that Priority One had not performed well during the final quarter of 2012. Evidently, the assignment of monthly goals, implemented on February 2, 2012, to almost all employees, failed to generate growth and profit. The President had believed that the assignment of goals accompanied by a threat of termination would achieve its purpose but like so many of his assumptions, the tactic failed.
Forecasting what lies ahead for Priority One over the next twelve months only requires looking at the credit union’s performance during the years of 2007 through the end of 2012. Traditionally (or habitually), during January of each year, Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. declares that he foresees an improvement to business over the next twelve months. He is so sure of this that in January 2010, he and former COO, Beatrice Walker, creatively manipulated the credit union’s income statements and plumped up the amount of income generated during the month so that it appeared Priority One turned a profit when it did not. By March, the credit union once again found its monthly reported profits in decline.
This month’s post is intentionally shorter as we speculate about Priority One’s performance over the next year. The one factor which has obstructed Priority One’s ability to reacquire the success it once enjoyed under former President, William E. Harris, is President Wiggington. Subsequently, we can’t imagine that 2013 will prove a banner year for the troubled credit union as the person who created many of the credit union’s problems remains the one person responsible for resolving the problems he created. Yes, its illogical but a dynamic set in motion by the credit union’s Board of Directors who continue to believe this is what’s best for the declining organization.
Like the closure of the Burbank branch in 2012 and closure of the Riverside branch in 2011 and the closures of the Redlands, and Valencia branches in 2010, the termination of CLO, Cindy Garvin, points to an internal operational problem. Financial losses, erratic shifts in power, lawsuits filed by former employees and deterioration of the credit union’s relationship with key member groups and SEG’s, all attest to the gross inability by President Wiggington, his executive staff, and the Board of Directors, to address the myriad of issues impacting the once promising credit union.
In December, President Wiggington conferred privately with Board Chair, Diedra Harris-Brooks, to discuss the subject of declining business. The President informed Mrs. Harris-Brooks that he’d given CLO, Cindy Garvin ample leeway to create strategies needed to propel growth in business and increase membership. Despite the President’s alleged generosity, Ms. Garvin, failed to achieve the goals she promised would be attained using her strategies.
In most companies, it is the President who is ultimately responsible for a businesses performance though not at Priority One Credit Union where the President remains well protected by the deficient and negligible Board of Directors.
So what can we expect from President Wiggington over the next twelve months? If Ms. Garvin were truly the reason for business faltering in 2012, then business should improve quickly over the next year.  However, the credit union’s financial performance reports obtainable at prove business has been in steady decline since 2008. In 2009, the President attributed the credit union’s amassing slump to the “Wall Street Meltdown.” Later that same year he promised the Board that with the assistance of then COO, Beatrice Walker, the credit union would experience growth and return to a state of profitability. Beginning in 2010, the credit union was forced to close its Redlands, Valencia, Riverside, and in 2012, the Burbank branches. The evidence proves Priority One has undergone shrinkage versus growth which attests to losses not profit. So what excuses will the President make in 2013 to justify the credit union’s continuing downward spiral?

This past November, the credit union voluntarily settled yet another lawsuit, though this particular suit was filed by a member who accused the credit union of divulging confidential information about one of her accounts.
In a letter whose contents are located to the right of this post, the President adamantly insists that he never authorized any employee to post the member’s confidential information on the Internet. Furthermore, he declares he never authorized any employee to post slanderous statements about the member’s person.
Irrelevant of his denials, the fact remains that an employee or employees of the credit union, knowingly and intentionally posted information about the member’s account along with slanderous statements about her person. It is impossible that the comments were posted by someone who was not an employee. Furthermore, due to the highly confidential nature of the member’s information, it is likely that the perpetrator or perpetrators were an officer or officers of the credit union. 
The President’s statements which were probably written by the credit union’s attorney are ultimately silly, unbelievable, and another inane effort to save face. In the end, his  denials no matter how adamant, mean absolutely nothing and serve to once again attest to his chronic need to dodge blame for the acts perpetrated by and under him. The purpose of the letter is simple: Not to admit that the credit union violated state and federal laws. However, if they were truly innocent then why would they have agreed to pay a settlement and bring an expedient closure to the lawsuit?
Interestingly, despite the highly serious nature of the violation, the credit union chose not to terminate the employee who published the confidential information leading us to conclude that the perpetrator of the act may have indeed been an officer of the credit union. As we’ve demonstrated over the years, officers of Priority One who knowingly commit egregious acts are rarely punished. Remember, in 2008 an investigation proved Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. sexually harassed a former employee and yet Board Chair, Diedra Harris-Brooks, succeeded in both squashing the evidence and reinstating the President.
Though no employee(s) was terminated for violating the Privacy Act, there was at least one officer who was held accountable for provoking the member into filing a lawsuit. As we first reported in late 2012, the member contacted Board Chair, Diedra Harris-Brooks, at her home and reported the violation of federal law perpetrated by an employee of the credit union. The inept Chairperson called President Wiggington immediately and demanded that he resolve the complaint quickly and without incident. The President in turn, referred resolution of the complaint to AVP, Yvonne Boutte, and demanded that she contact the member and do “whatever is possible” to bring an end to the incident.
Mrs. Boutte contacted the member but deluded by her pseudo-authority, tried to subjugate the member into submission, a ploy which ultimately blew up in Mrs. Boutte metaphorical face. The member hung-up on Mrs. Boutte and filed a lawsuit.
Mrs. Boutte’s strong armed efforts did not bode well for her and in the end irked the embarrassed Board Chair. Mrs. Boutte found herself the humiliated brunt of accusations that her tactics exacerbated the complaint. One has to wonder why Diedra Harris-Brooks chose to refer a violation of federal law to President Wiggington who is neither an attorney or a competent officer. Of course, it is even more enigmatic why the President and Board Chair thought it appropriate and intelligent to refer the complaint to Mrs. Boutte whose alleged expertise is collections. In 2007, Mrs. Harris-Brooks grew incensed when a complaint citing a violation of federal law was delivered by a former Board Director, to the credit union’s attorney. In 2008, Mrs. Harris-Brooks chose to squash evidence implicating President Wiggington as a sexual harasser. Four years later, its obvious that the wayward Board Chair has learned nothing about responding to issues that possess potentially legal implications for the credit union. As the old adage says, “You can take a horse to water but you can’t make him drink it.”
The President’s letter is a transparent attempt to dodge accountability for the manner in which he botched the member’s complaint.  It was the President’s chosen course of action which converted the member’s complaint into a lawsuit. It was purely avoidable had the President not again attempted to shirk his responsibilities and attempted to use his AVP to squash the member’s grievance. In addition to the actual settlement paid to the member, the credit union was again forced to hire a new attorney to respond to the lawsuit. 
According to the President…..
“Priority One Credit Union did not Write any material regarding Ms. Nylonda Sharnese, defamatory or otherwise.”
The President denies having authorized one of his staff to publish defamatory information about the member. What he doesn’t deny is that one of his staff published the information. He also admits that the information was defamatory in nature.
“It did not authorize anyone within the credit union to write or disclose any material concerned Ms. Sharnese, defamatory or otherwise. Further, it did not disclose any
information concerning any account or loan Ms. Sharnese may have had with it, nor did it alleged that Ms. Sharnese “ran with her car.”
In the second paragraph, the President reiterates that he did not authorize any member of his staff to write or disclose information about the member or her loan nor did he authorize an employee to alleges that the member “ran with her car.” Again, he does not deny that someone in his staff published the information about the member. Obviously, the confidential information which was only available to a few select employees was published by an employee who had intimate knowledge about the member and her credit union account.
“Quite simply, the credit union has no firsthand knowledge of Ms. Sharnese’s activities with her car, and the credit union does not condone anyone writing any information about any of its members or former members on any blog or other public forum.”
Though the President adamantly states that the credit union had “no firsthand knowledge of Ms. Sharnese’s activities with her car” the fact is, the credit union as the lender would have had knowledge of the whereabouts of the vehicle. Furthermore, the credit union was well aware that the vehicle had been damaged by a drunk driver, a fact which would have been disclosed to them by Farmers Mutual Automobile Insurance, Inc. who filed suit against the credit union when Priority One refused to surrender the pink slip for the automobile.
Furthermore, Board Chair, Diedra Harris-Brooks advised the member she would resolve the matter expediently, an offer she later rescinded and which forced the member to file suit against the credit union. If the disclosure of confidential information were not a problem at Priority One, then why did the Board pay for an attorney to visit the main branch in early December 2012, and remind employees that they cannot post confidential member information on the Internet?
Mr. Wiggington’s denials lack credibility and are just more of the same irresponsible avoidance of wrong doing continually committed by an immature and irresponsible CEO.
So will the credit union finally desist from violating its own policies governing confidentiality and the Privacy Act? We doubt it. In mid-2012, the daughter of a member called AVP, Yvonne Boutte, and demanded she be provided with information about her father’s account including her father’s account balance. The daughter is not named a joint account holder and is thus not privy to information pertaining to her father’s account unless she possesses Power of Attorney or a court issued order allowing her access to her father’s personal accounts. Of course in this instance, the daughter did not possess power of attorney or a court order which may have allowed her access to her father’s credit union records. Nonetheless, Mrs. Boutte, who oversees member services, provided the daughter with answer to all of her inquiries.
Additionally, for a period of months, an insurance company had erroneously deposited money into the member’s account. The error occurred because someone at the insurance company erroneously deposited money into the wrong account however, the credit union’s Accounting Department failed to realize the error. When the credit union discovered the error, the Accounting Department set about to back-out the funds which were erroneously credited to the members account, however, it never occurred to Mrs. Boutte or anyone in accounting, to inform the member about the error or the subsequent effort by the credit union to reverse each erroneous deposit. When the member noticed that his account balance had decreased, he contacted the credit union and demanded an explanation.
Mrs. Boutte violated the Privacy Act when she disclosed information to the member’s daughter who was not a joint account holder on her father’s account. However, it was the Accounting Department Supervisor, Jennifer Kelly, who was terminated for failing to realize that deposits were being erroneously transacted into the member’s accounts and for failing to notify the member that the deposits were being reversed. Approximately three weeks after being terminated, Mrs. Kelly was reinstated.
Evidently, some of Priority One’s managers find it impossible to abide to the credit union’s security measures intended to protect the confidentiality of member data. Please also note that the credit union does not punish manages who violate policy or state and federal law.

