It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone following Priority One's performance, that September 2014 proved to be another lackluster month for a Credit Union that can't escape its inability to market its products and services at a level required to amass profit, increase membership, and regain its former reputation as a respected and principled organization led by ethical and competent Managers.
Since being appointed President on January 1, 2007, President Wiggington and his so-called executive staff have failed quite publicly, to develop methodologies that translate into real growth and profit. Since 2010, the Credit Union has struggled to offset its continually increasing overhead and in 2014, is no longer able to provide convenience to Members living and working in many of the communities located within its vast territory stretching from the Santa Clarita Valley in the north to the Riverside/San Diego border, in the South.
The only significant change we noticed during the month of September was that the President abruptly ceased expounding about how his closure of six branches since 2010 were part of an elaborate and well-honed plan guaranteed to increase business, augment new memberships, and produce real physical growth. We aren't about to hold our breath awaiting fruition of his alleged plan, but his excuse struck as more than a absurd. Since when does eliminating convenience and an inability to provide quality member service reap growth and profit?
This post contains copies of documentation we've never published previously along with documentation presented in past posts, including biographies written in 2010 by Directors, Diedra Harris-Brooks, O. Glen Saffold, and Richard Hale. The intent of the biographies was to impress and sway voters to re-elect the three incumbents to the Board during the 2010 election. This, by the way, is the election the Board Chair and President disrupted when they tried to exclude a large contingent of Members from voting. The plan was of course foiled when we exposed it on this blog, forcing the Credit Union to conduct a second election.
The biographies were also published before Priority One was forced to close 6 of 9 branches, before it was forced to terminate a large contingent of full-time employees, replacing them with part-time staff, and before the Credit Union was forced to drastically reduce budgets once spent on successful, prize-winning marketing, advertising and business development.
Reader comments published in response to our last two posts suggest people have grown weary of the President's and Board Chair's excuses and far-fetched concoctions, created to excuse and even justify the Credit Union's lagging performance and possibly, suggesting that the propaganda churned out by the two officers may have finally and at long last, run its course.
There was a time when Priority One Credit Union could actually afford to publish a monthly and quarterly newsletter. The monthly newsletter ceased publication in 2010, when the Credit Union discovered Members were not reading it. Publication of the quarterly newsletter continued though abruptly ending in late 2013 and a victim of the President's often ermergent need to reduce spending. In an effort to avoid rumors that the quarterly newsletter was eliminated because the Credit Union could no longer afford to maintain it, the President stated that Members can obtain the latest news about the Credit Union on its droll and often inaccurate, News and Updates page, located on the Credit Union's webpage.
In Spring 2010 quarterly newsletter, the President declared that Priority One possesses the ability to help every Member achieve financial fitness.
Despite the dishonest manipulation of the Credit Union's books, President Wiggington arrogantly declared that the Credit Union possessed the ability to help every member achieve financial fitness yet inexplicably and contrary to its own self-promotion, the Credit Union apparently lacked the ability to help achieve its own financial fitness.
In his address, the President also states, “We realize that some of our members may already be financially fit, but still may need assistance”. The statement is absurd though quite typical of a President who doesn't possess the ability to perpetrate deceptions competently. Why would Members who are financially fit require the assistance of the Credit Union to help them improve their "financial fitness"? A Credit Union whose Net Income has decreased by more than $17 million since January 1,. 2007 is no one's financial fitness center and incapable of helping improve any member's financial status. President Wiggington continues…
“POCU has anew served referred to as “Balance”, which
is a financial fitness program.
Balance is offered by other Credit Union's and touted as an allegedly "free" financial education and counseling service though in actuality., it is not entirely free to Members who enroll in the program which is designed to help Members introduce control over their finances and achieve their personal financial goals.
President Wiggington was informed about Balance by Training and Education Manager, Robert West. Mr. West has periodically introduced FREE services to the Credit Union though none has survived the test of time and like his other offerings, Balance ceased to be offered during the same year it was introduced.
Balance is offered by other Credit Union's and touted as an allegedly "free" financial education and counseling service though in actuality., it is not entirely free to Members who enroll in the program which is designed to help Members introduce control over their finances and achieve their personal financial goals.
President Wiggington was informed about Balance by Training and Education Manager, Robert West. Mr. West has periodically introduced FREE services to the Credit Union though none has survived the test of time and like his other offerings, Balance ceased to be offered during the same year it was introduced.
"You know who Wiggington is as a man, by his associations. He is close with Smock who is a horrible human being. He is close with West who is no small hypocrite. He’s friends with Henry Justice. It was Wiggington who introduced Henry Justice to the credit union. After Henry Justice refused to surrender pink slips for 5 cars purchased from him by members of the credit union, Priority One had to file a suit in court against Mr. Justice but old wily, street smart Justice filed bankruptcy and said his daughter made off with the money. So Priority One couldn’t touch Henry. In 2009, Henry Justice shows up at the main office with his son and asks to meet with Wiggington. Wiggington comes out and hugs his buddy the thief, at the reception desk and takes him back to the board room. Then they leave the credit union for about 3 hours and have lunch at the Barkley where they talk about reintroducing Mr. Justice to Priority One and again, as a preferred auto broker.
The following week, Henry (Justice) shows up (at the South Pasadena branch) with his son an hands Wiggington a stack of business cards. They leave the office (branch) for about two and a half hours and the next day, Wiggington tells Patti Loiacano that Henry (Justice) is returning to Priority One. Patti reminds him that Mr. Justice (allegedly) stole money and owes the credit union more than $70,000. He (the President) shrugs it off and tells her Mr. Justice will pay back a part of what he owes. He (Henry Justice) pays back about $1300.00 and Wiggington passes out Henry's business cards to every loan officer and processor and tells them they're to promote Mr. Justice's new business as a "preferred broker." The loan people have more character than Wiggington because they all agreed not to promote Mr. Justice because of what he did to the credit union. Then a few days later, a post appears on this blog exposing Wiggington’s new plan. He comes out to the loan department and picks up Mr. Justice’s business cards, he tells the staff not to promote Mr. Justice and he calls Mr. Justice and tells him that if anyone from the board calls him to ask if he’s returning to Priority One that he’s supposed to say no and also say he hasn’t spoken to Wiggington in years. Yep, you can tell who Wiggington is by his associations.
The following week, Henry (Justice) shows up (at the South Pasadena branch) with his son an hands Wiggington a stack of business cards. They leave the office (branch) for about two and a half hours and the next day, Wiggington tells Patti Loiacano that Henry (Justice) is returning to Priority One. Patti reminds him that Mr. Justice (allegedly) stole money and owes the credit union more than $70,000. He (the President) shrugs it off and tells her Mr. Justice will pay back a part of what he owes. He (Henry Justice) pays back about $1300.00 and Wiggington passes out Henry's business cards to every loan officer and processor and tells them they're to promote Mr. Justice's new business as a "preferred broker." The loan people have more character than Wiggington because they all agreed not to promote Mr. Justice because of what he did to the credit union. Then a few days later, a post appears on this blog exposing Wiggington’s new plan. He comes out to the loan department and picks up Mr. Justice’s business cards, he tells the staff not to promote Mr. Justice and he calls Mr. Justice and tells him that if anyone from the board calls him to ask if he’s returning to Priority One that he’s supposed to say no and also say he hasn’t spoken to Wiggington in years. Yep, you can tell who Wiggington is by his associations.
The Incident
In 1998, Charles R. Wiggington. Sr. introduced his friend, Henry Justice to the Credit Union, intending to promote Mr. Justice's dealership, Justice Auto Sales. What this meant was that Mr. Justice's dealership as a preferred broker. This meant that representatives of the Member Service and Loan Departments would recommend Mr. Justice's dealership to Members expressing an interest in buying an automobile. In our post, "It May be Fraud to You but not to Charles R. Wiggington, Sr" (Monday, January 26, 2009), we reported that in 2003, Mr. Justice refused to surrender Pink Slips for vehicles purchased by four Members of the Credit Union. Mr. Justice's refusal impeded the Credit Union from registering its name as lienholder of the four automobiles and though the Credit Union had entered into an agreement with Mr. Justice in good faith, the broker refused to surrender the vehicle titles. Due to Mr. Justice's refusal, Members could not obtain Registration Cards from the Department of Motor Vehicles ("DMV") forcing the Credit Union's DMV Specialists to visit the office of the DMV in Lincoln Park, each month, to obtain a temporary Registration Card so Members could legally operate their automobiles.
To add insult to injury, Mr. Justice filed for bankruptcy. His bankruptcy filing was subsequently approved by the court, enabling Mr. Justice to avoid repayment of the monies due Priority One. Mr. Justice would later insist that the monies due the Credit Union were absconded by his daughter who had been employed by him at his dealership.
In 2002, in ongoing efforts to try and acquire the pink slips for each of the four automobiles purchased by Members from Justice Auto, the Credit Union mailed letters, like the one shown below, requesting the dealer provide a copy of the DMV Application so that the vehicles could be properly registered. Mr. Justice chose not to respond.
CARSON, CA 90746
We have enclosed a check in the amount of $ 7344.00 as payment in full for the
following vehicle 1997 HONDA CIVIC
Vehicle Identification Number # 2HGEJ6677VH575341
We are now PAPERLESS TITLE. The application to Register New or Used Vehicles with the Department of Motor Vehicles must be Exactly in the name of.
As Lienholder and the Registered Owner as given above.
To perfect our interest, please send us a copy of the DMV Application to Register the Vehicle. Thank you for your cooperation.
Loan Department Date: 08/20/2002
In 1998, at the time Mr. Justice was introduced to Priority One by his friend, Charles R. Wiggington, Sr., the dealer entered into a written agreement with the Credit Union, an excerpt of which is shown below. What we find perplexing is that Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. signed the agreement with Mr. Justice? Doesn't it seem a conflict of interest that Charles R. Wiggington., Sr., a friend of Mr. Justice, signed the agreement which allowed the dealer to become a preferred automobile broker?
Over the years, Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. has proven an immense inability to comprehend the inappropriateness of his actions. His friend's actions which culminated in bankruptcy, caused Priority One to lose more than $60,000.
The following letter, dated June 18, 2003, was sent to Priority One by its collection attorney, Bruce P. Needleman. If Mr. Needleman's name sounds familiar, he is the same lawyer who in 2012, responded to a complaint filed at Superior Court in Los Angeles by a Member who alleged Priority One violated the Privacy Act and published information about her automobile loan and her person, on the Internet. Mr. Needleman who was ill qualified to represent the Credit Union in the 2012 lawsuit and was subsequently replaced by an attorney qualified to respond to the Member's complaint.
The following letter, dated June 18, 2003, was sent to Priority One by its collection attorney, Bruce P. Needleman. If Mr. Needleman's name sounds familiar, he is the same lawyer who in 2012, responded to a complaint filed at Superior Court in Los Angeles by a Member who alleged Priority One violated the Privacy Act and published information about her automobile loan and her person, on the Internet. Mr. Needleman who was ill qualified to represent the Credit Union in the 2012 lawsuit and was subsequently replaced by an attorney qualified to respond to the Member's complaint.
Approval of Mr. Justice's bankruptcy should have signaled an end to the business relationship between the dealership and the Credit Union but not so for President Wiggington whose defiance to rules, laws and protocols impel him to seek out what is personally gratifying versus what is good for the Credit Union, Member-Owners, and employees.
