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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Devoid of Scruples

Like an over-privileged and out-of-control 20-year old celebrity, at the end of August, Priority One Credit Union could not refrain from embroiling itself again, in yet another scandal after Credit Resolutions (aka the "collections department") Supervisor, Alex/Alejandra Suarez revealed she instructed her staff to create bogus Facebook accounts which were then used by collection representatives to send out friend requests to unsuspecting Member-Owners whose accounts and loans were the subject of collection proceedings. The bogus accounts were also setup using photographs of attractive young women. Ms. Suarez steadfastly assured her staff and others, that the ploy was 100% legal. Unwary Members accepting a request for friendship from bogus accounts were afterwards contacted by collection department personnel, via Facebook, and ordered to remit delinquent payments due the Credit Union.  

On the surface, the procedure might seem clever, trapping unsuspecting Members who have failed to pay their monthly loan payments or who may have overdrawn their credit union accounts, though we are of the opinion that most companies who value their Members or customers might try to avoid employing tactics utilizing fraud and deception to achieve their ends.  

On the surface the ploy seems unethical and as we've since verified, creating bogus accounts is prohibited by Facebook. The three areas of concern we have with the Credit Union's ploy are: 
  • The plan/plot/scheme ensnares Members by deceptively obtaining access to their confidential Facebook accounts.
  • It utilizes photographs of young women who did not sign a release allowing Priority One Credit Union to use their images in a collection ruse. 
  • Once a request for friendship is accepted, Priority One then has full access to a Member's list of associates and friends and personal activities. 
The use of deception to recuperate monies owed to it, demonstrates in part, the level of disrespect the Credit Union has for its Members. In their zeal to collect unpaid monies, the Credit Union has chosen to literally ambush and even humiliate unsuspecting Member-Owners.

Rather simplistically, Ms. Suarez assured her staff that the scheme is only illegal if a message demanding payment is published on a Member's Facebook timeline, adding that the Credit Union is within its right to recuperate monies due to it. 

There are so many nuances to the Credit Union's tactic and some which bring into question Ms. Suarez's competency as a Supervisor. We know Ms. Suarez is not an attorney nor is she qualified to dispense legal advice, so who did she confer with to obtain verification the ploy was legal and who authorized its use?

We actually don't  believe Ms. Suarez would have arbitrarily and on her own volition, implemented the deceptive tactic without first obtaining authorization from her immediate supervisor, Vice President Yvonne Boutte. Ms. Boutte is no stranger to manipulative tactics or scandals and historically, has been the contributor to intrigue and conflicts wracking the Credit Union.
  • In 2009, Ms. Boutte boasted that when working on Saturday mornings, calls from the Credit Union appear on a Member's Caller ID as originating from the "California Lottery." 
  • In 2009-2010, Mrs. Boutte was a frequent contributor to then COO, Beatrice Walker's heinous campaigns which ousted many employees who the two believed were conspiring against the Credit Union.
  • In 2012, Mrs. Boutte provoked a Member into filing a lawsuit against the Credit Union when attempting to subjugate the Member whose confidential account and personal information were published on the Internet by an employee of the Credit Union and more than likely, either a representative or officer in the Credit Resolutions Department. 
We also believe that prior to its implementation, President Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. would have been consulted. This blog is written around and about the vast misappropriation of authority, abuses, and violations of policy and laws committed by the President Wiggington over the past 7 years and this latest incident is one that was more than likely perpetrated with his permission. 

Ms. Suarez has been an employee of Priority One Credit Union since 2008. She was brought to the Credit Union by then newly hired Credit Resolutions Director, Yvonne Boutte. At the time, the President had terminated his business relationship and friendship with the owner of Allied Management, the Credit Union's former collection agent. Ms. Boutte was hired to head the then new in-house collections department. 

Since her arrival in 2008, Ms. Suarez has been a polarizing presence. Early on, she showed an insatiable obsession for office gossip and intrigue, often publicly maligning subordinates and peers. From 2008 thru 2012, she and Mrs. Boutte gossiped daily and in the presence of members of the Credit Resolutions team, the Card Services department and Call Center staff. The two women, openly talked about a multitude of highly confidential subjects, openly defying Credit Union policies and in particular, the policy governing confidentiality.  However, in 2013, learning about their behaviors, Board Chairperson, Diedra Harris-Brooks, demanded the President bring an end to Mrs. Boutte's and her protege's disclosure of confidential information while in the presence of non-management personnel. However, Ms. Harris Brooks is often not as irked by the fact the President and his subordinates violated Credit Union policy but rather by the fact the Credit Union's unethical and illegal acts are made public. It was after all, Mrs. Harris-Brooks helped cover-up numerous violations of policy and law including the 2007 mailing of ballots in envelopes in whose exterior were printed Member Credit Union account and social security numbers; the discovery that the President sexually harassed an employee; and numerous violations of federal law which resulted in the filing of lawsuits by four former employees and one Member. In regards to the lawsuits, Priority One voluntarily settled each complaint before Plaintiff complains could proceed to a court of law.  

However, the big question is whether the use of bogus Facebook accounts to recuperate unpaid monies due to the Credit Union is illegal or merely a breach of ethics? 

In her article, "Debt collectors turn to social media to track down delinquencies", author Debora M. Tood states:

"....there are rules collection agencies must follow, and two government agencies are working to make that better known.

Clarifying that laws outlined in the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act of 1977 also apply to collection attempts made through digital media has been a priority for the Federal Trade Commission and Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, said Christopher Koegel, assistant director of the FTC’‍s Bureau of Consumer Protection‘‍s financial practices division. For example, FULL and HONEST DISCLOSURE OF IDENTIFY and the INTENT TO COLLECT A DEBT IS MANDATORY FOR COLLECTION AGENCIES." 
  • Clearly, Ms. Suarez used a deceptive ruse to gain access to confidential and private Member information. 
  • Furthermore, the Credit Union used the photographs of women without authorization in the form of a signed release. 
  • The Credit Union also obtained access to the list of friends contained in Member Facebook accounts. Furthermore, if the Credit Union contacts a Member's Facebook friends without prior written authorization, then this too is a violation of the law. 
The good news is, there is legal recourse available to Member-Owners. What's more, If a creditor is found guilty of perpetrating a violation of the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act of 1977, the monetary awards they are ordered to pay by the court to a victim, can be substiantial. 

"Individual debt collectors found in violation of the act could face fines of $1,000 per violation — money that goes directly to the debtor."

If you are a Member accepted a friend request from a bogus Facebook account created by the Credit Union and was afterwards contacted by a collection representative at your Facebook account, there are remedies. Gather your evidence proving the Credit Union sent messages to your Facebook account and file complaints with the Federal Trade Commission, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and/or the State Attorney General's office. Apparently, Ms. Suarez,. Mrs. Boutte and the President are again demonstrating the same disregard for the law that forced Priority One to pay out settlements to former employees and a Member in lawsuits filed in the years, 2010 through 2012.  

Source: Deborah M. Todd:, 412-263-1652 or on Twitter @deborahtodd, Debt collectors turn to social media to track down delinquents, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, June 19, 2014, 11:32 PM

Last month, a reader of this blog posted a comment disclosing that after almost three (3) years and in response to our June 25, 2014 post, Priority One Credit Union finally removed stale information from its website's News and Updates page. Apparently, our expose' about the Credit Union's long disregard of information published on its website had a profound effect upon Board of Directors who ordered the President to clean-up the webpage. Our review of the Credit Union's website confirmed that most of the outdated information had been removed with exception to a single notice announcing closure of the Airport branch which took place on December 13, 2013. Evidently, someone at the Credit Union has problems proofreading and identifying information that is outdated.  

On the other hand, our post had absolutely no effect upon the President's continued refusal to publish the Credit Union's 2013 Annual Report on Priority One's website. We of course were able to obtain a copy of the report whose excerpts we published in our last post. 

So if the President has been forthright and done nothing wrong, then why would he continue to suppress disbursement of the 2013 Annual Report? 

If anyone needs a copy of the 2013 Annual Report we can send one to you. Just write to us at our email address and we will provide a photocopy via email. Confidentiality and anonymity are guaranteed.  

Donning the Role of Victim

In our last post, we reported that President Charles R. Wiggington, Sr.'s has entered into yet another campaign which spins the truth by trying to convince people that his decision to close 6 branches since October 2010 was intentional and designed to reduce expenses and increase profit. He recently played the victim, proclaiming that "People call me names because I closed down branches." 

His spiel is another lame attempt to spin the truth into something that is palatable to only himself and create the impression that he is a victim of scurrilous criticisms. As reported in many posts, Priority One branches have been closed because President Wiggington is unable to create strategies that generate new business and produce the level of profit to comfortably offset its overhead. We don't know of a single person who has ever disparaged the President because he closed down branches. Rather, the criticisms of the President stem from his abuse of employees, his misappropriation of authority, his squandering of Credit Union monies, his disregard for Members, and his very public immersion in scandals. 

President Wiggington is many things but never pragmatic. Since 2007 and always with the approval of the Board of Directors, the President has been forced to reduce spending to avoid closure or sales of the Credit Union  and maintaining net capital well above 6%. However, branch closures have robbed Members of convenience forcing the Credit Union to promote the benefits of Shared Branching and Home Banking. As we will show later in this post, reducing expenditures has negatively impacted the amount of salary paid to non-management personnel. 


If anyone tried to access Priority One Credit Union's "Career" page during the months of June and July, a message would have advised you that you were "Forbidden" to view the page. After several weeks, the page is again available for viewing though an old exaggerated reference placed on the page by President Wiggington, has now been amended. 

After three years of reporting that Priority One had been exaggerating the amount of its Net Income (or worth), which the President ordered be shown at a whopping $172 million, the Credit Union has finally conceded and amended the amount to a more accurate $154 million. So what prompted the correction? According to one of our sources, the order to correct the reference came via consultants and state auditors. Though it always benefits any company to be truthful in its disclosures, under President Wiggington it usually takes some strong admonition to move the bull headed President to do what is ethical. 

Prior to June 2014, and for several years, the amount of the Credit Union's Net Income had been shown as $175 million. The Credit Union's Net Assets had reached $175 million under William Harris, President Wiggington's capable and highly respected predecessor. That of course all changed after January 1, 2007, the date Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. began serving in the capacity of President and CEO. Over the years, due to horrendous business decisions, overspending, declining business and an immensely inept Board of Directors, the Credit Union's Net Asset value dropped quickly. To stave off the appearance of decline, in mid-2008, President Wiggington obtained approval from Board of Directors Chairperson, Diedra Harris-Brooks, and the Board, to borrow $20 million from the Credit Union's line-of-credit. The loan raised the Credit Union's Net Assets to $182 million, though the effect was temporary and added a new burden to the Credit Union which for a year, paid more than $40,000 a month on interest alone. Following repayment of $10 million, the Credit Union continued to pay approximately $30,000 to $33,000 per month in interest. Is this an example of how Priority One enables Member-Owners and employees to achieve Financial Fitness and Win with Money? 

Priority One's decline is attributable to several factors that worked in unison to deplete the once growing, thriving, and respected credit union, transforming it into a much smaller, unpopular and no longer competitive entity and a mere shell of its former self. The President's chronic blunderings, the Board Chair's insatiable need to control all facets of the Credit Union's operation and the ignorance shown by the Board's Directors of financials, member service, business development, and marketing, have all contributed to the Priority One's decline.


We recently received an email from a Member who financed an automobile loan from Priority One Credit Union. He alleges that he was not provided copies of the loan documents he signed and assured these would be mailed to him in a day or two. When he did receive the copies, he noticed that the monthly premiums were higher than the amount verbally disclosed to him while at the branch. 

At Priority One the training provided to loan processors is primarily consigned during the loan funding process and not a formal classroom setting. This clearly determines the capabilities of any loan processor or officer. 

The Loan Department- Real Estate and Consumer Lending, is headed by long-time employee, Vice President of Lending, Patricia Loiacano. Mrs. Loiacano fully understands the rules, principles, and procedures governing lending, however, this is not to say that she imparts that knowledge to her staff. To the contrary, she is rather selfish and unwilling to share her knowledge with subordinates possibly as a means to ensure job security. 

Mrs. Loiacano does not conduct lending classes. Former Training and Education Manager, Robert West nowadays serves as figurehead over Employee Services aka Human Resources and allegedly oversees Compliance (though having no formal training in anything related to compliance). However, he is wholly unqualified to teach any person procedures governing anything related to loan funding.  

Actual Table @ Main Branch

Traveling the Road to Frugality

President Charles R. Wiggington, Sr.'s efforts to reduce expenses continue, unimpeded and out of necessity. In 2010, the President with the help of then COO, Beatrice Walker, and Executive Vice President, Rodger Smock, began implementing expense reductions, allegedly as a temporary solution to save money until Priority One could begin generating sufficient new business to offset their then amassing expenses and ensure Net Capital remained above 6%. 

Since 2012, the Credit Union began hiring more and more, part-time employees which enables the credit union to staff its last three remaining branches without having to pay medical benefits. This is the new normal at the troubled Credit Union and characteristic of the effects President Wiggington has had on the once larger, richer and certainly more promising, Credit Union.

