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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

“We’ve never been sued.” Charles R. Wiggington, Sr., President, Part Two


Over the past month, Priority One Credit Union became the recipient of yet another lawsuit filed by yet another former employee. It doesn't appear that the credit union will be extricating itself at anytime in the near future, from the perpetual cycles of lawsuits filed against it by former staff. This seems to drive a wedge into President Charles R. Wiggington, Sr.'s recent denials that the credit union has ever been sued by any former employee. Apparently, it has not only been sued, but it's been sued by three former employees. 

Aside from it's legal problems, the credit union is continuing to contend with the problem of lagging business and a high number of account closures. We've also recently learned that a large number of employees are failing to achieve their assigned monthly sales quotas which went into effect in January and as a result, AVP, Joseph Garcia, and CLO, Cindy Garvin are preparing to issue a large number of written warnings. As we predicted in our last post, expect a large number of employees to be terminated over the next year. 

The final results of the strategies implemented by Mr. Garcia and Ms. Garvin will serve to prove their competency and effectiveness as officers or whether they are following the same route to failure traversed by the President and former COO, Beatrice Walker. Mr. Garcia's performance since his arrival at South Pasadena is one characterized by complete incompetence so we don't expect him to succeed at anything he endeavors to do. Ms. Garvin on the other hand, chose to accept employment at a credit union whose President is dishonest, corrupt, a compulsive liar and a sexual harasser. If she believes his can correct the long slew of mistakes he committed since his appointment to President, then's she's being more than a little naive. The causes of the credit union's problems are it's President and it's Board of Directors. Because the President remains in authority over all aspects of the credit union, don't expect anything Ms. Garvin attempts to do, to succeed. For success to be realized requires removing the President and either the entire Board or it's Chair, the notorious and incompetent, Mrs. Diedra Harris-Brooks. 


As reported in our last post, employees of all branches are nowadays required to work from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. each Saturday and on Wednesdays, until 7 p.m. 

On Saturdays, employees undergo training which is not actually training but rather, reminded that they'd better achieve their assigned monthly sales quotas or suffer possible termination. On Wednesdays employees call members at their homes and invite them to apply for loans. One problem that has arisen is that employees are often being told by members that they have no interest in the credit union's products. According to several employees, members often state that they have no interest in anything the credit union has to offer. The responses are no merely declining the credit union's invitation to apply for loans, members are apparently displeased and even angry with the credit union.

Another issue reported by employees is that members who are displeased that the credit union primarily only offers Home Equity Lines of Credit. As reported by us last year, Priority One now only offers HELOC's while first-time mortgage applications are referred to CUNA Mortgage for review and if approved, Priority One receives a fee. 

The increased hours employees are mandated to work are failing to produce the results Mr. Garcia and Ms. Garvin said would be achieved while a majority of loan applications during overtime worked, are being denied because applicant's have failed to meet the credit union's eligibility requirements. 

Under Mr. Garcia and Ms. Garvin's plan, efforts are focusing on members who have been with the credit union for more than ten years, who only had a savings account, and who have never obtained products or services from the credit union.  Evidently, the President, Mr. Garcia and Ms. Garvin didn't do their homework. If they had, they would have discovered that new members must be acculturated within a few months after joining a credit union. If too much time passes without reaching out to new members, it is almost often impossible to convert them into active participants of the credit union. People who have been members for fifteen or more years are not interested in applying for loans yet this is the sector the three officers are focusing on and hoping to induct into the credit union. It's not going to happen. 


In January, AVP, Sylvia Perez, unwittingly proved members are losing interest in whatever Priority One has to offer. She recently exclaimed to several employees at the Burbank branch that she'd submitted several new loan applications of which, "$75,000 are now in the pipeline." Mrs. Perez is as misinformed as the President. Loan applications that have been approved cannot be counted as income until they are funded. The alleged loans submitted by Mrs. Perez had not been funded and were not even approved. She was being more than a little presumptuous. Last month, Mrs. Perez reluctantly admitted that everyone of the applications she submitted, had been denied. 

As we've reported in previous posts, the President's desperate rush to reap new business is unrealistic. The refusal by members to acquire what the credit union is offering is the result of the President's refusal to maintain and develop relationships with the communities served by the credit union. It is evident that the credit union is now reaping the results of Charles R. Wiggington, Sr.'s failure to maintain rapport with the membership. 

However, the President is tenacious and in recent weeks, escalated the raising of defenses to at least create the impression that business is performing will. Not only is he continuing to manipulate financial reporting by reducing the amount of actual losses and increasing the little profit made, all so that the credit union's performance appears more palatable on paper though he has yet to hide the fact that since January 1, 2007, Priority One's net income has dropped by more than $24 million.  

noun: flim-flam

1. nonsensical or insincere talk
"I suppose that you suspect me of pseudo-intellecutal flimflam"

verb: flim-flam

1. swindle (someone) with a confidence game.

"the tribe was flimflammed out of its land"

President Wiggington may be a complete failure as President, but he is treacherous.  He is well aware that the credit union's employees are ignorant about the credit union's finances and in November and December he told employees of the Burbank branch that business was soaring as attested to by the credit union's high capital.

At the beginning of January, during an all-staff meeting, he assured employees that things were "great" but a week later while meeting with managers he did a complete 180 and threatened to terminate employees and close the Burbank branch if an immense amount of new business was not gotten over the next 30 to 60 days. As we wrote, he is treacherous though sufficiently inept in his cunning that his lies are eventually exposed. 

As we reported last month, Priority One is in deep financial straits, thanks to the President's long list of blunders and so, with the help of CLO, Cindy Garvin, and AVP, Joseph Garcia, has assigned every employee monthly sales quotas. Employees who do not attain their assigned quotas during a single calendar month will be issued a written warning. If the employee fails to achieve their assigned monthly sales quotas for a consecutive two-month period, they will be terminated.  

The plan is in no way intended to motivate employees. The fact is, Priority One can no longer afford to pay the current number of full-time employees it has. The President has also grown weary of being called a failure, which he of course is, and doesn't want to order widespread terminations which would further affirm that he is incapable of resolving the problems he created due to imprudent business planning initiated over the past five (5) years. As reported in our last post, if employees fail to achieve their mandated quotas they will be justifiably terminated which the President believes will transfer focus from him to employees. Of course, it's just another typical Wiggington plan developed with the help of his officers and like all his previous plans, one that targets and hurts employees. 

The President has also ordered that a "hold" be placed on loans that were approved more than thirty (30) days ago. Usually, an approved loan expires at the end of thirty (30) days. The reason for this is that an applicant's credit union can change, sometimes adversely during a thirty (30) day period. 

Not one to be dissuaded by rules, policies or even laws, the President knows that the approved but unfunded applications will create the impression that loan requests are higher than they actually are. Under his new directives, approved loan applications will remain active for sixty (60) days even though an applicant's credit history could adversely change over a thirty (30) day period. The President's decision is not only irresponsible but places the credit union at jeopardy of potentially funding "bad" applications which could lead to losses. In the end, President Wiggington is gambling with credit union monies.   

An audit of all loans funded during the month of February, should be performed. The audit could verify when the loan application was opened, approved and funded. If funded in December or January but not reported until February, then the credit union is guilty of altering records.


Last week, the President told some of his executive staff that the credit union has just received notice it is being sued by the last Branch Manager of the Valencia office. This is the third lawsuit filed by a former employee, further dispelling the President's October, November and January statements that Priority One has never been sued by any former employee. Apparently, it has. 

The talkative President revealed the latest complaint levels accusations against former COO, Beatrice Walker, who is accused of creating a hostile work environment, of harassment, of same-sex sexual harassment and of stalking. The President is also named a Defendant for his refusal to interceded and stop the harassment and for conducting an investigation in which he not only suppressed the evidence of abuses committed by Ms. Walker but reduced the COO's egregious acts to a mere "personality conflict." 

The President also revealed that he was scheduled to meet with Board Chair, Diedra Harris-Brooks on Tuesday, March 13, 2012. He must have been extremely worried that it caused him to again violate confidentiality and publicly disclose aspects of the latest lawsuit that should only have been discussed with the Board, the Supervisory Committee and the credit union's expensive attorneys. 

Predictably, the President described all of the latest allegations as a "lie" and an effort by the Plaintiff to "extort" money from the credit union. He added that the lawsuit is intended to tarnish his reputation, though we don't understand how his reputation could be tarnished further. 

He also insisted that the former Branch Manager was treated with respected and fairly and that the credit union went out of it's way to accommodate her. If allowing her to be abused, harassed and stalked is an example of treating her with respect, then yes, the credit union did indeed accommodate her. President Wiggington is not only a man who intentionally distorts history but he is immersed in denial and occupies a reality that no one else can perceive.

In early September 2010, the Valencia Branch Manager lodged a verbal complaint and in person against COO, Beatrice Walker, to Human Resources "clerk", Esmeralda Sandoval. Ms. Sandoval who is incompetent and dishonest, reported the allegations to her supervisor, Rodger Smock. Mr. Smock contacted the President. The President informed Board Chair, Diedra Harris-Brooks. Mrs. Harris-Brooks who had grown tired of Ms. Walker's inabilities to resolve the problems created by President Wiggington ordered that an investigation be conducted but was concerned that the incident could escalate and prove to be another embarrassing debacle for the credit union as were the allegations of sexual harassment lodged against the President in 2008 and the lawsuits filed by two former employees in 2010 and 2011. 

And so the President, who veiled his real intents, drove to the Valencia branch accompanied by his side-kick, Senior Vice President, Rodger Smock. At the direction of Mrs. Harris-Brooks, he listened to the Branch Manager's complaint and supporting testimony of the Business Development Representative assigned to the Valencia branch. After listening to their statements, he asked each woman to send him a written statement of their complaints and of what they had been told by Ms. Walker. He also informed the women that he would be removing Ms. Walker's authority over Human Resources. In August, Ms. Walker took all authority from Mr. Smock over Human Resources and transferred it to herself. It was part of her plan to force Mr. Smock into retirement. 

A week later, the President received the documented complaint and testament and initiated an investigation, however, from this point on, he avoided the Valencia Branch Manager and Valencia Business Development Representative's calls and emails because Diedra Harris-Brooks told him to squash the complaint in the same way she squashed evidence he sexually harassed a former employee. She instructed him to issue a letter advising the Branch Manager that her complaints and concerns were unevidenced and that he concluded that the conflict with Ms. Walker was nothing more than a "personality conflict." 