 The Demise of Another Officer
Arriving at the credit union on August 1, 2011, former CLO, Cindy Garvin, the President made certain to extol her alleged experience, talents, and keen knowledge of loan and business development.
In the months which followed her arrival, Ms. Garvin established a well-deserved reputation for being underhanded and demanding subservience. She also became known for her preferential treatment of some employees and her overt disdain of others. In December 2012, President Wiggington promoted Ms. Garvin to the position of Chief Lending Officer (“CLO”) and appointed her complete oversight over branch operations for all of Priority One’s offices, collections, business development, and the Member Services Department in South Pasadena. For all intents and purposes, she became the unofficial Chief Operations Officer (“COO”) and successor to Beatrice Walker.
The various promotions introduced by Ms. Garvin continually failed to achieve the level of success she claimed would be attained. During her stay, she made no effort to introduce or create a relationship with employees of the USPS which remains one of Priority One’s most critical and larger member groups. As a result, she never developed an understanding of the needs or wants of employees of this vital sector.
Ms. Garvin is also the person who developed and introduced monthly sales quotas to almost all employees and it was she, she stipulated the termination of employees who failed to achieve their assigned quotas during two calendar months.
Ms. Garvin succeeded in amending the credit union’s Loan Policy. Prior to her arrival, members approved for a loan, were allotted thirty (30) days in which to fund the loan.In an effort to garner increased business, Ms. Garvin obtained approval from the Board of Directors to extend the thirty (30) day timeframe to sixty (60) days. The change potentially exposed the credit union to increased delinquencies as a person’s credit can often sustain added unsecured credit within a thirty (30) day period. Despite the potential for loss to the credit union, the Board and President agreed to amend the timeframe.
Ms. Garvin also eliminated the credit union’s once successful Business Development team. In doing so, she brought an abrupt end to the credit union’s external efforts to maintain relations with SEG’s and employees of the United States Postal Service (“USPS”).
Over the year and four months of her employment, Ms. Garvin was often overwhelmed by the amount of her responsibilities and it became evident over time, that her performance fell short of her alleged expertise. Also, the Human Resources Department (aka Employee Development) had been the recipient of complaints filed by employees who accused Ms. Garvin of being abusive. The complaints were only superficially investigated by Director, Robert West, who often informed employees he would not document their grievances in what he alleged would be an effort to amicably resolve their concerns.
Unfortunately for Ms. Garvin, she accepted employment with a credit union immersed in problems caused by President’s Wiggington’s gross ineptitude. The President loaded her with authority over departments she was unqualified to oversee. The President’s ploy was simply to pass off his duties to someone else who would be held accountable should their efforts fail. This is the same reasoning employed by the President when he created the AVP sector and it is the same reasoning used when he orchestrated the hiring of former COO, Beatrice Walker. It is clear that he set Ms. Garvin up for failure.  
One of Ms. Garvin’s greatest tactical mistakes was to ally herself with AVP, Yvonne Boutte. Ms. Boutte who is best known as the former confidant of Beatrice Walker, has over the years expressed her longing to become a high level executive. Mrs. Boutte is also widely known for her condescending treatment of staff. For a short period in time, Mrs. Boutte succeeded in coaxing Ms. Garvin to meet her on a daily basis in the alleys and streets located just outside the main branch where the two would discuss information about employees they deemed enemies of their regime. This by the way, was the same practice once carried out between Mrs. Boutte and former COO, Beatrice Walker. This short-lived practice ended abruptly after being exposed on this blog. In November and again in December 2012, the President again conferred with Mrs. Boutte to discuss Ms. Garvin’s performance and how her failures were negatively impacting business.
In early 2011, Ms. Garvin informed President Wiggington that one of the reason for the credit union’s lackluster performance in the San Fernando Valley was attributable to AVP, Sylvia Perez. Following Mrs. Perez’s departure on medical leave in June 2012, Ms. Garvin ordered AVP of Sales and Business Development, Joseph Garcia, to spend time in the field trying to acquisition new business. His efforts failed to acquire new business prompting Ms. Garvin to issue warnings that he must find sources of new business or potentially be terminated. Mr. Garcia’s efforts continued to fail though he continued to add pressure to employees of all branches, insisting they procure new business or suffer termination. In October 2012, after complaining that he was under pressure and being treated unfairly by Ms. Garvin and President Wiggington, Mr. Garcia left the credit union on a three-month leave of absence.
During his three month leave, business continued to decline and by December 2012, the President concluded that it was Ms. Garvin who was failing to implement successful strategies needed to propel growth. Under pressure of Board Chair, Diedra Harris-Brooks, and with support from Executive Vice President, Rodger Smock, and AVP, Yvonne Boutte, Mr. Wiggington planned out Ms. Garvin’s ouster and began preparing introduction of yet another corporate restructuring. 