In 2009, Mr. Justice and his son, arrived, unannounced in the lobby of the South Pasadena Branch. They asked the receptionist if they could speak to President Wiggington. The President who will never meet with people who haven't previously scheduled an appointment to meet with him, hurried to the lobby and loudly welcomed Mr. Justice and his son. He afterwards lead the two to the Board Room located at the back of the South Pasadena branch.
Ensuring security protocols are adhered to is pivotal to any business yet on the day of Mr. Justice's visit, the President invited Mr. Justice and his son into the back offices of the Credit Union's main branch despite the fact Mr. Justice ended his business relationship with the Credit Union just a few years earlier, owing more than $60,000 for vehicles whose titles he refused to surrender. In inviting Mr. Justice to the back offices, the President should absolutely no concern for the well-being of the Credit Union, it's assets and property.
Three days following Mr. Justice's visit to the South Pasadena branch, President Wiggington informed then Lending Director, Patricia Loiacano, that Mr. Justice was being reinstated as a preferred broker of the Credit Union. An image of Mr. Justice's business card was personally issued by the President to the Consumer and Real Estate Loan Officers along with instructions that they recommend Mr. Justice's dealership to Members hoping to purchase a vehicle. As shown below, Mr. Justice's new dealership was named Long's Auto Sales though the owner on record was Mr. Justice's son.
As oft occurs whenever Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. chooses to manipulate circumstances, his plan to re-establish a relationship with Mr. Justice, encountered some obstacles. The first occurred when the Director of Lending, Mrs. Loiacano, reminded him that Mr. Justice owed the Credit Union more than $60,000, suggesting that Mr. Justice make some effort to repay a portion of the unpaid balance due Priority One. The President conferred with Mr. Justice and it was agreed he would pay the Credit Union approximately $1300.00 before being reinstated as a "preferred" auto broker.
Mr. Justice agreed to pay the small amount and the President proceeded with his plans. Unfortunately, for the undisciplined President, at the time he was preparing to re-introduce Mr. Justice to the Credit Union, we published a post describing Mr. Justice's past transgression which cost the Credit Union a total loss in excess of $60,000 and described the President's plan to promote Mr. Justice's new dealership. It is also important to point out that at the time the President promised to promote the dealership at no cost to Mr. Justice.
In January 2009, the President quickly moved forward with his plan and might have succeeded had we not exposed his intent on this blog. Panicked, the President returned to the Loan Department, picking up Mr. Justice's business cards and ordered Mrs. Loiacano to advise her staff not to promote the dealership until further notice. Returning to his office, he called Mr. Justice's cellular and instructed him to deny that the President had invited him to return to the Credit Union.
No doubt, Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. has no concept that as President, he is to serve the best interest of the Credit Union. His plan to enter into a new agreement with Mr. Justice was an effrontery to ethics, to the security of the credit union and its assets and disrespectful to the four members who had purchased automobiles from Justice Auto Sales and who for years were immensely inconvenienced by Mr. Justice's refusal to turn over pink slips for the four vehicles financed by the Credit Union.
Just 3 months after being appointed President, Charles R. Wiggington, Sr.'s abilities were challenged by two separate incidents. The first incident involved a former Burbank Branch Manager who he personally picked and promoted to the newly created post of AVP which she began serving in on January 2, 2007. The problem was that the AVP had for many years, incurred NSF incidents on a monthly basis. She had also periodically borrowed money from co-workers despite the fact Priority One Credit Union policy prohibits borrowing money from co-workers. During the months of October and November 2006, then Vice President of Operations, Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. approved reversing 24 individual NSF fees from the manager's account. Despite her checking account abuses, Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. not only reversed NSF fees but found her qualified both in aptitude and ethically, to become one of his first AVP's.
Unfortunately, by April 2007, the AVPs account abuses surfaced after an anonymous letter was mailed to one of the Board Directors. The now former Director, conducted himself ethically and responsibly and personally delivered the letter to then Credit Union attorney, William Adler. An investigation by Mr. Adler revealed the AVP had committed kiting, a federal offense. Her crime involved writing bad checks from three checking accounts held at three different institutions including Priority One Credit Union. And though President Wiggington may not have known she was kiting, he was fully aware that during October and November 2006, she incurred from that 24 separate NSF incidents because it was he, who approved backing out all NSF fees. Not only did he deny any knowledge about the numerous NSF fees, Board Chair, Diedra Harris-Brooks, testified on his behalf, informing investigators that Mr. Wiggington had no knowledge that the AVP had kited while avoiding any queries regarding his knowledge that Mr. Wiggington knew about the NSF incidents or that it was he who approved the reversal of all NSF fees.
The AVP was rightfully terminated but an incensed Charles R. Wiggington., Sr. swore he would find out who had written the anonymous letter and make certain that person was terminated. Within days following termination of the AVP, he sat in the Consumer Loan Department and told the VISA Card Supervisor that he knew for a fact that the letter had been written by the former Director of Marketing who he demoted to Marketing Coordinator immediately upon becoming President. Unfortunately, the President allowed his vivid and insatiable imagination to overcome logic and reasoning. We happen to know who wrote the letter and it wasn't the former Director of Marketing who had no involvement in the exposure of the President's hand-picked AVP who had chosen to violate federal law.
Unfortunately, by April 2007, the AVPs account abuses surfaced after an anonymous letter was mailed to one of the Board Directors. The now former Director, conducted himself ethically and responsibly and personally delivered the letter to then Credit Union attorney, William Adler. An investigation by Mr. Adler revealed the AVP had committed kiting, a federal offense. Her crime involved writing bad checks from three checking accounts held at three different institutions including Priority One Credit Union. And though President Wiggington may not have known she was kiting, he was fully aware that during October and November 2006, she incurred from that 24 separate NSF incidents because it was he, who approved backing out all NSF fees. Not only did he deny any knowledge about the numerous NSF fees, Board Chair, Diedra Harris-Brooks, testified on his behalf, informing investigators that Mr. Wiggington had no knowledge that the AVP had kited while avoiding any queries regarding his knowledge that Mr. Wiggington knew about the NSF incidents or that it was he who approved the reversal of all NSF fees.
The AVP was rightfully terminated but an incensed Charles R. Wiggington., Sr. swore he would find out who had written the anonymous letter and make certain that person was terminated. Within days following termination of the AVP, he sat in the Consumer Loan Department and told the VISA Card Supervisor that he knew for a fact that the letter had been written by the former Director of Marketing who he demoted to Marketing Coordinator immediately upon becoming President. Unfortunately, the President allowed his vivid and insatiable imagination to overcome logic and reasoning. We happen to know who wrote the letter and it wasn't the former Director of Marketing who had no involvement in the exposure of the President's hand-picked AVP who had chosen to violate federal law.
Immediately following termination of the AVP another, far more detrimental incident arose which affected all Member-Owners and is the one incident which began the Credit Union's rapid public unraveling.
In the years preceding January 1, 2007, the date Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. began his appointment as President and CEO, during each annual election intended to fill seats of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee, a disc would be created containing the names and addresses of all active Members in good standing. The disc would be forwarded to the Credit Union's contracted printer, who would prepare ballots and envelopes, which would be sent to Members. However, before the disc was sent to the printer, the President would always examine its contents to ensure only member names and addresses were contained in the disc.
In the years preceding January 1, 2007, the date Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. began his appointment as President and CEO, during each annual election intended to fill seats of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee, a disc would be created containing the names and addresses of all active Members in good standing. The disc would be forwarded to the Credit Union's contracted printer, who would prepare ballots and envelopes, which would be sent to Members. However, before the disc was sent to the printer, the President would always examine its contents to ensure only member names and addresses were contained in the disc.
In 2009, the President chose not to examine the disc, instructing the IT Supervisor to send the uninspected disc to the printer.
A few weeks later, the printer provided the credit union with some of the envelopes which had been printed and prepared for mailing. President Wiggington's predecessor had established security protocols which required that he along with the Director of Marketing and a third employee, examine a batch of envelopes intended for mailing, just to ensure the mailings were prepared correctly. In 2007, when Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. was asked to examine a sample batch of the intended mailings, he replied, "I'm the President and I don't do that!"
The envelopes were mailed but a few days later, a Member visiting the Valencia branch with his envelope in hand, was informed by a Teller, that the envelope contained the Member's Credit Union and Social Security Numbers, printed just above the window where his name and address appeared.
Some Members contacted Board Chair, Diedra Harris-Brooks, incensed that their account and Social Security Numbers had been printed on the outside of the envelopes containing that year's ballots. An irked Board convened at the main branch, demanding President Wiggington discover who was a fault and ordering that person's termination. The President told them the error had been caused by the IT Supervisor, but convinced the Board that rather than terminating the IT Supervisor, that they instead lay him off for three days without pay.
While informing the IT Supervisor that he was going to be placed on a three-day suspension because of the breach of security which he allegedly committed, the President also told the IT Supervisor that he "fought" to retain the Supervisor's employment because the Board had demanded his termination. Shortly after returning from his suspension, the humiliated and broker Supervisor resigned, obtaining a better and higher paid position with the city of Los Angeles.
Due to the widespread backlash, including the publication of an article by a Member and industry observers, the Credit Union hired at a cost of $100,000, the services of Equifax which monitored Member accounts for up to one year. But there was a catch, to qualify for the service, a Member had to contact the Credit Union and request inclusion in the service.
Despite the statements contained in his letter, Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. was not about to promote enrollment to Equifax's credit monitoring service which he often referred to as "expensive." He visited the Member Service and Loan Departments in South Pasadena to ordered them not to promote monitoring service adding that in his opinion, it was "highly unlikely an Member's account" would be compromised as a result of the security breach. The President's words showed how wholly disingenuous he was when he was forced to offer the credit monitoring service despite the fact the breach occurred because he though himself to elevated to adhere to the Credit Union's security protocols.
Furthermore, his opinion that Member accounts would not be compromised was just another fantastical concoction dredged up from the deepest recesses of his strange and convoluted imagination.
The President's instructions to employees seem more than a little inconsistent with statements containing in a memorandum issued by Executive Vice President, Rodger Smock, to employees and which provide some instruction on how they should respond to Member concerns regarding the security breach.
When the security breach became public, Rodger Smock's priorities appear to have become more than a little confused. In his memorandum, he seems to have forgotten that Members are Member-Owners and that any inquiries regarding the security breach are justified when one considers that the breach was the result of Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. elitist attitude that he was somehow to elevated to personally inspect a sample batch of the envelopes which were intended for mailing.
And contrary to Mr. Smock's assertion, the "important thing" should have been for all employees to exact steps needed help Members regain confidence in the Credit Union and its ability to protect Member assets.
Of course, the chronically dull EVP lacked the lucidity to respond appropriately to the mailing fiasco caused by his friend and supervisor, Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. This by the way, is the same officer, whose mismanagement of the Human Resources Department provoked the filing of four lawsuits by former employees during the years of 2010 through 2012.
The President's horrendous decision to disregard security protocols resulted in the writing of letters by numerous, concerned Member-Owners. Though sent to his attention, the President chose not to read or reply to the letters, personally delivering these to the Business Development Department and instructing them to reply to every Member who had written a letter to his attention. The Members were contacted by telephone and when the project was complete, the letters returned to President Wiggington. The President chose not to file the letter but instead merely dropped them into his trash can. Despite the letters having been written about a security breach, the President chose not to shred or destroy the letters and again, violated Credit Union security protocols.