More Evidence of Trouble

How Employee's Paid
for the 
President's Blunders

Nowadays, Priority One employs a large contingent of part-time employees because its a key means by which the Credit Union can continue operating. Part-time employees are not eligible for medical benefits or for the Credit Union's 401K plan.  Many full-time employees have not received raises since 2010 and 2011, the years President Wiggington implemented and re-implemented what has become a never ending wage freeze. Of course, President Wiggington and Board Chair, Diedra Harris-Brooks, make no reference to this in their email addresses contained in the Annual Reports for the years 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. .

We recently conducted a search on the Internet, locating information about salaries paid by Priority One Credit Union. discloses that the Credit Union's salaries fall well below the industry average. If things were as promising as the President and Board Chair asserted in the 2013 Annual Report, then why is Priority One relying on part-time staffing and paying out salaries that fall below the industry average? 

CareerBliss reports that the average hourly rate paid to employees is $19.00 per hour or $37,000 per year. This is 34% less than the average paid throughout the industry. However, we have to disagree with some of the information published by CareerBliss as many of the Credit Union's tellers are paid $13.50 to $15.00 per hour which is substantially less than $19.00 per hour. 

We also noted that the references to officer salaries are inconsistent with the amounts reported by the Credit Union in their 9900 filing to the IRS. As shown below, the Credit Union received a single star rating from its employees. Here are some excerpts from CareerBliss: 

Each year since 2011, we publish excerpts from the Credit Union's 9900 tax filing. The latest available copy if for tax year 2012. 

Though most employees of Priority One are paid less than the industry standard and despite the Credit Union's continuing inability to reap profits at an amount that could offset its outgoing expenditures and amass a profit, President Wiggington and some of his executive staff are paid a handsome salary for literally doing little to nothing and certainly all failing to introduce a single strategy that might bring an end to the ongoing fiascos created by Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. 

The Credit Union's Mission Statement to Member-Owners and employees states:

Our Mission: "To help our member-owners and employees achieve financial fitness. We are committed to providing quality products and services that help YOU win with money."

Clearly, the only people winning with money at Priority One Credit Union are its overpaid and incompetent officers, none of who have contributed anything to resolve the long slew of problems created by their less-than-illustrious leader, Charles R. Wiggington, Sr.  The actions taken by the Credit Union to increase Net Capital through reduced spending has ultimately been at the cost of the credit union's most valuable resource- its employees. 

Employee salaries at Priority One fall well below the industry average and many employees are part-time staff and thus ineligible to receive medical benefits. What's more the Credit Union's useless Human Resources Department aka Employee Services, has never negotiated affordable insurance plans for its employees. Subsequently, low pay and high insurance premiums have financially taxed employee salaries. Despite the inability of the credit union to prove itself as an employer who cares for its staff, the Credit Union still touts itself as capable of helping Member-Owners and employees become financially fit and through their products and services, help Member-Owners and employees win with money. The Credit Union's net asset size has declined by over $14 million since Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. became President and the Credit Union's 9 branches have been reduced to 3, clearly proving Priority One is far from being financially fit or capable of winning with money. 

The Mission Statement, authored by now Employee Services Director, Robert West, is nothing more than a poorly written attempt to expound upon abilities and assurances Priority One does not possess or is able to realize. The Credit Union should scrap and replace its disingenuous Mission Statement with something more truthful and inarguably, more accurate.  


The Credit Union's single star rating referenced on CareerBliss is derived entirely from employee reviews of the Credit Union. 

Earlier this year, after approximately 4 years of employment, the Credit Union terminated its CFO, Saeid Raad.  Until a new full-time CFO is hired, the Credit Union continues in its quest to locate a new CFO, but is Priority One a Credit Union where an accomplished, capable and ethically-driven CFO might want to work? We certainly wish the best to any person who accepts an offer by the highly troubled Credit Union to serve as its next CFO. 


For anyone who  is considering applying for the position, here is some information regarding the Credit Union and its treatment and expectations of its CFO's.

For any person considering responding to Priority One's ad seeking a CFO, we thought we'd provide a little background about the Credit Union's most recent CFO's.

On Monday, December 1, 2009, long-time CFO, Manny Gaitmaitan, submitted his letter of resignation following three months of being ostracized by President Wiggington; then COO, Beatrice Walker; and EVP, Rodger Smock. Mr. Gaitmaitan's sin was that he refused to manipulate the Credit Union's account practices and on several occasions, warned the President that his demands to alter reporting were illegal. The President and Ms. Walker informed the Board that Mr. Gaitmaitan was difficult, insubordinate and clearly, not a team-player. 

At the time, Ms. Walker suggested not inviting Mr. Gaitmaitan to executive meetings, stating that by doing so they might be able to force his resignation. Ms. Walker, who had used this same ploy while employed by other companies, was absolutely correct. 

Though Mr. Gaitmaitan submitted his letter of resignation on December 1, 2009, he stopped reporting to work on Wednesday, December 3, 2009, and did not return to his office until Monday, December 29, 2009. 

In January 2010, the Credit Union posted its Balance Sheet/Income Statement for December 2009 and showing that Priority One ended 2009, -$5,458,432 in the RED.   In February 2010, Ms. Walker informed the President that her friend, Saeid Raad, could serve as an interim CFO until the Credit Union found a new, full-time replacement for Mr. Gaitmaitan. She assured the President that Mr. Raad, unlike Mr. Gaitmaitan, would cooperate fully with the President's wishes. 

The President conferred with Board Chair, Diedra Harris-Brooks, who approved hiring Mr. Raad on a temporary basis. However before the year had elapsed and at the request of the President and COO, Mrs. Harris-Brooks authorized offering Mr. Raad the post of permanent CFO. 

In July 2011, Ms. Walker who had been hired in 2009 to serve as the President's personal "hatchet woman", was abruptly terminated.  Over the months following her hiring, she had succeeded in usurping much of the President's authority but her costly strategies designed to increase business had all utterly failed. Ms. Walker also erred when she disparaged the Board, describing them as "uneducated" and "unqualified."  Her assessment of the Board was actually spot on but provoked the ire of the Board Chair. What's more, the Board had grown increasingly uncomfortable with rumors originating in South Pasadena, about Ms. Walker's sexuality. 

Earlier, this year, Ms. Walker's friend, Mr. Raad, was abruptly terminated shortly after orchestrating closure of the Airport and Santa Clarita branches. 

So is Priority One Credit Union an employer any qualified and self-respecting executive should hope to work for? 

In his seven years as President and CEO of Priority One Credit Union, President Charles R. Wiggington, Sr.'s single greatest accomplishment has been establishing a reputation for propagating excuses intended to excuse his blunders and illegal acts.  His excuses and stories have been spewed out to the point of ad nauseum. Inarguably, he is the author for the failures which now preclude Priority One Credit Union from producing the levels of business and new memberships needed to gain upward mobility and reverse the effects of the multitude of fiascos created by the President. 

Some of Charles R. Wiggington, Sr.'s most memorable excuses include: 
  • In 2009 and 2010, the President blamed an invisible group of non-existent conspirators who in his words were "sabotaging my plans to bring in new business."
  • In 2011, the President declared that "all credit unions are doing poorly." His lame excuse was undermined by Financial Performance Reports from many other Credit Unions which proved financial and physical growth.   
  • In the 2012 and 2013 Annual Reports, the President and his constant accomplice and supporter, Board Chair Diedra Harris-Brooks stated that Priority One was finally overcoming the effects caused by the nation's economy and national unemployment. 
  • During the past year, the President has launched a new campaign, portraying himself a victim of criticism while asserting that the closure of 6 branches since October 2010 is part of a carefully wrought plan that is designed to promote physical and financial growth. 

His stories are all too easily refuted and proven to be nothing more than Wiggington-styled bunk and a wild and not-so-imaginative attempt to spin the ugly truth into something that is the product of careful contemplation. What Charles R. Wiggington, Sr.'s expense reduction are designed to achieve is ensuring Net Capital remains above 6%. However, his focus on preserving and even increasing Net Capital comes with a high price and his so-called "plan" is flawed, having compromised the Credit Union's integrity and impeding it from...

  • Successfully marketing its wares.
  • Providing convenience to its Members.
  • Retaining a Business Development Team that generates sales and builds relationships with Member-Owners; and 
  • Serving all of Riverside County, all of the Santa Clarita Valley, post office facilities in the county of Los Angeles or servicing employees of Providence Hospitals, Holy Cross, Tarzana and St. Joseph Medical Center. 
The reality is, the closure of six branches was an act of pure desperation and necessity and NOT some Napoleon-esque tactic conceived by a bungling President. In business, sometimes less is more but in the case of the President's latest excuse, nothing is never more.  

The closures have forced the Credit Union to promote Shared Branching and Home Banking as a viable substitutes to actual branch locations staffed by real human beings but the fact is Shared Branching and Home Banking don't serve as viable substitutes for real branch locations.  

The recent revelation by C
redit Resolutions Supervisor, Alex Suarez, that her staff has at her request, created bogus Facebook accounts emblazoned by the photograph of attractive young women and used to send friend requests to unwary Members whose accounts and/or loans are the subject of collection proceedings brings into light the immense disrespect the Credit Union has towards Members or adhering to Facebook policies which prohibit this form of abuse. What's more the scheme is illegal, reminding us that under Charles R. Wiggington., Sr., policies and laws are merely a suggestion which the Credit Union may believe it is exempt from complying with.  

The Credit Union's recent correction on its website validates our 4-year assertion that the Credit Union had blatantly distorted its actual worth and published it as $172 million, an exaggeration of $17 million. As we've often declared, Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. is a man obsessed with creating impressions and projecting successes where none exist. Inarguably, in September 2014, Priority One is a much smaller, less potent, no longer competitive, and highly disrespected Credit. 

In response to our last post, a reader posted the following comment, describing just some of the activities orchestrated by Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. over the past 7 years and which we believe contributed to Priority One's decline: 

Also, Wigg has provided all the board members with free Internet hook-up to the credit union's network so they don't have to pay a provider for Internet. Now you know they're not using it to look at the cu's boring webpage. They surf the web and look at this blog and at times, post comments too. By the way, I'm pretty sure giving the directors remote access to the cu's network is a violation of some law or policy. After all, aren't they volunteers? Then again, Wigg pays them gas to and from South Pasadena which brings into question what defines "volunteer." In the days when the Credit Union was prospering, Board Members attended board-related conferences in Las Vegas, Hawaii, and Europe, allegedly for the purpose for enhancing their skills but that was the justification. The directors traveled to the destinations and did not attend the conferences. In the 2009 trek to Las Vegas, the Board's Chair receipts showed she spent more than her allotted $100.00 a day, mostly at hotel bars. President Wiggington ordered that any monies spent in excess of $100.00 be disbursed to other days so as not to create a record she exceeded her allotted daily allowance. 

At the root of Priority One's problems is its ineffective, ignorant, and ethically deprived Board. There is no disputing that Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. could ever have committed his far flung abuses of authority, rampant and seemingly uncontrolled spending of credit union monies, and almost compulsively violated policies and laws if he had not been enabled by the Board of Directors and in particular, its Board Chair, Diedra Harris-Brooks. Over the past 7 years, the Board has approved the vast spending of money on attorneys, consultants, and investigators, desperately trying to vindicate the President of wrong doing.  The President's multitude of egregious acts and failures have all come at a hefty cost depriving Members of quality member service and convenience while simultaneously sabotaging the opportunity for employees to develop a career or earn income commensurate with the industry average while depriving them of medical and retirement benefits. 
The only silver lining we see is that Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. continues to receive an undeserved salary in excess of $150,000 including bonus' approved by the incompetent and embarrassing Board of Directors. 

So as 2014 draws to an end, will Priority One suddenly experience a surge in new business or will the President have to target another branch for closure? If the only means of staying in business is retaining high Net Capital and without a sudden resurgence of new business, the President will likely have to close another branch. So which branch might he be forced to close? Will it be the small but thriving Van Nuys branch or the large Los Angeles office? Or might it be the main branch in South Pasadena? Maybe the question we should be asking is when will the next branch close?

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Anonymous said...

Tempest, let me add one more. Wiggy is gutless!

Anonymous said...

A lot of times before and after he became president if someone pissed him off, Wigg would always say he was going to get even with them. So unprofessional. He used to say horrible things about people who in his opinion were either not hard workers, had horrible attitudes, and people who were not attractive. For anyone who has ever talked to or worked with or seen Wigg, the judgements are hypocritical. He is the laziest. He alos used to say that no one would ever get a raise unless they worked above average. Year after year he's cost the credit union's hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses and lawyer fees but he still has a job with bonus. Plus he wears the same old cheap suits, no ties, and short-sleeved shirts. He looks like he should be working at a U-Haul. I read the comments and it seems the board protects him because they want a black presient but if that's not the reason then why has he never been fired? I think a lot of us know that this board does not want anyone of different color to head the credit union. And if color is not the reason then why did the board fire Bea who is white and Cindy who is white and keeps Wigg who is black? Those 2 women were bad but not nearly as horrible as Wigg.

Anonymous said...

That’s so true. One time he called me to his office and he talking to Karen who I think was the assistant branch manager at Redlands on the loudspeaker. He told her to do some procedure his way and she told him no and explained why doing it his way was wrong and against policy. He looked so pissed and after he hung up he said “I’m gonna get her.” Wigg always has the same all responses to people like..