A few days later, the incompetent and dishonest, Esmeralda Sandoval, contacted the Branch Manager and told her she needed to advice the credit union if she was going to accept their offer to transfer her to the Burbank branch where she would serve as it's Assistant Branch Manager and her annual salary reduced by $24,000. Miss Sandoval told her she had until 5 p.m. in which to accept the offer or accept a severance package. Miss Sandoval also reminded the Branch Manager that the Valencia branch was scheduled to close on October 31, 2010. 

The Branch Manager who was on vacation and on the east coast, contacted Miss Sandoval and informed her that she would accept the severance package. Miss Sandoval asked that she forward an email to the credit union, describing her decision.


Each Monday morning, AVP of Sales and Business Development, Joseph Garcia, conducts meetings with business development representatives, AVP's and Branch Managers from and South Pasadena office during which he is provided with the a list of all new business gotten by each employee. Recently, attendees have disclosed that Mr. Garcia has grown more and more annoyed by the fact that the majority of all loan and membership applications are denied because applicant's fail to meet the credit union's eligibility requirements. 

The meetings are a complete waste of valuable time. Mr. Garcia is not providing attendees with the tools needed to acquire new business, he is merely reviewing their weekly progress. Does't he realize that the production reports submitted at the end of each month provide the credit union with a record of all new business? As we've often written, Mr. Garcia is a complete incompetent yet the inept President has deemed it prudent to pour yet another titled on Mr. Garcia and given him authority to oversee sales and the development of new business when their is nothing in his performance record to prove he has ever had any success in either area. The problem with Mr. Garcia is the equally incompetent President and the again, the Board who allowed Mr. Garcia's promotion. 

As mentioned in our last post, employees are required to work on Saturdays for a period of four hours during which members are called and invited to apply for loans. Not surprisingly, most loan applications are ultimately denied and the "overtime" employees are forced to work is further taxing the credit union's financial resources. 

CLO, Cindy Garvin, and the inept, Mr. Garcia, have targeted long-time members who only have a savings account and have never been recipients of the financial products and services offered by the credit union. Of this group, the two officers have provided employees with lists of members who are employees of Providence, the corporation that owns St. Joseph, Tarzana and Holy Cross medical centers. Employees have discovered that many of the telephone numbers on file are disconnected and because this sector of members have never been acculturated to what Priority One offers, they are disinterested in the credit union's products and services. 

The President, Mr. Garcia and Ms. Garvin really have no idea what they're doing, do they?


Priority One's relationship with employees of the postal service has historically never been as strong as it's relationship with the postal service in the city of Los Angeles. However, since last year, the credit union's business relationship with postal facilities located in the San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys has deteriorated. 

Over the past year, some leaders of the TriValley Branch 2902 National Association of Letter Carriers AFL-CIO have said they don't want anything being offered by "Charles R. Wiggington, Sr.". It's interesting that they didn't mention Priority One Credit Union but rather, it's President. 

In 2007, the President ordered AVP's and Branch Managers to reduce business development efforts to employees of the United States Postal Service and ordered increased efforts placed on developing new business amongst Select Employer Groups ("SEG"). At the time, he stated he wanted to increase the number of alleged "white collar" workers and reduce "blue collar" workers in an ambitious attempt to change the credit union's demographics. His decision caused a drastic drop in business and by 2010, he retracted his plans and ordered increased focus placed on developing new business amongst postal workers. 

The postal facilities in the San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys want little to do with the credit union and have often refused the credit union's requests to attend union meetings at the Tri-Valley Branch 2902's union hall. Don't expect Priority One's standing in this region to improve anytime soon. 

The relationship between Priority One and Providence St. Joseph Medical Center, one of the credit union's largest SEG's have apparently soured. In 2010, Priority One through AVP, Sylvia Perez, opened discussions with the administrators of St. Joseph Medical Center to relocate the Burbank branch to the basement of the hospital. Negotiations were started but quickly fell apart when the credit union's officers, Charles R. Wiggington, Sr., Beatrice Walker, and Rodger Smock would not return the hospital's calls. The medical center eventually withdrew it's offer marking the start of the rapid deterioration between Priority One and the medical center. In the months which followed, the hospital withdrew its long-time invitation which had allowed the credit union's business development team to come and speak at new hire orientations to invite new employees to join the credit union. More recently, the hospital has disclosed that they are considering asking the credit union to remove it's ATM from the hospital basement. 

Both CLO, Cindy Garvin and AVP, Joseph Garcia, have disclosed that President Wiggington is "furious" at the hospital's administrators who have reduced the credit union's access to hospital employees and it's ability to do business. Maybe the President should have thought of that when he and his staff refused to return the hospital's calls. By the way, he did the same thing that occurred in early 2009, when the President refused to return calls from Mr. Boone, the Postmaster of the Airport postal facility, who wanted the credit union to move into an available space within the facility he managed. 

Providence St. Joseph has absolutely nothing to lose should it's relationship with the credit union come to an end. The medical center's existence is not contingent upon a relationship with the credit union. However, Priority One's ability to do business is contingent upon it's members and an end of it's relationship with Providence St. Joseph would adversely impact the troubled and declining credit union. 


Another competent employee has resigned. Last month, a former Real Estate Loan Officer who was transferred against her will, to work at the Burbank branch to serve in the capacity of an FSR, resigned. 

In her letter of resignation, she thanked the credit union for having hired her. She was being polite. However, before resigning, the FSR told co-workers she was tired of the credit union management's confused leadership and it's inability to achieve goals. 

She was originally appointed to work in the Real Estate Department in South Pasadena. After Assistant Burbank Branch Manager, Linda Nisely, was laid-off, the Real Estate Loan Officer was transferred to the Burbank office to serve as interim Assistant Branch Manager and without an increase in salary. She later returned to South Pasadena where she resumed her role in the Real Estate Loan Department but in late 2011, the credit union eliminated the many types of real estate loans once offered to members, leaving only HELOC's. The Real Estate Loan Officer found herself forced to return to the Burbank branch in the capacity of an FSR. 

Before leaving, she complained about the erratic personalities of Director of Employee Development, Robert West, and AVP, Sylvia Perez, and their lack of organization and often, aggressive demands. 

On Friday, February 25th, she advised the credit union that she was resigning and not returning to work. 



On Wednesday, February 22, 2011, Director of Project Management and overseer of Credit Resolutions, Yvonne Boutte, busily gathered some of her things as she prepared to move to
her new desk in the Member Services Department. As she gathered her things, she stated she is "relieved to leave the collections department" explaining she has grown tired and bored with collections. 

Though Mrs. Boutte could have made more of an effort to conduct herself in a manner that bespeaks an officer of the credit union, her statements might actually be nothing more than a way to mask her true feelings about her new and expanded role at the credit union. 

On July 11, 2011, just three days after her former friend, COO Beatrice Walker, was terminated, Mrs. Boutte told employees that she hoped she would be named the next COO. The hiring of CLO, Cindy Garvin, who oversees operations for all branches, brought an end to Mrs. Boutte's aspirations. We don't believe she is happy to move to Member Services because it is a role she has been relegated to and not one she either requested or wanted. 

Mrs. Boutte may have been bypassed for promotion to COO because of her 2009 and early 2010 behaviors in association with her then friend, Beatrice Walker. 

In 2009, Beatrice Walker developed a friendship with Mrs. Boutte in record breaking time. The two women became inseparable, leaving the credit union each day during which they took breaks and lunches. Often, employees saw them standing together talking in the alleyways located around the main branch in South Pasadena, in the parking lot under the main branch, on Marengo Avenue and at a nearby park.  Their not-so-secretive meetings and juvenile behaviors soon fueled widespread gossip that spread to all branches. 

It also didn't help quell rumors when Ms. Walker disclosed that Mrs. Boutte would sometimes spend weekends at her home whenever Mrs. Boutte's husband, a truck driver, was out of town. 

Mrs. Boutte along with then Call Center Supervisor, Joseph Garcia, became confidants of Ms. Walker and soon began divulging Ms. Walker's plans to be become President and CEO because in her opinion, "Charles isn't President material.:" She was actually correct. 

Mrs. Boutte and Mr. Garcia also participated in "management meetings" that always excluded President Wiggington and Senior Vice President, Rodger Smock. In late 2009 and early 2010, it was clear that a new regime was beginning to take over the credit union. For Mrs. Boutte and Mr. Garcia, allying themselves to Ms. Walker held the promise of future promotions and substantial salary increases. At least that is what they'd been promised by Ms. Walker. 

Unfortunately, for Ms. Walker the alliance between Mr. Garcia and Mrs. Boutte crumbled faster than you could say, "I'm going places." As that relationship soured, the Mr. Garcia and Mrs. Boutte began disparaging one another publicly. 

Initially, Ms. Walker became incensed with Mr. Garcia because she'd come to realize he had a bad temper and failed at every position she'd promoted him to. But things grew worse. By late 2010, a rift fractured Ms. Walker's "friendship" with Mrs. Boutte and in due time, Mrs. Boutte began telling her staff that Ms. Walker was an incompetent who "doesn't know what she's doing." The cunning Mrs. Boutte who had intentionally distanced herself from the President, returned, reaffirming her allegiance to him. He accepted her return if only to start his own alliance against the ambitious COO. 

In July of this year, the President obtained authorization from Board Chair, Diedra Harris-Brooks, to terminate COO, Beatrice Walker, but the President was apparently not ready to promote Mrs. Boutte to the post of COO. However, with assistance of CLO, Cindy Garvin, it was decided that the CLO needed assistance to carryout her new oversight over all branches and no one would be better suited to assist her than Mrs. Boutte. 

Mrs. Boutte's current position constitutes a lateral move and is a far cry from the lofty perch she hoped to occupy following Beatrice Walker's ouster. For the arrogant, aggressive, unpolished, and abusive Mrs. Boutte, this is indeed a disappointment. It should be seen as peculiar that she now heads very important departments all located in South Pasadena when just recently, she informed President Wiggington that she "I don’t trust anyone in this place [South Pasadena].” It might help Mrs. Boutte to know that few people at any brach, trust her either.  


In 2010, Senior Vice President, Rodger Smock, “most of our members are not postal employees. The pompous AVP was of course, wrong. 

The credit union's webpage contains images to two calendars designed and paid for by the credit union for employees of the United States Postal Service ("USPS"). The “USPS Employee Rotating Day Off Calendar” provides employees a record of days when they are scheduled to be off from work, dependent on their assigned shift (A,B,C,D).  The calendar is used by employees to schedule vacations. The second calendar, references holidays and USPS paydays. Evidently, the amount of members who are employed by the postal service is significantly more than what the obtuse Mr. Smock insists it is. 

Mr. Smock's statement was not due to ignorance. He's been employed by Priority One for many years and is intimately acquainted with its history. What the dishonest Senior Vice President was trying to do was diminish the actual amount of postal employees who are members of the credit union. Mr. Smock is aware that the once strong ties with the postal sector has grown weak and declined since Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. became President. Mr. Smock doesn't have the courage or integrity of character to admit to this publicly. 