The day after Ms. Garvin was dispatched from the credit union, the President announced his latest corporate restructuring. Under his latest inspiration, the President has assigned loan development to long time employee and AVP of Compliance, Patti Loiacano. Oversight of operations for all branches has been appointed to AVP, Yvonne Boutte.
The assignment of Mrs. Loiacano to loans is one of those rare instances in which we congratulate the President for finally demonstrating some foresight. Unfortunately for the President, her appointment over loans again brings into question his ability to make sound decisions.
For years, Mrs. Loiacano was a member of the Lending Department. While in in the department, she served as once as a Lending Supervisor but was demoted when they Vice President of Operations, Charles Wiggington, declared that she didn’t work well with others and described her as being condescending to employees.  Years later, Mrs. Loiacano was appointed to the position of Assistant to the Director of Lending. In 2008, the President Wiggington promoted her to AVP of Lending following complaints from the Board at the then AVP of Lending and Assistant of Operations, Aaron Cavazos, was failing to bring in new business. The President’s decision to promote Mrs. Loiacano resulted in a rift in the “friendship” between the President and Mr. Cavazos and in time, resulted in the ouster of Mr. Cavazos.
In 2009, the President made Mrs. Loiacano the credit union’s compliance officer, despite the fact the credit union already had a more qualified compliance officer on payroll. During the same year, former COO, Beatrice Walker, informed the President that Mrs. Loiacano could not have simultaneous authority over Compliance and Loan Development, declaring it illegal under state law and according to what she had been told by a state regulator. Despite her extensive experience in loan development, Ms. Walker appointed Mrs. Loiacano AVP over Compliance and reassigned the Loan Department to her then friend and confidant, Joseph Garcia, who knew nothing about loan development as eventually attested to by his ship shod mismanagement of the department during the period of January 2010 through December 2011. The erratic reassignment of Mrs. Loiacano over the years proves that in life, things at times do go full-circle. And of course, it serves as yet another example of the President’s fickle and disorganized manner of doing things.
Though Mrs. Loiacano is fully capable to manage the Lending Department, she will have the unenviable task of contending with the emotionally fickle President whose interference will assuredly prove a deterrent to success.
The removal and reinstatement of Mrs. Loiacano over loan development points again to the uncertainty by which Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. manages the credit union and reveals one of the many reasons why Priority One is incapable of gaining momentum needed to escape the quagmire of losses and failures created by the derelict President. Though we have full confidence in Mrs. Loiacano’s abilities we have none in the President whose long list of failed decisions will continue to deplete the credit union’s ability to raise a systems of processes which work conducively with one another to realize the goals of new business.
On December 28th the credit union also announced that AVP, Yvonne Boutte, would begin overseeing branch operations for all of Priority One’s remaining offices. Unlike the appointment of Patti Loiacano to loans which is both logical and potentially beneficial to business, Mrs. Boutte’s appointment over branch operations is far less promising.
As we described previously, Mrs. Boutte is the single most reason why a member’s complaint alleging violation of the Privacy Act metamorphasized into a lawsuit. Mrs. Boutte is known for her callous and tactless methodologies and deep-rooted need to assert authority over her subordinate staff. She has been described as a “know-it-all” and “control freak” but these labels hardly serve to adequately describe her often caustic effect to the working environment.
In 2009, Mrs. Boutte endeared herself to then COO, Beatrice Walker. At the time she along with AVP, Joseph Garcia, became a part of Ms. Walker’s unimpressive and small inner circle. Mrs. Boutte has never veiled the fact that she wishes to be a high powered executive though being a high powered at Priority One is far from impressive. From 2009 through 2010, while serving as Ms. Walker’s most trusted confidant, Mrs. Boutte helped the former COO target employees she suspected were an enemy to Ms. Walker’s regime. Mrs. Boutte like Ms. Walker shared in an obsessive and unquenchable penchant for gossip. Often times, employees spied the two meeting in the streets located around the credit union where they would not-so-secretly gossip about employees. Mrs. Boutte has often been a contributor to internal strife and has often demonstrated an unwillingness to exercise emotional restraint. Over the years, numerous complaints have been filed against Mrs. Boutte with the credit union’s Human Resources Department, aka Employee Development. These have alleged that Mrs. Boutte is condescending, difficult, vindictive, and emotionally cruel. She has also earned a reputation for meddling into affairs that fall outside her assigned authority.
Since the expansion of her duties, Mrs. Boutte has stated that she may spend more time at the Los Angeles branch located at the corner of Florence and Central avenues in south central Los Angeles so that she may observe and resolve numerous service problems reported by members who bank at that location. 
Like her former friend, Beatrice Walker, Mrs. Boutte is not known for any specific accomplishments she has personally made which have positively impacted the credit union. Her oversight over Credit Resolutions has been far from exemplary and her current oversight of the Member Services Department relies heavily upon the expertise and knowledge of her subordinate, Gema Pleitez.
While friends with Beatrice Walker, Mrs. Boutte became an avid critic of President Wiggington, often describing him as “talkative” and “unprofessional.” Following deterioration of her professional and personal relationship with Ms. Walker, Mrs. Boutte began verbalizing criticisms about Ms. Walker’s lack of knowledge and lack of emotional control. On the day the credit union announced the departure of Ms. Walker, Mrs. Boutte told her staff that she hoped that she would be named COO, declaring that she possessed the abilities to manage the credit union’s internal operations. Mrs. Boutte’s hopes and wishes were temporarily shattered when the President instead, hired Cindy Garvin.
Beginning on February 2, 2012, Mrs. Boutte was appointed authority over South Pasadena’s Member Services Department. Last year after publicly warning the Assistant Branch Manager (“ABM”) that she intended to fire her if she did not begin attaining her assigned monthly quotas. A few weeks later, the ABM left the credit union on a medical leave of absence alleging work-related stress and recently disclosed she may not return for fear Ms. Boutte may fire her.
The decision by the President to appoint Mrs. Boutte over all branch operations is inarguably not his first choice as he has consistently overlooked her in the past and has to some extent limited her mobility, possibly because of her one time relationship to Beatrice Walker. For all intents and purposes, Mrs. Boutte was probably selected because realistically, the credit union cannot afford to hire another COO or CLO. Furthermore, the President has proven quite inept in selecting qualified officers. His last two choices- Beatrice Walker and Cindy Garvin, each failed miserably and did not live up the hype he and Executive Vice President, Rodger Smock, put out, proclaiming both women consummate professionals possessing the know how to create profit.
We know that both Ms. Walker and Ms. Garvin believed they possessed the aptitude to reverse the long list of issues created by President Wiggington but the challenge proved daunting and insurmountable. Both women were actually setup for failure and were used as scapegoats by the President and held responsible for his failures. Mrs. Boutte will be responsible for the credit union’s relationship to its members which will require she field inquiries, concerns, and complaints, something she’s proven incapable of doing in the past. She must also ensure staff are properly trained something she’s never been able to do successfully. She will also have to ensure strategies are carried out that produce new business. From what we observe, she is devoid of any business development skills. We anxiously await to see if she can prove she is capable or if she will continue to be a negative presence at the credit union. We suspect the President will hold her accountable for any failures in business that may result under her governance.

Is It Really a Done Deal?
If there is anything which can be said about President Wiggington is that he is a man governed by his own delusions. The years have proven that he will try anything no matter how implausible, to obtain new  business. The President has foregone actual studies and relied mostly one what he perceives to be true. During the first week of January, the President disclosed that he had submitted a request to the state of California, seeking a community charter in the city of South Pasadena, California. For years, some employees have wondered why Priority One did not possess a community charter in the city where the main branch is located, forcing the credit union to focus most of its business development efforts to the single post office located on nearby Fremont Avenue. The President has announced that not only had the credit union applied for community charter but that the request was in his opinion, a done deal and ready to go.
The President’s enthusiasm may be more than a little presumptuous. We believe this another case in which the President puts the cart before the horse. Requesting a community charter is a complicated and timely process. The state requires that a credit union submit an actual marketing plan. The credit union must also provide a report of the estimated profit they foresee within the community along with a development plan. Requests are always prepared by qualified outside consultants who conduct all necessary research and submit the required reports. There is also a waiting period. Inarguably, this is not an over-night process unless one chooses to cleave to President Wiggington’s penchant for storytelling.
The city of South Pasadena is a quaint city though with few large businesses. Within the city there are four supermarkets- including Vons and Pavilions both of who are owned by Vons Companies who has its own in-house credit union [Vons Credit Union]. There is also a Ralph’s Market and Bristol Market. There are several small, privately owned business but these hardly hold the potential for large amounts of new and future business.
The President has also ordered that new efforts be made to increase SEG development though historically, SEGs have failed to bring in the amounts of new business required by Priority One to remain both vital and in business. Most of the credit union’s current SEGs do not seek out Priority One’s products or services. It was this lack of interest which forced the credit union to stop publication of their monthly newsletter. The credit union retained its quarterly newsletter though again, due to a lack of member interest the letter is no longer mailed to members and only obtainable by visiting the credit union’s webpage.
In addition to the disinterest of SEGs in what the credit union offers, President Wiggington has failed on a miserable level, to maintain a working relationship between the credit union and its impressive SEG- Providence, Inc. which owns Providence St. Joseph, Holy Cross, and Tarzana Medical Centers. In 2010, Providence St. Joseph invited Priority One to open a branch in the medical center’s basement. If the credit union had accepted the invitation, the potential for new business might have been realized. Instead, the President refused to respond to inquiries by the hospital, asking the credit union if they would accept the offer to install a branch within the medical center. Eventually, the hospital withdrew the invitation and in 2011 informed the credit union that they would no longer be permitted to participate in new hire orientations. Incensed, the President ordered a cessation of efforts to reach out to the hospital. At present, Priority One has ATM’s at Providence St. Joseph and Tarzana Medical Centers though in 2012, other credit unions and banks began wooing Providence, Inc. hoping for an opportunity to establish a business relationship with the medical centers.
In late 2012, traces of deterioration began appearing in the relationship Priority One has with its once largest member group- employees of the United States Postal Service. Last year, murmuring against the credit union increased amongst postal employees, many of who attribute Priority One’s ongoing decline to President Wiggington. Furthermore,  employees of the postal service are all unionized, view the President’s expansive termination of employees a tactic employed by a ruthless management body who callously robs staff of their livelihoods.
We have to conclude that the likelihood of success in the city of South Pasadena is highly improbable because President Wiggington has failed to provide service to all of Riverside County, the city of Burbank, and the entire Santa Clarita Valley. Following closure of the Redlands, Riverside, and Burbank branches, no effort has been made by the President to maintain a working relationship with members in those communities. Furthermore, the Santa Clarita branch which opened in February 2012, is a literal ghost town with few members visiting the facility which has in recent months, spawned rumors that the office may be forced to close in the not too distant future. Without question, the communities in each of these regions possess a real potential for new business however the President has shown no interest in doing so and has proven quite incapable of creating strategies that attract member interest in the products and services offered by Priority One. Subsequently, we have to conclude that IF Priority One obtains a community charter in South Pasadena that this will again prove another bust for the troubled credit union. 

In 2011, former Beatrice Walker experienced an epiphany, and introduced a $5.00 fee which would be charged to all members who called the credit union to request the balance in any of their credit union accounts. The premise behind the charge was that members would either be forced to use online and telephone banking or incur a $5.00 charge if they called to request assistance from live employees. Evidently, Ms. Walker viewed the idea of member service as obsolete.
Since its implementation, the $5.00 charge has been the constant subject of member complaints. Since its implementation, the credit union waives the fee whenever a member complains loud enough. Earlier this month, it was decided by the President that the fee will no longer  be charged to members who call to request their account balance though members will continue to be charged $5.00 should they request transfers of funds between their accounts.