1. I’m gonna get her.

He hates it when people are smarter than him which means he probably hates every human and most animals. .

2. I’m still here where are they?

Why does he think he’s still there? Does he think because he’s a great President? Or does he think because in his mind he looks like Shamar Moore? Reality check, the only reason he’s still there is not because he’s smart or good looking. Never understood how such a physically unattractive and nasty man could make fun of the way people look. Have you seen his wife and son? Please. He’s still there because of the black board protects black men (not women).

3. I know how to play the game.

What game? If he knew how to play any game, he’d make Priority One grow instead of closing branches. The income would be high and members might actually like the credit union. No, homeboy is a lot confused. I doubt he could play checkers, at least not without cheating.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous, you are so right, Wiggy (I refer to him as Stupid) is gutless. He's the biggest sissy at the credit union making Miss Smock and Miss West look like real men. When he makes mistakes he always blames others. He hides behind Diedra, Miss Smock, and lawyers. No doubt, he's a little girl (no offense to real little girls). For years he did make up stories about employees and Miss Rodger and Diedra helped him use those lies to fire people. One person posting here asked questions about his sexuality. No doubt, he's done and said things that make you wonder but it might just be that its not his sexuality but that he's a sissy.

Chief Jay Strongbow said...

As a credit union CEO Wiggington is a flat-out failure. The worst credit union CEO in hisory. How bad is he you ask? Imagine Mussolini coming back to life to run a credit union. That would be Wiggy. A jackboot bully who is really a sissy. A loudmouth. A poser. A womanizer. A liar. A gutless wonder. A thief. Someone who surrounds himself with incompetents.

And now we find out from Commissioner Gordon that Wiggy is strapping on a pocket pussy to satisfy his sick sexual perversions.

Anonymous said...

Chief, comparing Charles Wiggington to Benito Mussolini is beyond accurate. Both have oversized egos. And both are unbalanced. In the end Mussolini was stung up by his own people. I'm just saying!!!

Anonymous said...

Mussolini, in his current state, might actually be preferable to Wiggington. So agree, an undisciplined big mouth. A womanizer? Well, if you believe what he says about himself, then yes, he’s right up their with Hugh Hefner but he’s uncouth, vulgar and dirty which makes me wonder what kind of woman would ever lay down with him. I extend my apology and condolences to his wife who is either an angel or doing charity work.

You know who Wiggington is as a man by his associations. He is close with Smock who is a horrible human being. He is close with West who is no small hypocrite. He’s friends with Henry Justice. It was Wiggington who introduced Henry Justice to the credit union. After Henry Justice refused to surrender pink slips for 5 cars purchased from him by members of the credit union, Priority One had to file a suit in court against Mr. Justice but old wily, street smart Justice filed bankruptcy and said his daughter made off with the money. So Priority One couldn’t touch Henry. In 2009, Henry Justice shows up at the main office with his son and asks to meet with Wiggington. Wiggington comes out and hugs his buddy the thief, at the reception desk and takes him back to the board room. Then they leave the credit union for about 3 hours and have lunch at the Barkley where they talk about reintroducing Mr. Justice to Priority One and again, as a preferred auto broker.

The following week, Henry shows up with his son and hands Wiggington a stack of business cards. They leave the office for about two and a half hours and the next day, Wiggington tells Patti Loiacano that Henry is returning to Priority One. Patti reminds him that Mr. Justice stole money and owes the credit union more than $70,000. He shrugs it off and tells her Mr. Justice will pay back a part of what he owes. He pays back about $1300.00 and Wiggington passes out Henry’s business cards to every loan officer and processor and tells them they’re to promote Mr. Justice’s new business as a “preferred broker.” The loan people have more character than Wiggington because they all agreed not to promote Mr. Justice because of what he did to the credit union. Then a few days later, a post appears on this blog exposing Wiggington’s new plan. He comes out to the loan department and picks up Mr. Justice’s business cards, he tells the staff not to promote Mr. Justice and he calls Mr. Justice and tells him that if anyone from the board calls him to ask if he’s returning to Priority One that he’s supposed to say no and also say he hasn’t spoken to Wiggington in years. Yep, you can tell who Wiggington is by his associations.

Anonymous said...

I remember Henry. Arrogant old uneducated black man just like the directors, Wiggington, and Yvonne.

Wiggington cries about how innocent he is and how people are out to get him. No, no one wants to "get him" because quite frankly, he's disgusting. People don't like him because he breaks the law and he's arrogant and at the same time, dumb as a bag of dirt. They don't like the board because they covered up illegal acts and because they're ignorant and have ruined the credit union.

All I can say to Wiggington is stop crying like a little girl, you love being evil and you do evil so accept it and live with it1

Anonymous said...

Poor Wigg. I'd tell him to man it up but that might require gender reassignment. Poor Chuckie. This is the example you have for a father.

Jethro Bodin said...

That Henry Justice story is a doozy. Even wily Banker Drysdale never pulled stuff like that on Uncle Jed.

I still haven't got my interview with the Board for the CFO position. Can't wait to dazzle these yahoos with my cypher skills.

Chief, Comparing Wiggy to Mussolini is great. Who is Mussolini? Is Mussolini some kind of Italian diarrhea?

Anonymous said...

@Jethro: They get dazzled by the little red light on a toaster. If they don't call you for an interview is because they're threatened that you might be too intelligent to handle. They like their officers docile, like a pet or brain dead.

Anonymous said...

Brain dead explains Diedra and the rest of her dogs on the board.

Anonymous said...

Wow that is some story. So why do they keep Wiggington?

Anonymous said...

@Jethro Bodine

In your hillbilly way you're correct, Wiigington is like Mussolini in that they both have diarrhea of the mouth. Benito's is Italian and Wiggy's is pure ghetto.

Some say Wiggy keeps his job because he has secret "dirt" dossiers on each and every Board member. I'm not kidding!

Anonymous said...

Because he's black. That's the only reason.

Anonymous said...

I'd have to agree. Wigg must have dirt on the board and owes his job to Diedra. After all, she allowed him to get away with breaking federal law, taking possession of a member's BMW, and using hundreds of thousands of credit union money to defend Wiggington when he broke even more laws. Plus they got dirt on him, but then again if we all know all the illegal things he's done, what do they have that we don't know about? Must be great stuff if they are all in a stalemate.

Anonymous said...

Wiggington has only screwed Priority 1 because of the board. Diedra, who really believes she has the intelligence to run the place is the one who pulls the strings. Everything that Wiggington ever did that damaged the credit union was approved by Diedra. You got to know that he owes her big time for bringing him back after he sexually harassed that woman. She has him under her thumb and he wouldn't dare to anything against her. There was a time, before the sexual harassment, that he used to complain to Rodger that Diedra was pushy and didn't know her place and he ever called her a bitch but of course he never said any of this to her face. He knew she would have taken off his head if he tried. He used to also complain about O. Glen Saffold because O. Glen told him to start dressing like a president. Charles was so pissed he said, "he doesn't tell me what to do." That's true, because Diedra is the only one who can boss Wiggington around and he better do it or she'll lock him in the closet just like his momma used to.

Commissioner Gordon said...

Wiggington believes he is a fountain of business wisdom. His department supervisors & managers reinforce his belief because they toadie up to him and kiss his ass only because he signs their paychecks.

The Truth: Wiggy is a flat-out failed leader. An incompetent abject liar and thief. A sexual harasser protected by high-paid shyster lawyers and a pathetic inept board of directors.

Anonymous said...

@ Commissioner Gordon: You are so right. Wigg has surrounded himself with people who flatter him disingenuously and tell him what he wants to hear versus the truth. They're all looking to keep their jobs and get raises and dodge the termination bullet that Wiggington has it a lot of people with. There is no other credit union that would protect a president who is as awful and stupid as Wigg plus I can't imagine any board that would keep a president who sexually harassed an employee and who never obeys policy or law.

Pam W. said...

The board. Don't they look like something that crawled out of some Louisiana swamp?

Anonymous said...

@Commissioner Gordon

You're 100% correct. Gravy sopper and pocket pussy affecianado Wiggy and evil mistress Diedra always have bullets in the chamber that they'll fire with hair-trigger accuracy at any manager who won't toe the line or do their bidding.

Every manager, except for kiss-ass blubber boy Rodger, walk around on egg shells in fear of losing their jobs. Of course, Rodger's position is secure only because he's Wiggy's tea-bagging partner.

Anonymous said...

Charles Wiggington - The consummate self-promoting braggart. This failed CEO somehow convinced the Board of Directors to give him numerous raises and bonuses while laying off/firing employees and closing branches in order give a false impression he was saving a sinking credit union.

How he manages to keep his job is a huge mystery.

Anonymous said...

Like a lot of the people who post here, I’m an ex-employee. I had the good fortune of working for Mr. Harris and had the misfortune of working with Wiggington when he was the VP of Operations and President. You really don’t know how horrible a leader and how obnoxious a man he is unless you work with him or in close proximity to him.

I never met a person who can justify his horrible decisions and acts. He is truly a piece of work. I can’t imagine another credit union or bank or business that would keep such a horrible loser or who would allow such an ignorant and terrible board to remain in place. The board is at fault for everything Wiggington has done. If you’ve never seen the directors- Diedra, Glen Saffold, Hale, or Thomas, they are truly pure ghetto. They come off so uneducated. They shouldn’t be directors though they could be owners of some liquor store in south central. Marchica isn’t ghetto. He actually is refined but 100% useless and ineffective.

Wiggington does surround himself with people that cater to whatever he wants. They are his dogs. The two worst in my opinion are Rodger Smock and Robert West both who are lazy, useless, and evil. They are hypocrites and say anything that’ll make Wiggington happy. They are bottom feeders and scum.

Yvonne is just stupid. I got to know this woman who flaunts her pseudo-intellect. She’s more bully than leader and she’s manipulative and strange. If you ever watch her lose her temper, she gets jittery, loud and will disrespectfully talk over anyone. Alex Suarez, her assistant is a real piece of work. For years, I listened to her abuse members who owed the credit union money. She treated them so rudely and with no respect yet this nut bag describes herself as a “good person.” She’s not good except good for nothing.

I haven’t seen him mentioned for a long time, but Joseph Garcia is the monster created by Dr. Frankenstein, Bea Walker. This man is so ignorant and incapable of learning. Years ago, when he transferred to South Pasadena, complaints were filed by female employees because he would wrap his arms around them and tell them how beautiful they were. I was present one time when he embraced a female employee and told her she was beautiful. A lot of us questioned his sexuality because he’s sort of feminine, temperamental, moody, and sexist. Sexist not sexy! This plain looking Latino could never handle any position he was given that’s why he went from supervisor to AVP and finally business development rep. He also lied for management, serving as a witness and providing false statements about employees Wiggington and Bea wanted fired. Esmeralda Sandoval, the self-proclaimed Christian also lies for management. Avoid this one because she’s dangerous.

The only reason there are so many terrible personalities at the credit union is because this is what Wiggington attracts. Birds of a feather.

Anonymous said...

Wigg is a storyteller. He loves embellishing his accomplishments. Well wait a minute, he's made no accomplishments unless hacking the credit union to pieces was his goal and if that's so, then he's done a stellar job. But if you think about it, the things he's done and said are the real and true story. Its like a bad fairytale but what other credit union can say they have a sexual harasser, car stealer, race card playing, money squandering liar as leader? Just sayin'.

Masters and Johnson said...

I think the most important question that everyone is ignoring is if Charles is bi or gay? Yes, he used to tell us about his sex adventures which made most of us nauseous. He spread rumors about employees who he said were downloading porn but we all knew he and Manny watched porn from their office computers. I remember him standing in the loan department watching a young Black woman walking through the department and saying, I'd like to hit that. So why would a heterosexual man spend so much time trying to prove to everybody that he likes the ladies? Does he? And why would he accuse people who don't watch porn of watching porn when we all knew about him and Manny liking porn and Rodger always oogling the young boys at the credit union. So is Charles as straight as he wanted us to think? Or is it just a case that he doesn't get much if any sex and has to make up stories that women can't resist him?

Anonymous said...

First of all, barf. Charlie likes telling boring stories and now he's a story. I mean a boring story.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Blubber Boy Rodger. What a perfect description.

Anonymous said...

Questioning Wigg’s sexuality is funny considering that he’s a pig whether your gay-straight-transgender or gay. I feel so sorry for anyone he's had sex with and I can’t imagine any self-respecting gay wanting to lay down with that thing.

Last year I got subpoened by their attorney because I was a witness for an employee that was suing the credit union. Let me tell you, their attorney who is named Schimley should consider his name to Slimey. The man was aggressive. He kept pushing me to give him answers that were untrue. I knew they were untrue but he wouldn’t have none of it. He also asked so many questions about this blog. He wanted to know who writes it and how they get their information and who at the credit union is leaking information. If I knew which I don’t why would this idiot think that I would tell him. Everything I read here is true, at least the things I know about. Problem is his client, Senor Wiggington doesn’t like the truth being put out on the internet. Its true that’s why he can’t stand it. If he really hated the gossip maybe he would have stopped acting like an idiot, but he can’t because that’s who he is.