Here are copies of two Member letters:
This last letter was written by Member, Steve Bass. Mr. Bass. Mr. Bass who writes for PC World, published an article concerning the President Wiggington's mailing debacle. An excerpt of his original article is still available at NetWorld Article. One might have thought that in view of Mr. Bass' quite public complaint about the incident, that the President might have discarded the Member's letter in a manner consistent with security protocols.
of Directors
Inarguably, it is Priority One Credit Union's Board of Directors who have in unison, enabled the circumstances which resulted in the bludgeoning of Priority One as a business and as an employer. Clearly, in 2014, Priority One is not what it was prior to the appointment of Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. as President.
The actions of the Board have revealed an arrogance in how each Director views himself. Their combined actions are not for the good of Members, the Credit Union or employees, but nothing more than what appears to be a need to exact their authority over a continually shrinking Credit Union.
So what are the abilities that each Director possesses that allegedly serves in helping each fill his or her assigned role on the Board?
In the Thursday, April 28, 2011 post, we published the biographies of incumbents whose seats were up for re-election. We've decided to again use the biographies written by three of the Directors- Diedra Harris-Brooks; O. Glen Saffold; and Richard Hale. As you read through these, consider what they say about their abilities an accomplishments and the state-of-affairs at the Credit Union. There is a clear disconnect and if the Credit Union remains trapped in a perpetual cycle of decline, then consider the abilities of each officer.
If one person can be attributed as the single most cause for Priority One's decline, it has to be Diedra Harris-Brooks. Contrary to her and President Charles R. Wiggington, Sr.'s addresses appearing in the Credit Union's annual reports, the U.S. economy and the national unemployment rate are not the catalysts which triggered the Credit Union's decline. In 2011, the President attempted to convince employees during one of the Credit Union's all-staff meetings that all Credit Unions are performing poorly, a statement that is easily verified to be untrue by studying the Financial Performance Reports ("FPRs") for other Credit Unions and available at
It is also evident that Charles R. Wiggington, Sr.'s rampant abuses of authority and horrendous business decisions could never have occurred had the Board and in particular, Diedra Harris-Brooks not enabled his destructive decisions making. It is also Mrs. Harris-Brooks who on her own volition, squashed evidence presented by an investigator to the Board in 2008, which proved Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. sexually harassed a female employee once assigned to the Loan Department.
- According to her biography, Mrs. Harris-Brooks has been a Member of the Credit Union for "more than 28 years". That is impressive, but how does that qualify her to serve as Board Chair?
- Mrs. Harris-Brooks attended the University of Phoenix where she completed Business Management and Marketing courses, attaining a 3.5 GPA. We'd certainly like to view her transcripts since her performance as Board Chair does not attest a proficiency in business management or marketing.
- "Her knowledge in Marketing and computer skills has proven to be an asset to Priority One"? Really? How so? We'd like Mrs Harris-Brooks or one of her pack to provide a single shred of documented evidence proving that her alleged knowledge in marketing has proven an asset to the Credit Union. And what types of computer skills is she referred to? Is she a programmer, an IT Technician, a software developer or she referring to a proficiency in using Microsoft Word? What specifically have her computer skills contributed to the betterment of the Credit Union?
- Since there is no tangible evidence to substantiate the statements she makes about her accomplishments, we'll have to label her biography as unconfirmed and thus not yet proven to be true. In her biography, she states she retired from the U.S. Postal Service where she worked her way up from a clerk and during which she received an "exceptional managerial service and earned the respect of her employees." We've spoken to former co-workers of Mrs. Harris-Brooks and respect is not a word we'd associate to their remarks about her behavior while serving as a manager of the U.S. Postal Service. We'd also like to see the documented evidence that she was recognized for her "exceptional" managerial skills. There certainly isn't evidence to any of this while she has served as a Director of the Credit Union.
Unfortunately for Mr. Saffold, all that he wrote he accomplished is dispelled by the facts that 2008, he, Diedra Harris-Brooks; Director, Thomas Gathers, and Supervisory Committee Chair, Cornelia Simmons, squashed all evidence gathered by an investigator from EXTTI, Inc. proving Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. sexually harassed an employee. Not only did the four discard the evidence, but in a letter signed by Mrs. Harris-Brooks, the four corrupt officers vilified the victim, stating that based on their "understanding" of what constitutes sexual harassment as defined by federal law, the allegation of wrong doing never occurred. Mr. Saffold joined forces with the others to purposely suppress evidence so that they could retain Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. as President and CEO.
Mr. Saffold's states that at the time his biography was published, he'd served on the Board for "three terms." He ignores the fact that since 2009, the electoral process was changed when Mrs. Harris-Brooks and President Wiggington disrupted the electoral process in an effort to retain the same Board Directors who have blindly shown their loyalty to Mrs. Harris-Brooks versus the Credit Union and its Members.
Mr. Saffold states that he has been "steadfastly involved in the financial and member service improvements implemented by Priority One Credit Union." This is a rather odd statement when documentation including the Credit Union's Monthly Income Statements/Balance Sheets and quarterly Financial Performance Reports filed with the NCUA, clearly document a more than $17 million loss of net income since Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. became President on January 1, 2007. The reports also show that new membership openings are continually offset by account closures. The Credit Union has also closed six of its nine branches since October 2010. So where is the evidence that Mr. Saffold's participation on the Board has served to benefit the Credit Union?
We'd invite Mr. Saffold to provide documented evidence, versus verbalizations, proving his statements. On a side note, Member Service issues are a key problem at Priority One, further dispelling Mr. Saffold's alleged involvement in improvements that cannot be attested to by anything tangible or real. Mr. Saffold was not telling the truth when he wrote his embellished biography. Mr. Saffold continues, stating that during his employment with the United States Postal Service ("USPS") he has served in the capacities of:
We'd invite Mr. Saffold to provide documented evidence, versus verbalizations, proving his statements. On a side note, Member Service issues are a key problem at Priority One, further dispelling Mr. Saffold's alleged involvement in improvements that cannot be attested to by anything tangible or real. Mr. Saffold was not telling the truth when he wrote his embellished biography. Mr. Saffold continues, stating that during his employment with the United States Postal Service ("USPS") he has served in the capacities of:
1. Budget Analyst
2. Automation Programmer
3. Customer Service Representative
4. Certified Data Conversion Operator
5. Retail Specialist
6. Consumer Affairs Representative
7. International Airmail Records Clerk
8. Certified City Clerk
9. Mail Carrier
10. Mail Handler
So how have Mr. Saffold's skills gotten from the long list of positions he listed in his biography, positively impacted Priority One? We invite Mr. Saffold to explain losses, lawsuits, and failures that have occurred since Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. became President. More importantly, we'd like Mr. Saffold to explain why he and the other Directors have done everything in their power to ensure Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. remains President.
Mr. Saffold also states he brings "a broad range of American economic and social expertise to the Board of Directors." We again invite Mr. Saffold to explain why since January 1, 2007, the date Mr. Wiggington began serving as President of the then successful Credit Union, the Credit Union's Net Income has dropped by $17 million (at times during the past 7 years, it's been more) and why six of nine branches have been closed since October 2010.
He ends his statement by stating that he is "committed to serving Priority One Credit Union with INTEGRITY and SEASONED experienced." Really? We again invite Mr. Saffold to explain how suppressing evidence proving Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. committed sexual harassment and repossessed a member's automobile whose ownership he transferred to himself without paying a cent for the vehicle proves Mr. Saffold's integrity. Due to the lack of all evidence supporting his so-called integrity, Mr. Saffold's words are meaningless. We suggest he also take a moment to acquaint himself with what defines integrity.
Mr. Hale states that his is not only a Director but also once served as Chairman of the Supervisory Committee. On paper, his biography suggests competency and experience yet uncannily we see no tangible evidence of these while he has served as a Director on the Board. To the contrary, like Mrs. Harris-Brooks and Mr. Saffold, Mr. Hale's presence on the Board is characterized by a gross incompetence and an inability to fulfill his duties. There is no denying that while he has served as Director, Priority One has morphed into a smaller, no longer impressive Credit Union. Furthermore, through the years, he has been an avid supporter of President Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. bringing into question Mr. Hale's ethics and competencies.
In his biography, ,Mr. Hale states he "completed" studies in "Real Estate Principles, Real Estate Appraisal, Property Management, Legal Aspects of Real Estate, Real Estate Practice, Real Estate Finance, Escrow Principles, and Eal Estate economics" while attending Los Angeles Southwest College. He adds that he received a CERTIFICATE in Real Estate. Since late 2010, Priority One has eliminated the varied types of Real Estate Loans it once offered to Members. Nowadays, the Credit Union's paltry real estate portfolio consists of mostly HELOCs. All other types of real estate loans are referred to CU Partners who pays the Credit Union a fee for approved and funded loans. Evidently, Mr. Hale's alleged vast expertise in real estate has not contributed anything to the Credit Union's real estate funding efforts which brings into question why he even mentioned it in his biograph?
In his biography, ,Mr. Hale states he "completed" studies in "Real Estate Principles, Real Estate Appraisal, Property Management, Legal Aspects of Real Estate, Real Estate Practice, Real Estate Finance, Escrow Principles, and Eal Estate economics" while attending Los Angeles Southwest College. He adds that he received a CERTIFICATE in Real Estate. Since late 2010, Priority One has eliminated the varied types of Real Estate Loans it once offered to Members. Nowadays, the Credit Union's paltry real estate portfolio consists of mostly HELOCs. All other types of real estate loans are referred to CU Partners who pays the Credit Union a fee for approved and funded loans. Evidently, Mr. Hale's alleged vast expertise in real estate has not contributed anything to the Credit Union's real estate funding efforts which brings into question why he even mentioned it in his biograph?
Mr. Hale also states he's "devoted a considerable amount of time to the Credit Union and understand the financial needs of its members." This is a very general statement lacking specifics and unsupported by anything tangible. According to the Credit Union's 9900 form filed with the IRS each year, Mr. Hale like the other board members contributes one (1) hour per month to the Credit Union. Is that what he considers "considerable"? So why should we believe Mr. Hale at face value? How has Mr. Hale's alleged understanding of the financial needs of members actually helped members? What has he contributed that has changed the financial standing for any member? And what members have benefited from his expertise?
The exaggerated and misleading biographies, riddled with generalizations and references that don't in anyway relate to the post of Director, speak volumes about the characters of Mrs. Harris-Brooks, Mr. Saffold, or Mr. Hale who try in earnest to convince readers that they actually have contributed to a Credit Union that has been in decline for seven years. Did they think no one notice that Priority One is is no longer a prosperous and growing Credit Union or that their perpetual protection of Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. would not serve as proof of their inability to make sound decisions that benefit the Credit Union, its Members, and its employees?.
Over the years, President Wiggington and Board Chairperson, Diedra Harris-Brooks, have expended tremendous time, energy and lots of Credit Union money, trying to hide evidence of the Credit Union's business failures and legal problems. Fortunately for the curious, President Wiggington is incapable of guarding confidentiality and in time, cannot help but verbalize information about the issues plaguing the Credit Union.