Mr. Smock has also been a pivotal player in helping the President dispense misleading information which tries to portray Priority One as a credit union that is thriving and growing when it's own Monthly Income Statements and quarterly Financial Performance Reports ("FPR") prove it is not. 

Mr. Smock also ignores the fact Priority One was founded by postal service carriers and that most of the Directors and Supervisor were former employees of the postal service. Maybe former COO, Beatrice Walker, was correct when she stated Mr. Smock needed to be retired. 


Priority One Credit Union survived the Great Depression of 1929, World War II, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and numerous economic upheavals impacting the American economy but in its 83-year history it never suffered more set-backs that it has under leadership of President Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. Charles R. Wiggington, many of his executive and managerial staff, the Board of Directors under Diedra Harris-Brooks and the Supervisory Committee, under Chair, Cornelia Simmons, have brought disgrace to the once thriving credit union. They have destroyed the accomplishments of past Presidents, employees and certainly, far more ethical Boards and committees and of hardworking staffs. 

In November and December, the President entered into yet another of his deceptive and frankly, inane campaigns, intended to dupe employees into believing that Priority One was finally turning a profit, but his "lies" were exposed in January of this year when he ordered the immediate acquisition of new business or he would be forced to lay-off employees and possibly close the Burbank branch. The fact is, Priority One is faring poorly. So poorly it will probably close the doors to it's Burbank branch and as we disclosed in our last post, lay-off a large number of employees. It's is the only way the President can keep the doors of the organization open for business while ensuring net capital remains high. 

We've also learned a few weeks ago that he personally contacted the management company that oversees the property where the Burbank branch is located and informed them the branch will close either at the end of May or June. That certainly doesn't sound like he "might" close the branch but that a decision has already been made that the branch will close. Not surprisingly, he hasn't even informed AVP, Sylvia Perez, the acting Branch Manager of that office and his alleged "friend" and ally, that the branch will close. According to Mrs. Perez she has not heard anything about the location's impending closure and trusting the President, doesn't believe he will close the branch or make plans to close it without first informing her. 

Don't expect good things to happen to the mismanaged organization at anytime soon. As Directors O. Glen Saffold, Thomas Gathers, and Janice Irving said in October 2006, they selected Charles R. Wiggington, Sr. to serve as President because what "Priority One needs is a Black president." Evidently and at their own admittance, competency and ethics had no baring in their decision. 

Joseph Garcia is ill-qualified to serve as AVP of virtually anything. He's not experienced, not bright, and has proven his greatest talent is pandering. On the other hand, CLO, Cindy Garvin, in accepting employment at Priority One may have taken on much more than she can handle. She whether intentionally or non-intentionally, accepted to take on the horrendous and seemingly insurmountable problems created by President Wiggington. We'd strongly suggest she seek employment elsewhere. 

The new strategy developed by the President, Ms. Garvin and Mr. Garcia is designed to terminate employees not imbue them with the tools needed to achieve their monthly sales quotas. Expect many employees to lose their jobs and despite the statements by the President that he "might" be forced to close the Burbank office, that location has already been scheduled to close.

Also, in early 2011, the President and Board Chair, Diedra Harris-Brooks, were informed by the credit union's attorney that over the years, Rodger Smock, had violated credit union policies and state and federal laws, leaving the credit union vulnerable to lawsuits. The credit union moved to revamp Human Resources to create the impression that the department is designed to develop staff and create a cohesive working relationship between employees and the credit union in compliance to all laws. It's a sham. 

Last year, Priority One transferred a long-time loan processor assigned to the South Pasadena branch, to the Los Angeles branch. It's important to mention that she also lives near South Pasadena. Though the employee never complained about her job, she did express dissatisfaction with having to drive so far to go to work. 

At the end of 2011, her supervisor, Lynnette Fortson, informed her that the Employee Development Department had requested she drive to South Pasadena to attend a meeting. Though a senior employee of the credit union, having over the years served as a Teller, DMV Specialist and a Loan Processor, the credit union informed her that they were going to lay her off because they could no longer afford to pay her salary. 

She asked if she could work as a teller or in another capacity but was informed that there were no available positions within the company. This seemed odd to the Loan Processor, because there were several part-time employees working throughout the South Pasadena branch. 

As in the case of most lay-offs, if a position becomes available, the employee may be recalled to work. Instead, the credit union recently hired a new employee to work as a Loan Processor despite the fact, they could have called the former employee to advise her of the opening.

The former employee went as far as contacting Board of Directors, Chairperson, Diedra Harris-Brooks, who assured her she would look into the matter and allegedly promise to reinstate her position within a few weeks. 

Recently, while visiting the South Pasadena branch, the former employee observed a new Anglo employee working in the Loan Department. When she inquired who the employee was, she was promptly informed that the employee is a new, Loan Processor. Irked and disappointed, the former employee contacted Mrs. Harris-Brooks, again. The infamous Chairperson told her she was scheduled to meet with the President and would inquire why the former employee had not been recalled to work.

What the employee was subjected to is a formula created by former COO, Beatrice Walker. In 2009, Ms. Walker boasted that if you want to drive out an employees, just reassign them to a branch location far from their home. If the employee doesn't resign, lay them off and wait six (6) months to hire a replacement. It's also interesting that Mrs. Harris-Brooks made assurances that fall far outside her capacity as Board Chair, but then again isn't her history marked by abuses and excesses?


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Anonymous said...

Yay,Suzanne. Go get them. They deserve the worse.

Anonymous said...

Is there a 4th lawsuit? I remember how Bea was so nice to Suzanne when she was working in South Pasadena and then a few days later, she stopped speaking to her. Suzanne was sweet but Bea was psycho like Wigg.

Anonymous said...

Charles mouth will always be the biggest problem at priority one. He's got the brain of a child, I mean baby chimp and the professionalism of a dog. Should anyone be even a little surprised that he let some people know who let other people know, that the credit union is being sued again and probably with good, I mean great, reason.

Anonymous said...

So theres a 3 lawsuit. Thats a lot but maybe not a surprise.

Anonymous said...

If they're suing Bea or Wigg, I'd be a witness. I left there when that ugly, oatmeal faced woman was COO. She was lazy (like Charles) and stupid (like Charles) and just gave you the creeps. Their both disgusting. Good. I am so glad Wigg and Bea will have to answer for what they did.

Anonymous said...

Why are you all assuming is Suzanne the one suing this company? Bea bid not just do wrong to I right?

Anonymous said...

Bea did give Suzanne a horrible time when she was the Valencia branch manager. Don't you remember how she stopped to talking to Suzanne when she was training in South Pasadena?

Anonymous said...

I think we're confusing Suzanne in card services with Suzanna, the old branch manager in Valencia. Its Suzanna the former branch manager that is suing.

Anonymous said...

C'mon people don't sue just because their boss does speak to you. I don't think she is that kind of person. Besides, she got a better job.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that she would have sued for something serious. If you sue because of something petty then its probably going to be seen as a frivilous lawsuit. I remember Bea going to Smock and complaining about Suzanna but he wouldn't help Bea. Its seemed weird because Bea always seemed obsessed with Suzanna. It was strange.

Anonymous said...

The lawsuit must be serious beause Wiggs beeen stressing. You don't stress over nothing. The other day he had Joseph in his office and he told him that Bea was accused of doing some illegal things Then again Joseph knew about the dirty way Bea did business. Remember back around middle of last year when he complained that he was tired of Bea because of the way she abused people. He even said she had screwed over so many good people and that if she didn't wach it, one day she was going to get sued.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wigg is stressing. Its like he's getting tired (of what, since he hasn't put in a good day of work for years). If you know Wigg, he's not a person to give up his power but lately he lets Cindy and Joseph do anything they want. The other day, Cindy and Joseph dropped by unexpected at the Los Angeles branch. Everyone got freaked because they weren't expected and no one likes Joseph and Cindy is like another Joseph. They sat down at one of the empty desks and started going through the computer. Why? Aren't their computers in South Pasadena. And why is a loan manager visiting branches? Because moron Wigg lets her. And what can Joseph do by visiting any branch? Not a damn thing. The man is useless.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line business is bad and their reputation sux. Yes its Wigg and unqualified people like Rodger but the buck stops with the board and supervisory committee?

Anonymous said...

Bottom line business is bad and their reputation sux. Yes its Wigg and unqualified people like Rodger but the buck stops with the board and supervisory committee?

Anonymous said...

They should be hit with a 4th lawsuit in about 6 weeks. Enjoy it Wiggy. Couldn't happen to a bigger jackass.

Anonymous said...

Bea Walker doesn't work at P1 anymore. Does this mean the credit union is going to have to pay to defend her or will she have to pay an attorney with her own money? She was a horrible COO and a horrible person. She and Wigg destroyed P1 and made it what it is today.

Anonymous said...

Smock also made it what it is today. He protected employees who broke the rules but wrote up others and fired others. He helped Wigg ruin P1. It's a ghetto dump. You can throw in Sylvia, Gema, Yvonne, Bea, Esmeralda, and even religious, useless, good for nothing, Robert West. In fact even some managers have said West should have been fired a long time ago. No kidding.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Business is down because the president is an insecure little boy who requires constant attention, acceptance, validation, flattery, and an environment specially structured to feed his damaged ego. He looks around his little, insignificant world and really believes that everyone wants what he has. His job and its responsibilities are really his playground, a place where he is a god and where he demands full and utter allegiance. Yes, poor little boy- Wiggington is damaged goods. No one who is stable, no one who has a conscience, no one who can differentiate between good and evil, would ever do the things he has done or will continue to do. It is so sad that the Board or more specifically, Diedra, opted to keep all that is emotionally unstable rather than finding a president who is well-grounded and not suffering from delusions of grandeaur. It must be so sad to be little Charles Wiggington.

Anonymous said...

Wigg is out on PTO but he left Missy Smock in charge which is weird because Smock sits in his office doing nothing. Thought he might have left Cindy in charge since he has her running around, visiting all branches to push employees to get new business. Cindy may not be what she says she is but she is stressing. She says things are really bad and Joseph keeps warning we might merge. With who?

Anonymous said...

ps: Joseph thinks we don't need Robert West. He said they have Smock for HR. He also said that West is still the company trainer but West doesn't train anyone anymore and when he did, he was horrible and boring. Even dumb old Joseph knows West should be out!

Anonymous said...

Suzanna was one of the best managers that credit union ever had. Plus she dressed so professional, is kind and so professional. Good for her. I hope the company pays big time because useless two faced Wigg didn't fight to keep or appreciate her . He is so stupid, he kept Yvonne and hired Bea. Good luck Suzanna!