The attorney also asked me lots of questions that had nothing to do with what I knew or the person I was a witness for. He wanted to know about who was gay at the credit union and if Mexicans get treated better than everyone else. What the attorney tried to do was make me the witness look like I would lie for the person who sued and make the person who sued look like they were lying. That’s funny when you think the lawyer was using lies to build his defense and its ever funnier that his client- the sexual harasser and liar was trying to build a case that he was innocent. There isn’t one thing innocent about dirty old Wiggington.

What I learned is that the big mouth lawyer has a plastic hip because he couldn’t help talking about it with the reporter. He also has a bad temper when he isn’t getting his way, sort of like a spoiled little girl. He didn’t come off as a good lawyer but he sure came of a nasty bottom feeder. It would be too easy imagining him chasing ambulances but I guess that’s what dirty Wiggington and the dirty Board need in a lawyer.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't just "blubber boy Rodger" it was kiss ass blubber boy Rodger. I'd like to add "policy breaker scoff law two-faced blubber boy/girl Miss Rodger."

Anonymous said...

The attorney is named Paul F Schimley. What a bloated idiot. I got called in to and he asked me some of the same questions. I think he had a hard on for the blog. I got the impression he has a god complex which from my experience is caused by some deep-rooted insecurity. Maybe his plastic hip has something to do with it. He also asked about gays which made me wonder if he was curious. In this day and age, you never know. He also asked if Latinos are treated better than other races which as far as I knew had nothing to do with the case I was testifying about. He also liked to threaten like saying "You better be prepared to spend a lot of time coming here to testify." Yawn. I think Priority One got a bottom feeder that fits perfectly with what the credit union is now days. I left there wondering why the attorney was so fixated on the blog and gay. But if he was curious, then he has a lot in common with perv Charlie Wiggington.

Anonymous said...

You mean Paul F. Slimeball. What does the F stand for?

Anonymous said...

Is there anyway next post on October 10th situation with racism at P1 can be put up for people to see and read what Wiggy as turned this place into. There is alot that's not mentioned allegations of Assault and more Racism .

Anonymous said...

@Masters and Johnson

You asked if Wiggy is bii or gay.

Wiggy talks quite a bit about women and his so-called female conquests. He is always scratching his balls or adjusting his gonads. Wig wears a pocket pussy while at work. And uses a Fleshlight at home. All signs of heterosexuality.

On the other hand, he is known to watch endless hours of gay porn on his fave sites RedTube, YouPorn and HardSexTube. Also, at least once a week he is known to teabag blubber boy Rodger. So weighing all the evidence I say bi.

Anonymous said...

LOL. I fee sorry for any person he gets interested in. I don't of anyone who finds him talking with his mouth full of food or playing with his itsy bitsy balls who finds him even a little attractive.

Anonymous said...

Send the evidence to the blog. You'll write about it won't you John?

Anonymous said...

I want to know more about the assault at the credit union. What really happened? Did the person who got assaulted file a police report?

Anonymous said...

One of the managers who used to work in Burbank and then later, at Valencia told me she was subpoenaed to a deposition. The credit union forced her to be a witness. She was upset because when she got home not only was the processor server waiting for her at her home, she was parked in her driveway. This is how the credit union and its attorneys work. When she was a manager at the credit union, she filed a complaint about Linda Nisely the ex-Burbank branch manager who got fired in 2008 or 2009 and who filed a lawsuit that she was the victim of age discrimination. When the manager filed the complaint with Rodger, he didn't investigate it at all and just filed it away. The manager later was forced out by back stabber, Sylvia Perez, who was also Wigg's own personal hatchet woman.

When the Linda sued, Rodger told the attorneys about the complaint that had been filed years earlier against Linda. The former manager was subpoenaed and during the deposition she testified that Linda is a racist who hates Latins. Schimley's law firm offered to represent the former manager for free (well actually its not free because they would have charged the credit union. She agreed to tell them Linda was a racist and who refused to visit the community in Burbank and insubordinate. Linda actually almost lost her case were it not for a letter Linda got her hands on. The letter was a 2010 complaint against Bea Walker and accused the credit union of not stopping Bea's unwanted sexual advancements and harassment of the manager. All of a sudden the credit union's attorneys decided the credit union better settle. If Linda had been racist while working at the credit union then why would a letter about BEA WALKER have any effect on the lawyer's plot against Linda? I'd guess the defense was going to be vicious and not based on evidence but on vicious accusations that were probably not supported by facts, that Linda was a racist. If racism was such a big issue the credit union wanted to fight then why has the black board kept black Wigg in office when he has caused the credit union to lose money, to be sued, and sexually harassed just to name 3 of a long list of things he's done?

Anonymous said...

The manager who got subpoenaed was Nora. The letter Linda presented was given to her by Susanna who had been the Valencia branch manager. The letter had originally been requested by Wigg who wanted Susanna to document the abuses Bea was doing. Wigg used the letter to take HR away from Bea and to get in good with the board. The board got upset because the complaint implied Bea was a lesbian something the hypocritical board can't stand. Bea should of tried to prove they discriminated against her for sexual preference.

Susanna's letter saved Linda's case which Schimley said he was going to ask the court to dismiss. Schimley is an arrogant bastard. Wonder if Linda ever said thank you, because if you know Linda you know she thinks she's entitled?

Never understood why Sylvia, Wigg, Bea and Rodger disliked Linda. Linda was just as horrible as they were. She fit right in. Maybe it was just a case of when thieves fall out, huh?

Nora agreed to tell the court that Linda hated Latins and that she refused to participate in business development. She was also going to testify that Linda spent everyday ordering things from the home shopping network instead of doing her job.

Now, Sylvia couldn't stand Linda maybe because Linda is White. Just saying. Sylvia was always reporting to Wigg, Rodger and Bea how lazy Linda was. For those of you who don't know, Sylvia is the same person who used to brag about all the new business she brought to the credit union every month. When she got hospitalized she even passed out new membership cards to the nurses. And just in case you wonder, she was not hospitalized for mental illness. She got away with her bragging until the credit union ordered every employee to turn in a monthly report on new business they got each month. Guess what, Miss "I'm the Best Manager on Earth" could never make her numbers and was about to get fired when she took off on medical leave. That meant that for years, all Sylvia did was bullshit the company and employees about how great she was in business development when she actually sucked. Wigg eventually got rid of her at the request of the board, just like a black widow gets rid of its mate.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I want to know about the assault? Did it really happen? I never worked at a company that has so many fights like does priority one.

A few years ago, 2 FSR's at LAPDC got into a yelling argument in front of members. They got suspended. One of them was old Virginia whose got to be one of the worst employees you'll ever imagine. She was at the credit union for years though she left last year on a stress leave. In all the years she worked there, she could never learn the duties of her job. She is as dumb as dirt, well that's if dirt was dumb. Her job was always safe because Lynnette the AVP protected her. When Virginia got in the argument with Cathy, Lynnette took Virginia's side though they both got suspended and then called back. But after that, Lynnette had it in for Cathy. Lynnette was very jealous and based on what I know if Lynnette, she had good reason to be jealous.

Less than 2 years later, 2 tellers get into a screaming ghetto match in front of members. Cathy tried to break it up but Lynnette told HR, Bea and Wigg that Cathy had no business trying to stop the argument so they fired her. So Cathy got fired for trying to break up a fight and Wigg is still president after sexually harassing an employee? Lynnette got hers last year when the audit showed she stole money, at least that's what VP, Yvonne, told employees.

Now there's a supposed assault at South Pasadena and the assaulter is Black, like Lynnette, Virginia, Cathy, and one of the tellers that got into the fight. Does anybody see a pattern? So what's next, someone going to go postal?

Anonymous said...

PS: Maybe instead of trying to fly his ass to Missouri to protest the shooting of a guy who was trying to rob a store, stupid old Robert West should stay at home and fix whatever is causing employees to get into fights.

Here's a hint Robert. When you wake up from one of your naps, step out of your office, turn right, walk about 10 feet and turn right into Wigg's office. There's your cause you numskull!

Tempest Storm said...

Priority is a powder keg waiting to explode. Wiggy is a human detonator. Diedra fans the flames by not firing Wiggy the Incompetent, who is the cause of all the strife.

Working here at P1 is more stressful than driving a truck full of dynamite through a minefield in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

On second thought, it would be best if Robert West went to Ferguson, Missouri .............permanently.

Anonymous said...

I agree, send Robert to Ferguson forever.

Maybe it's time to send Wig back to the Netherworld or Oz.

Send Yvonne back to norththern California and set her free.

Rodger can relocate to Fire Island where he can open a bed and breakfast.

Anonymous said...

@Tempest Storm: You're right.
Working at P1 is more stressful than driving a truck full of dynamite through a minefield in Iraq. Sometimes driving the truck seems preferable.

Anonymous said...

Bares repeating:

On second thought, it would be best if Robert West went to Ferguson, Missouri .............permanently.

Chief Jay Strongbow said...

If Priority One were a horror movie Diedra would be Dr. franenstein and Wiggy would be the monster.

Rodger would be a fat Dracula. Robert West would be the Mummy since he's been embalmed for quite some time now.

Martin Scorsese said...

Yes, Diedra is Dr. Frankenstein though a really dumbed down and ghetto version of the Dr. Frankenstein. Or she could be the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

Wiggy could play the Frankenstein monster because he ruins everything he touches. Remember what happened to the monster at the end of the movie? Or he could reprise the 1970’s role of Blackula.

Rodger Smock could be Dracula, the blood sucker or changing genres, The Blob from X-Men. Just as attractive too.

Robert West could be the Mummy? I thought he was the Mummy. Actually, he could also play the Mummy’s shoe. He’s got the personality for role. .

Anonymous said...

To Chief Strongbow and Martin Scorsese

Gentlemen, Excellent job of casting. It would definitely be a terrifying movie. For comic relief, I suggest several supervisors in bumbling Abbott and Costello type-roles.

Anonymous said...

Diedra is a good example of what happens when you vote someone in who is so filled with insecurities and a need to control everything that she loses complete sight of what role on the board really is. She needs to control so that her little world won't implode. I'm personally tired of all the mental cases on the board. Saffold, Hale and Thomas are all cut from the same piece of mud that Diedra is made of. I don't even think Marchica knows where he is half the time.

Then you have the whack jobs like Charles, Yvonne, Rodger, Robert, Esmeralda and Alejandra. They're misfits just like the board with little authority on earth so they have to push their personal agendas hoping they're going to get the respect they so crave and need to validate themselves. Sickening. And why haven't you written about the Supervisory Committee- the ALL BLACK Supervisory Committee? That's another load of misfits who need to be exposed, particularly that moron, Supervisory Chair Cornelia Simmons. They're another piece of sh.... work if ever I saw one.

Casting coach said...

The movie would indeed be terrifying and you wouldn't have to spend money on make-up or special effects.

Yes, comic relief would temper the highly horrific edge that Diedra, Wigg, Smock, and Robert would bring to the big screen. Something in the vein of Abbott and Costello would be a good idea. A little nerdish addition. Well, fortunately, the credit union has several male officers who could play Abbott and Costello types.

Joseph Garcia: With his Charo accent, he could play a Latin Bud Abbott or Lou Costello. PLus he's a naturally bungles everything he tries to do.

O. Glen Saffold: Never could pass the California bar exam and for years seems placated by his clerical supervisory position with the post office. He'd certainly bring some comic relief to any horror movie. Plus working with alongside Diedra has given him first hand exposure to all things horrible.

Bobby Thomas: He's got that toothy, dumb as dirt look. Don't know if he'd make good comic relief because this caricature really takes himself seriously.

Richard Hale: He might be too non-descript. He might make a better prop than actor.

Yvonne Boutte: She might not be a real male but she could play the straight man to the Lou Costello Character. She's got that I smell poop expression and she's imposing- physically at least.

Of course, Gema and Georgina could play the Abbott and Costello roles too. I'd guess Gema with her Ricky Ricardo accent and clumsy demeanor could play Lou Costello. And the always unhappy Georgina can play Bud Abbott.

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Anonymous said...

If you want to scare people, have the camera focus on Wig eating and talking with his mouth full or him scratching his privates.
Another scary scene would be Rodger coming out of his swimming pool. Or Diedra wearing a pair of tightly fitted bermudas while wearing stilletos. A close-up of Robert will suffice.

Commissioner Gordon said...

Chief, Scorsese an Casring Couch,

This P1 movie is really getting to be quite an epic. Horror with a mix of comedy will need a great director with a deft touch. If only Orson Welles, John Ford or Jules White were still alive to take on such a complicated project.

I suggest the movie open with a long-shot one-camera close-up of Wiggy lumbering into P1 scratching his balls and loud talking as he meanders to the lunch room (similar to the Copa scene in Goodfellas). Then Wiggy plunks himself down to gobble a big bucket of crispy fried KFC, mouth wide-open as he chomps on legs and thighs. As Wig dips and sops gravy the camera shows an extreme slo-mo close-up of monster Wigg's mouth full of food. Fade-out.

Anonymous said...