Before the first closure of branch offices in 2010 , the President was trying to contend with declining Net Capital. In 2008, in an effort to create the impression of success, the President borrowed $20 million from the Credit Union's line-of-credit which served to raise Priority One's Net Income on paper but which cost the Credit Union to pay interest in the approximate amount of $30,000 to $33,000 per month though for a very brief period, it did create the impression of success albeit it, non-existent success.
In 2009, Board Reports reveal the same mundane promises made by Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. to find a way of increasing membership, amassing new business and most importantly, increasing Net Capital well above the dreaded 6%. We've decided to publish his addresses to the Board, published in the May, June and July 2009 Board Reports. We must point out, that over the years, the President has prohibited the public disclosure of information which proves Priority One is in a state of decline though a look at the Credit Union's size in 2014 compared to its size in the years before Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. was appointed President, should suffice as evidence that his leadership is grossly deficient and has caused the Credit Union immense losses in income, Members, and its ability to sell its products.
Here are excepts from the May, June and July 2009 reports which are being made public for the first time:
Increasing the amount of the Credit Union's Net Capital became critically important in 2010 and by the end of that year, culminated in the closing of the Redlands and Valencia branches.
Since 2010, cutting expenses has become the primary means by which the Credit Union remains in business. The reliance in brutal expense reductions is born out of the fact that President Wiggington is quite incapable of implementing strategies that succeed in increasing sales and new memberships. It is this failure that has most undermined Priority One's ability to market its products and service the communities lying in Santa Clarita Valley in the north and extending south, to the Riverside/San Diego border.
What's more, closing branches and cutting other expenses was supposed to be a temporary solution intended to help Priority One regain its financial footing. In 2014, closing braches has become a normal part of business.
Not surprisingly, the Board's Directors seem disturbingly out-of-touch and incapable of comprehending that the as the President desperately seeks ways to increase Net Capital, Priority One's performance falls more and more into decline.
Since 2010, cutting expenses has become the primary means by which the Credit Union remains in business. The reliance in brutal expense reductions is born out of the fact that President Wiggington is quite incapable of implementing strategies that succeed in increasing sales and new memberships. It is this failure that has most undermined Priority One's ability to market its products and service the communities lying in Santa Clarita Valley in the north and extending south, to the Riverside/San Diego border.
What's more, closing branches and cutting other expenses was supposed to be a temporary solution intended to help Priority One regain its financial footing. In 2014, closing braches has become a normal part of business.
Not surprisingly, the Board's Directors seem disturbingly out-of-touch and incapable of comprehending that the as the President desperately seeks ways to increase Net Capital, Priority One's performance falls more and more into decline.
In late September, we learned President Wiggington feels unappreciated and declares people refuse to see or understand that there is an actual purpose to his actions that will ultimately benefit the Credit Union. His spiel is customary though usually consigned to all-staff meetings and the Board Reports which the ignorant Directors seem to believe. Why would the President believe people are going to continue indulging his excuses when over the past seven years, he has caused the decline of the Credit Union including closure of 6 of 9 branches and a $17 million decline of its Net Income. He would like listeners to believe that there is good in his intents but the fact is President Wiggington has behaved abominably proving he is not CEO material and at times, has violated state and federal laws, proving he is defiant to legal structure. Certainly the filing of lawsuits by four former employees and a lawsuit filed by a former Member whose personal information was published on the Internet by a member of the Credit Resolutions team all point to the President's unethical proclivities. In fact, 2013 ended with more than $500,000 spent on legal fees.
It is important to note that the Credit Union moved quickly to settle the lawsuits in an effort to avoid a costly and potentially embarrassing court trials though the President and Vice President, Yvonne Boutte, would later boast to staff members the settlements paid out were paltry and affordable to the Credit Union and settled because the Plaintiff's lawsuits lacked the substance needed to win in a court trial. This is the same type of contrived story-telling constantly resorted to by the same President who wanted people to believe closing six branches will reap huge profits.
The President's and Vice President's distortion of the facts are weak and declaring victories where none occurred. The big hole in their many stories is that they would like people to believe that the Plaintiff's filed frivolous lawsuits. If that were true, then why would the credit union agree to settle these and pay out monetary settlements?
And if the lawsuits lacked an evidentiary foundation then why was each Plaintiff required to sign settlements which stipulate that they are not to divulge the details of their cases or the subsequent settlements? The reason the Credit Union paid out settlements is because there was more than sufficient evidence to prove it guilty of retaliation, harassment, same sex harassment, age discrimination and racism.
In January 2009, we began reporting about how Charles R. Wiggington, Sr.'s business decisions could potentially injure and even destroy the Credit Union. We were correct. Since we first began reporting, the Credit Union's Net Income has declined by $17 million and 75% of its branches have been closed in an effort by President Wiggington to ensure Net Capital remains well above 6%.
In 2007, when an investigation confirmed that one of President Wiggington's hand-picked AVPs violated federal law when she purposely committed kiting, an incensed Board Chair issued a verbal warning to the Director who delivered an anonymous letter to the Credit Union's attorney, exposing more than 24 separate NSF violations during the months of October and November 2006. Mrs. Harris-Brooks not only chastised the Director for delivering the letter to the Credit Union's attorney but she order that any such future letters be given to the Board for investigation of allegations exposing wrongdoing. Now why would anyone turn over allegations of a federal offense to Mrs. Harris-Brooks when in 2007, she squashed evidence proving Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. sexually harassed an employee? She chooses not to remember that she possess are computer skills and that she is not an attorney or licensed investigator, clearly disqualifying her to investigate allegations that federal and state laws may have been violated.
It is important to note that the Credit Union moved quickly to settle the lawsuits in an effort to avoid a costly and potentially embarrassing court trials though the President and Vice President, Yvonne Boutte, would later boast to staff members the settlements paid out were paltry and affordable to the Credit Union and settled because the Plaintiff's lawsuits lacked the substance needed to win in a court trial. This is the same type of contrived story-telling constantly resorted to by the same President who wanted people to believe closing six branches will reap huge profits.
The President's and Vice President's distortion of the facts are weak and declaring victories where none occurred. The big hole in their many stories is that they would like people to believe that the Plaintiff's filed frivolous lawsuits. If that were true, then why would the credit union agree to settle these and pay out monetary settlements?
And if the lawsuits lacked an evidentiary foundation then why was each Plaintiff required to sign settlements which stipulate that they are not to divulge the details of their cases or the subsequent settlements? The reason the Credit Union paid out settlements is because there was more than sufficient evidence to prove it guilty of retaliation, harassment, same sex harassment, age discrimination and racism.
In January 2009, we began reporting about how Charles R. Wiggington, Sr.'s business decisions could potentially injure and even destroy the Credit Union. We were correct. Since we first began reporting, the Credit Union's Net Income has declined by $17 million and 75% of its branches have been closed in an effort by President Wiggington to ensure Net Capital remains well above 6%.
In 2007, when an investigation confirmed that one of President Wiggington's hand-picked AVPs violated federal law when she purposely committed kiting, an incensed Board Chair issued a verbal warning to the Director who delivered an anonymous letter to the Credit Union's attorney, exposing more than 24 separate NSF violations during the months of October and November 2006. Mrs. Harris-Brooks not only chastised the Director for delivering the letter to the Credit Union's attorney but she order that any such future letters be given to the Board for investigation of allegations exposing wrongdoing. Now why would anyone turn over allegations of a federal offense to Mrs. Harris-Brooks when in 2007, she squashed evidence proving Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. sexually harassed an employee? She chooses not to remember that she possess are computer skills and that she is not an attorney or licensed investigator, clearly disqualifying her to investigate allegations that federal and state laws may have been violated.
What's more, President Wiggington's mailing debacle in 2007 was disingenuously resolved but both the President and his executive staff seemed incapable of comprehending the damage incurred to Member confidence in the Credit Union's ability to safeguard Member information and Member assets. If the Executive Vice President could issue a memo providing employees information on how to "deal" with members, then it is quite clear that the Credit Union doesn't view Member-Owners as respectable or important.
The President's disdain for security protocols was again attested to in 2009 when he invited Henry Justice to return to the Credit Union as a preferred automobile broker even though Mr. Justice caused the Credit Union to lose more than $60,000 of its monies in 2003. The President's plan to return Mr. Justice to a "preferred" position within the Credit Union is astounding and again, it is clear he had absolutely no concern for the well-being of the Credit Union or its Members.
We will publish additional documentation in our next post, all supporting our 5-year assertion that Charles R. Wiggington., Sr, Diedra Harris-Brooks, and the Board of Directors have single-handedly caused widespread injury to the no longer competitive or respected Credit Union and stripped it of its ability to develop effective marketing needed to sell its wares and and compromising quality member service. Furthermore, if it were not for the Board, President Wiggington's rampant abuses which led to the ruination of the once prosperous Credit Union, might never have occurred.
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 293 of 293When Suzanne was over card services and her desk was in the loan department, Wigg used to come and sit next to her on a love seat and spend 2 or 3 hours telling her about how he got rid of the marketing director, how he planned on getting rid of all of Mr Harris’ people, who he said were his enemies in the company, how he was not happy with the ex-card services specialist who he transferred to the L.A. office and how Mr Harris never had the know how on how to make business grow. He talked loud as everyone knows and he talked about things that were HR matters and that he should not have been discussing in the open.
Same thing with Yvonne. She and Alex used to stand in front of the member services, credit resolutions and call center people talking about the most confidential things and talking lots of smack about other employees. That’s how we all found out that Lynnette got fired for stealing.
Hot tarring the mouth is problematic in that it could permanently damage a targets esophagus, larynx and tongue. In other words, a target might not be able to speak or scream during the T&F procedure.
So what you're saying is that the negative to putting tar and feathers in his mouth is he will never be able to talk again?
It's important to hear a target talk, yammer, beg or scream during a T&F because the victim will often repent and/or admit the evil of their past despicable behaviors. Their admissions justify the necessity of the T&F in the first place.
Charles is programmed to make excuses for everything he does. Like when they found out he sexually harassed, his mother, Diedra wrote to the employee he harassed and told her that she encouraged his sexual comments and she encouraged him to put his hand on his knee and at other times, her thighs. Obviously, the 50-some year old did not have the common sense to ask himself, "Should I be doing this?", "Aren't I an officer?", or "Could I put the credit union in problems if I start sexualizing my relationship with a subordinate much younger employee?" So I don't think T & F in his yapper is going to get him to confess that he did wrong.
By the way, is the credit union's webpage down? I can't do my home banking. Computer says my computer is configured but the credit union's webpage is not responding.
I think you guys are being so unfair to Charles. Did he really say the FBI had been called and if he did, did he mean the Federal Bureau of Investigation? Knowing Charles as well as many of us do, maybe he meant he called the Female Body Inspector or Fairytale Believers Incorporated. That said, is it illegal to adminster lobotomies? Do they sentence people to Siberia or Devil's Island? I personally think tar and feathering is a waste of good tar and feathers. Not on something like Charles.
@ Professor Tar-n-Feathers
Professor, When riding a person out of town on a rail is it preferable to have the victim on top of the rail, or is it best to have the victim's hands and feet tied to the rail while they dangle upside down?
Yes, their webpage is down. I bet they don't have anyone who monitors it after the office closes. This is the kind of president you get for $150,000 a year.