Earlier this month, the President stated the credit union will without question or hesitation, soon install an ATM outside the entryway to the main branch in South Pasadena. The President explained that the installation will add convenience to members and increase business. We are curious to know what amount of projected new business he believes will be attained through installation of the new ATM.
As usual, we can’t accept anything the President says at face value. Over the years he has proven to be a weaver of tall tales and so for the moment, we relegate the purported benefits of a new ATM to nothing more than conjecture. The fact is, the President’s plan to install an ATM in South Pasadena has not been finalized for approval. He also has not conducted a study of the community in South Pasadena that suggests an ATM would generate profit and new business. The branch is located on Huntington Drive in South Pasadena and stands alongside houses and apartment buildings. The nearest business is a cleaners and a Big Lots located two blocks away. We can safely conclude that installation of an ATM will not result in a sudden and unprecedented surge in new business.

As luck, well actually bad luck, would have it, Priority One ran out of plastic card stock during the first week of January. For those who do not know, plastic card stock is used to create VISA check cards for new members who open a checking account and members whose cards have been damaged or lost.
Most financial institutions maintain an inventory of card stock. Most credit unions actually monitor there stock to ensure they don’t run short or out of this critical product. At Priority One, it doesn’t seem to have occurred to anyone that it was important to monitor their stock. Subsequently, Priority One is unable to fill orders for check cards and has disclosed they may not have new stock until February. The credit union experienced this same problem in 2010.
The credit union’s last official Card Specialist resigned in mid-August of last year, moving on to better, greener and hopefully richer pastures. The Card Services Department has been under authority of AVP, Yvonne Boutte, since 2010. Evidently, Mrs. Boutte who prides herself on being the quintessential professional, is unfamiliar with what constitutes a well-stocked inventory. This latest fiasco has again compromised the credit union’s ability to effectively deliver products and services as as disclosed previously in this post, effective December 28, 2012, Mrs. Boutte took over branch operations for all of the credit union’s offices. So should we expect more similar blunders in the not-too-distant future?

There is nothing in the decisions made by President, Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. over the past six years which suggests Priority One Credit Union is destined for success in 2013. To the contrary, all signs suggest that the cycle of failure which began on the day he was appointed President, will continue unchanged and unimpeded.
Every January and again in May, in an address contained in the credit union’s Annual Report, the President promises improvement and growth through perseverance. Undermining his spiel is the fact that almost everything the President concocts is contrived and superficial and devoid of all substance. What can one expect from a President who consistently seeks the easy way to anything, opting for quick fixes over hard work. His constant assurances of future prosperity will never be realized simply because he lacks the ability, intelligence, and talent required in a President.
Since 2007, Priority One has often found itself floundering, forcing the President to enact drastic measures to try and retain the credit union afloat. Though there is no doubt that the President is the architect of the credit union’s internal and external problems though he has proven incapable of brining an end to the deterioration he set in motion. Under his leadership, efforts to achieve growth and prosperity have been in futile. To be fair, the President’s inept decision-making could never have thrived without intercession of the Board of Directors whose ineffectiveness and lack of ethics have allowed the President’s egregious acts to fester and spawn.
Last January and again in May, Priority One anxiously and willingly settled two lawsuits filed by former employees. At present, two other lawsuits remain in litigation. The lawsuit filed in 2012 by a member and settled this past November revealed that Priority One under President Wiggington, is incapable of protecting confidential member information. In 2007, as a result of President’s Wiggington’s lax attitude and refusal to follow established protocols, the credit union mistakenly published member account and social security numbers on the exterior portion of envelopes containing ballots for that year’s election. The member’s complaint filed in 2012, evolved into a lawsuit because Board Chair, Diedra Harris-Brooks, President Wiggington, and AVP, Yvonne Boutte, chose to avoid admittance that someone within the organization intentionally divulged confidential information and maligned the member. Instead, the three opted to try and squash evidence and attempted to vilify the victim of the credit union’s illegal and malicious act.
Another adverse factor which may contribute to the credit union’s continuing inability to obtain growth is that Priority One’s corporate structure is top heavy and populated by overpaid incompetents. Coupling this is the fact that under President Wiggington, the credit union has failed to maintain a healthy and working relationship with sectors of its valuable membership including employees of the United States Postal Service and of Providence St. Joseph, Holy Cross, and Tarzana medical centers. Complaints and concerns expressed by members have been ignored by the President and his staff.
At the end of 2012, the President revealed that Priority One has applied and has allegedly obtained approval, for a community-charter in the city of South Pasadena. We of course doubt the veracity of his claim that the state has already issued approval, knowing that obtainment of a community charter is contingent on several variables while the process if often tedious. His latest ploy is presented as an allegedly full-proof plan that guarantees growth. Realistically, the enterprise holds little promise of success primarily because South Pasadena is a small bedroom community containing mostly small, privately owned businesses. The city of South Pasadena lies in close proximity to other, more prosperous credit unions and several banks, most of who are able to deliver products and services more expediently and efficiently than can Priority One. At present, it takes days for the credit union’s Loan Department to issue decisions on loan applications while other business possess the capability of doing so in a matter of minutes.  What’s more, the President has failed miserably to service all of Riverside County, the city of Burbank, and the Santa Clarita Valley where Priority One maintains a solitary and often member devoid office. So how does Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. hope to build relations with residents and business owners in South Pasadena when he’s failed to build relations within the other communities served by the credit union?
The December termination of former CLO, Cindy Garvin, again affirms that President Wiggington’s corporate structure is unsound and populated by managers who are ill-prepared to face the challenges needed to ameliorate the problems he created. Ms. Garvin’s termination also suggests that President Wiggington is incapable of selecting qualified candidates who might be able to transform Priority One into a well-oiled machine and reverse the problems he’s created.
The President’s belief that assigning monthly sales quotas under a threat of termination would reap profit and create a successful sales environment. One might have thought that his friend, Executive Vice President, Rodger Smock, who allegedly has a degree in psychology, would have warned him that threats undermine the effectiveness of any company and usually, taint the working environment and adversely impact morale. Though from April to September, the credit union terminated many employees who failed to achieve their assigned monthly goals, the credit union has not recently terminated employees failing to meet the credit union’s stringent requirement. We learned in late 2012, the Board and President experienced a sudden epiphany that threatening employees is actually counter-productive. However, from a legal perspective, is the credit union permitted to terminate SOME employees who fail to meet their assigned responsibilities while exempting others from the same requirements? It smacks of discrimination and we cannot wonder what if any, are the legal implications to Priority One.
Another indicator that things are amiss at Priority One is the large number of employees who left on medical leave in 2012 and all of who alleged, work-related stress. On January 15th, AVP of Sales and Business Development, Joseph Garcia, returned to work following a three month leave of absence. He, like AVP, Sylvia Perez, was targeted for possible termination by CLO, Cindy Garvin, who accused him of failing to develop large amounts of new business. Prior to his leave, Mr. Garcia began seeking new employment using his company-issued computer and confided to employees that both Ms. Garvin and the President, were making unreasonable demands that he could not satisfy.
Over the years, we’ve received messages from readers in the United States and Europe asking why Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. has not been terminated? The reason may seem enigmatic but we believe his continued employment is based on two factors. The first is that since being appointed President, it is Board Chair, Diedra Harris-Brooks, who exercises control over almost all decisions made by the credit union. If Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. were replaced by a qualified leader, Mrs. Harris-Brooks would almost assuredly lose her hold over Priority One. The other factor is rooted in statements made in late 2006 by Board Directors, O. Glen Saffold, Thomas Gathers, and the ethical but not astute, Janice Irving, declaring that what Priority One Credit Union needed above all else was a “Black” President.
There are several lessons to be learned from the President’s mismanagement of the credit union, including that intelligence, ethics and a proven history of accomplishment are not prerequisites for selecting officers at Priority One Credit Union. However, what the President has succeeded in accomplishing is in creating a lengthy list of things of what one should always avoid in business. 
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Apparently, they don’t monitor their own webpage
Source:  https//, Monday, January 21, 2013

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

l thought Sylvia was supposed to be religious? Besides Wigg no one likes her. She is a major backstabber and a liar plus the only one who used to thinkvher poop didn't stick was that other backstabber, Wigg. She is nothing but a coward anyway. And Joseph is a moron. He spent his first day calling post offices. Guss he forgot postal employees don't like him either.

Anonymous said...

Thanks John.

Anonymous said...

Aye chihuahua! I don't how you get your information but its true. We spend most days having to hear members complain about how bad service is and how things were better before Wigglenothing was president.

Anonymous said...

John you are indeed a HERO.

Anonymous said...

Last year Wig had everybody doing his job because he said he was sick. He's getting fatter again even though he says his doctor told him not to gain too much weight. You know he's going to make up some other excuse because he's a lazy jack ass.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why the managers at priority can't keep their mouths shut. Everyone knew about Sylvia but she was probably trying to get everyone's pity. I don't feel sorry for her because the woman is 100% evil. She had done horrible things to so many people and she lies. She's definitely not what she pretends to be. She should of been fired a long time ago. There was a time Wigg used to say she was the best employee but the only reason he said that is because she kisses up to him. He pretty much kicked her to the curb because Diedra, West, and most employees can't stand her. But no matter how bad she is she is nothing compared to Wiggington or Rodger.

Anonymous said...

If you go to their facebook page the credit union says they got 4 star rating from bauer financial. You can order one of bauer's reports which will give how they got 4 stars. P1 says that funds are safe with them but in December Wigg said business is down. Of course all you need to look it is how many branches they had in 2010 and how many they have now. What they should of written, 'we got 4 stars because we don't offer as much service so we spend less.' And they may say their safe but confidential information is sure not safe because management blabs their mouths about members all the time.