Oh Glen is a joke. For years he tried to act suave but problem with him is he's as suave as Wiggington, Smock, and West. When the postal service started laying off people, they were nice enough to offer him a carrier job but he was not happy because he had been supervising clerks and saw the new position as beneath him. He even complained about the walking which is just what carriers do.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
LOL. Next, the phone rings and its Wig's Aunt Jenny. While holding a drumstick in his hand and while continuing to chew loudly, he starts talking to his aunt and as he does, morsels of food shoot out of his mouth striking the furniture and walls in his office. And though the audience cannot understand a thing he's saying because his mouth is full of food, his aunt, for some uncanny reason, understands everything he says. Sort of how everyone understands Pikachu or Scooby Doo.

You can follow that scene with the camera moving past Robert West's office where he sleeps at his desk, dressed like The Mummy with his face lying deep in a bowl of oatmeal.

Another scene could show Rodger Smock in his office trying to fit into his large but too narrow chair. In the background, you can see an image of some gay Latino
website. As he lumbers to fit into his chair, Esmeralda walks in and offers to oil him down, hoping it will help him slide into his chair.

Commissioner Gordon said...

@Casting Couch, Wow. I'm glad you pointed out how many inept, bumbling supervisors there are at P1. Quite a cast of dunderheads. Seems like there are too many pratfall slapstick klutzy managers to fill the Abbott and Costello comedy rolls for this Horror-comic epic. I suggest we integrate some idiotic Three Stooges and insane Marx Brothers characters into the script to fill all the numerous available incompetent-type rolls available. What'ya think?

Anonymous said...

The 3 Stooges: Wiggington, Smock, and West


Diedra, Yvonne, Alex


Hale, Thomas, Saffold


Gema, Georgina, Joseph

The Marx Brothers could be played by Wiggington, West and Yvonne, Yvonne being the only real man of the 3.

Sky is the limit. Maybe they'll prove to be better actors than managers.

Anonymous said...

Opening Scene:

The camera pans the interior of a large, dank hall in a medieval castle located somewhere in South Central L.A. Torches cast flickering light and shadows on the vaulted stone ceiling and walls, while sitting on a beat up Lazy Boy, sits Count Chocula played by Charles Wiggington. Several feet away, stands a large round wood table surrounded by old rusted metal fold out chairs on which sit several barely discernible shadowy figures.

The Fifty Foot Woman played by Yvonne B., asks, "Count, why have you called us here?"

She is joined by the Abomonible Snowman, played by Rodger who asks, "Yes, Count, why have you summoned us? I'm hungry. I'm in the mood for a little Mexican and I ain't talking about food."

Gollum, played by Gema, cries out, "I have things NOT to do at my desk. I was just getting ready to order some sarapes from the Home Shopping Network when you conjured me up. What is so important that it couldn't wait until after I submitted my order?"

A worried Count, says, "I've called you here because there are rumors that some invisible pack of ninja employees is trying to take my throne and want to tar and feather me and DeeDra and put us on the first train outta town. We need to catch them, because if I go down, you all go down."

Turning to Witch's Poo played by Diedra, the Count asks "What is your bidding my master? The wizard wouldn't give me a brain so I need yours. What shall we do?"

Witch's Poo, replies in a shrill, crackly voice, "Don't worry. I got the sexual harassment evidence squashed and I made sure you didn't get in trouble for stealing that member's car so I'm not about to let some superior group of non-existent rebels taks us down. Anyway Count, if you don't stay, that means I go too and that ain't ever happening. The important thing to remember is whatever we do, it ain't gonna be legal!"

Suddenly the large wooden doors to the room are thrown open and a cold gust of wind fills the room. The smell of dirty, damp fabric and dust fills the room. Standing amidst a swirling cloud of dust is The Mummy, played by Robert West. In a soft, almost girlish tone, he says, "You guys didn't wake me up. I fell asleep in my sarcophagus while writing my latest self-help book. I think I'm going to title it, "Mummy Dearest." What you think?"

To be continued......

Anonymous said...

Too bad Bea Walker doesn't work there anymore. She'd really take scary another step up. The woman was as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside and she and Wigg were the perfect evil couple. They were t he Bonnie and Clyde of the credit union industry, trampling over the law like it wasn't meant for them. She was also close to Yvonne Boutte. And they were close until they had that famous falling out.

Anonymous said...

Bea was the worst. If she was still at P1 she'd be president. She almost kicked Wigg to the curb. When she was there, she actually had him scared. He really thought he was going to lose his job. His only friends were West and Smock and she was planning on firing them as soon as she was named president. She though Smock was useless and overpaid and she thought there was no need for Robert West. She was right on both counts.

Anonymous said...

Smock and West were scared of her too.

Anonymous said...

Wow, unbelievable. Wigg is still the excuse maker. Always reminds me of a 6 year old. Usually, a person that runs away from accountability is a person living in fear. Wigg is a scared old boy. I recently heard him telling an employee that a lot of people have criticized him for closing branches, but the reason to close branches is to bring in more business. The things that come out of that man's mouth are nothing less than incredible and stupid. You don't shut branche down and rob members of convenience and hope business will grow. Just the opposite. Expect to lose business. And that's what has happened. I recently spoke to someone from another credit union and told him I worked at Priority One. He snickered and said, "Are they still around?"

Anonymous said...

Bea Walker is not a name you hear anymore at P1 probably because most new employees don't know about her, but if Wigg is Diedra's monster than Bea was Wigg's monster.

Before her first day at work, Wigg told her about all the employees in the CU who were trying to drive him out and he told her about the blog. On the first day she arrived, 2-faced pansy. Rodger Smock, walked her through the office and introduced her as "This is Bea, she is starting today." Rodger never told anyone what Bea was going to be doing because he's a sneaky old woman. When meeting employees she never acknowledged the employees and she even turned her back to some employees who tried to shake her hand. And in the days that followed, if you happened to be walking in her direction, she would turn away and never greet you or respond to greetings. Either she was the rudest person ever hired at the credit union or Wigg and Rodger had brainwashed her before she started working.

During the first 2 weeks after she started, she, Rodger and Wigg took 2 to 3 hour lunches each day at El Tepeyac Patio. They made sure never to include dumbass but honest, Manny the CFO, because he had been branded an enemy by Wigg because he refused to break state laws when reporting money.

About 2 months after she arrives, Bea and Yvonne get tight and they start taking lunch together each day. Wigg keeps inviting Bea to join him and Rodger but she turns him down because she says she has too much work but he soon finds out that she's going out with Bea.

One day she drives to the Riverside and is introduced to Joseph who kisses her butt and starts talking to her on the phone everyday. She decides to bring him to South Pasadena and he later told us that she promised to make him an executive. When he got to Pasadena, he followed Bea from department to department like a little dog.

She forms her little circle with Bea and Joseph and wants to add Suzanna because she was smitten by her beauty. But Suzanna was a great worker but didn't need to kiss anyone's butt. For awhile Bea would drive to the Valenica office and stay talking to Suzanna but Wigg got mad because Bea was spending more time in Valencia than at south pasadena.

Bea was like Bea in that confidentiality meant nothing to her. So she starts blabbing that Wigg is unprofessional and not the image of what you want in a president. She was right. So she gets in good with Diedra and Diedra goes over backwards to give Bea everything she wants and little by little, Wigg started feeling left out and he actually thought she was going to get rid of him.

She almost succeeded. What changed things was when Suzanne complained to Esmeralda that she was being harassed by Bea. Wigg and Rodger drove down to Valencia and to talk to Suzanna in person about her complaint. He asked Suzanna to put it in writing and then uses the letter to take some of Bea's power away. Diedra and the board where shocked to read accusations that Bea was supposedly sexually harassing the branch manager and if case you don't know, older black men don't like Lesbians because they feel they're taking away they're women. Well if your woman goes with a lesbian you probably never had her to begin with. Ask Smock.

When Bea started losing her power, Yvonne turned against her and so did Joseph and they were both so happy when she got fired. Joseph even told us that he was so tired of how horrible she treated people. Joseph is a bit of a hypocrite because in 2012 he got rid of so many people.

By the way, Bea had the same talent as does Wigg for ruining everything she touched. Everything she said was going to make money failed and every one of her suggestions came from her friends in the industry. She's also the reason why Saeid Raad got hired and he's the reason Cindy Garvin got hired.

Anonymous said...

These things never happened when Mr Harris was president. Its disgusting. The credit union went from being a place members loved to a place people dislike.It all changed with Diedra and Wiggington.

Anonymous said...

Those things didn't happen because Mr Harris was a man of character and he was ethical. He wasn't perfect but he did try to do what was right. Wiggington, Smock, West, Yvonne and all the others have to tell yo how perfect and good they are and then turn around and do the most horrible things to others. You really should be suspicious when someone talks all the time, about all the good they do. Usually, its just talk and meant to cover-up all the wrong they do.

I remember a woman once called because her mother had just died and she didn't have any money to bury her. Her credit wasn't good enough to get a loan from any credit union including P1. Even Patti L. denied her a loan. The member called Mr Harris and he approved her for a loan though he was explicit that she must pay it back and she did.

Mr Harris had compassion and unlike the managers that are at P1, he was human. You can see how what the current managers are reflects on what the credit union is as a business and its reputation. So very sad.

Anonymous said...

Someone should ask Robert West if he now wants to go and peoteset in Oklahoma for that parasite that beheaded a co worker. Since he thinks black men in United states are a subject to discrimination.. Look carefully Robert these are your people you preach so much about these are the animals this country has laws in order to protect guves shelter provides Welfare. And another blk parasite visited Africa n brought Ebloa back with him to Texas frm Libera . Shame shame shame!

Anonymous said...

Protest *

Anonymous said...

Robert you should go and preach in Oklahoma now! Shame shame a thousand shames on a evil fake christian such as you . Only faith you belong to West is the vudu crap thats imbedded in your jeans frm your ancestors you disgusting parasite!

Anonymous said...

Can we get a collection going to sjphip Robert off to Missouri or better yet to the Congo. I'd like to see if the people there welcome him with open arms or chase him out. He has always shown preferential treatme1nt for blacks tough in this order.

1. Blackmen
2. Black women

Make no mistake, it's in that order yet it's his wife who wears the pants in the family. Look in the Internet on racism in the church. He believes like does Saffold that the White man has oppressed all blacks but he avoids ever discussing how blacks were first sold to Eurpeans by black chieftains.

Anonymous said...

Why look at the board and Wiggy! A good example of reveres racism! A good example of why these animals cant be trusted in leadership roles its no use! Wake up folks wake up! Sure theres bad apples in every race but with them theres inly a few good ones n millions of bad ones not ranting but 92 riots are a good example of how over 50 people were killed while these savages burned down half if LA . Not to mention our prisons are 70% Afro American 68% of black males will be arrested at some point in there lives. N dont give me BS bout they have it bad its a ghetto culture n they endured slavery so have the Chinese and Japanese were put in to camps as well we dont burn diwn towns or murder people tho. Because we are a human kind not savage!

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt in mind that if West Bigfoot ir Wiggy were hungry enough they would slaughter a actual human being and resort to canabelism..

Anonymous said...

Wiggy is a perfect example of a educated black man in a leadership role as a "CEO" believe me as bad as he is his one of the honorary well educated well mannered people they have. Far too too many examples and incidents to mention how it just back fires when they lead any ine company team or group it just go's down the drain! Like P2 did!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Reasons! Ill give you two.

1. Black society has a evil inner conscience that they constantly abide by, that they need to revenge the white man for oppression, thats imbedded in there minds sunce childhood.

2. They just lack intellect, and I'm sorry but the aggressive mad inner demons that haunt most because of broken homes always has them on a offensive approach like they have to constantly watch there backs..

Anonymous said...

No denying that Diedra and the board created the dynamic which has spawned all the comments about racism. "Miss" Diedra did all she could in 2009 and 2010 to control the elections, even breaking state law, just so that she could make sure the stayed unchanged.

The board has and has had directors whose view of life is everything black. Mrs. Irving is a nice lady but back in 2006, she she voted for Wig because the credit union needed a black president. At the time, Thomas Gathers and O. Glen Saffold said the same thing.

So O. Glen since you're the only one of the 3 that's still on the board, how did that turn out for you? I guess the board forgot the credit union founders were all white.

Back in 2006 and 2007, O. Glen Saffold used to say that O.J. Simpson was setup by the white man. Not only should that not have been a topic to discuss at work, but its ignorant. I don’t remember reading that O. Glen was present when Nicole and Ron were murdered.

Now Wiggington plays the race card only when it gets him in good with the board. Remember, he is married to a white woman and his son is half-white, and he has tried so hard to gain acceptance from whites. So sad.

Its the board who chose Wig because of color that made this an issue. They never said they picked him because of his track record. they never said they picked him because of his skills. And we all know they didn't pick him for his looks. They made color an issue. If anyone had picked the president because he or she was white, yellow or brown, they hypocritical board would have been the first to point fingers and yell racism.

As for Robert West, he has always shown preference for black men though not always for black women. Years ago a black BDR said that Robert gave him advise “from one black brother to another” and told him he wanted to see him get promoted and told him he needed to dress more professionally. Robert never imparted his words of wisdom to any member of any other race, just to a “brother.” Robert is like another Al Sharpton. Listen carefully to what Robet says, look at what he does and what doesn’t do, and finally look at who he associates with. Most importantly, does a Christian sleep in his office, take 2 hour lunches, and refuse to enforce policy?

Anonymous said...

Its the other way around.

Anonymous said...

Well I've no doubt that they would eat others if they had no food but if they tried to eat one another, they'd die of ptomaine poisoning.