Bares repeating....
Commissioner Gordon said...
It's outrageous that Wiggington is wasting credit union time and money stalking former and current employees. Someone earlier posted he's like Nazi Gestapo Reichsfueher Heinrich Himmler. At the time I thought they were writing in jest. I've now changed my mind - it's obvious Wiggington has totally flipped his wig. Now it's clear Wig is not only looney, but he is a dangerous loose cannon.
The board of directors needs to conduct an official investigation to determine if Wiggy is conducting a McCarthy-like witch hunt against ex-employees and current employees without authorization. If the board has sanctioned Wiggy's actions then they should all be tossed out of office by the DFI. If Wiggy is acting on his own then he should be fired immediately.
Hey Diedra and Wiggy, In what universe is a business strategy of torturing employees and members a success? Because that's exactly the strategy you're pursuing.
Now we hear Wiggy is coming to the employee lounge loud-talking about turning the FBI onto employee who disagree with him. Threatening retaliation by invoking the FBI is an old jackboot Gestapo-like dirty trick.
Stealing repo'ed cars from members for your own personal use - I'm talking to you Wiggy. Hiding behind high paid attorneys to settle sexual harassment claims is Wiggy's standard operating procedure with the full blessing of an incompetent board of directors. Establishing Fake Facebook accounts to dupe members is a criminal offense in my book, but at P1 it's routine. Everything at P1 is rotten, and it begins with Wiggy.
The more I think about it the more I like the idea of tar and feathering.
You hit the nail on the head on every point. Wiggington (actually Wigginton) is the epitome of corruption. From-
Repossing a member's car and transferring ownership to himself
Sexually harassing an employee
Sanctioning the use of phony FB pages to trap delinquent members (a violation of law and FB's policy)
Obtaining the assistance of Rodger Smock and Esmeralda Sandoval and Joseph Garcia to use made-up accusations to fire employees
Hiring consultant to create phony evidence used to fire employees
Using credit union money to hire Sepia Consultants to install 18 cameras at the main office and scan his office looking for "bugs" he imagined had been planted in his office by employees
Spreading rumors that some employees were going after him with a gun. The board responded by hiring armed guards for the 2010 annual meeting.
Lying on reporting and reporting profits where none existed
Getting kick-backs from Justice Auto and Allied Management. Subpeona Henry Justice and Mr Lee to testify they paid him.
And there's so much more. And this scoff law still has the hypocritical nerve to try and enforce policy when he and Rodger have spent years disrespecting and violating policies.
To answer you question, it is preferable to tie the tar and feathered target's feet and hands to the rail while they dangle upside down, as if you're roasting a pig.
Then always make sure to parade the dangler around the office 5 times before pillorying them to a Festivus Pole for maximum humiliation.
Does anybody know if Alex is stil abuseing members via Faceook ?
@Professor Tar-n-Feather: Its clear that you're the expert. Thank you for the wonderful advise. Two questions. How many pounds of feathers do you think will be required to tar and feather Wiggington? And how many to tar and feather Smock?
In answer to your questions about pounds of feathers required to do an adequate treatment.
For Mr. Wiggington 2 pounds of feathers should do an adequate job.
For Rodger Smock were in a whole new ballpark. Based on his size, plumpness and weight my best guess, without an exact measurement, is roughly 9 pounds of goose or duck feathers.
I hope that answers your query.
LOL. 9 lbs seems a modest amount. I would have guessed 90 lbs of ostrich and/or another 90 lbs of condor feathers and just to be safe, another 90 lbs of macedonian dodo feathers, but then again, I'm no expert.
Alex probably got a stern warning to stop using deceptive FB pages though she would never have done it without first getting permission from Yvonne who I'm sure told Wiggington about what they were planning. Now that's it came out in the open, Alex is probably still using it though she's been warned about not talking to anyone outside her department about what they're doing. This group doesn't get in trouble for violating laws, they get in trouble for getting caught. Wiggington not only doesn't respect laws, he doesn't believe he needs to obey them. He's amoral. The proof is years of breaking laws and policies and of course, Diedra and her board of tards helping him get away with it. I wouldn't hire the board to work in a Tarzan movie much less to serve on the board of any company and Wiggington should never be allowed to be president of any company.
Alex is a tool. Classless like the other managers. Dishonest, horrible and a gossipy pot stirrer. Alex used to say she is a good person but a good person doesn't violate the law by setting up phony Facebook accounts or trying to trap members using fraud. Wig has made sure he surrounds himself with people that are as corrupt as he is and who defy the law.
@Chief Jay Strongbow
To clarify, tar and feathering was a rare form of punishment and humiliation even in the 17th and 18th century. It was the reserved for the worst community offenders.
Today in 2014 T&F should be limited to liars, thieves, loud talkers, ball scratchers, incompetents, mental defectives and sexual harassers. Do you think any of these offenses apply to anyone at Priority One?
Offenders at P1? Hummm...
Well, there is Wigg who sexually harassed and who caused the credit union to lose 6 of 9 branches. He's ruined the relationship with St. Joseph employees and over the years, ade up lots of lies about employees so he could fire them.
There's Rodger Smock who as the head of HR chose never to enforce policy for Wigg and a special select few employees which caused the credit union to get sued for different times. Then there was his affair with Henry and the time of that pool party where one of the employees was swimming naked and Rodger thought it smart, to load up employees with booze.
Robert West was promoted to Director of employee services and over compliance though he had no experience in either. But he's just like Smock his mentor, and never enforces policy when it comes to those employees who are favored by Wigg.
And who can forget Esmeralda. She should be tarred and feather for the way she dresses but she did provide a lot of false testimonies against so many employees.
Yvonne Boutte is another who for years used to call deliquent members using a Caller ID that said "California Lottery" and of course, she probably approved the use of fictitious Facebook accounts to trap and harass members who are delinquent. She also provoked a member in 2012 into suing the credit union and the person won!
There's also Joseph Garcia who went backstabbed a lot of people and is as dumb as dirt.
And Alex Suarez who is Yvonne's dog. Horrible woman but not smart enough to be the brains for the FB fraudulent account tactic. That's pure Yvonne and Wigg.
How much do you plan on spending on tar and feathers? It might be cheaper just sending this gaggle to the moon.
Wow! My head is spinning. I was unaware that Priority One had so many offenders that might possibly qualify for T&F treatment. It certainly appears P1 is of special immediate concern. Bulk orders for tar and goose/duck feathers could be quite costly, and I'm not even factoring-in the cost of industrial-size burners and kettles, yet.
Since you didn't mention or single out any of the Board of Directors am I correct in assuming none of them would qualify for T&F treatment? Are they just dupes for Wiggington's nefarious ways?
Well, unfortunately, the cost would sky rocket further since the board and at least one member of the supervisory committee definitely qualify for T & F.
Diedra of course, being the "leader" of the board, actually alpha bitch, definitely should be T & F. She is the one that had all the evidence that Wig committed sexual harassment, swept under the rug. I still remember the day she called the meeting where the detective presented what he collected. She purposely only called Thomas "Smelly" Gathers and O. Glen "I'll Never Be a Licensed Lawyer" Saffold, and Cornelia "Zira" Simmons to the meeting. Mrs. Irving somehow found out that Diedra scheduled a meeting that did not include her and Joe Marchica and to Diedra's surprise, the Mrs. Irving and Joe show up. If you could have just seen Diedra's face, she was furious even though ethically and procedurally, she was required to include ALL board directors.
Then there is Diedra's approval of using credit union monies to buy a technically deficient $600,000 phone system, spend more than $500,000 on lawyers to protect Wigg in all the lawsuits filed by ex-employees and one member, her helping Wigg blame Alan for the 2007 mailing incident that Wigg committed by himself. The list is so long but she should not only be t & f but placed on a train, plane, or tied to the back of a buffalo, and sent a packin'. The supervisory committee is totally useless but as far as I know, they don't get involved in Diedra's acts, they're just comatose.
This is mind boggling. How can a credit union have a president and managers who are supposed to enforce policies and who have a boad and a supervisory committee that are supposed to make sure the credit union obeys laws, when all of them are breaking laws and polices? Based on what I read, the president has fired lots of people for breaking policy and with the help of HR but he has also made up stories to get people fired and he has taken a member's car, sexually harassed, gotten kick-backs, etc. How can you enforce policy when you're the biggest violator? I'd like to hear it directly from the president. I don't want an answer like, "you don't know all the facts" I want him to explain why he violated each case individually. Come on Mr Wiggington if you did the acts you should be able to explain and why you did them.
Well if you want to hear it from Wiggles, he'll give you an excuse, I mean excuses but he'll never tell the truth. The man is just a liar through and through. Can't help it cause that's the way he's wired. He does anything that's the opposite of good or honest and has no problems using others to harass employees and I guess, ex-employees. He's like a stalker. You don't want one, but they're there. I don't think anyone could afford the amount of feathers or tar you need for this group. They're all just chanky.
What a dilemma. My budget for the remainder of 2014 is somewhat limited for the bulk purchase of tar and feathers required for such a large and necessary project. The scale of this project is much more than I could have possibly anticipated. To tell the truth I doubt if T&F practioner has ever undertaken such a massive T&F project of this scale ever before. It's so huge I am considering crowdsourcing or a Kickstarter Campaign to get the ball rolling.
You have to also factor in Smock's above normal heftiness in addition to Yvonne's 7 foot frame. It will be doubled if you add Esmeralda. There are so many variables that must be considered. Maybe buying in bulk from an an importer?
No one's mentioned that Wig fired Wendy because Robert West told him she "stole" a 6" Subway sandwich which was delivered with a lot of other 6" sandwiches to feed employees who were attending one of Loren Lillestrand's group meetings in South Pasadena. Did Wig forget all the time he ate like a pig, gulping down large portions of food at all staff luncheons? Because of him, lots of employees were left without food. What never made sense is that taking a sandwich without permission gets you fired but sexually harassing an employee gets you suspended with pay.
And for years, we'd ask Robert West for $7 to take part in some special function like a baby shower or employee birthday which allowed him to eat at the buffet table and sign any cards. He never gave more than $2 to $3 plus he ate all he could and signed the card. She had her nerve turning Wendy in. I wonder if he would have turned her in if she was black?
Well, Robert West telling Wiggington that Wendy stole a sandwich and Wiggington firingher because taking a 6" Subway sandwich is stealing is just one example of the hypocracy drowing Priority One. Wiggington concluded that her taking the sandwich was theft but he got kick-backs for years from Henry Justice and Allied Management and he took ownership without paying a cent of a member's call and those things were not according to Wiggington or his very close friend, Rodger Smock, illegal or unethical. Add to that sexual harassment which is illegal under federal law but which Diedra, Saffold, Gathers and Cornelia swept under the wrong as if it never happened.
Its that distorted way of looking at life and inconsistent way of enforcing policy and the importance placed on politics by Wiggington, the board and the managers that makes Priority One a complete mess and has affected the credit union's ability to do business. Wiggington and the others can't see it because they're evil.
I guess the only question left to ask is, tar and feathers or placing them in a rocket destined for the moon?
The cost of tar and feathers might actually be more than loading them in a ship and sending them off away from humanity.