Anonymous said...

Wigg is a mess. He's made so many f*ck-ups. There was the envelopes, that mailbag that got lost with more than $100,000 in checks, the car he stole from the member, sexually harassing Kim, backstabbing employees, hiring Bea, spending all the money on a jacked up phone system, and making the credit union lose branches.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Boutte took Gema out to visit other banks to see how they do business. Shouldn't they already know how to do business. Boutte was over collection for years and Gema was branch manager. What a waste of time and no talent.

Anonymous said...

John another great post. You should consider putting this in a book. Its a page turner. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hope Suzanne takes them to the cleaners.

Anonymous said...

When auditors come to South Pasadena, they usually provide Wigg's assistant, Irma, with a list of the files they want to look at. A few years ago when Kim was his assistant, she gave them the files they asked for but Wigg exploded when he found out what she had done. He told her that from that point on, she was to let Rodger review the files first so he could pull out any documents he didn't want the auditors to see. The auditors really should accompany whoever gets the files to make sure nothing gets pulled. Plus they should question Jennifer Kelly about a second book where Wigg keeps the real figures.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Even though the new tenants visited Burbank and were standing there talking in front of staff about how they're going to change the place, Sylvia keeps saying no one's made it official because Wigg hasn't sent out a notice. She was looking for a new location in downtown Burbank but found out it expensive plus she found out Wigg doesn't want to pay rent anywhere else unless its $1 a year like they do at Van Nuys, LA, and Santa Clarita. Sylvia is stressing and she looks horrible plus Miss Joseph and Cindy want her to stay inside the Burbank branch to make sure her TWO employees are doing their jobs. This has to be the worst CU anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Do members ever visit Burbank? I heard Joseph told Wigg that the place is dead.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like Wigg wouldn't want to make sure auditors don't get complete files. The man has a lot to hide though he's not doing a good job of it.

Anonymous said...

No one is more impressed with Yvonne than Yvonne. The woman is bad tempered, bi-polor and nosey as hell.

Anonymous said...

Yvonne is horrible. Another Bea. I had heard she spent weekends at Bea's which is weird because both women don't live that far from each other and they're both middle aged.

Anonymous said...

Yvonne is horrible but she's still employed and getting a fat salary like Wigg and Rodger.

Anonymous said...

Of course Wigglenuts is going to blame anybody that sues. He's not a man but a big loser with a big mouth. You really have to wonder how he was raised. What kind of a childhood creates a big liar and perv who never behaves and who promotes scum into management?

Anonymous said...

Scum into management? You mean like Smock, West, Yvonne, Sylvia, Joseph? Is that what you mean?

Anonymous said...

Wiggs the most hated man in the industry. And Smock used to be liked until everybody discovered what he is. Thats what happens when you put idiots to head a credit union.

Anonymous said...

Sued again? I'm so happy I don't work there anymore. The place changed for the worse after Wiggington took over. I left in 2008 because you knew it wasn't going to get better. I heard a lot of the old timers were fired by Wiggington. He said he would get rid of them and he did but he kept Smock who wouldn't make a good paper clip and Rober West who is comotose most of the time.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. This is great. P1 should hire you do do their advertising.

Anonymous said...

If they can't afford to lease burbank then you know their in trouble.

Anonymous said...

such a small cu with a freeze on raises. there should be a cap on salaries. no on there should be making more than $50k a year. get a real job if you think you deserve more.

Anonymous said...

You are so right. They should have a cap but Wigg who makes more than $150,000 a year, isn't going to give up a good thing. Saeid used to brag about how much money he is paid and Smock makes more than $110,000 a year, owns a house, properties and doesn't do shit. When Theresa suggested management temporarily reduce their salaries until the credit union got back on its feet. Bea, Wigg and Smock got so pissed they moved Theresa's desk to the storage area behind the tellers and then a few weeks later, told her they were going to lay her off or she could take severance. Right after she left the credit union, they hired a temp to replace her. This is a dishonst, horrible, bottom of the barrell, no class, ghetto credit union.

Farmer John said...

I was one of a lot of people that got fired from P1. I will never forget how Wigg and Smock made up a bunch of lies to get rid of me but I wasn't the only one they did that to. These two make up lies to get rid of people and they never provide any proof of wrong doing. A lot of employees know they're both scum but what bothers me even more than these 2 losers is how conviving and horrilbe that low life chola, Esmeralda Sandoval is. The woman says she's a Christian and married but she's not a Christian and she shacks up with her old man. I found out from another former employee that she used to go to Wigg and Smock and tell them who she thought were against them. She is so unpresentable, uneducated and a fat liar. Priority 1q is probably the best job a lowlife like her can ever have. She is worse than Wigg or Smock because she pretends to be so nice but she's a snake. I dislike everything about that bitch. She's enough to make anybody throw up. Plus she covers up for her friends and relatives- like Gema, who is her cousin. I know for a fact that she helped get a lot of people fired.
Wigg and Smock couldn't target employees without the help from their prized pig- Esmeralda Sandoval Cordova. I hope most employees know better than to trust that witch because if you don't, she could use whatever you say, against you. The bitch is brain and moral dead.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, you are so right on, it is now a small cu with a freeze on raises so they should put a cap on salaries. $50k a year sounds like more than enough though I think the managers know that no other company will pay them anywhere near what they get paid at P1.

Anonymous said...

Esmeralda is a bitch.

Anonymous said...

that place brings out the worse in people.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Esme is a bitch and a lot more.

Anonymous said...

Esme who should be called monster, lied about so many employees including Marc, Teresa, David and a lot more. Her only good quality is she keeps confidence, sort of, but she's a liar thru and thru.

Anonymous said...

Its horrible. I don't know anyone that looks forward to coming ot work anymore.

Anonymous said...

The place is horrible? So leave do what others have done find a better place to work. What are you waiting for?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Let's see Charles picked Smock and he did hire Bea and he promoted big time kiter, Liz Campos, and he hired Cindy and promoted Joseph. Plus the board hired Charles. See a pattern?

Anonymous said...

Bares repeating...

Anonymous said...

such a small cu with a freeze on raises. there should be a cap on salaries. no on there should be making more than $50k a year. get a real job if you think you deserve more.

March 27, 2012 11:18 AM

Nancy Vasquez & Ana Cervantes aka "De Monas" said...

I remember on several occassions when I work in member services with GEMA remember her saying that she does listen to music w/out words and she doesnt read books w/out pictures!!! O_o.

I was always like...WTF? and always thinking...Is this little ghetto chola serious?...WoW?

And I always thought that she had a lil BUTCH in her...what do you think?

Anonymous said...

Gema does know procedure but she's a lazy ass. For years she played on the internet and ordered products and had them delivered to the office under the last names Alvarez. I'm not surprised that she doesn't have the brain to listen to music that doesn't have lyrics or look at a book that doesn't have pictures. She's definintely not school smart and she's conniving like Wiggington.
She is a "little ghetto cholo" and trashy and yup a lot of us thought she was more than a little butch which is probably why Bea got close to her. Lazy, useless and she should have been let go along time ago for not doing her work. I don't know how someone from Lynwood acts like she's from Bel Aire.

BH said...

I always thought Gema confused Boyle Heights with Beverly Hills because they're both abbreviated "BH."

Anonymous said...

Gema, she's just stupid. She's lazy but she's not smart and she's so trashy that I am surprised she was ever named branch manager. I don't think Harris knew what she really was and Wigg knows she's a female/male version of him/her.

Anonymous said...

A lot of the employees particularly in management are just horrible people. I've never met anyone like Wigg or Smock at any company I've worked at and I've never seen such unpresentable people like Yvonne or Sylvia, anywhere else. Its not that they don't exist but you have to wonder why so many horrible people end up in one company.

Anonymous said...

Birds of a feather flock to together, eh Wigg?

Anonymous said...

I don't think Gema is as smart as some people think. She was in member services for years then was the assistant branch and then branch manager. Shouldn't she know the job? The reason she never wants to do anything outside her job description is part because she's lazy but she's also stupid and dumb as nails. She knows it that's why she hides behind "I don't do that." She should add "because I'm a dumb shit like Joseph Garcia."

Anonymous said...

So, is Suzanne suing for sure or is just another rumor?

Anonymous said...

Its for sure. Wigg told Yvonne, Joseph, West, Esmeralda, Smock, and Cindy and Yvonne, Cindy and Joseph blabbed it. Don't get why Wigg thought he should share the info with his staff when isn't the board or the attorneys that would speak to staff if they feel they have to?

Anonymous said...

Joseph and Cindy were talking about it and saying the lawsuit is real serious. Aren't all lawsuits serious?

Anonymous said...

Aren't they serious? Aren't they confidential too? What is wrong with these managers?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The place is horrible? So leave do what others have done find a better place to work. What are you waiting for?

March 28, 2012 11:04 PM

Several employees have been lookin for new jobs for months. Its a tough job market and most people tend to apply for jobs where they have experience. The market is over saturated but in time, a lot will probably find jobs but they have to hang in there since most people can't just quit without getting some money in. It would be better to receive unemployent then leave arbitrarily without another job.

Should add that if the environment is that horrible, then why doesn't management fix it? Because they're the ones who made it horrible.

Anonymous said...

Talk about looking for other jobs. Wigg said that the agreement Linda signed said that she will not try to get a job at Priority. Why would someone who was abused, want to go back to the worset credit union in the industry and run by and idiot? He also says that she agrees not to post anything on the blog about her case. Really? Someone finally gives Wigg the big KO and he thinks they want to spend time talking about him on a blog. I'd love to see what she signed because it probably proves they have so much shit to hide and their scared it'll come out. But wait, it has come out already.

Anonymous said...

They do have a lot to hide. Sexual harassment, stealing Danny Wafa's car, playing with the numbers, making up stories to fire lots and lots of employees. Tuesday Wigg was saying he is feeling better and gained some weight but a**hole still has to live with himself and in that miserable little house in Echo Park with his old beat up, not so impressive fleet (LOL) of BMWs. Ya, he's got winner written all over him.

Anonymous said...

Wigg being a compolsive liar is the least worst thing about him.

Anonymous said...