A comment about Wigg being educated. He MIGHT have a BA in African-American Studies (really proved useful at the credit union, didn't it?) but he speaks like an uneducated person. Ask him in what state he was born. He used to say Inanapolis. Did he mean Annonapolis or Indianapolis? No, he was saying Indiana. He also loved pronouncing Toyota CU as TAYO-TA. It TOyota you putz!!!!

Anonymous said...

If this wasn't so pathetic it would actually be funny. Diedra fought so hard to keep a loyal black board and that's what she got. She wanted a black board over a competent board and even though she's an embarrassment, she refuses to let someone with real intelligence and integrity take the reins. Not that you could vote one in as members no longer submit their nominations to run on the credit union industries worst board of directors. So is the board bad because 4 out of 5 are black? No, but the incompetent directors just happen to be black and just happen to want their world to stay black.

I hope postal workers don't get offended but managers usually work their way up the ladder. The problem is that the USPS doesn't groom most of them to be managers. As Wiggington proves, being a manager is more than a mere title. Diedra used to brag that she was a marketing manager at the post office but does anyone really believe that this woman knows anything about marketing? She's ignorant and she comes off as uneducated even though she likes to push the facdt she attended University of Phonenix and knows a lot about computers. Uh, huh.

Chief Jay Stronbow said...

Getting back to that Horror movie a good scene might be Diedra, Wiggy and Robert West sitting in a dark dungeon roasting one of their co-workers over a spit - making a swell cannibal-style meal. Of course, the co-worker with the most choice cuts (and plenty of leftovers) would have to be plump & blubbery Rodger Smock. Plus, Rodger'd have lots of drippings for the kind of gravy Wiggy craves.

Cecil B. DeMille said...

@Chief Jay Stronbow: You are very funny.

Maybe that's why Wigg covers for Smock so that he doesn't leave the credit union? I guess he's either saving Rodger for Thanksgiving or he just wants a Big Fat White, I mean Woe-Man.

Baron Zemo said...

Diedra attended the University of Phoenix? You mean the Univerisity of Phoenix that's really a correspondence school that advertises heavily on television - The for-profit university? Their so-called degrees are a joke. Their graduation rates are less than 10%. It's really just a papermill designed to make shareholders wealthy.

If thats the case, I'd say any expertise Diedra has in marketing is worthless. In any event, absolutely none of her "marketing expertise" has helped P1 succeed whatsoever. In fact, it's just the opposite with branch closures, shrinking services, layoffs, etc.

Anonymous said...

@Baron Zemo

Is there any proof Diedra actually graduated with a phony degree from the U of Phoenix? I suspect she just took a few courses on-line and claims to have a phony useless degree.

Diedra is a weasel who cannot be trusted. I challenge Diedra to produce her phony degree. Show everyone a picture of your graduation ceremony.

Next she'll be claiming she was a cheerleader for the University of Phoenix football team.

Chief Jay Strongbow said...

@Cecil B. DeMille

In my estimation I'd say Wiggy is force-feeding Rodger to get him nice and plump for a Thanksgiving feast. Everyone loves a nice broad-breasted butterball for the holidays. And who better than Rodger to foot the bill of faire. Slow-cooked and stuffed or deep-fried or brined you can't go wrong with Rodger as the centerpiece when all the relatives (moochers, losers and deadbeats) show up famished at Wiggy's doorstep. And like I said before, they'll be plenty of leftovers to last through XMAS.

Anonymous said...

Each year when the credit union used to hold officer elections, nominees and incumbents would have to write a bio that would be published in the credit union's newsletter. Bea wrote that she graduated from the University of Phoenix with a 3.5 GPA in Marketing and that her so-called computer skills proved “an asset to Priority One.”

I never believed her. The bios never contain any evidence to prove they nominees/incumbents ever graduated from college. You have to accept what they say about themselves it at face value and no one who knows Diedra or the other vultures, believes them.

Diedra never said got a degree from U of P, she just says she attended and got a 3.5. gpa. Sure she did? What a lot of people have asked is how her classes at the U of P ever helped the credit union. They’ve been losing money for years and they’ve been closing branches so it doesn’t look her supposed expertise in business and marketing ever did a thing for the credit union. And she also wrote in her address that her “computer skills has proven to be an asset to Priority One.” How so? I’m pretty sure the only reason she uses her computer is to play solitaire.

Anonymous said...

PS: you should read O. Glen Saffold’s biography. He has an AA in General business, a BA in Business Administration and Philosophy, an MA in Theological Studies, and a JD in American Jurisprudence.

So why has Mr. Accomplished not done one thing to reverse some of the many problems created by Wiggington? Can anyone name one thing O. Glen Saffold has done that has made Priority One grow? Not only is he useless, he studied theology and yet helped Diedra hide evidence Charles sexually harassed an employee. O. Glen also wrote that he serves P! with “integrity and seasoned experience.” No, O. Glen wouldn’t know integrity if it slapped him hard upside his bloated head.

Chief Jay Strongbow said...

Me thinks none of these Board Members (weasels) or P1 officers/managers (grifters) has a degree from an accredited legitimate college or university. Is everyone claiming a degree from U. Of Phoenix or devry University?

Like Lt. Colonel Doom's STFU $40,000 Challenge I dare the Board and all P1 managers to produce a legit degree.

And Queefer Queen Diedra says she has a 3.5 GPA. How many classes? One or 2 from an on-line correspondence school - it's all worthless paper. It's like getting a 2-week degree from MacDonalds Hamburger University!

Anonymous said...

Oh Glen studied theology! So he's another big P1 hypocrite.

Jabba the Hutt said...

@Chief Jay Strongbow

I would like to join Wiggy's Thanksgiving feast. With butterball Rodger as the centerpiece they'll be plenty of leftovers. And us Hutts are always hungry.

Anonymous said...

They all wish they could get accepted for into McDonalds Hamburger University.

Ghost of Ray Kroc said...

MacDonald's Hamburger University will gladly offer 2-week scholarships to Diedra and Robett West in the fields of burger flipping and milkshake making.

Unfortunately Rodger Smock and Charles Wiggington only qualify for 1-week scholarships as french fry cooks.

During your stay at Hamburger U we will provide as many Big Macs as you can eat.......Gratis.

Anonymous said...

Well Rodger is the worst HR Director possible so if he is served at Thanksgiving then that'll be the first time he actually serves a purpose though I'd rather starve then taste him. No offense.

Madame Zelda said...

Do they give out degrees for being stupid and dishonest? If so, I see high honors in the future for buck tooth Diedra and Sex harasser Wiley Bandido Sissy Boy Senor Wiggington.

Anonymous said...

@Ghost of Ray Kroc

Yes, Diedra and Robot West probably will rate high in hamburger flipping and milkshake making since they've proven to have a natural tendency towards flipping the truth.

I'm not sure Rodger "Wimpy" Smock could get a one week scholarship since it might be difficult for him to restrain himself from eating french fries.

For Wiggington, the all you can eat hamburgers would be a dream since he loves getting a free meal from whoever he can. His nickname of Leach is well deserved.

Anonymous said...

Anybody remember when the credit union would have all staff meetings during which they'd provide lunch. One day I was standing right behind Wiggington. On his plate were 6 beef ribs, 2 chicken breasts salads, potato salad on a second dish, deserts. One of the tellers yelled out, "Wow Charles, that's a lot of food." He blurts out, "Its for Kim", his former assistant. That was odd because she was sitting in the lounge room eating quietly from a single plate. Wigg couldn't even tell the truth when eating like a pig. By the way, there were no ribs left for me and the 6 employees that stood behind me.

Anonymous said...

LOL. Wigggington is probably the one that stole my burrito from the lounge room.

By the way, back in 2009 he terminated Wendy because Robert West told him she took a sandwich from a platter of sandwiches the credit union bought for employees who were training in South Pasadena. I remember Wiggington yelling, "I'm not going to have someone who steals food working here." So stealing a car and sexually harassing a woman are okay but taking a 6 inch sandwich from Subway is unforgiveable.

The Hamburgler said...

Wiggy is a food hypocrite (among many other things). He'll steal, poach and plunder as much food as he can from the P1 employee fridge when he thinks no one Is looking. But when someone even glances at his plate, especially if it's loaded with KFC extra crispy legs and thighs, they become a candidate for termination. He's a sneak thief and a peeping Tom.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Diedra's marketing and computer skills have really put P1 back on the road to recovery. No stopping them now.

Anonymous said...

I'm probably the only person who believes that if given the chance, Diedra can show all of you how her mastery of MS Word has made the credit union a bigger, better, richer place. Come on Diedra, show them all!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I guess if you could repossess Danny. Wafa's car and put it inyour name, there's probably nothing you won't do.

Jabba the Hutt said...

Diedra has a hisory of being slippery.

Wiggington is an oily liar.

West is the ultimate religious hypocrite.

Plumper Smock is pretty tasty.

Anonymous said...

Diedra may be slippery but she's plain stupid. She let Wiggington ruin the credit union and she really thought no one would notice when she hid all the evidence he sexually harassed. Her dirt like when she ruined the elections, always comes to the surface. BTW, if she hid evidence of what he did then she's an accomplice.

Anonymous said...

Plumper Smock is like one of those chickens in the Zacky TV commercials. He's not good enough to be a Zacky chicken but he tries to pass himself off as one.

He wants everyone to believe he's educated and smart but his performance shows he's not smart at all. If he has a BA it only proves that a degree doesn't make you qualified for your job. He'd like you to think he's butter but he's nothing more than "I Can't Believe This is Not Butter."

Anonymous said...

For years I've wondered what it is Smock does at the credit union. He used to stress over writing the horribly written newsletters but when they gave the letters to Marc he began bad mouthing Marc so Bea would give him back the newsletter he complained so much about. He was and is the director of HR but Esmeralda handles interviewing new hires and benefits processing. Payroll is processed by Little Jen and tired robot, Robert West, handles employee complaints and terminations even if he ducks at his job. So what does Rodger do? Well if you peek in his office he sits at his desk staring at his monitor, eating chocolate or talking on the phone to his son/husband/lover/roommate. For those who know Rodger, he's got a nasty mouth, doesn't like Christians and loves materialism.

Anonymous said...

OK Diedra, you know I'm on your side. Its just you and I against the world. So come on, show them all how your expertise in MS Word helped make the credit union a better place. Come on girl, come on.

Jabba the Hutt said...

It's true Rodger does literally no legitimate work. I'm sure Smock's job description does not include sitting at his desk staring at a computer screen all day, gorging himself with chocolates, eating buckets of KFC and ladyfingers.

Therefore, one can only conclude what Chief Jay Strongbow said is correct - Wiggy keeps Rodger around around for his weekly tea-bagging session.

Anonymous said...

At the credit union, Wigg gets paid over $153,000 and Rodger gets over $112,000 to do nothing and both have written up and fired dozens of people for not doing their work.

Fat Boy Rodger is the main reason why 4 ex-employees sued the credit union. Years ago, Lardo used to be part of the HR team in Van Nuys but they canned him. Lucky for him, P1 hired him. Every look at the sloppy, badly written employee handbook? It was written by Rodger Scmuck.

I remember Miss Irving once saying, "Did you know Rodger likes boys?" Here's another surprise Miss Irving, he doesn't like work.

Anonymous said...

@Jabba the Hutt

You neglected to mention Rodger spends a good portion of the day whacking his schweener behind closed doors. Yep, Smock fiddles himself most of the workday.

Baron Zemo said...

@Jabba the Hutt

Jabba, I must respectfully disagree with your claim Wiggington has a weekly tea-bagging session with Rodger Smock. Bullshit - your contention is comically wrong.

It's the other way around. Rodger teabags Wiggington at least once a week in those private "meetings" they have.

Commissioner Gordon said...

Poor widdle Wiggy. I understand widdle Wiggy is upset that Jabba the Hutt is criticizing his job performance. Many are saying he's crying all alone, like a widdle baby in his office. He's even threatening to resign for spite just to prove how valuable he is to P1.

I can only hope he sprites everyone by resigning.

Anonymous said...

If he resigned, it would give the credit union a chance to regain its former positioning in the credit union marketplace but its chances would be improved if useless and dishonest Rodger also resigned. Then you'd have to show Robert West the door because they no longer need a "trainer" at a 3 branch credit union plus he knows nothing about HR even though he is the manager and he knows less over compliance, even though he now oversees complaince. You'd also have to terminate Yvonne because the woman is a liability to the Credit Union. She is a control freak who caused them to get sued in 2012 and she has done absolutely nothing to make the credit union a better business and employer. Not only would you trim expenses but you might actually give the credit union a chance to survive.

Oh and terminate useless and ignorant Joseph Garcia. Mr. Kiss Ass is the only BD rep and he has never in over a year and a half, made any of his goals, yet he keeps his job. Probably because when Bea was COO, she told him about Wigg's dirty little secrets.

Otis said...

@Baron Zemo and @Jabba the Hutt: You're both correct. They believe in reciprocity And yes, Rodger is a plumper though can you imagine the amount of grizzle in that old bird? Yuck!

@Commissioner Gordon: I concur, poor Widdle Wiggy the self-titled victim who for years has said he is being targeted by an invisible and non-existent group of employees who are driven by jealousy and who want his job. I wonder if he also has a six-foot Rabbit named Harvey who accompanies him wherever he goes and if he sees pink elephants walking through the branch?