It's not only massive amounts of tar and feathers that can be quite costly, but the good Professor with need extra heating torches, propane tanks and giant kettles to hold all that boiling tar. I can imagine it's a major undertaking, especially if you're going to have a dozen or so lined-up for a T&F "party."
Plus you'd have to double the amount of feathers normally used on a single, regular sized human, to accommodate Rodger, Yvonne and Esmeralda.
You're correct, Rodger, Yvonne and Esmeralda will require a combination of extra large ostrich, emu and rare dodo feathers for those three.
Wiggy and West are fine example of why Afro Americans integrity is doubted in the real corporate world. Its. Awful just Awful! Now Rodger is a tired old white man who will sell his own family if he had one for Wiggy or profit, but no doubt deep down he hates wig. Esmeralda and the rest of the tired clowns are hungry pawns .
Who thinks if Wigg stays as president! P1 will be done in 2 to 3 years??
Ps Gema now has Dumb and Dumber 2 available for anyone
I can't imagine how expensive it would be to buy extra large ostrich, emu and rare, if not extinct, dodo feathers. None of them is actually worth the expenditure for feathers.
There are some Afro-Americans who wish Wiggington and West would resign and adopt some other race though at this point and based on their horrible history, they may have to adopt something from the animal kingdom.
Wiggington and West and Rodger are just 2 sides of the same coin. On one side, you have ghetto lowlifes and on the other, trailer trash masquerading itself as sophisticated (that's only in Smock's mind). Its possibly a blessing that Smock can't reproduce. As for Esmeralda, she's pure unadulterated barrio scum. And based on some comments she made about a White woman who hit her boyfriend's car, she's either also more than a bit racist.
And in the past 4 years, the credit union went from 9 branches to 3. That averages to 2 closures for years. Based solely on that, the Credit Union has a year to 2 years left, that's if Wiggington isn't shown the door.
And thank you. I am going to call Gema on Monday. I'd like a pirated copy of Dumb & Dumber 2 and since Xmas is around the corner, she probably has some spiffy not yet release titles I can buy for $13 each. Does anyone know if she also sells oranges in a bag?
How does Gema obtain all of these illegal videos like Dumb and Dumber even before theyre released to theaters? Gema must be connected to thugs, kingpins or the Mafia. It's nice that Wiigington allows Gema to run a criminal enterprise right inside Priority One.
Well if she is affiliated with thugs then she fits perfectly into Wigglenuts regime. I doubt she goes into a theatre and films the movie. In the past she said how she does it, but I don't remember what she said. Maybe that's the reason Wigglenuts called the FBI because he can't stand that one of his officers is selling pirated videos. Oh wait, that can't be it because he once repossessed a member's car and then transferred it to his name.
I guess it's a competition between Wiggy and his staff as to who can commit the most crimes at Priority. one during business hours. Of course, it's hard to beat Wiggy at stealing cars, sexual harassing female staffers and firing everyone who disagrees with him, but Gema is running a close 2nd by selling pirated videos. You can't blame Grifter Gema who is only trying to supplement her salary. She is an entrepreneur?
Rumor has it Diedra bought the Dumb and Dumber pirated video from Gema. Can anyone confirm this?
@Chief Jay Strongbow
If there’s competition between Wiggy and his staff, its going to be hard choosing a winner. Wiggy is a sort of dumb ass version of Darkseid. Certainly as a tactician, Wiggy doesn’t come even remotely close to Darkseid though the only thing they have in common is they’re both evil. Wiggy hates, hates, hates that people know him as a sexual harasser and car stealer, he hates that people call him t he worst president Priority 1 has ever had, he hates that people blame him for the 2007 mail disaster (which he did all by himself). At Priority One, they’re called officers and executives but at any other business they’d be known as incompetents.
Yvonne Boutte: She brags and she lies and she does it at the same time. She joined Bea Walker back in 2010 to get Wiggington out but who knew that the woman who used to spend weekends at Bea’s house, would one day become Bea’s enemy. She like Wiggy has abused lots of people and fired others just because she didn’t like them. She is the reason the credit union had to pay out almost $20,000 in 2012 after she thought she could order a member around like they were her slave.
Rodger Smock: No one plays dead like Rodger not even an actual dead dog. This man knows how to break policy almost masterfully. The reason its almost is because everyone always knows when he hides evidence like when Wiggy and Aaron sexually harassed employees or like when Georgina and Gema were having people clock them in when they used to take their 2 ½ hour daily lunches. Rodger likes to say he goes after peace but the only piece he went after was Henry.
Gema Pleitez: She removed a hold from a check given to her by her buddy, Georgina, was a terminable offense but Rodger covered up for her. She was one of the women at Rodger’s midnight pool party where Anna decided to swim around drunk and in the buff. She has also violated so many policies that she should have been fired back in 2008 but Rodger is her protector. Yes, she sells pirated movies from the comfort of her desk but on a positive note, at least her stream of income works while none of the one’s Wiggy introduced has succeeded. Maybe he should consider selling pirated movies along with movie tickets and Zee’s chocolate gift certificates. Maybe he can conduct tours at his home so people can see his sprawling 875’ estate or his fleet of beat up BMWs.
Joseph Garcia: This one is nasty and evil. He used to kiss Bea’s ass when he thought she’d promote him and she did until she realized he’s a dumb ass who isn’t capable of learning operations. He lied for her in 2010 to an outside consultant. His false statements and fat Esmeralda Sandoval’s statements got people slandered and fired. I don’t know how he remains at the credit union. He’s either got a dossier on Wiggington or he’s sleeping with one of the officers.
Alex Suarez: Self-deluded. Lives in a fantasy where her nasty acts are good. Its like she lives in “opposite planet.” She’s just slightly brighter than Joseph Garcia which ain’t saying much.
Robert West: This one has the power of shift changing. He’ll tell you he’s righteous and claim to be a Christian but he has taken part in may of Wiggy’s backstabs. Now days he ain’t fooling anyone except maybe himself.
Who would you pick as the most dishonest person at Priority 1? Who would you hire if you owned a company?
So has Charles called the authorities. I can imagine the exchange. Here's what I think would happen if he did.
CRW: Hello, is this Interpol?
Interpol: Yes. How may we help you?
CRW: I am sick and when I'm not sick, I am tired- I am sick and tired.
Interpol: Is this Wanda Sykes?
CRW: No! I am Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. I made that up and Wanda stole it from me. Since we're on the subject of stealing, I want to turn in some ex-employees who have stolen things from Priority One and are selling them without my permission. I also want to turn in these ex-employees that have been putting comments about me, my mamma, my son, my wife, my shack I mean house, my rusted over BMW's and calling me a sexual harasser.
Interpol: Are you a sexual harasser?
CRW: Absolutely not! The woman was asking for it. She couldn't resist me and she made say things that I couldn't help myself from saying.
Interpol: What else have they written?
CRW: They keep saying I repossessed a member's car but that's not what happened.
Interpol: So tell me what happened.
CRW: This member was asking for it. He practically told us to come to his house and pick-up his car.
Interpol: How did he do that?
CRW: He stopped paying his auto loan. Someone in his family got really sick, so the member had to be flying out of town a lot and couldn't afford to keep up his payment.
Interpol: But that sounds like hardship. Don't credit unions describe themselves as "not for profit" and "about people helping people?"
CRW: Well, when you put it that way, it sounds bad. How do you know our mottos? Anyway, the credit resolution supervisor goes to this guy's home and arranges a repayment schedule. The man agreed to pay and our supervisor brought the signed application to the office. He gave it to Mike, the old owner of credit resolutions. When Mike saw that the guy had a BMW, he told me because I basically "live, breathe and if I could, would eat, BMW's."
Interpol: So did the owner tell you about the car?
CRW: Of course he did and believe you me, faster than you can say I love fat girls, I told him repossess that car, it's mine!"
Interpol: What happened next?
CRW: The car was brought to South Pasadena and we fixed up some phony papers making it look like it went to auction and I of course, got the car and put it in my name. This is business and life is tough and the member should of known that when you owe money, you better pay or you might lose and he lost.
Interpol: I'm confused because it looks like you acted unethically. Do you state laws allow you to do that?
CRW: State laws? Who's talking about state laws?
Interpol: I've got to tell you, you also sound like you sexually harassed. Saying she asked for it isn't a legitimate defense and make you look like you did it not to mention you appear to be a misogynist.
CRW: I am not a misogynist! I am Afro-American!
The competition is really which of the officers will wind up in either state prison or an insane asylum first. I can only hope the good and righteous Professor Tar-n-Feathers gets to a few of them soon.
When Wiggy called Interpol he neglected to mention the sweet kickbacks he got from his auto broker buddy Henry Justice.
I remember the car incident. William, the collection supervisor wanted to help the member and the credit union and worked up a repayment plan. William knew that repossessions not only hurt a person's credit but they represent a loss to the credit union. William also had more integrity in his little finger than Wiggington has in that lop-sided pot belly body of his.
William needed Mike, the owner of the credit collections department, to sign-off on the repayment agreement but Mike told Wiggington that the memember's car was a BMW, Wiggington's favorite car. Wiggington had them repossess it and took ownership without paying a cent. Sounds like theft doesn't it?
William's mistake which cost him his job was that he was a detective and he used the credit union's programs for his business. When Wiggington discovered what he was doing, he told us "I'm not going to have someone who doesn't obey policy, work here!" The fact is, Wiggington knew for a long time that William was using the company equipment for his business but it only became an issue after he repossessed the member's car. I always thought Wiggington got rid of William knew too much. How could a man who has sexually harased and taken a car and used the credit union's monies to hire attorneys to make up defenses to hide his law breaking tendencies say he's not going to tolerate employees who break policy. Charles Wiggington is just nasty and a huge hypocrite. Those incidents about his sex stories, his opinions about fat women and what he did to the former employee, shows that this guy breaks policies and laws. He makes me sick!
To anonymous:That's an excellent point. Which officers should be sent to prison and which should be sent to an insane asylum? Most seem, based on the evidence, to qualify for both.
1.Alex Suarez
She has told her staff she is a "good person" but in the Bible even Jesus said, "No one is good but the father." I think she's a tad too bonkers for prison. Let get her in a nice home where she can make friends with people who believe they're Catherine the Great or George Washington.
2.Yvonne Boutte
I had the displeasure several years ago of leaving the main branch while standing directly in front of me walked Yvonne Boutte (pronounced by some as "Booty"). A kid- maybe 13 to 15 years old was walking down the street with a friend, cussing loudly. She stopped and yelled, "Shut-up, what would your momma say." Odd that a woman who spent so many years gossiping viciously with Bea Walker and Cindy Garvin, in the alleyways located around the South Pasadena branch for fear that gossiping inside the branch might be tape recorded by bloggers, would be deluded enought that she could serve as a type of moral policeman and tell a boy who has probably not yet come anywhere to committing the abuses and appalling acts committed by Mrs. Booty. I fear she suffers from delusions of grandeur.
3.Rodger Smock
Then there is Rodger Smock- Priority One's own Granny Clampett. He truly believes he is culturally superior to the natives at the credit union. In the past he would grimace when employees talked about America's Top Model, The Housewives of Atlanta, or some other reality show yet he had absolutely no qualms of dragging him self through Wiggington's filth and violating and helping violate policy. I believe she may be daft and I'm not so sure the big, fat cowardly policy-breaking officer would survive in a prison. He's just not man enough.