Anonymous said...

Putting bauer on FB was Missy Smock's idea. We're so safe a lot of our old members have closed their accounts and a lot have taken their loans to other companies including some x-employees. Wigg is lying. Even the postal workers who liked us are leaving.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I always wonder why no one in management ever comes forward and says the things in the blog are not true (probably because they are true). Wigg destroyed the credit union. I remember when we used to call it home but now days its not home and a lot of people don't call it their credit union anymore. What a damn shame.

Anonymous said...

You can't believe anything they say. Wiggington knows that the net income went down again so he's going to try bull shitting people into thinking that P1 is doing great. He said the same thing last year during the all-staff meeting and it turned out to be another of his lies. From June to December they lost $6 million which he blamed on Cindy. No way Cindy made P1 lose that much money in 6 months. That's all Wiggington because he doesn't know what he's doing. The little money P1 earned got thrown off by the BIG money Wigg keeps losing. You can't believe anything his liar has to say. All you have to do is look at our financials.

Anonymous said...

Loans have been down for a long time and they're not getting better. When Joseph was Loan Manager he didn't do anything to make them grow. Then they hired Cindy and she couldn't get them to grow either. They made Joseph AVP of Sales because he promised Wigg he would make employees work and bring in the business but he didn't have a plan on how to make business and he couldn't lead employees. Still can't. Yvonne with all her ideas hasn't done a thing to make business improve. And people are so focused on getting their quotas they don't give good service. We get a lot of complaints too because we don't have as many offices so people either have to drive far to get to one or use shared branching which doesn't meet everyone's needs. Its a mess and Wigg just puts it off on his people so that if business doesn't improve he doesn't get the blame.

Anonymous said...

Is Sylvia back? I worked with her for years. She is truly the worst. She's like Charles in that they both brag about everything they've done but everything is a mess, so what is it that they've done? When I worked in Van Nuys we were always happy when she used to leave the office and go to visit SEGs or Superior Industries. She is pushy, power hungry and a liar. I would be too embarrassed to come back but I'm sure she's going to have a hard time find new work. She's like a nervous chihuaha.

Anonymous said...

The managers are embarrassing. I’m not surprised by the jumping up and down. The ONLY reason why they were jumping up and down is because they were forced to work. Cecilia is okay though her personality sucks but Neelam should have been fired a long time ago. Cecila has complained that Neelam makes a lot of mistakes and is slow but she doesn’t tell Sylvia whose the avp because Neelam is best friends with Sylvia. Years ago when Sylvia was made avp they hired a new manager for Van Nuys. He found out that the people in the branch were never trained properly by Sylvia and that they didn’t even know how to count money properly. When he tried to teach them the right way to do it, the staff complained to Sylvia and then she started making up stuff to get him fired. Rodger helped get rid of him because supposedly he didn’t know the job but he was experienced and knew way more than any of the Van Nuys staff and even more than Sylvia or Rodger. Then a few years ago, Neelam goes and approves a bunch of members with bad credit and guess what, they loans all went to collections? Wigg is tight with Sylvia so instead of firing Neelam, he and Sylvia blamed it on a temp employee that didn’t have authority to approve loans and they fired him. Then to cover their asses, they demoted Neelam from assistant branch mgr to fsr which is what she continues to do today. The who company is corrupt because of Wigg and Sylvia. Ah you can throw in Rodger and that 50 foot woman, Yvonne. Their the worse. No wonder they’re losing money and will probably have to merge somewhere down the road.

Anonymous said...

I worked there until just after Wiggington was made president. You could see all the way back then that the credit union was changing for the worse. For those of us that loved working for Mr Harris and loved the credit union it was terrible to see how that big mouth lowlife started changing things up and ruining everything we worked so hard to do. I couldn't believe that he and Rodger became BFF's or that Rodger didn't get fired because the man is lazy and two faced. There are no managers there that I respected. I never knew Bea or Cindy but Yvonne was a power hungry bitch with attitude, Gema was lazy, Sylvia is the worst and none of them are worth the pay they get. Horrible place to work for. I called on Monday and everyone I spoke to was in a bad mood. You know its the place.

Anonymous said...

Great post!!!

Anonymous said...

If you look at the fpr it says they made money but they closed Burbank and before it, 3 other branches which cut expenses plus they cut a lot of staff which means less salaries, less branches and little marketing. And some of our members have been out of cards for almost 6 weeks. Why? Can't the CU afford to buy more plastic cards? Plus does anybody really believe what Charles puts in the reports.

Anonymous said...

Poor Charles. All those years of breaking the rules, kickbacks from vendors including the old credit resolutions department, taking what didn't belong to him, lying his ass off, fixing the books, embarrassing the credit unions, members and employees and the way he dresses, talks, acts and smells all caught up. Couldn't happen to a nicer man I mean BOY.

Anonymous said...

I don’t see how they made a profit. In December Charles said business was bad and a few days later they let Cindy go. I agree he can’t be trusted. He’s played with the numbers in the past and moved money around and added to profit. If business was good they wouldn’t have fired Cindy. They also wouldn’t have lost so many branches. We don’t have the kind of advertising we used to have before he took over and though Daniel is a nice guy, he’s not doing anything you can call marketing. He’s designed a couple of flyers that weren’t so great. Wigg is either going to have to fire more people or close some other branch if P1 s supposed to keep its door open. Right now Los Angeles is doing good except for member service complaints that come into Yvonne. Van Nuys does good. They have a good staff though they obviously don’t always know how to act. Santa Clarita is a joke and Wigg is lucky they only pay one buck a year to rent the place but the salaries they pay the two employees is more than the business they get. Also, we don’t have business development team because Cindy got rid of it and we don’t even visited the LANDC where the post office was nice enough to give us an office that is empty. Wigg said that the carriers union hasn’t been giving him the time of day, that’s why he’s trying to find other places where to get business. Wigg burned lots of bridges. I was talking to a former vendor of the cu who said that a lot of people were shocked when they learned Wigg was named President. A lot of them knew him as a screw off and incompetent but the board still thought he’d be good for the cu. She also said that his reputation is crap in all the industry and that people see him as a bad joke. Really said.

Anonymous said...

Just sad.

Anonymous said...

What happened to cynthia diazvicarte anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Hmm it looks like your blog ate my first comment (it was extremely long) so I guess I'll just sum it up what I submitted and say, I'm thoroughly enjoying your
blog. I too am an aspiring blog blogger but I'm still new to the whole thing. Do you have any tips and hints for rookie blog writers? I'd really
appreciate it.
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Anonymous said...

wiggington = FAILURE

Anonymous said...

No ones heard from Cynthia since they let her go. I liked her. I think she and everyone who got fired for not making their numbers should sue because they don't fire people who don't make their numbers anymore.

Anonymous said...

Do you use Twitter? I'd like to follow you on there if you have an account. I've been enjoying your blog.

Anonymous said...

If P1 wants to end all its problems they can start by kicking out the board and definitely firing Wigg and his crew. That would probably bring members back, might give the credit union a chance to survive and bring an end to the blog. Plus, employees might get the chance to work in a better environment with hopefully better managers.

Anonymous said...

Will 2013 be their year? NO, JUST LIKE 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, & 2012 WEREN'T THEIR YEARS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just want to give you a heads up. I think you blog has some compatibility issues. When I look at it in Firefox it looks great but doesn’t always come up in Internet explorer.

Anonymous said...

I know that Cindy couldn't stand Sylvia but neither can HR or Diedra. Last year when they told her that Burbank was on the chopping block she panicked and started complaining to employees. She also started calling West and Smock and pestering them about what was going to happen to her position. Everyone got mad at her and Wigg let Cindy do whatever she had to do to fire Sylvia. Here is the kicker, Wigg was supposedly her buddy but he abandoned her. Smock hated her for years because she was supposedly a Christian and he said Christians hate gays. He liked her for a little while because she was Wigg's friend but he turned on her when it was decided to give her the boot. West can't stand her even he and her say they're Christian but they're not.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia is an idiot. She ought get a job somewhere, selling tacos.

Rodger is the first man (?) I’ve known who is a “cat lady.” She needs to retire and maybe get her husband to support her.

Where to put Wiggington. Maybe he can sell stolen car parts in south central.

Anonymous said...

I am so sick of Wigg's bullshit!

Anonymous said...

John, thanks. We finally got plastic. Guess Wigg didn't like it being broadcast on the blog. We had so many complaints but he and Yvonne didn't move on it. You're right, there's no excuse except they're sloppy and careless. And just to let you know (which you probably do), Yvonne is a lot quieter these days. Guess she won't be posting as Priority MC anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I agree that Wigg jump everytime he gets exposed.

Anonymous said...

Wigg and Deedra know business is bad but they keep pulling lame brain moves that never work. Wigg knows we did bad that’s why Cindy got the boot. Almost everytime people call its to complain about no plastic, having to wait a long time on the phone before we pick up, about deposits we don’t post on time, about the people we hire, about Wigg not returning calls and about how we don’t have convenint branchs. The problem is we have bad managers who don’t train, who are lazy, who have bad tempers, who gossip to much, who don’t know the work, and who are just there to get a check.