Wigg is a tard. I've never worked for a more stupid lowlife. He really thinks people care about his opinion. I can tell you everybody would be happy if he never came back to work. Everything he touches turns to crap. His girlfriend, Smock, is useless, limping around the branch and hiding in his office. He other girlfriend Joseph could be replaced by a hamster. He is so stupid and has a horrible temper and doesn't care about anyone, but then he stands up on his soap box and tells everybody how we have to work together and tomorrow better be a better day or the credit union could close or merge. Damn, make up your mind, monkey! You've got 10 ft tall Yvonne who must been raised by bears, because she doesn't know how to treat people with respect. Gema has been there for years and is a policy breaker. Like someone said, she knows member services because she's been working there forever, not because she smart. She's sneaky, backstabbing and dishonest. Then you have Cindy Garvin who must have hit her head on something hard. She has a bad temper and gets confronts anyone who crosses her. She needs her head examined. Maybe she and Wigg can get a 2 for 1 special at the mental health hospital.

Anonymous said...

I think Cindy is stressed and its just bringing out what she is to the surface. She's probably got Wigg on her back even though he made the mess she's supposed to help fix. Joseph is stressed because he knowns he's an ignorant dumb ass with no knowledge and only gets by, kissing ass. Gema, Yvonne, Sylvia and Lynette are lousy at business. Wigg and Smock know nothing.

Anonymous said...

The stress is making everybody moody or sick. Patti and sweet Martha are out on medical. Cindy is losing it. Joseph gets more moody and bitchy when he feel the pressure. Rodger starts limping around like a water buffalo. Wigg, well Wigg looks horrible and you know he didn't get sick because he's a good person. Lynette is stressing and so is Cecilia who is getting grumpier and more pushy with her staff. Sylvia is losing hair, not wearing make-up, ironing her clothes and she looks like she's aged 10 years in the last 12 months. Its a wonderful working place. Too bad the economy is so bad because everyone could move on and leave that place.

Anonymous said...

Thank you John, if not for you who knows what crap wiggs would be trying to pull.

Anonymous said...

Yes, thanks. At least all the things Wigg and his dogs had done would have been a secret with no one on the outside really knowing how vicious and horrible they are.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the board.Why would they keep this loser? Does Wigg have something on Diedra or are they dating because it doesn't make sense?

Anonymous said...

Linda's agreement said Priority One doesn't admit to liability with respect to what Linda sued them form and that Priority One denies any allegations. You know they have to be paying the attorneys big bucks to deny on paper everything we all know Wigg and his posey did to so many employees.

Anonymous said...

How do you know what Linda's agreement says?

Anonymous said...

Probably Wigglenutless opening his big mouth again. They should of fired him a long time ago for not shutting his big mouth. I guess its good, otherwise how would we ever know about the 3rd lawsuit or what goes on behind closed doors. Desperate Housewives is ending why not replace it with Desperates CEO.

Anonymous said...

Probably Wigglenutless opening his big mouth again. They should of fired him a long time ago for not shutting his big mouth. I guess its good, otherwise how would we ever know about the 3rd lawsuit or what goes on behind closed doors. Desperate Housewives is ending why not replace it with Desperates CEO.

Anonymous said...

Well, I saw the production report for March and business isn't doing good. Anyway, most apps get denied and members aren't coming in to get the loans they are approved for.

Anonymous said...

Members aren't coming in period.

Anonymous said...

Wigg lives in some parallel universe where a**holes are captains of industry and where sexual harassment, stealing members cars, sending out member account/social security numbers on the outside of envelopes, where pushing the credit union into debt, where hiring a COO to help him fire employees, where talking about his d*ck and sex with fat women, and where pretending he lives in a castle are really true. That's why he has a Senior VP who had an affair with a male employee and got employees drunk at his house and why someone like Robert West could be made head of Employee Development even though the man is really dull and unqualified, and why a retard like Joseph Garcia is supposed to create new business even though he couldn't understand loan processing when he was loan manager. Yup, that's Wigg's world. Its small, its insane, but its all him. You guys say he's incompetent and he's embarassing but he's also the biggest p*ssy in the industry.

Anonymous said...

Two words. Sexual harasser.

Anonymous said...

How about stupid ass low life. The man is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Wigg keeps saying everything is fine which makes me think he's up to something or lying. If you really want to know if their doing good, look at their monthly reports before Cindy adds loans from other months to the current month or visit the accounting department. They know how much is really going out and how much is coming in and they know if the credit union is spending too much money. Thats why Rataana isn't there anymore. She used to complain that Bea was spending so much money on things the credit union didn't need and money the creidt union didn't have. It got back to Bea and a few days later Rodger was telling Rataana they couldn't afford to keep her? But they could afford to keep Bea and Wigg?

Anonymous said...

They really could never afford to keep Wigg. How much has he cost? How much did they spend to fix his big mailing f*ck up? How much did they spend on technicicans for the phone system? How much did they spend on an investigator and lawyers when he was investigated for sexual harassment? How much have they lost because of his big idea to remove marketing? How much did his friend, Bea cost the credit union? How much has Smock made the credit union lose while he was in HR? How much have they had to spend on 3 lawsuits? How much money did he waste on remodeling South Pasadena? How much have they lost because stupid doesn't know how to attract new business? How much did they spend on having to hold a second elecdtion in 2010 after he and Diedra broke the law and tampered with the whole thing?

Anonymous said...

I never understood why the board covers up for him even when Wigg pushed P1 into the red. Is Diedra sleeping with Wigg? Is Gathers or Saffold or Bobby Thomas? It just doesn't make sense.

Priority One MC said...

P1 just crushed another frivellous suit from you folks. Last week David Quinones lawyer announced that he's quitting. See ya David! Wouldn't wanna be ya. You bloggers best be paying attention and learn something from this lesson. Ok, Linda got a little something broke off but it was so little that it didn't matter. After her attorney got what they got, she'd have been better taking the severence offer that she would've got. Think people, think.

Anonymous said...

Ignorance is truly bliss. Wigg gossiping again? How do you know the lawsuit was deemed frivolous? You must have a court docket to prove your statement. Let's see it? You need to get your facts straight. Linda and managment were sworn not to disclose any information, so your statement that you know she didn't get a good settlement and would have done better, by accepting the credit union's severance package, is based on conjecture. Look it up if you don't know the definition. What we do know is that Wigg is a sexual harasser and that everything that was written about Bea Walker on this blog was true, otherwise she would still be COO. Maybe you should go and and tell Wigg to get his facts straight or talk to Miss Smock and tell her to remind Wigg that there is a confidentiality policy that he might want to adhere to. And here's a suggestion to everyone from Wigg to Yvonne, "think" because the way you're going, you might soon be joining the legions of unemployed.

Anonymous said...

Priority One MC (Mental Cripple) wrote..."P1 just crushed another frivellous suit from you folks."

What do you mean P1 "crushed another frivolous (learn how to spell Einstein) suit." Suit? Do you mean lawsuit or are you referring to a tuxedo, you idiot? And what other lawsuit did they supposedly crush? It wasn't Linda's because you admit she received a settlment. Who else sued? Was it Smock, because they told him they'll fire him if he has the surgery to make him a full-fledged woman? They didn't crush "another" lawsuit because they settled and paid on the first one, embecile!

And where did "David Quinones lawyer announced that he's quitting"? Was it in P1's intranet? Was it in the L.A. Times? Was it in your imagination?

And who should the "bloggers" be paying attention to? You? You post without getting your facts straight or providing a shred of evidence. So whose spreading lies, sexual harasser, car stealing Wiggington or policy breaker, Rodger Smock.

And what's the "lesson" you want everyone to learn, oh not-so-wise one? LOL. Did Linda tell you she only got a "little something." Evidently, her lawsuit wasn't frivolous if they paid her, was it, Queen Yvonne? Yes, Yvonne, you write like you talk. Guess you went nuts since your break-up with Bea Walker. Call her, she might just take you back.

Before you post, maybe you should take your own advice and "think" though you probably are cranially challenged which may suggest "you is one of the managers at Priority Slum."

Anonymous said...

Priority Slum! That's rich, something Priority One is not. LMAO.

Anonymous said...

Is Yvonne even a lesie? If she is, then some of what she and bea said and did, makes sense. The 2 were always together, sneaking out of the office and finding little secret places to admit. I know that Bea let it out that Yvonne would spend the weekend at Bea's house.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I think that's why Yvonne pulled away from Bea. She got embarrassed that Bea was telling everyone about her sleep overs at Bea's. There sure is a lot of sex stuff at that company. Smock used to fix Henry's tie in member services and then Henry was at his house a lot. Wigg couldn't leave Kim alone and he used to love to talk about how good fat women are in bed. Then Bea shows up and remember how she used to spend so much time at Santa Clarita trying to get attention from the branch manager. In fact, do you remember how jealous Yvonne got when the manager was training in South Pasadena.

Anonymous said...

Yvonne a lesbo? No way, no how. I mean, sure she's got size 15" feet and hands that look like Kobe's and she's 7 ft tall, but that doesn't make her a lesbo. Yes, Bea was on her like "white" on brown rice- always in each others offices, whispering, sneaking off the premises to go and gossip about the credit union but that's normal for 12 year old girls. The sleepovers were innocent. Just like a child's sleepover, except with two giant-sized, manly women. And what married woman like Yvonne doesn't spend her weekends at her girl's house, shopping, drinking, going to lunch together, sleeping over, gossiping about P1? Momma used to say, "If it walks, talks and acts like a lesbo it probably is unless you're talking about Yvonne Boutte."

Anonymous said...

You guys need to use a dictionary! Yvonne is not a lesbian because that would require she be female. Look it up.

Anonymous said...

Okay, here are the facts. Last week Wigg told Yvonne and Smock that the lawyer called Diedra and that she gave him information they wanted put in the settlement package they were offering David. Why would Wigg say that if they were not trying to settle with David? Monday, Wigg told Yvonne that David's attorney called P1's attorney and said he was going to quit because David rejected the company's offer. The CU attorney OBVIOUSLY shared this with Wigg because if its true, how else would Wigg know? If that happened than P1's attorney probably commit a ethics violation and should be reported to the state. And if P1 was really winning, why are they trying to settle. And to Priority One MC or whatever stupid handle you used, the fact P1 paid Linda Nisely is a loss and not a win for Wigg.

Sapphrodite said...

Maybe it was Bea who pulled away from Yvonne. Maybe Yvonne hit up on her and Bea didn't like it.

THE TRUTH!!! said...

P1 MC SAID....

P1 just crushed another frivellous suit from you folks. Last week David Quinones lawyer announced that he's quitting. See ya David! Wouldn't wanna be ya. You bloggers best be paying attention and learn something from this lesson. Ok, Linda got a little something broke off but it was so little that it didn't matter. After her attorney got what they got, she'd have been better taking the severence offer that she would've got. Think people, think.






Anonymous said...

Wigg stole a member's car. That's fraud and he should have been fired. Wigg sexually harassed an ex-employee. That's a federal offense and he should have been tried and convicted. Wigg got kick-backs for years from Henry Justice. He should have been fired on the spot.