Maybe he can go into business with his son, Chuck "Chuckie" Jr. who I understand is quite the entrepreneur.

Commissioner Gordon said...

WOW! Besides widdle iddy baby Wiggy you're suggesting a mass resignation to include Blubber Boy Rodger, do-nothing Robert West, worthless Yvonne and brown-noser toadie Joseph Garcia. I certainly second your shocking proposal. But don't you think such a mass resignation of P1's management would cause all Priority One employees and members to celebrate too much. I also know the entire credit union industry, CUES, DFI and NCUA would rejoice as if manna fell from heaven.

@Otis @Jabba the Hutt @Baron Zemo
Some think Wiggy sees enemies all around. Some think Wiggy is paranoid. Others say Wiggy has delusions of grandeur.

I say he is an incompetent psychotic put in place by demented dominatrix Diedra to ruin the credit union for her own sadistic purposes.

Baron Zemo and the Krypton Council of Elders said...


Wiggington and his "entrepreneur" son Chuckie would make a tremendous business team, exactly like wannabe Walter White and Jesse Pinkham.

Otis said...

@Baron Zemo and the Krypton Council of Elders said...

They're going to be either be exactly like Walter White and Jesse Pinkham or they're going to be arrested the first time they try to distribute meth, just like what happened to Chuck "Chuckie" Wiggington in December 2012. I guess he's just a chip off the old block.

Otis said...

@Commissioner Gordon

You say mass resignation, I was thinking more on the lines of extermination, but why quibble. You got each officer's character perfectly correct.

There's excuse maker and liar Widdle, Iddy, Baby (Huey) Wiggy.

Blubber Boy Rodger Smock

Do Nothing Robert "Robot" "Missouri" West

Worthless Yvonne

Brown Noser Toadie Joseph Garcia

If this happens, the Credit Union might actually declare a holiday.

And you're 100% correct, Senor Wiggy sees enemies that no one else can see. Hum....

Diedra is Priority 1's own plutonium stash. She's actually the artist who painted what the credit union is today. If it wasn't for her ignorance about marketing, sales, strategical planning and more importantly, her need to cover up illegal acts, Priority 1 might not be what its become today. A big thanks to this useless, incompetent and dishonest shyster who thought protecting Charles Wiggington's illegal acts was more important than monitoring the credit union's performance, ensuring policies were enforced and who cared less about members and employees than she did about her meaningless volunteer Chairperson title of the most embarrassing board to hit any credit union.

Anonymous said...

PS: Just saying

Anonymous said...

Diedra is the Montgomery Burns of credit union land. I imagine her at home, sitting in a darkened room, hands clutched, saying "Excellent."

Dr. Brooks said...

But isn't Montgomery Burns smart?

Anonymous said...

Wiggy, I'll help you pack up your things. I'll even get some of the employees to wave good-bye from the in front of the office.

Chief Jay Strongbow said...

I understand Wiggy has started a new ice-bucket like challenge. Wigg named it the Crotch Grab Challenge. Of course, Wiggy's been scratching his balls and grabbing his crotch for years. Yep, Wiggy is quite the visionary and humanitarian.

To show Charles we're with him, I am asking all credit union CEOs to take the challenge and grab their crotch next time you run into him at a credit union conference or event. And it sure would be great if P1 employees and Board members start grabbing their crotches as a tribute when you see Wiggy.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't help that and evil man pack.

Anonymous said...

So Robert Wedt reports a employee for taking a 6 inch sub and Wiggy terminated the employee?. What a sharing and giving Christian you are West ! You scum bag poacher'! I know about you n ur wife acting practicly homeless at ur so Church for kick backs you virus spreading parasite!

Anonymous said...

West* remember you admited about bag of singles n change Church donated to you when u were so called under a bit! Or perhaps u stole it

Jethro Bodine said...

Wiggy, Allow me make it easy on you, since you're a lazy SoB. I will buy you a rolling duffle bag. I will help you pack all your clothes (junk). I happily will drive you to the train station. Then after a proper tar & feathering I will help run you outta town on a rail.

And to make sure you're comfortable (as comfortable as a guy can be after being tarred and feathered) I'll give you big bucket of extra crispy KFC so you won't go hungry while your riding that rail.

Anonymous said...

Robert West is a moocher. For years when we'd ask him to pay $7 to buy a gift and take part in a luncheon for maternity luncheons, he always donated $2 and ate and ate and ate plus he signed the card.

Robert's wife doesn't work because she chooses not to. Years ago she decided to stay home to home school the kids. She gets to keep the car while he's at work and he takes the bus to and from work.

Robert never things about the testament he has made to others, because its ultimately about him.

I never understood why he told Wigg that Wendy supposedly stole a sandwich. Its a sandwich! I mean its okay for Robert to work on his personal projects like his self-help books while at work. And its okay for him to take 2 hour luncheons. Its even okay for him to sleep in his office but God forbid someone take a 6" sandwich from a tray of sandwiches made for employees.

And it was fine for Wigg to fire Wendy but sexually harassing an employee, taking a member's car, getting kickbacks from Justice Auto and the old credit resolutions department, and causing the credit union to lose more than $17 million since 2007 is A-Ok with the tard board. Its like living in an alternate reality.

Anonymous said...

The Story of Dorothy, Part 1

A few years ago, there was a woman named Dorothy who worked as a loan processor. Dorothy was liked by a lot of employees. For years Charles used to share a story that he dented the bumper on one of his many used BMW’s and Dorothy offered to have her husband find a replacement. Well, Dorothy never got back to him about the bumper. For 4 years, on a weekly basis Charles would retell the story about how Dorothy never came through. He would only retell the story if she was present. So if you were one of the unlucky employees who got corralled by Charles, you’d get to hear the story in Loan Department, sometimes in Member Services, frequently in t he lounge room at other times in the hall outside his office, in the patio, in the reception area, etc. He bludgeoned the story to death. If it had ever been a humorous story, it lost its humor by the 100th time you heard the story.

The problem with Charles is that he has a big mouth. He suffers from talkingitis just like his son. Must be a genetic disorder. Charles likes to tell the same stories over and over again as if they’re interesting or funny. He used to share how his mother used to lock him in a closet when he was a little boy because he wouldn’t stop talking. Her mistake is that she let him back out.

Anonymous said...

The Story of Dorothy, Part II

Dorothy was expecting her second child when an older Black couple entered the loan department to apply for a personal loan. Dorothy was a new loan processor, having only been processing loan applications and funding for about 8 days.

The couple were rude, curt, and extremely pushy. Dorothy who was pregnant, began getting nervous and asked another loan processor to assist her. While be assisted, the couple disparaged Dorothy loudly, criticizing her for being slow. Now one should understand that though Patricia Loiacano was the Assistant to the Lending Director and though she was extremely knowledgeable about loan funding, she never offered to help much less teach. The woman is so insecure that she holds on to her knowledge for fear an employee will take her place. I cancelled my subscription to Patricia Loiacano a long time ago because quite frankly, I got tired of her issues.

Dorothy finally had enough and raising her voice, told the couple to stop berating her. That proved to be a big mistake because using an Afro-American term, they got loud.
They began shouting that they wanted a manager and so Charles was called into the department. He escorted the undignified couple to one of the Real Estate Loan Officer’s desks where he asked them to sit. They continued loudly complaining. By the way, they were sitting across from Dorothy, approximately 12 feet from her desk. To placate them, Charles said, “Please excuse Dorothy. Her hormones are off because she’s pregnant.”

It would have been an appalling statement had it come from anyone other than Charles. The man is the village idiot. He has no tact, common sense or self-discipline which explains why his son is out of control.

Charles found someone else to fund the couple’s loan, but he supposedly fixed the problem by slandering his employee.

Anonymous said...

The Story of Dorothy, Part III

For years, lead consumer loan officer, Georgina Duenas broke policies on a daily basis, but always found protection under her supervisor, Aaron Cavazos, and Charles Wiggington. For years, Georgina and then Branch Manager, Gema Pleitez, took 2 forty minute breaks each day, though the company only allows a maximum of two. For years the two women would have co-workers clock them in because they would on a daily basis extend their 60 minute lunch to 2 and 2 and a half hours. One day Georgina deposits a check from CITI bank and Gema orders the teller not to put a seven day hold on the check. Georgina takes the money out almost immediate but a few days later, the check is returned due to insufficient funds. The two women are called into the office of President Wiggington but he allows his then bosom buddy, Aaron, to concoct some excuse which they had to Rodger Smock, the head of HR and which keeps the women from getting written up or fired.

In 2008, several loan department employees provided statements to HR director, Rodger Smock, alleging many violations of policy committed by Georgina. Mr. Smock tells Georgina about the complaints but chooses not to investigate or take action against Georgina. He also tells Georgina that the complaints were voiced by Suzanne, Dorothy, Sonia and others. Georgina becomes incensed and goes out to the consumer loan department and makes a brief speech about how she doesn’t care what others think about her. Remember, this is supposed to be a business office where professionalism is supposed to be exercised.

Shortly afterwards, Georgina accuses Dorothy of being rude to a member. She lodges her complaint with Aaron and Patricia Loiacano. He orders Patricia and Georgina to call Dorothy into a meeting and issue a verbal warning threatening her future termination should this occur again. Funny that he went along with what Georgina said but neither he, Rodger Smock, or Wiggington took action against Georgina for widespread violations of company policy including committing fraud.

During the meeting with Georgina and Patricia, Dorothy becomes incensed and tells them she is considering leaving the company on a medical leave (she previously discussed the possibility of this with Rodger Smock).

The two tell Aaron what she said and Aaron who was as dishonest as any other manager, tells Charles that Dorothy told Georgina and Patricia to “go to hell.”

Charles without speaking to Dorothy or conducting an investigation to ascertain if what Aaron said was true, declares, “She needs to go, now!”

The following day, Rodger sends Esmeralda to Dorothy’s desk and demands she provide the company the date when she intends on leaving on medical leave or they may consider terminating her. By the way, that’s illegal.

Dorothy resigns and all seems well until shortly afterwards, Aaron explodes and tells Charles off for promoting Patricia Loiacano to the post of AVP of Lending. Aaron then informs Charles and Rodger (who was present) that he is leaving the credit union on leave. After the meeting, Charles exclaims, “Aaron doesn’t know how to talk to people.” Look who’s talking. Aaron leaves but when he tries to return to work several months later, Charles terminates him using years of complaints alleging abuses and sexual harassment committed by Aaron. But wasn’t it proven Charles Wiggington sexually harassed an employee?

Anonymous said...

Charles got away with so much because of moron extraordinaire, Diedra Harris or Diedra Brooks or whatever name she likes using. But he needed the help of his henchmen like Fat Old Rodger Smock who never met a policy he couldn't break or little girl, Roberta West, who complained about the alleged theft of a six inch sandwich. I guess when West takes 2 hour lunches or does personal non-credit union while being paid to do whatever it is he does, that's not stealing right?

Anonymous said...

Charley the perv could never do his crap without Rodger. Rodger was his in for HR which he needed to successfully abuse people. Those four lawsuits accused the credit union of violating state and federal laws, of breaking policies, and of lying and harassing. Rodger knew about the abuses and they were all true otherwise why would the credit union move so quickly to settle every lawsuit? When they were litigating Rodger couldn't provide the lawyers documents proving he investigated employee complaints that's why they settled. Plus Diedra was so scared the credit union's dirty acts would get documented and put in a court record. She didn't want the records proving Wigg sexually harassed a female subpoenaed and used as evidence proving she and the board were accomplices in keeping Wigg from being prosecuted for sexual harassment.

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of us wonder who in the credit union has opened their mouths to let information that should be confidential, out. It has to be Wigg, Rodger, West, Esmeralda, or Yvonne. They must have talked to someone.

Anonymous said...

Yes Wigg broke the law for years and violated every credit union policy but he should have been fired for breaching confidentiality. Anybody find it weird that he fired so many people for supposedly breaking confidentiality when the information that got out orginated from his office?

Rocket Man said...

I'm a credit union CEO from Southern California. I've known Charles Wiggington since he took over as CEO at P1. Watching him operate over the years has been an embarrassment to the credit union industry. Initially I was friendly with Wigginton when I ran into him at meetings and conferences. Now I can't stand the sight of him knowing his sordid track record.

Mystery: I just don't understand how P1's Board of Directors continues to let him off the hook time after time, even though he breaks policy and violates the law almost monthly.

Mystery Solved: Earlier in this blog one commenter stated Charles has a "dirt dossier" on each board member. Wiggington must have these dossiers, otherwise how in the world does he continue to remain employed.

Anonymous said...

@Rocket Man: I think you may be right. There is no logical reason why the Board has not only refused to fire him after he broke polices and laws, but they've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars covering up his crimes and violations. Even a board as intellectually deficient as Priority One's board should see that he is a major and costly liability, estranging the Credit Union from the communities it serves.

I know several people from other credit unions who like you, don't choose to talk to Wiggington. He's actually often the subject of conversations though what people say is not in any shape or form complimentary.

Anonymous said...