Anonymous said...

I know this sounds bad but everyone is happy Cindy is gone. She demanded a lot but she didn't show us how to do what she wanted. Joseph definitely doesn't know what he's doing and neither does Wigg, Yvonne or smock. If you ask them to show you how to bring in business none of them know what to do. A lot of people and some supervisors are looking for new work.

Anonymous said...

We get people who are so angry they want to speak to Wiggington or the head of member service but we're not allowed to transfer them or give them their extensions or we'll get written up. You can call the DWP or any other credit union and ask to speak to a supervisor and they'll transfer you but not at P1. If you do transfer to their voice mail they don't call back anyway. Its not because they have so much work that they don't want to talk to members or return their calls but because they just don't care about the problems members have. If you don't believe it call in and ask to speak to a supervisor. You won't get to speak to one unless you threaten to contact the board or the DFI.

I GOT OUT said...

I called a friend at P1 to ask about opening an account. She told me to go to because priority one has bad service and low rates. I visited Logix and they were professional and answered all my questions. If you're not happy with your credit union, given them a call plus you get $25 for each person you refer and who opens an account.

Anonymous said...

I like Pasadena FCU but you have to either work for the city of Pasadena or be an employee of one of their SEGs, or like P1, a family member or household member who is a current member. They don't have great parking but neither does P1.

Anonymous said...

dose any one stop to wonder if Wigg is unusable or is truly mentally ill, it seem he has a path to follow of destroying everything he touches. If you look at everything he has done it's all bad truly the work of a person who is not well unbalance and mentally ill

Anonymous said...

Of course he's nuts! He always thinks people want to steal his lame job as if being president of the credit union is something anybody wants. He needs therapy and strong meds.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Wigg and the board are still there. At our credit union a lot of my coworkers thought priority closed down a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

First of all, Wigg should be on lithium. He went over the edge a long time ago.

Second, is LAPDC still closed? I called there today and the phone rings and then goes to a busy signal. The webpage says they had a power outage. Then a little later they updated and said members can visit the airport branch. That's not convenient. This credit union has gone to the dogs since Wiggington took over. They are the worst.

Anonymous said...

When you call South Pasadena they don't have a message telling you the Los Angeles branch is still closed. You can put that on Yvonne who should have known to that if she knew anything about member service.

Anonymous said...

Well they must be getting a lot a complaints because I called them 4 times today and no one is answering the phones.

Anonymous said...

Esta la peor cooperativa de crédito. No dan préstamos, llamas y tienes que esperar para siempre hasta que alguien contesta y cuando contestan tratan de venderte cosas que no quieres y no escuchan lo que tienes que decir.

Anonymous said...

If you only knew what was really happening at LAPDC. Very Heavy. A lot more than you know. That's all I'm saying.

Anonymous said...

I want to know what happened LAPDC! Did the post office boot them out? Or was more money embezzled? Did the post office read this blog? It doesn't make sense that they had a power outage on Friday and that stupid old Wiggington still didn't get it fixed.

Postal Employee said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it did seem strange that when you call the LA office the line’s been busy all day long on Friday and today. Even useless Wiggington shouldn’t take that long to fix the problem. I know the bulk center is still open and operating so what’s really going on? Boy, this credit union has hit the shits since Charles took over. The biggest liar in the whole credit union industry has caused so many problems but that buck tooth, two-faced Diedra has protected him through all his screw-ups. He lost great people, lost branches, couldn’t sell any of the credit union’s crappy services if his life depended on it, stolen a member’s car, taken kick-backs, cooked the books, back-stabbed people, sexually harassed, acted the fool, and embarrassed the whole credit union and now for some reason, the LA branch has a power failure. Maybe he can get lazy, fat old Missy Smock to drive out there and fix the problem. He should take Big Foot Boutte with him just so he don’t get his white butt jumped. Thanks Charlie for turning a really nice place to work at into a toilet!

Anonymous said...

I know the phones were blowing up all day with a lot of pissed of members. There is always something up. The place is awful and idiot Wigg hides when things go down bad.

Anonymous said...

It does seem that it has take too long to bring up the power, if that was the case, they would have work on it over the week end. What about the post office are they up and running ? something is not right!

Anonymous said...

The message they put out now says the LAPDC (it hasn't been called LAPDC in years) has "system problems." On Friday we were told it was a power outage not system (computer) problems. They also say people can go to the LAX branch. We were going to start opening LAX at 9 a.m. but they had to push the date up when the closed the LAPDC.
Then they add, "For alternate ATMs and/or Shared Branches, use links BELOW, LEFT." Who wrote this message? Yikes. They're own excuses don't jive so is it a power failure or system problems? This is the same branch where an ex-employee stole thousands of dollars and Wiggington tried to cover it up. This is also the same office where some of the tellers and fsr's have gotten in shouting matches in front of members. There has also been lots and lots of complaints about the place over the past few months and even Yvonne said she might have to go there for a month but of course, she didn't.

Anonymous said...

I called the office at 9:30 and a woman answered the phone. I said 'Oh your open" and she said 'no not yet.' So I asked if I could go by later this afternoon and she said I better call first. What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

The branch is going to open tomorrow. They got a lot of calls about why it was closed and Wiggy got nervous.

Dr. Phil said...

I was just watching channel 7 and they had two authors who wrote a book about sociopaths. I swear, they described Wiggington to a tee. They said sociopaths suffer from antisocial personality disorder. The main characteristic is their disregard for the rights of others. They can’t conform to what society defines as a normal personality. A sociopath can’t keep relationships with others and feels no regret for what they do. They violate the rights of others or for the physical or sexual wellbeing of others. They try to be witty and appear friendly, but its all a front. They use friendliness to carryout their agendas. They are self-serving and they are liars.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they found more rats inside the place.

Anonymous said...

LOL. You just know they're lying again. Wigg is lucky to have Miss Smock, Yvonne, West, Esmeralda, and Yvonne because they all lie for him.

Anonymous said...

Rats at the LA office isn’t nothing. For years we had termites at the main branch. They were mostly in the area where the call center and collections are. Those things would fly down and land on the walls, top of desks and paperwork and posts. Rodger was told about it but all he did was come back slow as a turtle take a look around and then said it was nothing. Makes you wonder where he was raised. It went on for a long time too. Then the termites got into Bea Walker’s office and started flying around that woman’s desk (surprised the termites didn’t die from fright). She got pissed and called Rodger. Old lardo tells her he didn’t think it was much of a problem but she tells him he better fix it or else. Now if you know Rodger, you know he’s cheap (take a look at those shirts he wears and shoes). So Rodger calls an inspector and they find the termites are in the back offices and in the walls and ceiling in Wiggington and Bea’s office. Now you’d think that just maybe you’d have the whole place exterminated but he tells the exterminator to give the place a touch-up. It was cheaper than getting the whole place fixed plus he told us that the credit union didn’t have the money to exterminate the whole place. So he got the place treated but he was told that he should have them come out every year just to check because a touch up is only temporary. Its been more than 2 years and he hasn’t called the company out. Guess he’s waiting for the branch to cave in. When it comes to thinking about the company and the employees, fat boy just doesn’t.

Anonymous said...

Rodger was useless when I worked there. He never did anything and he sure didn't ever look into things. The man is a toad. Nice to see nothings changed. Talking about rats, what happened to Lynnette Fortson? That's another one that should of been shown the door a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Did you hear the news, no more postal deliveries on Saturdays. So sad. For the last 3 years, postal payroll to P1 has been dropping. Wiggington hasn't done a damn thing to reach out to postal members that's why he's trying to get more SEGs and trying to get a foot in South Pasadena. Anyway, it will interesting to see how much more income from postal employees is going to go away. Then what will Wigg do?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What did happen to G? Nice guy. Too bad his friend, Wigg, back stabbed him too.

Anonymous said...

Is Bea still working at Honda FCU? Did she ever make-up with her buddy girl, Yvonne? Guess Bea couldn’t get a job without the help of her friends at Honda. She is truly the ugliest woman I ever met. Her character, personality and that unforgettable face!!!! I don’t think she had one second of her miserable life when she wasn’t plotting to get someone or trying to make someone’s life miserable. It used to make me sick how she and Yvonne used to visit each other like 10 times a day in each others offices, in the parking lot under the building, on La France Ave, on the bridge, in the lunch room, in the patio, in the alley behind the office, in the park, after work….. How old were they, 10? I remember how she would brag just like Wiggington about who in the company she was going to fire? No one met her standards yet she was completely unprofessional, her clothes were old, mismatched and just awful, and I know she couldn’t help it, but that is one woman that should have used lots of make-up. LOTS of it I say. And that laugh. You’d be in those stupid closed door meetings in the conference room and its bad enough she built the room without one single air vent but she would be talking loudly, dominating the conversation and would let out these loud, horsy laughs that were obnoxious. And besides Wiggington, that woman knew how to lie. She and Wiggington used to make up stories about people so they could make their lives miserable or fire them. Beside Wiggington, that’s one person who was in need of some major psychiatric care. I wonder if that’s one reason why Wiggington had her fired? Smock was so afraid of her even though that could be because he’s afraid of women in general. When she and her buddy Yvonne broke up, Yvonne started telling everybody about how stupid Bea was. She was right. Yvonne sure didn’t do that when Bea was promoting her and giving her titles or when she was spending weekends at Bea’s pad. Bea got scared of Yvonne and then she got tired of that boy/girl toy, Joseph. Ah, those were the days when you got up in the morning, got ready to go to work and instead, spent the day being forced to watch a soap opera starring Bread Pudding Face Walker and the other ugliest people you’ll ever meet- Bea, Wiggington, Yvonne, Rodger, Esmeralda…. If they’re not fat they look like something out of a bad horror movie. I am so grateful like probably every other person that left there, that I don’t have to see any of those morons anymore.