Anonymous said...

Priority One has an MC? Must be working for free since they can't afford to pay for one. "frivellous suit"? I never heard of the word frivellous. What does it mean? David's lawyer announced? Really? Where did he announce?

"You bloggers best be paying attention and learn something from this lesson." First of all, that sounds so ghetto/barrio. Second of all what lesson? Wigg didn't learn to shut his mouth after being exposed of a lot of what he says so maybe you need to teach him a lesson.

"Ok, Linda got a little something broke off but it was so little that it didn't matter." Got a little something broke off? Were you raised in the U.S. Gheeetttooo.

You are either Wigg or Yvonne or a board member because they are the only one's at P1 who could sound so ignorant. I don't think you should be telling anyone to think since its obvious you didn't when you decided to post.

Anonymous said...

Wigg should be in jail. Can you imagine how much stuff he's done that never makes it on the blog?

Anonymous said...

Did it occur to any body that the person who called themselves Priority MC and posted that really stupid comment could be Robert West? Robert West bragged that when he was in college he was a DJ. He has said he loves public speaking. And who can forget his performance at the 2010 all staff meeting when he got up read from the Bible, accused the bloggers of being haters and then went and embraced Wiggington?

West has always wanted attention because he's more forgettable than yesterday's lunch, so he needs to get on his self-righteous soap box and correct everyone when he should be taking a long look at himself.

Anonymous said...

Just the fact there's a blog should have been enough reason to fire Wiggington and Smock. What hold does he have over Diedra. Its weird. And does a lot of their problems go back to sex. Straight, gay, maybe bi, but its always about sex in the workplace. What the hell is going on at South Pasadena? And yes, I think a lot of people thought Bea and Yvonne were dykes. All that sneaking around and secret meetings in the parking lot. I mean these 2 hags are probably about 50 years old and running around like they're young and cute. Bea and Yvonne are the Smock and Wiggington of Priority One.

Anonymous said...

LMAO. Keep talking Wigg. We love it you big mouth, sex addicted, car stealing, cancer infested loser.

Anonymous said...

Priority MC got "her" information straight from Wigg and shared it with Alex in credit resolutions. After losing to Linda Nisely and having to pay her money which proves Priority 1 did something wrong, he's trying to now show that he's got everything under control. Last week he told Yvonne the third lawsuit has nothing on him because he is innocent and did nothing wrong. He said if there is a problem its with Bea but he keeps forgetting he is President and that Bea couldn't a done a lot of what she did without him either approving it or knowing about it. He can play possum but its too many lawsuits about abuses. And for the record, last week he gave Yvonne a copy of the agreement for the second lawsuit. So guess there was a settlment contract, huh?

Anonymous said...

Yes there is but why show it to Yvonne? She's member services not HR or on the board. Diedra has a copy because she and some members of the board decided what was going in the agreement. I know this because a board member told me. The board said it was a done deal. I'll ask for a copy and send it to you.

Anonymous said...

Linda got a settlement which means Wiggington, Smock, and Bea lost. Don't matter how much she got paid it was that the CU attorneys had to give in because their plan back-fired. MC why don't you get to work and stop meddling in every department's job.

Anonymous said...

With all the pressure their adding for everybody to get in our goals and them being sued and managers stressing, the place is falling apart.

Anonymous said...

You know there are other options. You can file with the EEOC or the DFEH. If they find you have grounds, they can take P1 to court.

Equal employment opportunity commission

Department fair employment & housing

Anonymous said...

Why is Wigg telling Yvonne about lawsuits? First, its none of her business plus her jobs have been manager of collections and now member service and tellers and don't include CU lawyer. He's and idiot and she's so stupid to repeat what's she told. She's doing the same thing she did when she and Bea used to talk about everybody and every thing.

Anonymous said...

If Wigg is sharing info from the attorneys then he's breaking confidentiality AGAIN! Anyways is this the same law firm who wanted to get Nora to say Linda is a racist and who Wigg said was going to squash Linda?

Anonymous said...

Yvonne and Joseph had a meeting with branch managers to push them to bring in the business. Obviously, these 2 don't know how to bring in business but expect everybody to some how know how to do it. Some people think Yvonne is smart but she's not. She's a snake and sneaky. Joseph is spit. The biggest idiot of all is Wigg who promoted them and Diedra. Last year she said that Joseph was good for morale and that she knew the board had the right management team. A few months later, they fired Bea and loans went down, down, down even though Joseph was the loan manager.

Anonymous said...

The only reason it LOOKS LIKE their getting the business if because they are holding on loans and reporting a month or two after they got financed. Not smart and it probably is going to catch to them.

Anonymous said...

Sylvias beeen saying Burbank is doing great but the people who work there say its dead. Who do you believe? The reports show business is bad and Joseph and Cindy already told her that they're not sending her people to help her out.

Anonymous said...

Never believe Sylvia. Believe the reports. They don't show any growth so Perez should probably start mailing our her resume.

Anonymous said...

You are right, St Joseph doesn't want us there anymore. For the 3 years tried not dealing with us anymore though they let us put in an ATM in the basement.The reason they keep us because they love and adore, Martha. She's #1 in their eyes and she given them geat member service. On the other hand the highest people of the hospital don't like Priority 1 because of Wiggington and otheres, because they see the CU doesn't live up ot its hype. They even get rid of P1 sometime in the near future.

Anonymous said...

P1 was a good credit union. Members kept their accounts because they liked the service, the employees and how they got treated. Hospital workers love Martha and long-time postal employees loved Mr. Harris. People still talk about Mr. Harris and how king and understanding he was and how he helped a lot get loans when they had emergencies and they ALL paid the loans back (not like Wigg's good buddy Henry Justice).

There was a time when people liked visiting South Pasadena and when you could call Mr Harris and he would either take your calls or call you back and make sure whatever problem you were having got fixed. Now South Pasadena is depressing. The hospitals don't like Priority 1 and the postal employees mostly bad things about us. Yeah, Wigg made a lot of changes all for the worse.

Anonymous said...

This company will never survive with this man how dumb can the board be to keep him and just let him destroy everthing Mr. Harris work for. They won't survive another year if this man continues as President so sad.

Anonymous said...

P1 has only survive because they keep firing people and getting rid of services. Thiis is so stupid but so Wiggington. He turned Priority 1 into the Goodwill of all credit unions. Hope your proud sexual harasser.

Priority One MC said...

It's nothing related to any you bloggers. All you are done with. Sharnese Nylonda got P1 involved with an auto insurance situation that's in court. That's all there is. Now try doing what you suppose to be doing for a change.

Anonymous said...

"Priority One MC said... It's nothing related to any you bloggers. All you are done with. Sharnese Nylonda got P1 involved with an auto insurance situation that's in court. That's all there is. Now try doing what you suppose to be doing for a change.

April 10, 2012 7:38 PM

"Priority One MC" I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say, "What the hell are you writing about?" Sharnes Nylonda? Auto inusance? Court? Could you be more ingnorant, Yvonne? By the way, whats up with you and your girl Alex. You moving people around in credit resolutions supposedly to make thing better, but its not making any change. And why do you have Gema in the Call Center. You mean to say, Gema is an AVP answering phones in the Call Center. Did they cut her pay down to $13 an hour? This a really good example of how Yvonne, Tranny Alex, and Miss Wigg jack everything and leave a mess. An no Miss Thang, you're the one that's done with now that everybody knows you were playing behind your hubby's back while he was on the road you giant sized busy body.

Anonymous said...

Priority One MC, English please.

Anonymous said...

No wonder Yvonne is losing it. She is over credit resolutons, call center, member services, card serivces, and the tellers even though the only thing she's qualified to do is collections. What I don't get is why they took member services and the tellers away from Gema so that Gema could spend more time in the FIELD bring in business. Instead, Yvonne has Gema in the Call Center answering phones. Why is an AVP answerinbg phones in the call Center? She gets AVP pay then get her out of the office to do AVP work. Another thing, why is Yveonne so jealous of Cindy Garvin? Everytime Cindy gives some order to one of Yvonne's people, Yvonne blows up. Isn't Cindy above Yvonne? Place is such a mess and no one knows what they're doing and the managers aren't even obeying Wiggs plan.

Anonymous said...

Priority One MC said...

"It's nothing related to any you bloggers. All you are done with. Sharnese Nylonda got P1 involved with an auto insurance situation that's in court. That's all there is. Now try doing what you suppose to be doing for a change."

I got to agree, what the hell are you talking about? Did you hit your head against something, because you ain't making any sense. Who is Sharnese Nylonda? As an officer of the credit union, you are not allowed to post members names on any public soical page or blog. So is Sharnese a member? And what do you mean by "all of you are done with?" You sound very confused. Maybe you should have your head examined.

Anonymous said...

Sharnese Nylonda? Sounds like a relative of Charles.

Anonymous said...

Priority MC SHUT UP!

Geez you probably got you ass in trouble because Charles told you about the 3rd complaint and David's case which which CONFIDENTIAL information and you weren't supposed to repeat it but you did, you told Alex. Now you're pretending that the complaint had to do with somebody named Sharnese Nylonda got P1 involved with an auto insurance situation that's in court" which is you way of trying get attention from 2 real problems that you weren't supposed to repeat! That's why you've been ridding everybody at South Pas. You hate that it came out and people are talking about you and your supposed FRIENDSHIP with Bea Walker. Shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Priority MC SHUT UP!

Geez you probably got you ass in trouble because Charles told you about the 3rd complaint and David's case which which CONFIDENTIAL information and you weren't supposed to repeat it but you did, you told Alex. Now you're pretending that the complaint had to do with somebody named Sharnese Nylonda got P1 involved with an auto insurance situation that's in court" which is you way of trying get attention from 2 real problems that you weren't supposed to repeat! That's why you've been ridding everybody at South Pas. You hate that it came out and people are talking about you and your supposed FRIENDSHIP with Bea Walker. Shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yvonne is full of it and the only reason she is doing a move of people I hear is because she is being accused of harassing a pregnant woman. Now she is shiting it because that is a big lawsuit against the Credit Union. Also how the hell is her dumb ass in charge of so much of the Credit Union?? Obviously a clear sign of how kissing enough ass will give you what you want.

Anonymous said...

Yvonne has a lot of member complaints i know for a fact a member that was getting a car loan when i was working tnere filed a lawsuit about her her harassing him over a personal plus loan she harassed his whole family the bitch is a control freak and she should never work with the public.

Anonymous said...