4.MISS Esmeralda Sandoval
Esmeralda might survive. She certainly has the girth. She also has the experience of being a stool pidgeon. I can imagine her sending other prisoners to the slammer so that she could get good days added to her record or for a box of cigarettes. I think that was is sane enough to survive prison though her claims to being a "good Christian" seem oddly undermined by her horrendous treatment of co-workers and her lies which resulted in the termination of many employees between 2010-2012. She also spent a lot of time in 2008-2012 trying to convince employees that the blog is a lie when quite clearly the evidence presented in the blog is well documented while her squeals are not. I say prison for Miss Sandoval (yes, contrary to what she tells people, the man sharing her bed is not her husband)>
6.Charles Rodger Wiggington (actually, the real family name was
Wigginton, a fact he fails to acknowlede)
The only question I have is how Senor Wiggington be sane after all the horrible things he's done? You either have to be morally bankrupt, neurotic, or a sociopath. If I miss something, please feel free to post what that is. For him, solitary confinement in Attica Correctional Facility, New York, is probably deserved though it probably will never rehabilitate him. That might just be impossible.
7.Joseph Garcia
Daft and deluded.The Ricky Ricard wannabe is just too dumb to ever fulfill an executive role yet by the same token, this should have put him on equal par with all the other credit union executives. I'd say a nice home of sorts. He would have time to work on developing his relationship with Harvey, a six foot rabbit.
Robert West will be addressed in a later post.
Two things are clear when I read the comments on this post and all other posts.
The first is how many people know and have witnessed Wigg's illegal acts? Even the worst, most dishonest officer of any other business might try to do their dirty acts discreetly.
The second which is related to the first is that Wigg obviously violates confidentiality. These comments reveal so many horrilbe things hve been done by Wigg.
Isn't there a prison for the criminally insane where most of these offenders would fit right in?
Without actually talking to NCUA or the DFI I would say Wiggy is the absolute worst credit union CEO in the entire USA. Of course, I factor in his sexual harassment crimes, uncovered kickback schemes, ball scratching, loud talking, eating with his mouth wide open and constant lying. Congratulations Wiggy you top the list of the worst CEOs ever.
Devils Island a former penal colony and only if still operational, would have made a perfect place to send these people. I always hope that members will band together and file a petition to the DFI. Seems that's the only way that government department would initiate action. Members have the power to remove Wiggington and Diedra. Once you cut off the snake's head, the other incompetents on the board and even the useless, comotose supervisory committee would falls off like dead skin.
I've spoken to some members, all who hate what Wiggington has done to the credit union but two of them said they have some unspecified adverse reference on their accounts (????) and are afraid that they couldn't open an account elswhere? It never occurs to them that the same thing may happen if the credit union is shut down. And unless they've been reported to ChexSystems by some other institutiion, it is highly unlikely their accounts will be shut down. What's more, the credit union can run a ChexSystems check at any time and shut down any member's account. The reason they probably don't do it is because they don't want to add to their declining numbers or have their already horrible reputation made worse. Members like postal employees do talk and latesly most have nothing good to say about Priority One.
Wiggy at least has accomplished what few officers can do- being the worst at what he does (or doesn't do).
He's not liked by many of his own employees and certainly by employees he subjected to slander and fired or by all those employees that quit when they decided they had enough of the environment he, Smock, West and Yvonne created. He's also disliked by lots of members and even by the postal carriers, who can't understand why he walks into the union hall during some of their meetings, just like he's one of them. Wiggy lives in lalaland. He can't see that they don't want him to hear him jabber about how great Priority One, because everybody knows its not. A lot of them have experienced horrible service and a lot have been denied loans. Anybody else would realize that him not being give 5 miniutes to talk at the hall is a clear sign they don't respect or like him, but not for old corrupt Wiggy, the ladies man.
Wiggy, don't ever forget, you're kind of unique and clearly you're number one, even if it's at being the worst and most embarrassing.
I'm thinking which is best, an insane asylum or prison for these creeps? In my opinion an insane asylum would be too comfortable and cushy for these lazy good-for-nothing's. State prison or a chain gang would be perfect, after a proper tar and feathering.
Arkham Asylum might be a good place. They’d get to share space with other caricatures like Black Mask, Clayface,
Cornelius Stirk, Doctor Double X, Great White Shark, Humpty Dumpty, Jonah Hex, Joker, Poison Ivy, and Two-Face.
Arkham is perfect plus they’d get to share space with their ethical twins like Black Mask, Clayface,
Cornelius Stirk, Doctor Double X, Great White Shark, Humpty Dumpty,
Jonah Hex, Joker, Poison Ivy, and Two-Face.
A few years ago, Alex told us she was going to marry her boyfriend. Then she gets pregnant and he moves up north. What happened? Did he spend too much time with her?
Robert West's wife conducts home schooling because they never want their kids in public schools and influenced by children. What happened to being a light to the world? You can't be a light when your forcibly separated from other human beings. Plus a few years ago Mr. Devout fell apart when his wife threatened to leave him.
Yvonne is married to a trucker. When Bea and she were tight, she'd go up to Bea's house in Santa Clarita to spend weekends there. The two over 45 year olds seem a little too long in the tooth to be having teenage slumber parties? Plus there friendship was as strange as Wiggington spending time at Rodger's home and even admitting he's been in Rodger's bedroom.
As for Wiggington, I actually feel so sorry for his wifee and son and step daughters. I can't imagine what its like to live with a man whose mouth flows like the Mississippi. And can you imagine knowing that while he's at work, he used to sexual harass an employee and talk about all the women he supposedly slept with?
And Rodger. Unlike Wiggington, he's actually a player. He used to hire all these Latino boys as tellers. He was starting his own kingdom just like the one at home but bigger. And I caught him staring at some of the boys when he thought no one was looking, but we were.
What kind of a life does Esmeralda have if she has to come to work and tell people she's a Christian, which her actions prove she's not and she calls her live-in boyfriend her husband. He's not only not her husband but apparently there are no plans for a forthcoming wedding. Do I sense someone is living in fantasyland?
I wouldn't want to marry Alex or Esmeralda. Makes my stomach hurt. I'd sooner marry RuPaul.
What kind of woman is Esmeralda? Well, like Robert West, she isn't a Christian.
She lied about so many employees making up stories she reported to Rodger, Wiggington, and even investigators. Even though she did all that, she still calls herself a Christian. Homey needs to buy herself un diccionario and look-up Christian, ethics, honest, and disgusting.
When lawyers and the EDD contacted her with what she told employees she used to say, "We don't know what he/she is talking about. They might be confused." She learned a lot from gay fatboy, Rodger Smock who for years used the same tired excuse.
A lot of people don't know that Esmeralda or Esme, is an extremely insecure person. She get so jealous of pretty women and so jealous of people that are smarter than her which is almost anyone.
Her biggest intellectual pursuits is reading and talking about make-up and fashion, two things she apparently doesn't practice. She also likes talking about healthy eating but her abundant pounds suggest she's not practicing what she pleases. I'm surprised that her mentor, Rodger, hasn't treated her like she's stupid (which she is) since he looks down on people whose interest don't match his lofty elitist views.
Esmeralda also used to harass people who talked about the blog. She'd ask, "Who told you that?". "Did you read that on the blog?" The blog is nothing but lies, you better stop spreading rumors." Esmeralda was and is a tool. When Wiggington became President, Rodger asked if he could have Esmeralda be his assistant because he was too busy in HR. Too busy doing what? Calling his husband? Playing on the Internet? Looking at gay porn from his work computer? Esmeralda told Kim, Wiggington's old administrative assistant that he mistreated for years, that she was so happy she wasn't left to be Wiggington's assistant because he talked too much and she couldn't have worked for him. She's loyal to Smock like she's his dog. The woman lies. That's her schtick. She can't be trusted. She hates the truth like a vampire hates sunlight. She was pivotal in backstabbing so many people including Marc, David, Dane, Maggie, Kim and a lot of others. She should be shipped off with Smock and someplace where backstabbing and lying are accepted as good qualities. And ship Robert West there too. That Chameleon is sneaky like Esmeralda and fat boy Smock
She's also a thief. I handed her a gift to give to a former co-worker who was also her close friend she'd grown up with. A year ago I spoke to her friend and asked if she liked the gift. Turns out Esme never gave it to her.
Nice to see how Charlie really changed the credit union though not exactly like he promised unless what he really meant was he was going to ruin it.
Since I met him he was a bragger though I don't think he ever really understood how disliked he is until the blog was born.
He used to tell us about his million house and his $200,000 in BMW's. What he never mentioned that his house on Kent Street was sold to him by his slightly older sister, Jo Ellen Wiggington, or that none of his cars are new or even nearly new. Even Rodger drives better, newer cars than does his boss and lives in a nice place too.
Did Esmeralada keep the gift for herself? Or did she give it to someone else pretending it was from her. Perhaps she returned the gift to the store and pocketed the cash.
Esmeralda is the epitome of greed.
@Jabba the Hutt:
When I handed her the gift that I purchased at Macy's in Pasadena, she assured me she give it to her friend who she was planning on seeing soon.
When I spoke to her friend, she told me she never received the gift. Esmeralda may have kept it or given it away. I don't remember if I included a gift receipt with the gift but if I did, she probably returned it. No matter how you turn it, she's a thief. She may not have taken a car like her boss the president but she stole something that was not intended for her use.
When I spoke to her friend, she embarrassingly said she never received the gift. Can you imagine what kind of a friend, Esmeralda is to anyone if she can do this?
Fun Fact: Esmeralda is Gema Pleitez's cousin. I'm not trying to draw a parallel but its there and obviously the same flawed character or poor upbringing runs in their family.
Esmeralda has worked so hard to create an image of who she'd like people to believe she is, so I'm glad the truth about her is out of the closet. No offense, Smock.
Not surprised that Wiggington exaggerated the value of his home or how he found the house. He never ever mentions it was sold to him by his big sister. He's a storyteller, a regular black Granny Goose.
Wow Esmeralda, couldn't you just tell the person you had no intent of delivering the gift? Why steal? I know you get paid way more than your worth that's why you travel from your home in Little Rock to South Pasadena which is more than 70 miles each way. No one travels that distance unless they're getting paid well. Maybe duping people is a quality Wiggington and Diedra look for in HR personnel.
982 sq ft, huh? Well, that's really small for a family of 3. Where does his son package his meth?
Maybe Wiggington got confused about where he lived. Maybe he thought he lives in Bel Aire, Bevery Hills, Holmby Hills or Brentwood. That probably give his house a boost in value even though at 982 sq ft I don't think it would be worth a million.
His neighborhood has gangs. No lie. Three years ago I read they prosecuted some gang members who shot someone really close to where Wiggington lives. Even postal works say he lives in bad area. Like being president, he's not too good at making up stories, is he?
I sense its time for some deep psychoanalysis of Priority One’s highest officers and most of all, the HR aka Employee Services department. Does it seem strange that this no longer important credit union with no future, is filled with so many corrupt, dishonest, horrible officers? What are the odds of this happening at a three-branch credit union? Well the odds are high when Charles is president.