Anonymous said...

Bea was hard on fhe eyes.

Anonymous said...

She was truly stupid like Wigg. I remember her telling us how she was tired of Sylvia and she went on to talk about what a pest she was. True but is that something you share with other employees? She was by far the worst like Wigg. I remember him telling us how the people he was going "to get" because they crossed him. Whole lot of female energy in that one.

Anonymous said...

I don't think anybody's heard from Gerardo. What they did to him was terrible.

Anonymous said...

Was she really only friends with Yvonne? I always thought there was something kind of strange about the way they couldn’t be without each other. Same for Wigg. He used to make fun of Rodger being gay and then he'd tell you how he was at Rodger’s house and how they went here and there and everywhere. Plus when he was sick, Rodger picked him up at home and drove him to work everyday, got him his water, took him to lunch, served him hand and foot like his mother or girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

I might a heard wrong but didn’t Wigg marry Rodger in San Francisco?

Anonymous said...

You people are horrible. I can’t believe you would say Wigg married Smock. First of all Wigg is married to a real white woman. When did you ever hear of a married black man who was attracted to another man? Plus Smock has a young partner he supports. And what’s this about Bea and Yvonne? Yvonne is a married woman. Who ever heard of a married woman that had a thing for a “single white woman”? Never, because it doesn’t happen! And sure Yvonne used to sleep at Bea’s house on weekends but don’t a lot of women in their 50’s do that all the time? Anyway, look at Bea does she look like she’s into women? Okay, don’t look at Bea.

Anonymous said...

I used to work in collections when it was outside of Charles office. Charles used to tell the guys about how when he came to California he had sex with a lot of women. Nobody believed him. Just look at him. He also used to put his hands on the guys chests and shoulders and put his arms around them. That might not seem like much but it was strange and the guys always looked uncomfortable but didn’t say anything because everyone knew that he was mean if you got on his bad side. I never saw a boss who acted like him but I also never saw a boss who played with his balls either. I don't he has ever had a lot of woman and I don't think any man would ever find him attractive.

Anonymous said...

I was told about your blog. Love your posts.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard from Tsui? I wonder what he's doing?

Anonymous said...

This thread is funny. You never realize how much people really see. Back after Wigg promoted Aaron, they started hanging around each other all the time. It was strange because when the board announced Wigg was going to be the next president, Aaron started having meetings with his staff telling them why Wigg was the wrong choice and how he didn’t have what it took to run the credit union. That was before Wigg made Aaron an AVP, then all that changed. They started calling themselves buddy and Wigg would come up and put his arms around Aaron and I’m not kidding, give him these tight bear hugs. It was weird. Then Smock started getting complaints from employees who said Aaron was bringing people to his office who were not members but customers from his Century 21 business. He would have them walk in, sign papers and make it look like he was conducting business as usual. At first Smock ignored it but then the board found out and they told Wigg to make it stop. Also, loans were falling badly which worked against Aaron. So Wigg tells the board he will take loans from Aaron and give it to Patti who is an expert in loans and promote her to AVP. They go for it big time. So Wigg calls Aaron to his office. Smock is there because he’s supposedly human resources and is going to serve as a witness. Wigg tells Aaron he’s taking Patti, his assistant, and promotingher to AVP. Aaron blows up big time and takes his fist and hits the desk hard. He yells at Wigg and tells him he should of told him first before he decided to promote Patti. Wigg gets scared because he’s afraid of anyone who gets mad and he knows Rodger is a sissy who can’t protect him if someone goes postal. Aaron starts yelling that he’s tired and fed-up. So Wigg tells him that since he was given loans they’ve been going down. Aaron gets more pissed. He also tells Aaron that they know he’s been bringing in customers into the credit union from his real estate business. Aaron tells Wigg he is leaving the credit union on a personal leave because he’s been stressed and he’s tired and that he’ll comeback when he feels better. Aaron storms out and Wigg turns to Smock and says, “He doesn’t know how to talk to people.” Look who’s talking! That’s the last time anyone saw Aaron. Aaron took off, went camping took a long break and months later calls Smock and tells him he is ready to comeback. Wigg contacts the company attorney tells him Aaron had a lot of complaints filed against him before he got promoted and that Aaron is not good for the credit union, so they fire him. Later stupid Smock has a bunch of forms which show what employees got fired. Those forms have a big “T” written on them. Aaron’s is one of them. Smock leaves them on the conference room table where a some employees found and copied them. The place is a soap opera.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow. Amazing. The place is a toilet thanks to Wigglenuts.

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is anything said here that comes close to all the horrible, backstabbing things done by Wiggington.

Anonymous said...

Smock really left the stuff on the table? Stupid. His ass should have been fired a long time ago. I remember talking to him about one of the managers who was acting inappropriately and after wasting 15 minutes talking to him he says, “Oh, do you think maybe you misunderstood? Maybe its not what he meant.” The man is dishonest and I have no idea why nice Mr Harris hired him. In fact I don’t know why Mr Harris thought Wiggington would make a good VP? One day I sent one of the FSR’s to talk to him because we had a question about security. He told her he didn’t know and that he should ask someone in our department. He was the VP of operations! If he didn't know he should have gotten off his ass and found the answer. He was too busy talking all day on the phone to his stupid aunt and uncle and then telling us about his family. No body cared about his family. Actually no body cared about anything he ever said about his personal life. Useless two-bit jerk who was not worth the salary he’s been paid.

Anonymous said...

They're not going anywhere this year because they are paying out so much on lawyer fees and consultants. Look at their income statements. Wigg cut back but we're not getting business. We don't take care of the post offices anymore or the hospitals. We have lots of SEGs we never visit and haven't visited in YEARS! They are spending so much money on overhead which lets Wigg keep capital high but which keeps us from making money. So we're going to be sitting here for a long time unless Wigg finds a way of getting business. He's going to have to fire more people or cut-back again. If he wants to cut-back he needs to fire Rodger, Joseph, West (you don't need him at all) but that's to begin with.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how much damage Diedra and Wigg have done. I can't believe how many employees got fired. That never happened before Wigg became president. One day his tomb stone will read The man who destroyed everything he touched.

Anonymous said...

There are banks and probably credit unions that are starting to scope out P1’s territory. Same thing is going to happen to them that happened with other credit unions that didn’t take care of business. The hospital payroll is processed by Citi bank and they’re trying to negotiate something to get a branch opened at St. Joseph. A lot of members in Burbank have opened accounts with Logix because at least they can visit a branch if they need to. I don’t see how these people can keep doing things the same old way. Usually a company learns from its mistakes but Wiggington doesn’t seem to and doesn’t seem to care.

Anonymous said...

In the past when Wigg used to head up our staff meetings, employees all had the displeasure of listening while he bludgeoned English. One time he talked about his visit to TAyota. He mispronounced the name six times. Back when he used to be VP of operations, I attended dinner where he made a speech and mispronounced and misused so many words. I was embarrassed but not for him but for all the employees and what the other reps from other credit unions thought about our credit union. Nice to see that he's still the same uneducated buffoon he always was.

Anonymous said...

You guys or guy have Wigg and the board scrambling. They hate the blog and they hate you posted their loans. Oh well, they'd of done the same if they could.

Anonymous said...

I remember that Dinner that was at Luminaria's where the 10fwy and the 710fwy meet. That dinner was for the California Credit Unions League..That speech or whatever it was was HORRIBLE!!....We were MORTIFIED!!! ..Everyone could have crawled under a rock that night!!!

Had Wiggy been SMART he would have had David to write his speech but hey truth be told...when had we EVER seen Wigglinut do the SMART thing??

Anonymous said...

What country was Wigg raised in because English can’t possibly be his first language? Ever hear how he pronounces Indianapolis- his home state? Annapolis, which is in Maryland. He’s from the GET-O. Maybe Rodger helped write that mess. Rodger would like you to think he’s well educated and refined and more cultured than anyone else at P1, but he’s mediocre at everything he does, that is if he’s not sleeping, playing on the Internet, eating candy, walking around like a wounded water buffalo, kissing Wigg’s flat ass, or complaining that his legs hurt. Ever since they gave him the newsletter to write it sucked. When we had to attend those stupid marketing meetings, he didn’t know what he was talking about and the marketing committee crashed faster than you can say “Rodger needs to retire.”