Did Crystal complain about Yvonne again? Crystal has told Yvonne in front of Esmeralda, that she hates her. Usually you don't get away with that but Yvonne is so easy to hate. She's a pig. And Alex is her dog. These two out of control bitches backstab and talk about everyone and its no secret that Yvonne is jealous of Cindy because Cindy has the position Yvonne wanted. Yvonne needs to shutup. Yes the ass kissing got her places when she was Bea's girlfriend but now days, Wigg doesn't know what to do, so he gives her more and more work hoping she'll get the job done. OBVIOUSLY he didn't trust Gema otherwise why did he take member services and tellers from her? But Gema is still employed when she should of been laid off Wigg tells Yvonne everything the board and lawyers tell him and she tells everything to Alex and some things to Gema. Its a mess and she's a big dyky mess.

Anonymous said...

Crystal's pregnant. Is that who Yvonne's supposedly abusing? Sometimes there in and sometimes their out like project runway. Now Alex Suarez is another story. She is a vicious gossip and she tells everyone she reads this blog every day and then reports it all to Yvonne, though I don't know why since Yvonne reads the blog too. Yvonne is not nearly as smart as she thinks but she's smarter than Wigg because she backstabbed him in 2009 and 2010 and in 2012 he added member services and tellers to her empire (LOL). She complains she's stressed and she says Cindy doesn't know what she doing but neither does she or Wigg or Joseph or Smock or West. I mean, the list is endless. And yes, the information the company attorney tells Wigg goes straight to Yvonne and then to Alex. And NO, there is no confusion with Sharnese Nylonda. Thats just Yvonne making a ghetto mess out of an already big mess. Stupid lowlife uneducted bitch.

Anonymous said...

Yvonne is petty. She's even involved in where people should sit. Thats a real sign of an idiot. Too bad she doesn't take some of the penned up frutstration and use it to bring in business, reduce collections and improve member services, nosey hag. She probably is paranoid about being sued because she knows there are 3lawsuits already and no matter how Missy Wigg spins it, 3 lawsuits is a lot! And I've been there when she talks to members. She is horrible. If anyone talked to her the way she talks to members she would pull out the race card. She used to love Jerry, because he would badger members into paying their debts. He would tell them if they didn't have the money they should borrow it from their families or friends. Those kind of tactics are awful and ruin any company's reputation. Screw Yvonne. She's another big mouth, fat ass who think she's shit when she ain't squat!

Anonymous said...

The mess is caused by Wigg because employees and managmnet are scared to lose their jobs. Sure Yvonne doesn't like Cindy because Cindy has a title and authority Yvonnee wanted. Instead, Yvonne is stressed because she still oversses collections plus member service, card service, and tellers. She put Alex in charge over collections only because Alex is a gossip and will tell her what people are saying. Joseph is sticking close to Cindy hoping that maybe she'll help him make his goals. Gema is supposed to be in the field thats why they gook member services and the tellers from her but Yvonne has her working in the call center which makes no sense. Sonia was named Loan Supervisor but she's always hanging around with Alex, the biggest gossip at P1. Show me who you hang with and I'll tell you who you are. Sonia is good with members but no one can trust her because she is always saying what she hears plus now she and Alex are tight. The place is one big f*cking mess and they're not making their goals.

Anonymous said...

Wigg is only talking because he's worried. We keep having meetings to tell us to work. Do you really need to be reminded over and over and over that you need to bring in new business. They tell you bring in business but none of them from stupid Joseph to idiot Wiggington know how get new business in. So Wigg does the next best thing, make up stories that P1 isn't being sued or is winning the suits (he needs to make up his mind). Their idiot lawyer, the same one that wasn't going to make sure Linda lost, has a big mouth and keeps telling Diedra and Wiggington what he's going to do and then they turn around and tell everybody else. Telling me what you're going to do is not the same thing as doing it and if you have the bad luck of being stuck in the same room with Wiggington when he begins telling you one of his tall tales, turn and run. The further you are from that asshole the better.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how Virgina and Yvonne are getting along in member service that should be interesting stay tuned!!!.The witch and the bitch!!!.

Anonymous said...

Yvonne has to rely on Witch Viginia's expertise just like Gema did. Virginia wasn't offered the Branch Manager job because Wigg knows she's a bitch like him but he put her under Yveonne, a useless old bitch. And Gema, who is supposed to be in the field brining in new business is hiding out in the Call Center answering phones. Yvonne is protecting her Wigg isn't saying a thing which means they're all idiots.

Anonymous said...

Rising to the top at Priority 1 is like saying Del Taco makes authentic Mexican food. Priority 1 has a lot on its plate and based on the # of calls they get from the NCUA, they've probably been told they better start a packing since some other company will have to merge with them.

Anonymous said...

Whats going on P1. It sounds horrible. Somethings defintitely up? With Telesis being forced to merge recenty, Wigg should be thinking of what could happened to his little crdit union.

Anonymous said...

Wigg doesn't worry about anything. That's why he's got so many losers in charge. If something goes wrong he blames them. All he does is delegate. Last week Sylvia was talking about the BDRs who are not reaching their goals but neither is she. Every loan she brings is declined. It'll be interesting if she gets written up or fired because she and Wigg are supposedly best buddies. In the meantime, she's going around telling everyone how she's got $100,000 of new new loans in the pipeline but what she's not say is that they are all denied. Same for her branch. She says Burbank is doing great but for 2 years its done horrible. So is it doing great or it it doing horrible?

HEY YOU! said...




Anonymous said...

You are so right. I was there when Liz was exposed of kiting. He was so mad, he promised nothing would happen to Liz Campos but when Sonny audited her records, it showed she had been kiting using 3 checking accounts from 3 differing banks including Priority 1. Mr Adler told him they had to fire her and he blew up. He was so pissed because he promoted her even when he knew she overdrew her account more than 40 times in less than 3 months. Same for Gema and Georgina. They both had people clocking them in and out when they were taking their 2 to 3 hour lunches. Even though Wigg and Rodger were told, neither of these 2 losers did a damn thing. So Georgina and Gema got away with committing fraud. After all, Smock and Diedra helped Wigg get away with sexual harassment and stealing Danny Wafa's car, why then wouldn't they try to protect Liz, Gema, and Georgina. They should all have been fired and he should have been tried in federal court.

Anonymous said...

Wigg is a thief and liar! Plain and simple, dufus jack-ass lowlife pinhead.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to Suzanna's lawsuit? Was it a giant woof? If she is suing how came no one says anything?

Anonymous said...

Wigg, Yvon and Joseph said they received a notice that they are being sued by her but Wigg said the credit union needed more time to make a decision. I don't know if that means they might want to settle or fight.

Anonymous said...

Wigg got himself in trouble this week when he repeated something the company attorney said. Wigg learned that the lawyer is trying to settle the third lawsuit without it costing the credit union to much money. He was also told that the lawyer for the second lawsuit isn't getting along with David and was going to quit. Problem is you just can't quit. Also Wigg misunderstood and though the lawyer said the lawsuit was frivolous so he goes and tells Yvonne, even though it none of her business. After she or Alex posted what Wigg was told on the blog, they tried to take it back and say the comment was about some member named Sharnese Nylonda who was supposedly suing the credit union. Who is Sharnese Nylonda some character on "Big Momma"? The credit union lawyer shouldn't of told the credit union and Wigg shouldn't have told Yvonne and Yvonne shouldn't of told big mouth, drag queen look-alike, Alex Suarez. Its a ghetto mess with messy, messy, tired ass people. So now Wigg is trying to take back everything he said and denying he said anything. Too late! Now he's saying that the second lawsuit is going to be settled. Is it? And he thinks the shyster lawyer will help P1 get out of having to pay a big settlement on the 3rd lawsuit. I hope this shit hits the fan and all comes out in court. What P1 needs is a lot of ex-employees sitting up on the witness stand and pointing at that two bit good for nothing pervert, Wiggington, and letting the world know everything he/she has done. Yes, she because Wigg is no man.

Anonymous said...

Nylonda Sharnese had an auto loan with priority one. She ran with a car for two years without making a payment and when we got close to repossessing her car she made a partial payment and ran again

Anonymous said...

Maybe so, but Wigg and Miss Giant Yvonne are used Nylonda Sharnese to back peddle and coverup what they weren't supposed to say. In fact, just talking about Sharnese' loan on this blog or on any site outside the credit union is a violation of confidentiality and subject to legal action. Wigg and his side-kick, Yvonne, and whoever else thought it was clever to use Sharnese's name should be sued and fired. This is a direct violation of the Privacy Act- a federal law! What a bunch of unprofession dimwits!

Anonymous said...

I agree, Nylonda's account information is confidential and the only persons who could have posted it on this blog are employees of credit resolutions including Alex Suarez and Yvonne Boutte. Geez, how stupid. I'd close my account immediately.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Nylonda Sharnese had an auto loan with priority one. She ran with a car for two years without making a payment and when we got close to repossessing her car she made a partial payment and ran again

April 13, 2012 8:53 PM"

Only someone working at P1 and specifically, collections, would know this! I'm reading these posts and I agree, it looks like Wigg and one of his staff decided to talk about 1 of the lawsuits and are not back steppin' and using confidential information about a loan some woman named Nylonda Sharnese but that information is confidential and posting it here on this blog or any social media page is violation of the credit union's policy governing confidentiality! Another example of how management thinks they don't have to obey the rules or laws.

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone should tell Nylonda Sharnese's names was put on this blog by P1's management.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone spoken to Suzanne or David. Wigg said that they're getting ready to settle another lawsuit but I don't know if its Daivd's or Susanne's. If they do, thats 2 lawsuits settled. I wonder if Priority MC has anything to say?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Wigg should shut-up or they should fire his ass. Look at the mess he's made.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't get Wigg or any of his managers. Someone outta put a big cork in all their mouths!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lets see. He mailed out all those envelopes with member account number and social security numbers printed on the outside, but the Board let him keep his job.

He sexually harassed an ex-employee and even though there were lots and lots of witnesses, the Board let him keep his job.

He stole a members car and put in his name and again, the Board let him keep his job.

He and Diedra cheated in the 2009 election but they covered it up.

Wigg hired Beatrice and she made P1lose thousands of dollars, but he still kept her. The board eventually fired her but kept Wigg when they both should of been fired.

2009 and 2010 ended in the Red but Wigg still has his job.

They have been sued 3 times by ex employees but guess what, Wigg still has his job.

Any questions?

Anonymous said...

Wigg told Saeid that they're going to settle another of the lawsuits and he was laughing, because he said they're not going to pay a lot out on it. He said they got lucky on the second one, either David's or Suzanna's, like they lucked out on Linda's. Isn't paying a settlement bad no matter what amount you pay out? It means you lose. He is either really stupid or insane.

Anonymous said...

It is but you to remember Wiggington is a super big idiot.

Anonymous said...