I have to agree, Charles is a non-stop story-telling baboon (I am labeling him a baboon). He spent years telling us about his $1 million homes tucked away in Echo Park but then we find out its in Silverlake and in a bad area. If you’d listen to his stories about his home you might of thought he lived at the Huntington Library and not a 982 square ft house with a HUGE satellite dish in the tiny backyard. And now someone writes his sister sold him the house. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but that’s not the story he tells.
Esmeralda in HR/Employee Services is to make sure management and non-management, abide to policy all to ensure the integrity of the company. Yet Miss Sandoval has had no problem providing Wiggington with false testimonies about employees he wanted out of the credit union. Oh no, girl, you ain’t no Christian and you ain’t HR material. Like the Good Lord said, “You’ll know them by their works” and you are pure evil. Anyway, your homosexual boss, Rodger, doesn’t like Christians. He says their judgmental. He is too stupid too understand how hypocritical he is when he judges Christians. Anyway Esme, you and Rodger are nothing more than Wiggington’s overweight lap dogs.
Who is the most moronic incompetent at Priority One? There appear to be so many candidates for the tittle. Whoever wins should GTFO of P1 and immediately be sent to the Arkham Asylum.
LOL. Charles bought his HOME from his sister? Not that there's anything wrong with buying your home from a relative but why make up this story that you found the house on your own and you knew because of your so-called real estate expertise that you better buy it because land value was about to go up? The missing element in Charles Wiggington's story is that his sister enabled him to buy his home. This man can't tell the truth. He's a sack of lying of crap. He's the credit union's biggest storyteller, biggest liar and he's even a bigger queen than Rodger.
I got curious about him buying the house from his sister and checked the Internet. It shows that in 2012/2013 it was valued as follows:
Land value: $82,465.
House value: $46,171.
Total value: $128,636
Built in 1921.
Square Ft: 982
Not exactly the $1,000,000 he used to say was worth. People have written for years that he he lives in a fantasy and we all know Charles is a compulsive liar.
You say Arkham, some say Devil's Island others say Jupiter. Whatever place, just send this pack of losers far from the credit union and give a new honest president and honest board a chance to try and save the credit union from what Charles Wiggington did to it.
Wigg's home
After Professor Tar-n-Feathers gets done with Wiggy and his sticky cohorts I'd like to send them on a one way trip to the Phantom Zone.
On the plus side, the Phantom Zone has more living space than Wigg's 982 Square Foot dump he refers to as his home.
to the Krypton Council of Elders, you are too funny even though you may not trying to be. Yes, the Phantom Zone, the Twilight Zone, or Watts, would all be the perfect place in which to banish this group.
A few days ago I contacted LA Mayor Eric Garcetti's office to see if Wiggy's nearly 100 year old house could be declared a Los Angeles historical site based on its age, landmark status and the fact that the owner, Charles Wiggington is a well respected credit Union CEO.
The Mayor's office told The Presevation Committee under no uncertain terms Wigg's residence is a dilapidated dump full of junker BMWs that should be razed for the purpose of getting rid of blight within LA city limits. Then it turns out no one who is a sexual harasser, thief and ball scratcher will ever be honored by the city.
The Committee tried its best to honor Wiggy, but the whole effort backfired.
Have you been inside Wigg's palace, I mean shack? Yikes.
The one and only time I visited, I was shocked. There was no way, no how, this was the same house he'd been bragging about for years. Hearing him talk, you would of thought he lived in a sprawing estate. Instead its small and the rooms so tight, you're sure to feel claustrophobic or dizzy from a lack of oxygen.
Now because the house is small, I thought I might at least get to see the collection of expensive furnishings and art work he bragged aboout for years. Guess what? No expensive furnishings and no artwork. Maybe I was there on the wrong day. maybe the furnishings and artwork had been picked up and taken to be cleaned. I don't know what happened to his million dollar house or the hundreds of thousands of dollars of artwork because I didn't see any of it.
What you saw was more of Charles' Indiana styled bullshit.
Charles is nuts. No joke. Why would he say his house is worth more than a million dollars? Why would he spend years talking about all the women he had or how good he's in bed? Why would he say he was smarter than Mr Harris? Why would he brag about his BA but never tell anyone what he got it in? Why brag about his old BMW's?
I'd have to guess because he's miserable with his life so he has to embellish it and try to turn it into something its not. His house is obviously worth way less than $1 million. There's no shame in living in a home, even a modest home but he must feel ashamed. He knows he's not good looking so he has to create this fantasy that he's a player. Who'd want to play with that? He criticized Mr Harris because not-so-deep inside himself he knows he can't ever come close to Mr. Harris. Mr Harris was intelligent and prudent and Charles is just low class and vulgar and so disliked. He must not be happy he got his degree in Afro-American studies but he could have done something in the field he studied. If he was ashamed of Afro-American studies then he should have studied nucleur science or dentistry.
He's too stupid to ever study nuclear science or dentistry. You'd think he got his degree in being the world's biggest pest.
@Committee for Historical Preservation
Your Committee was wasting it's time trying to get Mayor Garcetti to designate Wiggs house as a hisorical landmark. You should have visited his house first before spinning your wheels.
I too was once inside Wiggington's palatial estate (dump). His house is teeny-tiny and easecluttered with junk furniture that he most likely got from yard sales, dumpsters or Goodwill. I saw no expensive artwork anywhere. His yard is littered with blighted jalopies - he refers to them as classic cars, but we all know they're junkers. Wiggy, GTFO!
I too was inside Wiggington's house but didn't know he lived there. I thought it was a condemned building. You should of seen my face when he said he lives there with his wife and son.
Then there's the furnishings. The way he talked about the interior, you'd think he lived at Versailles. And I too looked for the art work he bragged about and I didn't see any unless you consider a half drunk bottle of Chivas Regal art.
Saw the cars too. I thought it was a junk yard until he got into one of them and drove off. WTH!
I'm getting the impression you guys don't think Wiggington lives in a mansion even though he might have exaggerated what his house really looks like.
You got to understand that Wiggington sees things a little bit different than do all other human beings. For example:
You see a 2 bedroom, 982 ft home. He sees the White House.
You see a woman trying to earn a living to support her daughter and herself. He sees a woman who's asking to be sexually harassed.
You see a member whose life has been ravaged by illness effecting a relative while Charles sees a member who has defaulted on the car loan he got to finance his BMW (Wiggington's favorite car) and who must be punished by having his car repossessed.
Being elect President of the credit union means accepting the responsibility to work hard to protect the credit union, members and employees. Wiggington saw an opportunity to lie back, shoot the breeze, and brag about his fabulous sex life.
Some people think their sex lives should be private. Not Wiggington. He's a man who might only have 3" but he's going to tell you he sees 9".
Wiggington should take heart in knowing Diedra and the corrupt Borad of Directors do not consider taking kickbacks from Henry Justice a crime. To Wiggy it's just a perk for doing business with a business associate who screwed the credit Union out of $60,000. And you can't blame Wiggy because he needs the extra cash to spruce up that dump he lives in.
Now that's a truthism.
Sure seems like quite a few folks have been to Wiggy's house for the eye-opening tour of his dump. Unfortunately no one has anything but negative comments of the one thing he considers his greatest asset. Wiggs house is a ramshackle dump that should be condemned by the city.
Okay, don't jump on me for saying this, but I think there's a bigger picture to Wiggington's home.
Sure he exaggerated and said it was worth a million or more dollars. Maybe its worth $350,000 tops but isn't his exaggerating what makes Wiggington so special?
Remember, this is a man who since being named president showed up to work wearing short-sleeved shirts and no ties. Plus his suits are old- the same old worn out suits he's worn for more than 10 years.
You view him as a bragger, I see an individual. Add the house/shack/imaginary palace and his 3 or 4 old BMWs whose total worth is probably $12,000 or less and all you have is Charles Wiggington. It's just who and what he is. So he likes to make up stories. Its like he's a frustrated writer. Maybe he believes he's an older version of Stephan King or Granny Goose, but whatever the reasons, he sees his life one way and the rest of the universe sees it another. John Donne wrote, "No man is an island" but in the case of Wiggington, he's a solitoary asteroid floating aimllessly beyond our solar system.
I want to be invited to Wig's home. I'd like to take some pics and post them on Facebook so people can see he really does live in a mansion.
Joke time.
Priority One's board drove down to Sears to protest the fact most of their washing machines are white.
A clerk called the store manager, who asked, “What’s the problem here?"
The board chair pointed out that most of the machines were white.
The manager replied, “Well, that's absolutely true but if you'll open the lids, you'll see that all the agitators are black."
Charles, now that's someone you wouldn't wish on your enemy. The man is addicted to lying, exaggerating and judging everyone. Too bad he can't afford a mirror or video camera.
Back in 2007, he called us into his office and told us he didn't want us to try and get new business from postal workers and wanted us to focus instead on getting new business form SEGs even though SEGs were not bringing us business. Rodger told us Charles wanted a better caliber of member. I guess the man that lives in a dumpy house has no problem judging postal workers.
In 2008 Charles stood in front of all employees and told them there were rumors he was going to fire a lot of employees and said he had not plans of doing so. Within a few weeks he began firing employees and continued for several years.
He also told us in another of his boring meetings inside his office that he planned on making the credit union grow so big it would give Wescom a run for its money. That never happened, did it?
Now you would think that his managers like Smock, would tell him when his ideas are bad for the credit union but Smock is a no talent kiss ass who will bend over backwards to make sure he stays in good with the people signing his checks.
Charles is probably the dumbest evil person you'll ever meet because all his dirt eventually comes to the surface.
When I worked there, I had to sometimes attend meetings in his office or the all staff meetings and the man is so boring and has nothing intelligent to say. He's just awful and he lives in denial which is the reason he can't see what we all see.
If you ever had the bad luck of being in a meeting with him, you'd get to hear him talk about his stupid home life and for years he complained about his sister, his wife and his son. Disgusting because no one I knew ever wanted to know anything about him. We've all worked for horrible people but he's horrible and a dumbass.
"The Most Interesting Man in the Word"
He says his less than $350,000 house is worth more than a million.
He owns a fleet of BMW's whose total worth is probably less than $12,000.
He lives on the edge, that's why his house is located in a neighborhood that has a gang.
He is a university graduate though he doesn't tell anyone he earned his degree in Afro-American studies.
He has slept with lots of women, before and after getting married.
According to him, fat women are good in bed because they're grateful.
He said he would put Priority One on the map though he didn't mention it was the map leading to the poor house.
He says he collects art but it must be hidden in a vault in Europe because no one, not even his own family, has ever seen it.
He views himself as a financial wizard but everything he touches turns to mud.
Who is this man?
You mean the most boring and smelly man in the world!
Three years ago Wigg terminated his secretary, Irma, because she discussed his cancer with other employees. He said she violated confidentiality and Diedra and Smock backed him up.
About 2 years ago, Cindy Garvin and Yvonne called Lorena into a closed door meeting in the board room and accused her of saying negative things about the credit union. Of course the two idiots didn't realize we cannot could hear every thing they said in the accounting department. We thought the two either were lying or Alex gave them bad information. Anyway they told her if they heard anything else shed get fired.
What I never got is why Wig would fire Irma if he went around the whole office telling everybody he had ball cancer. He also told employees the names of people he planned on firing.
And Yvonne told credit resolutions that Lynnette stole money. Isn't that breaking confidentiality?
Does Anyone Know if Robert West is in Ferguson Protesting?
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