Anonymous said...

I almost never write comments, however I did a few searching and wound up here "WILL 2013 BE THEIR YEAR?- PART 1". If you are writing at additional online social sites, I would like to follow anything you have to post. Could you post a list of the complete URL's and of your shared sites like your LinkedIn profile,Facebook page or twitter feed?

Anonymous said...

None of them know how to do anything. Robert West rewrote that stupid mission statement that talked about how Priority is a financial fitness center and how they can help members win with money. It was horrible and they don't even use it anymore. Look at our website, its not even there anymore. He wrote one address in the 2011 annual report and it was so long and boring like him and his teaching. They didn't ask him to write one last year. This is really a group of lazy, overpaid, incompetents who doesn't know anything about running a credit union. I wouldn't have them run a lemonade stand.

Anonymous said...

Charles blame Ms. Garven. Is this a Surprise? He blames and fires anyone who threatens him. Yvonne might be next. Aaron, Manny, Dane, Bea, and Cyndy probably got great jobs and are happy to be away. The same story over and over, different people.

Anonymous said...

You couldn’t make this stuff up. I didn’t like Cindy at all but it wasn’t her fault business is bad.
Her first mistake was accepting at job at Priority One. Her second mistake was to take sides with Wigg and Yvonne. Those 2 would probably sell their mother’s for money if they could. She got so insecure and stressed she started riding some employees. She had her favorites but before she got canned she was tired of Wigg and Smock just like Bea got tired of both of them except Bea was a white female copy of Wigg.

If business continues going down who is Wigg going to take it out on? Yvonne. Maybe because the woman doesn’t know shit except meddling, riding people, and gossiping. He probably won’t take out on Patti because she’s the only person who knows loans. He’s not going to get rid of his boyfriends Rodger and West. Wigg always demands perfection but he is a factory defect. He demands results but he never gets results. Look at how much the credit union has lost under him and thanks to the racist board his job is protected. He’s Diedra’s BOY.

Anonymous said...

Big surprise, Wigg is a public embarrassment. Guess you can add this to his ball scratching, lying, stealing, stupid ideas, mental problems, trashiness, big mouth, body odor, talking with his mouth full of food, and everything else that makes Wigg so special. This must be what Diedra loves about her BOY.

Anonymous said...

What a nightmare.

Anonymous said...

You can really feel the love for Wiggington. You really are in for a treat if you ever take lunch at the same time he's in the lunch room. If he's not sitting by himself, talking loudly on his cell, he might actually sit at your table and talk to you while his mouth is full of food. He doesn't care that you can see what he's chewing or that he's spitting while he's talking, just as long as he gets the chance to talk. He doesn't care whose sitting in the room or if they're trying to have a private conversation or if they're reading quietly, because its all about him. Makes you wonder if he ever got attention when he was a child. He's like one of those annoying kids who pulls at your sleeve because he wants you to hear what he has to say even though what he has to say is uninteresting, unimportant, and boring and can't see how everyone else sees him.

Anonymous said...

I worked for Mr. Harris and later for Wiggington and they had nothing in common. Mr. Harris made a huge mistake not firing Wiggington and Smock but he was a class act. He was dignified and you never heard of him stealing cars from members, sexually harassing employees, hiring officers to serve as his own personal goon squad, cooking the books, or letting Diedra run the credit union into the ground. The day Wiggington took over the credit union went from respected to ghetto in just a few months. I was in a few meetings where I got to hear Wiggington say who he was going to fire. He went after the marketing director and after a lot of branch managers. He went after the card specialist, his own adminsitrative assistant, the assistant branch manager at Redlands, after two AVP’s, after a BSA specialist, two business development representatives, a marketing specialist, and after the Real Estate assistant director. He also is the one that did the things that caused all those lawsuits to be filed by ex-employees and that poor member. His favorite line is “I’m gonna get her/him.” There is definitely something wrong with the man. He breaks rules and laws and he has broken confidentiality more than any other employee. Nobody can act the way he does and be normal. He needs his head examined because he’s nuts! He always wanted to be a big time president but he isn’t one because he is the president of a dump. He wanted everyone to work for him and get the business so he could get all the credit while he sat on his ass, but that didn’t turn out either. I have read the comments about him but you really have to work with him to see how horrible he really is.

Anonymous said...

HOw many people got screwed by Wigg?

Anonymous said...

Wigg used to talk about all the screwing he's done but the only screwing he's ever done is with people's jobs. He ain't no player but he sure is a liar. And does anyone know the date of the annual meeting? I want to go this year so I can see that buck tooth beaver, Diedra, and her boyfriend, Wigg. Those two need to be run out of town.

Anonymous said...

How come the board names aren't on their new website anymore? Hiding?

Anonymous said...

I never liked Wiggington. I always saw him as a big mouth braggart always talking about sex, his aunt, complaining about his kids and talking about all those crappy ugly BMW’s he owns. Not even one of them is new. He used to brag about his dumpy house until pictures of it were posted on this blog. Too funny. He’s always been a coward. He always got Sylvia, Yvonne, Rodger, West and a bunch of others to do his dirty work. He tried using Bea but she started using him instead. That was actually funny because they were both pussies. He hides behind Diedra and she hides behind lawyers but she’s another big time coward. When Bea worked at the credit union, she and Wiggington hired consultants to help them lie about employees. The consultants created phony documents about employees and then Esmeralda Sandoval and Joseph Garcia lied and served as witnesses against employees Wiggington and Bea wanted fired. That’s why you can’t trust Esmeralda or Joseph but then what do you expect from two hacks from the barrio? Wiggington is always afraid of angry members that’s why when he became President he ordered that members not be transferred to his office. He’s big time sissy and hates people that call him out on his BS. Other than that, he’s a dream come true.

Anonymous said...

So true.

Anonymous said...

You know what Charlie and the board have in common? They’re all as dumb as dirt. Bobby Thomas is a morono. He is an officer of the postal carrier union which means he is there to represent postal employees and make sure they and the USPS stick to the agreement but when it comes to P1, he’s broken the rules, bends over for Diedra and lies his tired ass off.

Thomas Hale is useless and dishonest. He knows Wiggington is the worse but he does nothing. maybe he’s afraid that if they get rid of Wigg then the next CEO will be white, latin or asian.

O.Glen Saffold is as dumb as you get. He used to supervise postal clerks and when the post office started laying off people they offered him a carrier job. He took it because he’s too dumb to do anything else but he complained about the walking. He should have been grateful that he had a job. He’s also taken the bar exam 5 times and failed 5 times. I heard he sees the world as black and that he used to say O.J. was setup by the white man. And this guy is a director. No wonder P1 is sinking.

Thomas Gathers is Charlie’s good friend. Believe it or not, Gathers goes to church. Shows you that even the devil sits on a pew on Sundays. When there are board meetings Diedra sometimes says Thomas is “ripe”. If you don’t know what that means, she is saying he smells and he does. He sometimes comes to the office and he smells like urine. He needs to check his pampers more often.

Janice Irving wants to do the right thing but she’s by herself and kind of weak. She goes along with the program because in the past Diedra tried to get her voted out. Diedra even got Bea Walker and Yvonne to tell people not to vote for Miss Irving but they lost.

Joe Marchica doesn’t attend meetings because he says the credit union is too far. He’s a director and he’s retired and the meeting only take place once a month so there’s no excuse for him not getting his ass out of bed and showing up. He can even take the train in if he doesn’t like driving. Useless.

Diedra Harris Brook used to work at the post office. She worked in retail but if you listen to her, you’d think she was queen of the postal service. She wasn’t. She was so hated at the post office because of her attitude and she used to talk down to people. Some of the old timers as the LAPDC still talk about her and they are so glad she retired. She’s dishonest and she’s a liar. She’ll do anything to control things. She is a bully and has the board eating out of her claw. The woman has no problem fakng papers, breaking rules, and lying her big ass off.

This is a great board and their favorite color is black. That’s probably why Diedra used to fight with Shipley and Davidson who were white.

Anonymous said...

Es la verdad.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read anything about the lawsuit filed against Bea Walker. Does anyone know if its still going on? I personally hope Bea gets dragged into court and she loses. I worked with her at Airco and she was a bitch and stupid. She caused us to lose money and we even had to get a bond from CUMIS to cover the loss. I was told she went to work for Universal City FCU and that the president couldn't stand how she treated people or how she did business. I think the woman is poison. I'm sure if someone investigated all her past employment they'd probably find out she has done the same thing everywhere she goes. I'm surprised she wasn't sued more often.

Anonymous said...

Bea was a joke. I mean is a joke. Everyone was happy when she got canned by her buddy Wigg. She was the worst to work for. Wonder how many times she got canned from other credit unions?

Anonymous said...

它是真相. 可怕的地方.

Anonymous said...

I agree about Bea. As ugly on the inside as she was on the outside. Makes you wonder why Honda hired her.

Anonymous said...

Why did Honda hire her? She always said two of the executives were her friends. She probably also burned a lot of bridges where she worked so probably nobody wanted to help her. Plus if you google her, she comes up with this blog. Bea loved to go after people with lies so it seems just right to flush her ass out using the truth.

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