Wigg wanted to become famous and he wanted Priority One to surpass all other credit unions but from the very start, he decided to be lazy and to break the law. He thought being CEO meant that everyone would grovel at his feet while he sat back and watched the money come in. He was disengaged from the start and in his first year he proved he was no Mr. Harris. 4 months after he became President, one of his AVPs got caught kiting after someone secretly turned her in. Now before he promoted her, he had been VP of Operations and he knew when he decided to promote her that he would ignore all the NSF's in her checking account. He even backed out all the NSF fees and he rewarded her with a promotion. Then at about the same time, he decides not to review a batch of envelopes containing ballots. I was in his office when he said he was the president and he wasn't going to look at any sample batches of outgoing mail. The envelopes were mailed and it was discovered that the outside of the envelopes had member social and credit union account numbers printed just above the person's name. Before the year was out, he picked out a new phone system with without asking Manny or stupid Rodger Smock to evaluate the program before buying it. during a meeting, Manny told us it cost $600,000 and it was going to be paid on a monthly basis but from the first month it was installed, the program had so many problems and each week, technicians had to come out to check it and make corrections.

Charles Wiggington is a buffoon. Stupid, ignorant, and with no common sense. He thinks that he is above policies and above laws, but I do agree, he must have something on the board because if they had half a brain within them, they would have fired him.

Baron Zemo said...

@Rocket Man

Wiggy's definitely has secret "dirt" dossiers on just about every board member. He used to keep them under lock and key in his office. But within the last year, feeling the heat, he moved the dossier file folders to his personal residence just in case he was served with a subpoena. Wiggy also wanted to make sure the DFI or NCUA would be unable to discover these secret files. Although the DFI appears to be completely indifferent to Wiggy's misconduct.

Anonymous said...

Well Charles has at last stopped saying that the reason he closed branches is part of some big plan that's going to bring in business. Huh???????????????
Charles is just stupid or nuts because he tells cock-eyed stories that are supposed to twist his mistakes and make them look like they're part of his big plan to make priority one grow. He had 7 years and each year, the credit union closes branches, gets sued, more and more members close accounts, and postal workers don't like us anymore. When St. Joseph hospital told us we were no longer invited to their new hire orientations he told us that we were not to extend service to the hospital. We need the business but this dumb ass thinks trying to punish members is supposed to accomplish what? He used to say that people would come to the credit union not the other way around and that they'd be dying to become a member. Well, each year we get smaller and so does our membership and there no people breaking down the doors demanding to become members.

Anonymous said...

@Baron Zemo: You are right on all counts and the DFI seems apathetic. Then again, they're government which may mean they are short-staffed, over burdened and maybe populated by incompetents like those at Priority 1.

Wigg panics when he is caught doing wrong. He right away tries to cover up his illegal acts but not before everyone at the CU finds out what he's done. He's actually his own worst enemy because he repeats everything told to him by Diedra, what he tells the managers and he gossips about employees. The man is a blabbing idiot. I wish it wasn't illegal to tie him down and shove a roll of socks into his mouth.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot. Last year, the attorneys told him and Diedra that they better stop leaking confidential information and they were very specific in telling them that they were to stop slandering employees because the credit union could get sued again and I guess based on the agreements they signed when they settled the cases, if they talk about the lawsuits the credit union will be fined thousands of dollars per each violation. Unfortunately, Charles Wiggington suffers from some sickness that makes him repeat things and he's again, talking to his staff who in turn, talk to their staffs. To be honest, the two worst violators of repeating things are Charles and Yvonne. For some reason these two are frothing at the mouth to repeat a lot of what they know.

Anonymous said...

Its true, after the last lawsuit was settled, Wiggington was warned by the credit union attorneys, to keep his mouth shut. He is prohibited from making any statements about the former employees who sued or divulge any information about each agreement entered into by the credit union. If he or one of his staff, decide to talk about the terms of the agreements, Priority One can be taken to court and forced to pay thousands of dollars for each proven violation.

Dr. Zsigmondy Freud said...

Wiggy has a rare medical condition - he won't shut up no matter how many times attorneys, the Board and DFI tell him to keep his claptrap shut.

No doubt Wiggy is an incubus with inner demons rattling around in his puny brain that compel him to blab about everything in his personal life, everything going on at the CU and all manner of confidential information.

In my professional opinion, Wiggy is a mental defective who should be taking massive doses of anti-psychotic drugs in order to function on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

He should of been taken to court when he sexually harassed. And Diedra too for hiding the evidence and reinstating him. God forbid a White man had done this, because every board member would of beern yelling discrimination.

Anonymous said...

@ Dr. Zsigmondy Freud: I concur

Anonymous said...

I hope that what Wigg has isn't contagious. I've read in medical journals that Blabberitis usually affects children, mostly little girls, and people who have no self control. Sadly, his son, Chuckie, seems to have been born with the same condition. When his father brought him to work at the credit union a few years ago, he dominated the conversations of the other teenagers who were brought to clean up files and like his father, he was an expert in everything, including ghosts, cars, skateboarding, girls and so and so on. He even thought a fictional movie monster was real. Ah, I could of continued listening to him for years had he not been asked not to return to the company because he was playing around too much while the other kids worked. Sound familiar?

I Dr. Zsigmondy Freud said...


Your prescriptions are ready for pick-up at Walgreens:

Diagra - newly approved anti-erection drug
Metamucil extra strength

Anonymous said...

And just as a precaution, we've added these:

Abilify (aripiprazole)
Clozaril (clozapine)
Geodon (ziprasidone)
Latuda (lurasidone)
Risperdal (risperidone)
Saphris (asenapine)
Seroquel (quetiapine)
Zyprexa (olanzapine)

Anonymous said...

You’re right. Charles’ son., Chuckie, is so much like his dad. When his father was on suspension and being investigated for sexual harassment, Chuckie who was about 18 or 19 at the time, was working at the main office along with the children of other employees. They’d been brought in temporarily to help pack member files and other records, to empty the old file room. The company had decided that it was going to microfische all records as it went over from hard copies to computerized records.

Each day, you’d see all the kids working together in the board room, in the storage room behind the teller area, and in the old file room. Chuckie would dominate the conversations rarely letting the other kids talk. He was like his dad because he really believed people wanted to listen to his stories. The kid unfortunately is a product of his home environment and obnoxious like his dad.

One day we heard him telling kids about how to “handle” a ghost and that the fictional character, Candyman, was real.

One day, he tells the other kids that his father drops him off each day one or two blocks from the South Pasadena branch because he “can’t stand” the employees at the office. I guess when you’ve been suspended for sexual harassment, you got to make up some story to make it sound like you’re the one who is choosing not to be at the company. Well, at least it was a good way of fooling himself and his son.

Charles couldn’t admit he got suspended for breaking a federal law. He sexually harassed Kim, it got exposed, lots of witness statements were collected, and the investigator suggested they fire him. Diedra would have none of it and when he got reinstated old care stealer, sexual harasser and liar, Charles, decided to try and get even with the employees the investigator talked to. Do you know that most of the employees who gave their testimony were fired over the next 3 years?

Charles can’t comprehend that his being out of the office was a blessing for many employees who were sick and tired of his big, nasty old mouth and totally stupid conversations. Do you know what its like to have to listen to some 50-some year old geezer talk about his sex life, superior intellect, his huge collection of beat up BMWs, or his $1 million palatial 2-bedroom shack.

Know this, Charles has a Minnie Me in Chuckie who is just as obnoxious and loves violating confidentiality just like his old, nasty, policy breaking dad.

Anonymous said...

@Dr. Zsigmondy Freud and Anonymous: You guys forgot some good old fashioned elephant tranquilizers.

Florence Nightingale said...

Was Chuckie named after the horror movie character?

Dr. Zsigmondy Freud said...

@Florence Nightengale

I am glad you asked how Chuckie got his name.

Chuckie was named after the old west game of chance Chuck-A-Luck because Wiggy is a gambler.

Perhaps he was inamed after early 50s TV kids entertainer Chucko the Clown.

On second thought, he is the namesake of evil pizza peddler Chuck E Cheese because Wiggy can't get enough pepperoni pizza, and Wiggy loves rats.

Anonymous said...

@Dr. Zsigmondy Freud: Thank you for the explanation as to how the younger though equally verbose Wiggington got his name. I feel impelled that it had to do with the notorious, Chuck E. Cheese. Wiggington Sr. is so confused and amoral that he has no problems naming a child by the name of a villain- fictional or real.

Anonymous said...

PS: If Wigg doesn't get enough pepparoni or chili's in his pizza, he has no qualms about stealing some.

Dr. Zsigmondy Freud said...

Other possible explanations how Chuckie got his name:

Wiggington Sr. is a great admirer of The Gong Show and its frenetic host Chuck Barris, so he chose to name his son after that idiot.

Or maybe it was celebrity pitchman and Dating Game host Chuck Woolery.

Wiggs favorite TV show of all time is The Rifleman starring Chuck Connors. Connors was known to have an 11 inch Schlong that Wiggy really idolized, so why not name your son after a big dick.

Anonymous said...

Is Charles missing a chromosome?

Anonymous said...

Or maybe he named him after a pound of chuck roast he consumed just 1 hour before Chuckie was born.

He could have also named him after Afro-American American singer and performer Chuck Berry.

When he was in school, the other boys used to pull the back of his underwear up and though its called a Melvin, Charles could never remember the name, continually telling his momma that the boys gave him a Chuckie. Like Charles history of boners and his need to tell lies, the reasons why he named his son, Chuckie, are seemingly endless.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Charles' family. I can't even imagine slightly what its like to live with a thing like him. For years he literally planned out the destruction of so many people's livelihoods and he got away with it. Rodger who tries to be everyone's lovable grandmother is nothing more than a rattlesnake. He's treacherous and dishonest, selfish, and connivving. But I never believe that Charles or his accomplices have any love for each other. Before Charles became president, he'd periodically run and tell Mr Harris that Rodger was lazy and that if he ever became President, he was going to either fire Rodger or force him to work.

Similarly, Rodger used to run to Mr Harris and complain that Charles was lazy and talked too much instead of working.

The only reason Bea got hired was to be Charles' hatchet man. Within 4 months after arriving she got rid of people she concluded were unnecessary to the operation. She should have fired herself because she became a $110,000 a year mistake and she should have taken Charles and Rodger with her.

Esmeralda Sandoval is another one that has spent years making up stories about employees and help a lot of them get fired. She and Joseph Garcia provided investigators and lawyers false statements about lots of employees.

Robert West is another conniver. He never documents complaints filed by employees against managers but he does write down complaints filed by managers. He also never investigates complaints and let's Rodger and Wiggington tell him what to do with employees. He ignores credit union policy all so he can continue getting a paycheck.

Diedra is the ultimate villain. She's almost cartoonish because she goes to such great lengths to ensure that the sexual harasser stays in office though I'm starting to believe some of the comments which say Wiggington must have dossiers on the board and I know, they've got dirt on him.

Heinrich Himmler said...

Jeesh. It's a full circle daisy-chain where board members have dossiers on Wiggy and each other. And in turn Wiggy has his own secret dossiers on Board members under lock and key at his residence.

Congratulations Diedra. You've created mini-Nazi Germany where the Gestapo is spying on everyone. And Hitler has his own secret files on the Gestapo.

Anonymous said...

What a vicious circle. Another thing that didn't seem to exist when Mr Harris ran the place though he was unaware of what Wigg, Smock, and West were doing behind his back.

Anonymous said...

@Heinrich Himmler

You are correct though Diedra did succeed in one thing that makes her unique, she created a BLACK mini-Nazi Germany. Hitler must be turning over in his grave.

Anonymous said...

Diedra tried her control freak tactics when she worked at the post office but all she got was staff that resented her. That seems to be her gift alienating people.

Dr. Zsigmondy Freud said...

@Reichsfurher Heinrich Himmler

You're correct and, if anyone' knows, you would know.

Diedra is a born meddler who alienates everyone, especially her coworkers at the post office. Is it any wonder she is not able to keep even one friend. Of course, her only "so-called friend" is Wiggington (buffoon) who can't wait to stick his nose up her ass-groove at the monthly Board meetings. If it wasn't for Diedra old Wiggy would be flipping burgers at some skid-row greasy spoon.

Anonymous said...

Correct Dr. Freud. Wiggy loves to stick his nose up Diedra's ass-groove. And in turn Rodger can't wait to stick his nose up Wiggy's ass-groove each morning. They're ike a human centipede.

Anonymous said...

Okay, YUCK!

Diedra is polarizing and at the same time a coward. She has raised defenses to cover up her crap freely using and wasting cu money and treating it like it's her personal piggy bank. She's arrogant because anyone with decency would have resigned but not so for this ghetto rat.

Dr. Zsigmondy Freud said...

In a classic gypsy grift for several years now Diedra and her henchman Wiggy continue to close branches and layoff staff claiming P1 needs to cut expenses. At the same time, Diedra, Wiggy and select favored Board members continue to live high on the hog while they attend ritzy conferences (Las Vegas) all on the credit union's dime as members are forced to suffer with service and branch cutbacks.

Oh, let's not forget Diedra insisted on getting her daily $100 Vegas allowance in casino chips and prepaid drink comps in advance.

Congratulations Diedra you've screwed P1s members, again!

Esmeradla said...

Charles es el gran baboso. Con su cara de menso, a danado la compania.

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