I don't think P1 comes out looking good. Is that what Wigg and the board are trying to show? Because you can't have 3 lawsuits filed against you and pretend your innocenct. Doesn't anybody remember Enron or Bernie Madoff? Where there's smoke, there's fire and Wigg is buring P1 right into the ground.

Anonymous said...

Only at P1 does the President and the Board pretend that being in the red, getting sued, and slandering people is a good thing. Stupid, I mean stoopid.

Anonymous said...

Wigg must be the world's biggest victim or the world's bigggest con artist. If you believe him, then people are out to get him. Then again maybe he needs meds. If you believe the other side then you know that he's the one that's caused all of Priority 1's problems. How come none of these things existed when Mr Harris or Mr Weston were President? Coincidence? Hardly.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a fair assumption to say pocu isclosing or merging within 2years Max.

Anonymous said...

Less than 10% of all employees are htting this ludicrous goal of "new business/loan funding". Bugging members on cold calls isn't bringing in the business either. We look desperate. If our members were educated they would know to look for a better financial institution.

POCU MC said...

All y'all need to get back to work and help us help you keep your jobs! Come up with solutions not complaints.

Anonymous said...

POCU MC why don't you shut the F*ck up! Geez, it so obvious you're management! You already disclosed CONFIDENTIAL information. You get back to work because its you, Wigg, fat Rodger, useless overpaid West, Gema, Sylvia and the rest of you 3rd rate losers who ruined P1. If you weren't creating the problems and if you had been working, maybe Priority One wouldn't be on the verge of being merged you moronic a-hole! The complaints are totally justified you big foot reject!

Anonymous said...

Fuck you POCU MC! you get back to work have help employees "win with money!" until you can do that, shut your fucking mouth or the NCUA is going to come and shut it for you! the solution is to get get rid of the board, wigg, smock, west, sandoval and all other usless piece of shit assholes like you! stop worrying about what others are saying and wotty about what you are doing and the problems you already creatied. POCU MC = uneducated reject!

Anonymous said...

Has it occurred to anyone that Wigg and his band of losers have to try and settle the 3 lawsuits because P1 might actually see an end to their business in the near future? People like Priority MC are the cause for the credit union's problems, but its always easier telling employees "do your job" then Priority MC (probably ugly Yvonne) do her job. The reason P1 is is so much trouble, the reason they are being sued, the reason they are the laughing stock of the WHOLE credit union industry is because of Wiggington, the Board and most of all DIEDRA HARRIS "LAME ASS" BROOKS who is like poison to anything she touches. Thanks Diedra, all you proved is that your the biggest, most dishonest bitch in credit union land.

Anonymous said...

"ALL Y'ALL NEED TO GET BACK TO WORK...." Sounds like an uneducated backwoods hick.

Anonymous said...

Wow Priority MC came swinging with nothing to back it up. We wish YOU were working too. Instead of driving us down to the ground! Employees keep taking medical leaves because people like YOU stress them out to the point of sickness.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...








Anonymous said...

Here are some facts Wiggy let out. Van Nuys and the Los Angeles branch met their goals. Burbank, Airport, and Santa Clarita didn't.

New businesss, ain't happening.

He's going to have to lay-off employees using the excuse they ain't meeting their goals.

He doesn't know where else to cut. Really? I know where he can cut but it means him packing his desk and taking Priority MC with him.

Anonymous said...

From what I. Heard from someone still working there is that the warnings and write ups are starting for not reaching their goals. I doubt they'll fire more than half the staff at south pasadena who are also not meeting their goals. Place is just ghetto. They have carpet for crying out loud.

Anonymous said...

You're right. They're going to start writing up people that don't meet their goals and firing them. That's Wiggs big plan but how come his ass didn't get fired for putting P1 in debt for 2009 and 2010 or for hiring Bea or for sexual harassing? You can pretty much write everyone off that works in Burbank and Santa Clarita though I don't know if he'll keep Sylvia his buddy, because West and Yvonne can't stand her and Smock pretends to like her tired ass.

Anonymous said...

And what good is the 10 foot watusi bitch Yvonne? She meddles in everything and she's horrible to employees and members. Today, an employee was suffering with a tooth ache and Yvonne wouldn't let her go to the dentist because she said the "work comes first." Since when does the work come first? Yvonne is a lazy manipulative backstabber with a big mouth. And another part-time employee is trying to go to school to get an education but Yvonne told her she has to work because the job comes first. P1 doesn't care about its own. They don't care if employees can pay their bills. They aren't their to help anyone win with money but they will stop any employee from bettering themselves.

Anonymous said...

Yup that sounds like P1. Yvonne, wouldn't wanna be ya.

Anonymous said...

Guess the blog was right! When it first appeared, most people didn't know much about Wigg and 4 years (is it 4 years?) later, they fired Walker, lost branches, have horrible morale, and have the worst reputation.

Anonymous said...

Soon staff might be able to round up a class action lawsuit for hostile work environment. Employee illnesses, low morale, constant fear of job loss, and constant threats from Joseph "these are our jobs and I don't want to scare anybody but they're on the line!" will vouche for that. He should have been out a long time ago. When he got promoted to lending manager he didn't know the material. Everyone at south pasadena could see him walking around with his "5 minute crash course" in lending notes.

Anonymous said...

Yvonne should use that last comment to finally get him fired since she hates his ass anyway. Lol.


ANONYMOUS SAYS....And another part-time employee is trying to go to school to get an education but Yvonne told her she has to work because the job comes first. P1 doesn't care about its own. They don't care if employees can pay their bills. They aren't their to help anyone win with money but they will stop any employee from bettering themselves.


Anonymous said...

Yvonne and Lynnette NEED to keep employees untrained and if possible uneducated, otherwise the employees would be a threat to their job titles (titles versus qualifications because these two bitches are as dumb as dirt). Same for Wigg and Smock. Wigg always targeted anyone who showed promise because he's a scared little girl underneathe that useless exterior.

Anonymous said...

Yvonne has bigger things to worry about, like Cindy.


King Kong vs. White GOD-Zilla

Combatant Stats:

KK: Black 6'3" 225 lb steroid-enhanced science project gone wrong.
WGZ: White 5'6" 185 lb saltine-crust poison oak

KK: Overstayed her welcome at Premier America. Washed up at P1.
WGZ: Jumped ship from Ralph's CU to rule over P1 w/an iron fist.

KK: Masters in Backstabbing
WGZ: Masters in Backstabbing

Who will win? Doesn't matter. Everyone is screwed either way.

Anonymous said...

How has Virginia Medford kept her job? Now there's a woman whose as dumb as dirt.

Anonymous said...

Cindy hasn't done one single thing to bring in new business plus her personality sucks. She's touchy, testy and bad tempered and don't you dare question any of her stupid ideas or she flies off the handle.

Yvonne is jealous of Cindy ONLY because she wanted Cindy's job. You should have seen her when they hired Cindy, she couldn't keep her mouth shut from talking about how much she wanted Cindy's position. For some weird reason, her buddy,
Wigg, chose to hire Cindy and and not promote Yvonne. One thing Wigg knows how to do is play people against each other. Come to think of it, that's all he knows how to do.

Didn't know Big Foot (Yvonne) used to work for Premier America. Since she got hired, she has sucked in collections but that didn't stop her ex-buddy-girl/friend/who knows what else, Bea Walker, from promoting her. For a time, they both walked around P1 like they owned the place but Yvonne worked Bea like a clown at the circus until she kicked Bea to the curb.

Cindy is so scared of failing (which she is) that she's bombarding idiot Wigg with all kinds of ideas just so doesn't lose her job. So far she's struck out every time.

And you're right, there is no winning in this situation because Wigg has made sure everyone gets screwed, one way or another.

Anonymous said...

For a sec I thought you were going to say Virginia in south pasadena. She loves it when Gema is gone because she uses up resources (employees) for personal use. That's the same as stealing.

Employees are now trying to steal each others loans from each other to reach their own goals. People are fighting for survival the way upper management wants yet they don't do the same. Rather have everyone else in a panic while they collect their bigger checks while they can before pocu shuts down or merges.

Anonymous said...

A lot of management have been thiefs fo years and years. Didn't Wiggington steal a member's car? For years Gema ordered stuff off the internet and had it sent to South Pasadena. Same for Virginia Contreras. And Lynnette in Los Angeles is an AVP who plays on the Internet and talks to her friends all day long. Here's a hint. Look at all the new loan apps Lynette brings in. Then look at each one on XP. She is going back and reopening new loan applications for loans that have been denied and approved in the past. That's fraud. And don't forget that Rodger let Gema and Georgina committ fraud for years when they had their co-workers clock them in when they used to take 2 to 3 hour lunches. Fraud at P1 isn't new. Fraud among managers at P1, really isn't new.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I wonder if they'll ever close South Pasadena? BTW, the performance reports show that almost everyone is NOT meeting their goals, so now the company is starting to threaten to write people up and fire them. Maybe Wigg should have provided training one how to sell the crap P1 offers.

Anonymous said...

Why is a company that is doing so badly hiring 2 people for loans and 2 new employees in collections?



Anonymous said...

I read today that over 3000 postal offices will be closing this year. They need revenue so $1.00 for rent will be history soon.I really don't think they can pay that lol!

Anonymous said...

They have about three branches left i know damned well they can't pay $3.00 lmao!!Wigg might have to get one of his fat girls to help him pay the rent or 3-day notice is coming soon.

Anonymous said...

Start packing your bags asshole!!

Anonymous said...

You're so right. They closed Redlands and Riverside. They were paying more than $8000 a month for both offices. They closed Valencia because they were paying more than $7000 a month for that office. They're about to close Burbank which costs $5800 a month to rent. That leaves LAPDC, Santa Clarita, Van Nuys and Airport. They pay a total of $4 a year for all 4 offices. The only one that's still costing money is South Pasadena. This is hysterical! Wigg can only afford $4 in rent for 4 offices. Geez Mr President, I thought you were going to show everyone that you were better than Mr Harris. What happened A-hole? You got a be the stupist shit head in all of the credit union land. Unfortunately, fat girls don't want Wigg anymore (that's if you believe they wanted him to begin with). Ever since he got his ball cancer he lost his mojo.

Anonymous said...

Only and idiot like Wigg would lose 4 branches in less than 2 years and brag the credit union is doing GREAT!

Anonymous said...

Wigg is an industry success story. I guess he believes in less is more.

Anonymous said...

Yeah u know things are looking bad when even Cindy Garvin doesn't care about captured loan apps. When the "CLO" has lost enthusiasm, you know things are bad. Oh boohoo we got loan apps but not booked loans. Its called work for a reason so u need to keep morale up by leading by example, not by complaining to joseph.BURN

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